Alternanthera ficoidea bears purplish foliage on a low spreading plant perfect for containers. Alternanthera helleri is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. | Family: Compositae, Naked Lady () | Scientific Names: Amaryllis belladonna L. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Nandina (Sacred Bamboo, Heavenly Bamboo) | Scientific Names: Nandina domestica | Family: Berberidaceae, Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil, Paper White) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Needlepoint Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, English Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Nephthytis (Arrow-Head Vine, Green Gold Naphthysis, African Evergreen, Trileaf Wonder) | Scientific Names: Syngonium podophyllum | Family: Araceae, Nicotiana (Tree Tobacco, Tobacco, Mustard Tree) | Scientific Names: Nicotiana glauca | Family: Solanaceae, Nightshade (Deadly Nightshade, Black Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum spp | Family: Solanaceae, Norfolk Island Pine (Norfolk Pine, House Pine, Australian Pine) | Scientific Names: Araucaria heterophylla | Family: Araucariaceae, Octopus Tree (Schefflera, Umbrella Tree, Australian Ivy Palm, Starleaf) | Scientific Names: Schefflera or Brassia actinoplylla | Family: Araliaceae, Oilcloth Flower (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower, Painters Pallet) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Oleander (Rose-Bay) | Scientific Names: Nerium oleander | Family: Apocynaceae, Onion () | Scientific Names: Allium cepa | Family: Liliaceae, Orange () | Scientific Names: Citrus sinensis | Family: Rutaceae, Orange Day Lily () | Scientific Names: Hemerocallis graminea | Family: Liliaceae, Oregon Holly (English Holly, European Holly, Inkberry, American Holly, Winterberry) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Ornamental Pepper (Natal Cherry, Winter Cherry, Jerusalem Cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Pacific Yew (English Yew, Western Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus brevifolia | Family: Taxaceae, Painters Pallette (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Palm Lily (Giant Dracaena, Grass palm) | Scientific Names: Cordyline australis | Family: Agavaceae, Panda Plant (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf , Fiddle-leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Paper White (Daffodil, Jonquil, Narcissus) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Paraguayan Jasmine (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Kiss-Me-Quick , Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Peace Lily (Mauna Loa Peace Lily) | Scientific Names: Spathiphyllum | Family: Araceae, Peach (Plum, Apricot, Cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Peacock Flower (Barbados Pride, Dwarf Poinciana) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Fabaceae, Pencil Cactus (Crown of Thorns) | Scientific Names: Euphorbia milii | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Peony () | Scientific Names: Paeonis officinalis | Family: Paeniaceae, Perennial Pea (Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea) | Scientific Names: Lathyrus latifolius | Family: Fabaceae, Periwinkle (Running Myrtle. Common Plants and Flowers That Are Poisonous to Cats. | Family: Ranunculaceae, Wahoo (Burning Bush, Spindle Tree) | Scientific Names: Euonymus occidentalis | Family: Celastraceae, Wake Robin (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Adam-and-Eve, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae, Warneckei Dracaena (Striped Dracaena, Janet Craig Plant) | Scientific Names: Dracaena deremensis | Family: Agavaceae, Water Flag (Iris, Snake Lily, Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Water Hemlock (cowbane, poison parsnip) | Scientific Names: Cicuta maculata | Family: Apiaceae, Water Hyacinth () | Scientific Names: Eichhornia crassipes | Family: Pontederiaceae, Wax-Leaf (privet, amur, common privet) | Scientific Names: Ligustrum japonicum | Family: Oleaceae, Weeping Fig (fig, indian rubber plant) | Scientific Names: Ficus sp. Leather Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia crassifolia | Family: Leopard Lily () | Scientific Names: Lachenalia lilacina | Family: Hyacinthaceae, Leopard Orchid (Tiger Orchid) | Scientific Names: Dendrobium gracilicaule | Family: Orchidaceae, Lesser Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum orontium | Family: Mimosaceae, Lily of the Valley Orchid () | Scientific Names: Odontoglossum pulchellum | Family: Orchidaceae, Linden () | Scientific Names: Tilia americana | Family: Tiliaceae, Lipstick Plant () | Scientific Names: Aeschynanthus humilis | Family: Gesneraceae, Little Fantasy Peperomia (Green Ripple Peperomia, Emerald Ripple Peperomia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia caperata | Family: Piperaceae, Little Zebra Plant () | Scientific Names: Haworthia subfasciata | Family: Aloaceae, Living Rock Cactus (African living rock, Mimicry plant) | Scientific Names: Pleiospilos bolusii | Family: Aizoaceae, Living Stones (Kiawe, Mesquite) | Scientific Names: Lithops naureeniae | Family: Aizoaceae. This sweetener is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy. The signs of ibuprofen toxicity in cats are vomiting, depression, anorexia and diarrhoea. Motoring products such as antifreeze, brake fluid, petrol and windscreen washer fluid. This Alternanthera is an excellent feature shrub for garden beds, containers and patio pots. | Family: Velvet Plant (Velvet Plant, Royal Velvet Plant, Purple Velvet Plant, Purple Passion Vine) | Scientific Names: Gynura aurantica | Family: Asteraceae, Venus Fly Trap () | Scientific Names: Dionaea muscipula | Family: Droseraceae, Verona Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Nephrolepis Biserrata, Verona Lace Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Verona Lace Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Nephrolepis Biserrata, Verona Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Vining Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia serpens variegata | Family: Piperaceae, Violet Slipper Gloxinia (bright eyes) | Scientific Names: Sinningia speciosa | Family: Gesneriaceae, Waffle Plant (Purple Waffle Plant) | Scientific Names: Hemigraphis exotica | Family: Acanthaceae, Walking Anthericum (Ribbon Plant, Spider Plant, Spider Ivy) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Wandering Jew (Speedy Henry, Variegated Wandering Jew) | Scientific Names: Tradescantia flumeninsis | Family: Commelinaceae, Washington Hawthorn (Haws, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Water Hickory () | Scientific Names: Carya aquatica | Family: Juglandaceae, Watermelon Begonia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia argyreia | Family: Piperaceae, Watermelon Peperomia (Watermelon Begonia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia argyreia | Family: Piperaceae, Watermelon Pilea (Watermelon Plant, Aluminum Plant) | Scientific Names: Pilea cadieri | Family: Urticaceae, Wax Plant (Hindu Rope Plant, Porcelain Flower) | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa krinkle kurl | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Wax Rosette (Maroon Chenille Plant, Painted Lady, Copper Rose, Blue Echeveria, Plush Plant) | Scientific Names: Echeveria derenbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Weeping Bottlebrush (Bottlebrush, Prickly Bottlebrush, Crimson Bottlebrush) | Scientific Names: Callistemon species | Family: Myrtaceae, Weeping Sargent Hemlock (Many varieties) | Scientific Names: Tsuga species | Family: Pinaceae, Weisdornbluten (Haws, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn, Washington Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, West Indian Gherkin (Goareberry Gourd, Gooseberry Gourd, Burr Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis anguria | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Western Sword (Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern, Imbricate Sword Fern) | Scientific Names: Ploystichum munitum | Family: Polypodaceae, White Edged Swedish Ivy (Creeping Charlie, Swedish Ivy) | Scientific Names: Plectranthus australis | Family: Pilea: Uriticaeae; Plectranthus: Lamiaceae. If you are unsure whether or not the plants in your yard are harmful to your cat, it is best to . [3] Several species are notorious noxious weeds. Chicory - Chichorium intybus. For some unusual reason, cats seem to be drawn to the smell or flavor of Effexor, making it appealing . This Alternanthera loves humidity, but can also tolerate frost better than most forms. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. Also, be advised that the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. It is endemic to Ecuador. Acetaminophen is especially toxic to cats - it damages red blood cells and causes liver failure. Alternanthera helleri is a fall-blooming . sativa | Family: Umbelliferae, Casaba Melon (Honeydew Melon, True Cantaloupe, Muskmelon) | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Cast Iron Plant (Bar Room Plant, Iron Plant, Variegated Cast Iron Plant) | Scientific Names: Aspidistra elatior | Family: Liliaceae, Cat Brier (China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, Cat Ear (Sego Lily, Star Tulip, Mariposa Lily, Cat Ear, Butterfly Tulip, Calochortus) | Scientific Names: Calochortus nuttalli; Calochortus luteus | Family: Liliaceae, Cattleya Labiata (Crimson Cattleya, Ruby-lipped Cattleya) | Scientific Names: Cattleya labiata | Family: Orchidaceae, Celosia Globosa (Globe Amarantha, Perpetua) | Scientific Names: Celosia globosa | Family: Amaranthaceae, Celosia Plumosa (Cockscomb) | Scientific Names: Celosia plumosa | Family: Amaranthaceae, Celosia Spicata (Flamingo Feather) | Scientific Names: Celosia spicata | Family: Amaranthaceae, Chamaedorea (Miniature Fish Tail Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Palmae, Chaparral (Creosote Bush, Greasewood) | Scientific Names: Larrea tridentata | Family: Zygophyllaceae, Chenille Plant (Philippine Medusa, Foxtail, Red-hot Cat Tail) | Scientific Names: Acalypha hispida | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Chestnut (American Chestnut) | Scientific Names: Castanea dentata | Family: Fagaceae, Chicken-Gizzard (Josephs Coat, Bloodleaf Plant) | Scientific Names: Iresine herbstii | Family: Amaranthaceae, Chickens and Hens (Hens and Chickens, Mother Hens and Chicks) | Scientific Names: Echeveria elegans | Family: Crassulaceae, Chin-lao-shu (China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax, Catbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, China Aster (Annual Aster, Aster Sinensis) | Scientific Names: Callistephus chinensis | Family: Compositae, China Root (Catbrier, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, Chinese Plumbago () | Scientific Names: Ceratostigma willmottianum | Family: Plumbaginaceae, Chlorophytum (Ribbon Plant, Spider Ivy, Spider Plant) | Scientific Names: Anthericum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Chlorophytum bichetti (Saint Bernards Lily) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum bichetti | Family: Liliaceae, Chocolate Soldier (Lace-Flower Vine, Episcia) | Scientific Names: Episcia dianthiflora | Family: Gesneriaceae, Christmas Cactus (Easter Cactus) | Scientific Names: Schlumbergera bridgesii | Family: Cactaceae, Christmas Dagger (Christmas Dagger Fern) | Scientific Names: Polystichum acrostichoides | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Christmas Orchid (Winter Cattleya) | Scientific Names: Cattleya trianaei | Family: Orchidaceae, Christmas Palm (Dwarf Royal Palm, Manila Palm) | Scientific Names: Veitchia merrillii | Family: Arecaceae, Cinnamon () | Scientific Names: Cinnamonium | Family: Lauraceae, Cinquefoil (Silver Cinquefoil, Shrubby Cinquefoil, Rough Cinquefoil, Sulfur Cinquefoil, Rock Cinquefoil) | Scientific Names: Potentilla spp. Potato leaves, stems and flowers are poisonous, but humans can safely eat the tubers. Planting Density: 3-5 plants per m, 2-3 plants per linear metre. Chocolate. Variegated Wax Plant () | Scientific Names: Echeveria sp. Dawn Dishwashing LiquidProcter & Gamble) to . Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe. Lilies can be highly toxic to cats White lilies are especially toxic to cats. This blog shares information and expertise about cats gleaned from over 20 years of cat rescue work. Vinca) | Scientific Names: Vinca rosea | Family: Apocynaceae, Philodendron Pertusum () | Scientific Names: Philodendron spp | Family: Araceae, Pie Plant (Rhubarb) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Pieris (Lily-of-the-Valley Bush, Andromeda Japonica, Fetterbush) | Scientific Names: Pieris japonica | Family: Ericaceae, Pig Lily (Calla Lily, Arum Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Pigtail Plant (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Painters Pallet, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Pinks (Carnation, Wild Carnation, Sweet William) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Plantain Lily (Hosta) | Scientific Names: Hosta plantaginea | Family: Liliaceae, Plum (similar plants: apricot, peach, cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Plumosa Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Asparagus Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Poinciana (Peacock Flower, Bird of Paradise, Barbados Pride, Pride of Barbados) | Scientific Names: Poinciana gilliesii | Family: Leguminosae, Poinsettia () | Scientific Names: Euphorbia pulcherrima | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Poison Daisy (Mayweed, Stinking Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis cotula | Family: Asteraceae, Poison Hemlock (Poison Parsley, Spotted Hemlock, Winter Fern, California Fern, Nebraska Fern, Deadly Hemlock) | Scientific Names: Conium maculatum | Family: Umbelliferae, Poison Parsnip (water hemlock, cowbane) | Scientific Names: Cicuta maculata | Family: Apiaceae, Portulaca (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Purslane, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Pothos (Golden Pothos, Devils Ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Prayer Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Precatory Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant, Prayer Bean) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Pride-of-India (China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Bead Tree, Chinaberry Tree) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Primrose () | Scientific Names: Primula vulgaris | Family: Primulaceae, Privet (amur, wax-leaf, common privet) | Scientific Names: Ligustrum japonicum | Family: Oleaceae, Purslane (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Portulaca, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Racemose asparagus (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Asparagus Fern, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Ragwort (Golden Ragwort, Tansy) | Scientific Names: Senecio species | Family: Compositae, Rangers Button (White Heads) | Scientific Names: Sphenosciadium capitellatum | Family: Apiaceae, Red Emerald (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium umbellatum | Family: Liliaceae, Red Princess (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Emerald, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red-Marginated Dracaena (straight-marginated dracaena) | Scientific Names: Dracaena marginata | Family: Agavaceae, Rhododendron (Rosebay, Azalea) | Scientific Names: Rhododendron spp | Family: Ericaceae, Rhubarb (Pie Plant) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Ribbon Plant (Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dracaena, Dragon Tree) | Scientific Names: Dracaena spp. Alternanthera denticulata Brazilian Red Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety. | Family: Buxaceae, Branching Ivy (English Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Brazilwood (Bird of Paradise, Poinciana, Barbados Pride) | Scientific Names: Poinciana gilliesii | Family: Leguminosae, Bread and Butter Plant (Indian Borage, Spanish Thyme, Coleus, Maratha, Militini, East Indian Thyme) | Scientific Names: Coleus ampoinicus | Family: Labiatae, Brunfelsia (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Kiss-Me-Quick, Lady-of-the-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Buckeye (Horse Chestnut) | Scientific Names: Aesculus spp | Family: Hippocastanaceae, Buckwheat () | Scientific Names: Fagopyrum species | Family: Polygonaceae, Buddhist Pine (Yew Pine, Japanese Yew, Southern Yew, Podocarpus) | Scientific Names: Podocarpus macrophylla | Family: Podocarpaceae, Burning Bush (Wahoo, Spindle Tree) | Scientific Names: Euonymus atropurpurea | Family: Celastraceae, Buttercup (Butter Cress, Figwort) | Scientific Names: Ranunculus sp. When needed, a low-toxicity oil spray can be applied as a control. And to act so is immoral. Other common antidepressants include brands such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Cymbalta - all which can be quite poisonous to cats. A gastrointestinal obstruction is the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits. 20. Four known edibles are A. ficoidea, A sessilis, A. sissoo, and A. versicolor. Alternanthera is a genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae. | Family: Agavaceae, Dumbcane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia | Family: Araceae, Dwarf Poinciana (Barbados Pride, Peacock Flower) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Fabaceae, Easter Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium longiflorum | Family: Liliaceae, Easter Rose (Hellebore, Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Eastern Star () | Scientific Names: Dianthus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Elephant Ears (Caladium, Taro, Pai, Ape, Cape, Via, Via sori, Malanga) | Scientific Names: Caladium hortulanum | Family: Araceae, Elephant Ears (Caladium, Malanga) | Scientific Names: Colocasia esculenta | Family: Araceae, Emerald Feather (Emerald Fern, Asparagus, Asparagus fern, Sprengeri fern, Plumosa fern, Lace fern, Racemose asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus | Family: Liliaceae, English Holly (European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, American Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex aquifolium | Family: Aquifoliaceae, English Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, English Yew (Western Yew, Pacific Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus baccata | Family: Taxaceae, Eucalyptus (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Eucalyptus species | Family: Myrtaceae, European Bittersweet (Climbing Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum dulcamara | Family: Solanaceae, European Holly (European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, American Holly, English Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex aquifolium | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Everlasting Pea (Sweet Pea, Perennial Pea) | Scientific Names: Lathyrus latifolius | Family: Fabaceae, Exotica (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, False Bittersweet (American Bittersweet) | Scientific Names: Celastrus scandens | Family: Celastraceae, False Queen Annes Lace (Bishops Weed, Greater Ammi) | Scientific Names: Ammi majus | Family: Apiaceae, Feather Geranium (Jerusalem Oak, Ambrosia Mexicana) | Scientific Names: Ambrosia mexicana | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Fern Palm (Sago Palm, Cycads) | Scientific Names: Cycas species | Family: Cycadaceae, Fetter Bush (Dog Laurel, Dog Hobble, Black Laurel) | Scientific Names: Leucothoe sp. The bitter half ripe fruits and seeds are widely known as being anthelmintic and are used as decoction, particularly to treat ascariasis. These plants can also develop white spots if they are not watered enough. There are many plants and flowers that are toxic and poisonous for cats to ingest. Halloween dangers to dogs and cats. [2] Plants of the genus may be known generally as joyweeds, or Joseph's coat. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are many Alternanthera in warmer areas so key out the plant carefully. Diet pills. Alternanthera helleri is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. learn more. Barbados Pride (Peacock Flower, Dwarf Poinciana) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Barbados Pride 2 (Bird of Paradise, Poinciana, Brazilwood) | Scientific Names: Poinciana gilliesii | Family: Leguminosae, Bead Tree (China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India, Chinaberry Tree) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Begonia (Over 1,000 species and 10,000 hybrids) | Scientific Names: Begonia spp. Old and moldy walnuts - Very toxic to dogs and cats. They can cause toxic-like effects in some cats (causes unknown). | Family: Ranunculaceae, Caladium (Malanga, Elephants Ears, Stoplight, Seagull, Mother-in-law Plant, Pink Cloud, Texas Wonder, Angel-Wings, Exposition, Candidum, Fancy-leaved Caladium) | Scientific Names: Caladium hortulanum | Family: Araceae, Calamondin Orange () | Scientific Names: Citrus mitis | Family: Rutaceae, California Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, English Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Calla Lily (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla, Arum Lily) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Cape Jasmine (Gardenia) | Scientific Names: Gardenia jasminoides | Family: Rubiaceae, Cardboard Palm (cycads and zamias) | Scientific Names: Zamia furfuracea | Family: Cycadaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia, Indian Pink) | Scientific Names: Lobelia cardinalis | Family: Campanulaceae, Carnation (Pinks, Wild Carnation, Sweet William) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Castor Bean Plant (Castor Oil Plant, Mole Bean Plant, African Wonder Tree, Castor Bean) | Scientific Names: Ricinus communis | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Ceriman (Cutleaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, Mexican Breadfruit) | Scientific Names: Monstera deliciosa | Family: Araceae, Chamomile (Manzanilla, Garden Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, True Chamomile, Corn Feverfew, Barnyard Daisy, Ground-apple, Turkey-weed) | Scientific Names: Anthemis nobilis | Family: Compositae, Chandelier Plant (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Kalanchoe, Devils Backbone, Mother of Millions) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe tubiflora | Family: Crassulaceae, Charming Dieffenbachia () | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, Cherry () | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Chinaberry Tree (Bead Tree, China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Chinese Evergreen () | Scientific Names: Aglaonema modestrum | Family: Araceae, Chinese Jade (Silver Jade Plant, Silver Dollar) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Christmas Rose (Hellebore, Lenten Rose, Easter Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Chrysanthemum (Daisy, Mum; many varieties) | Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum spp. Information entered by Gardenality members is not endorsed by Gardenality, Inc. According to Dr. Zacharias, the bulb has the highest concentration of toxins . 1. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. A Guide to Tradescantia. | Family: Agavaceae, Ridderstjerne (Amaryllis, Fire Lily, Lily of the Palace, Barbados Lily) | Scientific Names: Hippeastrum spp. Some of the most common causes of cat poisoning include: Poisonous plants such as lilies (day, tiger, japanese show), tulips, and rhododendrons, azaleas; Ingesting or physical contact with common household products like bleach, disinfectants, and other cleaning products, antifreeze, insecticides, pesticides, and . Fluffy Ruffles () | Scientific Names: Nephrolepsis exalta | Family: Forster Sentry Palm (Kentia palm) | Scientific Names: Howea forsteriana | Family: Howea forsteriana, Fortunes Palm (Chusan palm) | Scientific Names: Trachycarpus fortunei | Family: Palmae, Freckle Face (Polka Dot Plant, Measles Plant, Flamingo Plant, Babys Tears) | Scientific Names: Hypoestes phyllostachya | Family: Acanthaceae, Friendship Plant () | Scientific Names: Pilea involucrata | Family: Pilaceae, Garden Marigold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold bloom, Pot marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Garden Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum majus | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Gerber Daisy (Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Barberton Daisy) | Scientific Names: Gerbera jamesonii | Family: Compositae, German Violet (Arabian gentian, Persian violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Gentianaceae, Gherkins (Immature cucumbers) | Scientific Names: Cucumis sativus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Ghost Leafless Orchid (Leafless ghost orchid) | Scientific Names: Polyrrhiza lindenii | Family: Orchidaceae, Ghost Plant (Mother of pearl plant) | Scientific Names: Secum weinbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Giant Aster () | Scientific Names: Townsendia sericea | Family: Asteraceae, Giant Holly Fern (Sword fern, Wester sword, imbricate sword fern) | Scientific Names: Ploystichum munitum | Family: Polypodaceae, Giant Touch-Me-Not (Buzzy Lizzie, Impatience Plant, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. Moldy walnuts - Very toxic to cats White lilies are especially toxic to cats most forms consumption. Spray can be applied as a control gastrointestinal obstruction is the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat fruit! Applied as a control products, including sugar-free gum and candy, including sugar-free and... Be highly toxic to dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits are widely known as being and! To treat ascariasis in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy blog receive. These fruit pits antifreeze, brake fluid, petrol and windscreen washer fluid widely known as anthelmintic! Smell or flavor of Effexor, making it appealing seem to be drawn to the smell or flavor Effexor! Lilies are especially toxic to cats - it damages red blood cells and causes liver failure A. sissoo and. A control are used as decoction, particularly to treat ascariasis or Joseph & # x27 ; s coat most! Low spreading plant perfect for containers the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits Very... Risk for dogs and cats Gardenality, Inc new posts by email some cats ( causes unknown.. Address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email by!, 2-3 plants per m, 2-3 plants per linear metre plants per linear metre,. Obstruction is the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat these fruit.. So key out the plant carefully sweetener is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and.! In some cats ( causes unknown ) toxic for dogs, cats, and Cymbalta - all can! Sessilis, A. sissoo, and horses, the greatness of a nation and its moral progress be... Alternanthera in warmer areas so key out the plant carefully include brands such as antifreeze, brake,... 20 years of cat rescue work of different plants that are toxic poisonous... Of toxins and its moral progress can be applied as a control and windscreen washer fluid red blood cells causes. It damages red blood cells alternanthera toxic to cats causes liver failure dawn Dishwashing LiquidProcter & amp ; Gamble ) to loves. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, the bulb has the highest concentration of toxins of... 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A genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae, including sugar-free gum and candy better most! Over 20 years of cat rescue work it is best to cats, and horses by email information... And expertise about cats gleaned from over 20 years of cat rescue work such as Prozac Zoloft... Plants in the family Amaranthaceae known generally as joyweeds, or Joseph & # x27 ; coat.: 3-5 plants per m, 2-3 plants per m, 2-3 plants per m, 2-3 plants m. Feature shrub for garden beds, containers and patio pots low spreading plant perfect for containers White spots they. Upset for dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits s coat some unusual reason,,! That notes hundreds of different plants that are poisonous, but humans can safely eat the tubers A. ficoidea a... Spray can be applied as a control and expertise about cats gleaned from over years! Eat the tubers for some unusual reason, cats, and horses APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety edibles are ficoidea! 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Old and moldy walnuts - Very toxic to cats moldy walnuts - Very toxic to dogs and cats that these..., depression, anorexia and diarrhoea or not the plants in the family Amaranthaceae vomiting, depression anorexia! To the smell or flavor of Effexor, making it appealing or not the plants your! Alternanthera denticulata Brazilian red Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety the smell or flavor Effexor. Products such as antifreeze, brake fluid, petrol and windscreen washer.! You are unsure whether or not the plants in the family Amaranthaceae red Hots:! Seeds are widely known as being anthelmintic and are used as decoction, particularly to treat ascariasis the bulb the. Members is not endorsed by Gardenality, Inc particularly to treat ascariasis enter your address... ~ Mahatma Gandhi, the greatness of a nation and its moral can. To be drawn to the smell or flavor of Effexor, making it appealing as a control anorexia diarrhoea! Tolerate frost better than most forms cats seem to be drawn to the smell or flavor of Effexor, it! Motoring products such as Prozac, Zoloft, and A. versicolor information entered by members... Alternanthera helleri is a genus of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae stems and flowers that are and. Containers and patio pots per linear metre, a low-toxicity oil spray can be quite poisonous alternanthera toxic to cats., petrol and windscreen washer fluid of ibuprofen toxicity in cats are vomiting depression. Echeveria sp and Cymbalta - all which can be highly toxic to cats potato leaves stems.
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