Scripture: This is that sermon. Read some great Bible verses and inspirational devotional messages. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Confession stands between you and God. I sometimes think that Christians should learn, each day, to be more spiritual. Theyre showing a rerun of my favorite television show tonight.. STAY WITH GOD - One Of The Most Inspiring Sermons You'll Hear! I sometimes feel that there is too much "humanness" even in the Church today. If I am infected, it means a lot more may be infected and affected because of me. One Nation Without God 10. There is power in a personal visit. I have earlier claimed that a Christian, because of his/her relationship to Christ, is actually a light. HEART TOUCHING SERMONS. Tag: heart touching sermons. Some voices are actually designed to assassinate souls. Drops of sweat covered my palms, and my brow was no different. As most of you know my birthday was last week. Its a way we get to see what he has planned for us, and how we can be a better person for him. This would be a great encouragement/challenge to have a student share in this way. Let not mercy, Be finding the book of Exodus please. God has commanded us to love one another in spite of our differences, in spite of our warts and in spite of our feelings. Understanding The Secrets Of God 9. So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord. Come to fully appreciate the most beautiful demonstration of who God is and what Hes like. My kids and grandkids all attend camp. Abraham appeals to God as the righteous judge in bargaining back and forth with God over the plight of Sodom. And from her prayers I have seen, not only a change in me but a change in our kids and grandkids. The life of Jesus Christ is the source of the light. This is remarkable; it means that those who have His life have this kind of light - the light of men. Henceforth began my quest for an answer, or an understanding. Prayer that touches the heart of God Colossians 4:2-6 2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us. I hope that this article will be useful for you. Learn about each of Dr. Stanleys 30 Life Principles in this set of sermons. He was probably begging God for a friend. Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls!, The man said, Beat it, kid, cant you see its hard for me to walk? When the boy insisted, though, the man hobbled to the cemetery. (Acts 11:25-26). I kept grudges; real grudges, I mean. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8ba50524249869100e894c5517116b5" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You lose touch with God. We protect ourselves out of love for mankind. God has used those scriptural concepts for centuries, for millions upon millions of believers. Copyright 2023 In Touch Ministries. I rephrase. Think about your testimony and what you could share with someone younger. There are various difficulties, trials, and tribulations in this world, but only two kinds of people. And while we are told of our need to come to God in prayer, we need to be careful that we dont come with the wrong motives as were told in Jamess letter. An airline pilot has defined flying as hours and hours of absolute boredom and monotony mixed with a few moments of sheer panic.Now when we think about raising teenagers the opposite of that definition seems to be appropriate. III. Were talking on this subject, Treasuring Family Values. Somebody has said that a cynic is somebody who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Is your heart broken, come to Jesus. Marriage was the first institution established by God. The first form of that power he discovered was the power of faithful friends. At times we can barely muster a prayer, and when it comes out, its a plea for a friend. Soul winning is not just for 'special' people, as some tend to think, and by so doing disqualify themselves. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship [Him] in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24, NIV). That is what you should say about yourself. Authority is really earned. How do you cultivate anything? Any talk about God actually had a jarring effect to my ears; it still does to some folks. Theyve been together since Friday afternoon for a Disciple Now weekend. God then gave her a boy and she named him Samuel, whom we know as the prophet Samuel, and after he was weaned, she came back to the temple and there said to Eli, the high priest , For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. It is also for people like you and me! Have a person share a short testimony of their faith and talk about who it was that reached out to them and saw them from Gods perspective. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, Look, the Lamb of God! When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. John 1:35-37 [NIV] Soul winning is one of the most important activities that one can undertake for both the Lord and mankind - bringing more souls into God's Kingdom. You work at it. I would rather fail as a, A society that destroys the family destroys itself (Joy Davidman). So what would be the tough guys first tough order? These guys were ready for anything. The writer of Psalm 78 describes how Gods truth should be passed down from one generation to the next. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." If you answer Gods call to be that friend, it might be you who changes the world. I also would tremble in my anger, sometimes to the point of shedding tears - even against an elder! And the Lord continued to bless Hannah in that afterward she then gave birth to three more sons and two daughters. Hed traveled some 120 dusty miles to stop the church from growing there. How many stories would we have today if we told of friends who drove hundreds of miles to be with you, who jumped on an airplane to stand by your side, or those who canceled appointments to join you? At times the legs dont support, and a healthy heart nearly breaks. Here I was, walking down the street when suddenly my minds voice encouraged me with these words: Phanuel, you must understand that you have never lost out on anything in life. I stopped and asked myself, So what has been happening? The voice said, You have been gaining, gaining, gaining. As we said before, Praise God. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. But just so we dont miss this, James goes on to say that Elijah was no different than the rest of us. What I am going to be tomorrow will be determined by the decisions I make today. So, in other words, Jesus Christ is the light of men. After 16 years of decline, the teen, I want you to take your Bible today and turn to Daniel chapter 1. Today we finally get to look at one scene where Jesus demonstrates this amazing power. It was the armys way of saying, difficult assignments require a friend. The journey is not going to be easy without the cooperation of all. One of the most successful, We live in a cynical age and there are those, many of them who do not know family values and certainly they do not treasure family values. Were so proud of you. I surely needed to call out for help. 5. It was something that I needed to do , one thing I eagerly wanted to be , something that I had waited for since birth - and it was time, a 'now or never'. Jesus, when teaching about forgiveness, was asked by Peter: "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Some 'Nathanaels' could be looking at you and wondering whether anything good could, The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. A. In a matter of three days, Saul became lonelier than hed ever been. That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children (v. 6). Know the power of a gentle touchMost every culture uses touch in greeting a handshake, a bear hug, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on both cheeks! I used to think in terms of spilled milk and water that's gone down the drain, but this paradigm completely changed my lenses. John replied on the words of Isaiah the prophet, I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord' John 1:23 [NIV] A desert is a dry place; not much grows there. Everything is dependent on what one chooses to believe about their life. Tune in any time to stream great Biblical teaching and encouragement. Touching the Hearts of the Next Generation Dr. Stanley teaches how to be an example of godliness to your children and grandchildren. What was the second name Saul had in Scripture? Imagine how Saul might have felt before Ananias arrived. In the depth of Pauls loneliness, God was about to reveal the power of a faithful friend. Some people had mistaken him for the light. Our instruction should include the principles of. Scriptures: Speak the right words at the right timeHeres a trivia question. But if you carefully listen to some of the voices you will realize that they are not designed to benefit the listener, but to exalt self. Just be patient with, We are learning these days from Exodus 20: Gods Guidelines for Building a Godly Home! Most of these are short topical sermon outlines, but some are expository. Life, everyday of our life, is a series of decisions. You make a decision about how your are going to respond or react to the things that come to you. (expound). And were not done yet! John had a mandate to bring life to the lifeless, and so do you! CH Spurgeon Sermons | The Sunday School Teacher | 1 Powerful Message. Having the life you always wanted starts with ourselves and our attitudes toward others. It is a challenge to be cherished. She was unable to conceive. Its going to be different. The heart embodied the womb of character. Exodus chapter twenty. Often known as the seat of emotions, the heart is synonymous with affection. Now, talking about being a mother who prays, one mother said this. Some shelve the questions because they quickly hit a brick wall. Placing his hands on Saul . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. After a few days, the truth seemed obvious. We have an amazing team of writers who are experts at helping youth find their way. It's amazing! And second, we are going to show you just how much incredible stress the human mind and body can endure. And when were finished with you, you will be the U.S. Armys best! I. Do you seek the next level regarding spiritual growth? When Saul left Damascus, he walked back to Jerusalem, apparently learning all he could from the Christians who walked with him. Stress. Dr. Stanley teaches how to be an example of godliness to your children and grandchildren. Read some great Bible verses & inspirational devotional messages. All was dark, and all remained dark. In Capernaum, he would have met men and women who had been healed by Jesus. One mother said she was worried about her teenage daughter and son failing eyesight. Do you ever find it hard to believe that God truly loves and cares foryou? I believe this gives the proper perspective. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? The conversations must have been intense as Saul learned all he could about Jesus.He would have come to Capernaum as he returned to Jerusalem, and Saul would have seen, for the first time, the house where Jesus had lived. God "tries the heart," "sees the heart," "refines the heart," and "searches the heart.". I am however very hesitant to link my giving to God's blessing; this is a personal choice. As the words of Moses in Genesis through Deuteronomy were taught to the people, they were expected to pass down information about the Lord to their children. God requires absolute perfection from each person who ever lives. Passion for the Supremacy of God, Pt. Whether its giving up hope or finding yourself lost in the dark, these sermons are here for YOU. Your Youth Group Culture Youth Sermons The Bible tells us, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Having trouble logging into your account? I think we all struggle a lot when we try to get into deep thought about the beginning; it is easy for our thought processes to immediately become overwhelmed. He would tire them out with his questions, he would wait on their every need, he would pour over the Torah with them, looking for the marks of Jesus in the Scripture. We must first forgive those who may have hurt us, just as God has forgiven us. 1. Camp was what ignited my faith in Christ and love for the Bible. We aren't created in God's image to be sinful. Jesus is 'the light' . Heartbreaking. Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Dr. Stanley teaches how to be an example of godliness to your children and grandchildren. I counted up one time and Joshua, my son, used the word like 58 times in 21 seconds.2. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. If somebody did me wrong, they were supposed to pay for it! What if we gave them something that would change their lives forever? Your church is full of people who know Christ because someone saw them as God did. Are you more spiritual than you are human in the various facets of your life? What wonderful power Saul discovered in Damascus! Final Word The Human Heart Bends The human heart bends toward what the eye sees. Paul? Wrong. Translate into Your Favorite Language Signpost to Success. Many people stay away from church and Christians because they precieve that the church is self-serving and closed to anything outside of its walls. He jumped back on his bike and rode off, desperately looking for a friend. As much as He opposes pride, He rewards humility. They didnt have written copies of the Scriptures so the parents taught Gods truths verbally from one generation to the next. To touch each other is to touch the heart of God, for we are all embraced in the heart of God. What they need are models that, INTRO: I want you to take your bibles now this morning and be finding your place at Psalm 119 if you will. They had heard that hed become a believer, but they didnt believe it. They had mentally prepared for a 10-mile run in full battle gear. We must learn what it means to have compassion and to forgive each other, "A new command I give you: Love one another. What was in existence at the beginning? What I thought was gone was not actually gone? These sermons will encourage your students to develop a real burden for those who don't know Christ, understand that worship is a lifestyle, stand firm in God's armor, experience the loving God who created them for a purpose, and learn how they are image-bearers of Christ. But He will not force us to come to Him for guidance. Before he fully understood, Ananias simply said, Yes, Lord. Before he had the details of the job, before he even knew the question, Ananias gave the correct answer. Lets go inside, and see if we can see the Devil himself!. When God touches our lives, God speaks through us. They are OUR childrenthe ones who have been faithfully following us to church, in some cases for years. Just south of Fillmore, Utah, a radiator . A faithful friend says not simply kind words, but the right words at the right time. Imagine if you were in real need and you called on your best friend. Lets face it: being a teenager is hard. We must be people of action. John 1:5 [NIV ] This verse relates to Jesus Christ, the One who was in existence in the beginning. You cannot listen to this sermon and not fall weeping to your knees. It was brutal training for brutal times. Listen to this: "He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, 'I am not the Christ.'" The apostle Paul gives the following explanation of what it means to walk in Gods will. Then one day, as I read my Bible, I came across a verse that struck me. Not a day goes by that she isnt praying for them before she even prays for herself and the healing she so desperately needs. I do so for a number of reasons. Dont waver in your supportIn 1967, Stu Webber was in the U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. They might not have shared the Word with you; instead, they might just have invited you to a place where the Word was shared. Back The Place and Importance of Topical Preaching The Power of the Story Webinar Sermons that Move the Heart Webinar Biblical Preaching Webinar Preparing a Preaching Calendar Webinar About The Vision The Team . Salespeople know that; they sell far more products in person than they do over the phone, through the Internet, or by advertising. I cant remember what started the conversation, but we started talking about our motives when we come to God in prayer. How has He worked in your life. And we want to help you get there. Both from the witness of the New Testament and by personal experience, I know that the Holy Spirit uses that touch to call and gift Elders for this ministry. When you plagiarize, you lose touch with God in at least two significant ways. You can rest assured that He will come to you and confront you at some point in your life. You know, in our church we want to reach everybody with the gospel the young, the old, rich, poor, saved, lost. This is how Christians ought to visualize ", Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. When he became a friend to Saul, Barnabas made a commitment for the long haul. If you live long enough, the best friends of your life were also those who found a way to be with you during tough times. This instruction applies to you and me in this age, and in its full measure: Do whatever He tells you. Are you looking for a solution to a problem that you might be facing, as the attendees of the wedding at Cana did? Quite an inspiring message - a totally transformed way to look at life and living. Only two kinds, not more. The details differ, butone thing is certain about faithful friends; they dont stop with a phone call, letter, or an e-mail. (Stu Weber, Locking Arms, Sisters, Ore: Multnomah Books, 1995, 77-78). There are various levels of poverty, but only two kinds of people. TOUCHING THE HEARTS OF THE NEXT GENERATION, SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES: Psalm 37:4-7 | Proverbs 22:6 | John 14:6 | Ephesians 6:1-4. We need to work together. It may not seem like a big deal to us, but you can bet Saul never forgot the day a man called him Brother for the first time. Submit to God. We must understand that it will take the effort of all of us to come out of this situation; not just your effort and mine, but that of the entire world. All rights reserved. Did they ever tell you that if you played with matches, youd wet the bed? But here is what the bible teaches us - in the beginning was the Word . I had spent a number of years thinking I was losing out. But this whole message actually came from a conversation we were having in one of our mens Bible Study on Wednesday evening. Like the Israelites, we too have been entrusted with the responsibility to teach by instruction and example the truth of Gods Word, which results in a desire to walk obediently before the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. Christians are under a divine obligation to teach the next generation the truth of Gods Word so they will understand that they are His children, know that He has a plan for their lives, and be equipped to face life. You serve an Almighty God. God's Character - who He is and His ways. Were so thankful for you. The Speech That Moved This Entire Audience To TearsOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is. Tune in to your favorite online church sermon at Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. You are a Christian because somebody won you over. John 13:34-35. Unfortunately, this understanding can come to us when it's too late. So neglected in fact that it is often not even thought of by many especially in the church! About your testimony and what Hes like when you plagiarize, you will call upon and. To Jesus Christ is the light be easy without the cooperation of all Family destroys (. Problem that you might be facing, as some tend to think, and all things! Of Pauls loneliness, God was about to reveal the power of a friend... As God has forgiven us in me but a change in me but a change in but... Were finished with you, you have been faithfully following us to come to fully appreciate the beautiful. 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