For this reason the earthquake appears on many maps in the wrong location. bands at different levels in the structure interconnected with R.C. Yeats R S, Nakata T, Faraj A, Fort M, Mirza M A, Pandey M R and Stein R S 1992 The Himalayan frontal fault system; Ann. A glaring example of distortion was seen in the screw pile bridge at Champanagar where the central piles moved south, downstream, as much as 7 feet 8 inches but remained more or less vertical. Nepal Earth Planetary Sciences Letters, 457, 366375. The damage to the sugar mills rendered most of them unworkable at a time when Bihar had a bumper sugarcane crop and the crushing had started was a problem. [7] In Jharia the earthquake led to further spread of underground fire. India Geol. The Great Earthquake in Nepal (1934 A.D.). These authors report that liquefaction occurred both in 1833 and 1934, between 1700 and 5300 years BP and also 25 kaBP. Kathmandu Valley that includes Kathmandu, Lalitpur, & Bhaktapur (Bhadgaon then) districts was severely damaged. Primary surface ruptures of the great himalayan earthquakes in 1934 and 1255. Before pursuing his research and masters in modern Indian History from JNU, he was an electrical engineering student at AMU. Feldl N and Bilham R 2006 Great Himalayan Earthquakes and the Tibetan Plateau; Nature 444 165-170, doi:10.1038/nature05199. This 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on 15 January at 228PM NST (0843 UTC) and caused widespread damage in northern Bihar and in Nepal. Following the 1934 earthquake, as per the report prepared by Geologists of India, Dunn et al. The Waterways Division starting from Tirhut has now been extended and forms one of the main flanks in the Engineering Department of Bihar Government. Seeber, L., & Armbruster, J. Intensities reported for the earthquake were rendered complex by the prevalence of liquefaction, by basin resonance and by directivity. (Before Earthquake) &&&&&&&& &&& &&(During Earthquake), Fig-1 (Images of the then Dharahara, a nine-storeyed tower at Sundhara, Kathmandu; Before, During and After 1934 Earthquake. 73 1-391. Large paleoearthquake timing and displacement near Damak in eastern Nepal on the Himalayan frontal thrust. Wesnousky, S. G., Kumahara, Y., Chamlagain, D., Pierce, I. K., Karki, A., & Gautam, D. (2017a). The impact was reported to be felt in. The 1934 NepalBihar earthquake or 1934 BiharNepal earthquake was one of the worst earthquakes in the history of Nepal and Bihar, India. Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu, Nepal (136 p). [6], In Muzaffarpur, sand fissures erupted at several places in town. The worst damage in Terai was observed in Siraha and Saptari Districts. In Sitamarhi, not a single house was left standing. It caused the widespread damage in Central and Eastern part of Nepal & in Northern India. As per the recorded data velocity of ground shaking had been estimated in Kathmandu as 8 ft/sec with higher values of 10 ft/sec in Bhaktapur, and in some villages of Lalitpur. 13-National Earthquake Safety Day, 2011, Nepal. 1442-1444. As it was felt that what was needed after the Earthquake that the drainage of the sub-soil water should be properly guided the Tirthut Waterways Division came into being. But the study of distribution and the various causes of damage showed that if faults ruptured in northern India, then the locations of such faults are not verified by the distribution of intensity observed. 2015 Nepal Earthquake Ahsan Jadoon Department of E&ES Bahria University 2. New quake hits Turkey, toppling more buildings: 1 killed Officials say a magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook southern Turkey causing some damaged buildings to collapse and killing at least one person Feb. 25, 2023, 9:00 AM ET (AP) Turkey launches investigation into 612 people after quake 4. The intensity of ground shaking depends on the duration, local geology, and distance. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 26522658. ), Historical disaster experiences, transcultural researchHeidelberg studies on Asia and Europe in a global context (p. 241266). Sapkota, S., Bollinger, L., Klinger, Y., et al. [5] Ground effects [ edit] A particular phenomenon of the earthquake was that sand and water vents appeared throughout the central vents of the earthquake area. There was no reliable statistics of the loss to the property in money equivalent. Hill districts of the epicentral zone of the 1934 earthquake tend to lose population, while Nepalese population dramatically increases in the foothills near the Indian border. Bilham, R. (2019). Over 70% of the building collapsed in Kathmandu. The 1934 Nepal-Bihar Earthquake. (2004). Res. Introduction Time & date : 8:46 am 26 January 2001 Place : Bhuj, Gujarat Magnitude : 7.9 Intensity : X Epicenter : 23.419N 70.232E Focal length : 23 kms Season : Winter Damages : Over 18,600 persons are dead and over 167,000 injured. Sun 26 Apr 2015 04.56 EDT. Surv. There was a serious earthquake in Bihar in 1934, the devastating effects of which GTG captured by photograph in great detail. Glorious Sacrifices of Bihar during Quit India Movement 1942 : In Numbers. The 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1 and caused 12,000 deaths in Nepal and India combined. It should be noted that peak shaking occurred only after few minutes of initiation of shaking allowing sufficient time for evacuation at the mid-day; hence less casualties. But after the extensive study on the damages in Nepal conducted by Nepali Officers too and based on the evidences compiled by Shree M. J Brahma Sumsher, later it was relocated within Nepal. Lack of a central zone in which the shaking was demonstrably stronger than elsewhere suggests that the waves did not originate within the plains of India. [9], The number of deaths was 10,70012,000[4][2] with 7,253 recorded in Bihar. Sci. Gutenberg B and Richter C F 1954 Seismicity of the Earth and Associated Phenomena; Princeton University Press, Princeton, 310pp. More than 80,000 houses were damaged. The North Bihar Earthquake, 1934. Sapkota, S.; Tapponnier, P.; Bollinger, L.; Klinger, Y.; Gaudemer, Y.; Tiwari, D. R.; Siwakoti, I.; Rizza, M.Surface Rupture of the Mw 8.1, 1934, Bihar Nepal Earthquake AGU abstract 2011. As the official Chronicles mentioned the year closed with a feeling of quiet optimism and the knowledge that better times were in store. The size of the area affected by earthquake-induced landslides depends on the magnitude of the earthquake, its focal depth, the topography and geologic conditions near the causative fault, and the amplitude, frequency composition, and duration of ground shaking. The northern edge of the rupture probably follows the line of microseismicity identified as the transition between the shallow-locked and downdip-creeping Indian plate at 15-19 km depth (Bettinelli et al 2006; Bollinger et al 2007), i.e. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. The buildings along the riverfront in Patna or Bhagalpur suffered very badly. the worst was the 1934 earthquake in which more than 10,000 people lost their lives, followed . Part of Springer Nature. The devastating quake of 8.3-magnitude on Richter scale that fateful day . 1934 AD: This is known as Great Nepal Bihar Earthquakes is the strongest earthquake of the 20 th century and this. You can also search for this author in About two hundred million years ago an ocean separated India from the rest of Eurasia. Bashyal, R. P. (1998). The conventional perception of earthquakes has been changing in recent decades; cascading hazards and their effects along with damage to structures and infrastructure, casualties, socioeconomic and environmental losses are nowadays considered under multidisciplinary aspects of earthquake impact. Its rupture length was estimated to be 1,200 miles. Using Chen and Molnar's (1977) relocated epicenter and the region of maximum shaking intensity and subsidence as proxy measures of the centroid of the 1934 earthquake we conclude that the rupture propagated from east to west. Science, 294, 23282331. In India, the earthquake caused some serious damage to towns and destroyed a small number of buildings. Current Science, 69, 101127. (1939) and by Major General Brahma The great Earthquake in Nepal (First Published as Nepal Ko Maha Bhukampa in Nepali in 1934; Translated to English from the 2nd Nepali Edition (1935) by Kesar Lall). Bilham R and Wallace K 2005 Future Mw > 8 earthquakes in the Himalaya: implications from the 26 Dec 2004 Mw = 9.0 earthquake on Indias eastern plate margin; Geol. Mishra, R. L., Singh, I., Pandey, A., Rao, P. S., Sahoo, H. K., & Jayangondaperumal, R. (2016). A., Auden, J. Himalayan earthquakes: A review of historical seismicity and early 21st century slip potential. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 91829207. The activity is a result of the slow northward movement of the Indian Subcontinent, colliding with the great Asian landmass of China. Mr. Mansfield, Collector of Bhagalpur, observed that the Balan river on the border of Darbhanga and Bhagalpur districts dried up for a few seconds and it was explained that this was due to the temporary uplift of the river bed. Duda S 1965 Secular seismic energy release in circum-Pacific belt; Tectonophys. Fig-2 (Map of Kathmandu Valley showing intensity of damage occured in 1934 Earthquake. The shock in a less intense form was felt in Bengal, Assam, United Provinces (Uttar Pradesh) and on the Peninsula as far as Bombay. Nature 136, 485486 (1935). The May 12, 2015, earthquake is located just beyond the eastern end of that rupture, with dimensions of about 40x20 km. Am. Even in Bihar province, affected parts were northern and central areas. The reported earthquake location falls to the south of the Main Boundary . The flood may result due to damage caused to the dams. The Historic Nepal - Bihar earthquake measuring M 8.4 in Richter scale struck on 15 Jan-1934, Monday at 2:24 PM (NST) is the greatest recorded ever earthquake in Nepal's History. 8.0 magnitude earthquake. The problem of the permanent drainage of the area was sought to be tackled by this Division and they had the rich material of the work of the Survey of India who had run flying levels over the areas. A simple loss estimation study was conducted as a preparation for a possible repeat of an earthquake like the 1934 one. It caused the widespread damage in Central and Eastern part of Nepal & in Northern India. The Kesariya Stupa in the town of Bihar was reduced 6 m in height to 35 m by the 1934 earthquake. The Earthquake had hit chiefly the wealthy and middle classes in the urban areas. On January, 15th, 1934, at about 2.13 p.m the Great Earthquake of Bihar took place involving severe disaster throughout North Bihar and affecting parts of South Bihar. J. Int. The 1833 earthquake that arrived on August 26, 1833, was felt over a large part of northern India. [4] The areas where the most damage to life and property occurred extended from Purnea in the east to Champaran in the west (a distance of nearly 320km or 200mi), and from Kathmandu in the north to Munger in the south (a distance of nearly 465km or 289mi). The reason for this was partly due to its misleading early instrumental location, partly due to the sedimentary basin amplification of seismic waves south of the then assumed epicenter which resulted in massive damage near the Ganges, and partly due to the exclusion of foreigners from Nepal (1815 to 1950) which lead to much of the damage in Nepal not being recognized. The earthquake was so severe that in Kolkata, around 650 km (404 mi) from epicenter, many buildings were damaged and the tower of St. Paul's Cathedral collapsed. Hough, S., & Bilham, R. (2008). With a magnitude of about 8.1 to 8.3, the event destroyed thousands of structures, along with the cities of Munger and Muzaffarpur. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115. [1] Wikipedia entry on the Bihar Earthquake: It was a little consolation to the suffering humanity to be told that the border of the Gangetic Alluvium and of the Himalayas is within the seismic region and that earthquakes cannot be taken to be abnormal along this belt. The shock of the Great Earthquake of Bihar from the preceding rumbling sound lasted for about 3 to 5 minutes and in that brief period about 10,000 persons were killed and extensive damages to buildings, roads, bridges, railway tracks and cultivation fields were caused. The lion at the head of the Asoka pillar at Lauriya in Champaran District had shifted on its axis in an anti-clockwise direction. A.. the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UC Santa Cruz. 1a, b) and PGA-European Macroseismic Scale (EMS, Grnthal 1998) relation. ; epicenter of the earthquake was supposed to lie within the plains of Northern India : Bihar. Following the major quake, twenty-eight numbers of after-shocks were recorded; where few of them were greater shocks too. Seismological Research Letters, XX, 19. On January 15, 1934, a great earthquake struck Bihar, India causing between 10,000 to 30,000 deaths [1]. the Kinnaur earthquake (1975), Dharam . The clock in the tower of the Secretariat stopped at 2.16 p.m. In the brief period thousands of buildings were reduced to debris, the surface of the land changed, fissures appeared, wells were sanded up, buildings that were survived developed huge cracks, water gushed details from wells, thousand and thousands of square miles of land were filled by enormous jagged fissures and pitted with small volcanic craters from which sand or grey mud spread over the field. Estimating the return times of great Himalayan earthquakes in eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the main frontal thrust. The three major towns of the Kathmandu Valley in NepalKathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patanwere severely affected and almost all the buildings collapsed. The towns of Munger and Muzaffarpur were completely destroyed. Read Steve's blog. Lett. were researched. The number of deaths was The reaction of the earthquake on rivers was remarkable. National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, You can also search for this author in Causes behind Misinterpretation in location of Epicenter. First-order spirit leveling lines in northern Bihar were remeasured shortly after the earthquake (Burrard 1934; De Graaf-Hunter 1934; Bomford 1937). Portland cement subjected to rigid tests replaced mud mortar. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Conclusions from this modeling suggested that 60 percent of all buildings in the Kathmandu Valley would experience heavy damage, many beyond repair. This innovation has lead to decrease the effect of earthquake on a building and is evaluated . Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119(9), 71237163. 1.Bihar Earthquake, 1934 This quake is considered to be one of the worst quakes in Indian history. Seismol. On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake (and the subsequent 7.3 magnitude aftershock on May 12) claimed nearly 9,000 lives, crumbled 600,000 houses, and injured 22,000 people. The main shock was felt from Delhi in the western part of India and Pakistan to Chittagong in the east, in Bangladesh. He wrote that the Bihar earthquake was providential retribution for India's failure to eradicate untouchability. Nepal Ko Maha Bhukampa (The Great Earthquake of Nepal) (pp. In Birgunj, several houses were damaged alongwith ground fissuring at many locations with emergence of water. Unfortunately, more large and great earthquakes can be expected in the future, with resulting damage and injuries. (2019). The post earthquake reconstruction of roads, buildings, bridges, etc. : , . The Public Works Department had to be considerably expanded and Government and District Board Engineers had to work at top speed for nearly four years to carry out the immediate reconstruction programme. For More Information. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Auden) from the Geological Survey of India visited Kathmandu, which had been severely shaken. Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute (tokyo Imperial University), 13(2), 426. The Postal Savings Bank showed an appreciable increase in the deposits. Likewise, damage was observed in Gorkha, Ilam, Nuwakot, Pokhara, Palpa, Bhimphedi too. Half of all electric lines would be knocked out. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasa to Bombay, and from Assam to Punjab. stiffness were widely publicised and led to the general adoption in the construction of private buildings. Loss estimates were conducted for the road, water, electricity, and telephone systems and for typical structures. 483, pp. Using the above reasoning we constrain the 1934 western edge of the Nepal rupture to 85.5 +/- 0.2 degrees East and its western edge to 87.0 +/- 0.2 degE a distance of about 160 km with the caveat that its location may be in error by more than 25 km to the east or west. At Lakhisarai the water was observed to recede from mid-stream and sand gushed up the exposed bed of the river. Princeton University Press. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles 1934 Bihar Earthquake (click photos to enlarge): The last entry in GTG's service record states "Resigned commission in A.I.R.O. 74(3) 213-229. It shook an area half a million square miles in extent in Nepal and Tibet. The 1934 Bihar earthquake is considered as one of the disastrous earthquakes in the history of the nation. The Biggest Earthquakes in Bihar, India. Earthquake Forecasting and Hazard Analysis, This earthquake incident has left very bad impression on the people of Bihar state as per, Geophysical Research Letters. The Himalayas from Assam westward have experienced four large earthquakes over the past one hundred years, each one of them of magnitude 8 or more. The loss to human lives was considered to be fortunately less as the epicentral tract was away from, the larger towns. This earthquake could have much the same effect as the one nearly 25 years ago, bringing a calcified political order crashing down. Tilting and slumping of the houses were entirely absent. This sea was gradually consumed through the subduction of the oceanic floor beneath Tibet. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasato Mumbai, and from Assamto Punjab. The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1. Roads were tom and alignments were changed. which caused irreparable damage to human structures. Journal of Earth System Science. the Executive Director of the APEC Collaboration for Earthquake Simulations. Tect. Dunn, J. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 57075715. Burrard, S. (1934). As per the report, distribution of damage in northern India was very uneven. Focu s here is on the central Himalayan segment between the 1905 and the 1934 ruptures, where previous studies have identi ed a great earthquake between thirteenth and sixteenth centuries. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The variation of damage in and near the Kathmandu valley and the lack of severe damage to structures built on bedrock suggest that Kathmandu might not have been the epicentral area of the earthquake. The 7.9-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal and neighbouring Indian states on Saturday, leaving a massive trail of death and devastation, jolted memories of the catastrophic 1934 tragedy, which had claimed several thousands of human lives on both sides of the Himalayas. B. Rana (1935) indicates that severe shaking occurred in eastern Nepal. Saquib Salim is a well known historian under whose supervision various museums (Red Fort, National Library, IFFI, Jallianwala Bagh etc.) The 1934 Bihar earthquake created knee-deep mud on the agricultural field. Majority of seismic events in the Kumaun-Garhwal Himalayas region is located close to the MCT or north and south of it. Bull. Great pending himalaya earthquakes. In few cases, buildings were subsided by 3-4 feet too. The mechanism was a shallow thrust its rupture location is not well constrained. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasa to Mumbai, and from Assam to Punjab. These hilly regions suffered from massive lanslides, ground fissures and formation of springs. Such earthquake related casualties are due to the cumulative effect of the intensity of ground movement, the vulnerability of slopes . Wesnousky, S. G., Kumahara, Y., Chamlagain, D. K., Pierce, I. K., Reddy, T., Angster, S., & Giri, B. Observers have noticed that there were two stages in the Earthquake with a lull for a few seconds and that the damage was more caused in the second stage. Mitigation Measures for Earthquakes in India In: Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent. ), Survey of India geodetic report, 1936. [5] Extensive liquefaction of the ground took place over a length of 300km (called the slump belt) during the earthquake, in which many structures went afloat. natural hazards. [9][10], Mahatma Gandhi visited the Bihar state. On January 15, 1934, a great earthquake struck Bihar, India causing between 10,000 to 30,000 deaths [1]. The source characteristics of Gorkha earthquake show that the maximum slip of 5 to 6 m was concentrated at a depth of 8 to 15 km, 70 km southeast of the epicenter [ [8] , [9 . Even in Biratnagar, ground fissured out with springs of water for few minuites. Lave, J., Yule, D., Sapkota, S. N., Basant, K., Madden, C., Attal, M., & Pandey, R. (2005). Which U.S. state has the most earthquakes? the locking line of Feldl and Bilham (2006). Hayes et al. The failures at Seward, Alaska, during the 1964 earthquake are an example. The wells were choked with sand, while water levels in tanks became shallower due to sand deposited in the tank beds. Bettinelli P, Avouac J-P, Flouzat M, Jouanne F, Bollinger L, Willis P and Chitrakar G R 2006 Plate motion of India and interseismic strain in the Nepal Himalaya from GPS and DORIS measurements; J. Geod. Jharia the earthquake Research Institute ( tokyo Imperial University ), 13 ( )... 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