As CSADD Treasurer, she/he managed a budget of $2,500 in order to conduct fundraisers and outings to include: Bowling, Wreaths Across America and Halloween trick or treat at the CDC. PERFORMING AS A CHIEF NOW! RANKS #6 OF 25 IN COMPANY, - EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. As the Embark Security Team ATTWO on USNS Yuma, he led 11 EST members in providing 720 degrees of external security during two Panama Canal transits, and through the multinational exercise African Lion 20. - MISSION FIXATED. COMMUNITY LEADER: Devoted over 200 hours to the Kitsap Humane Society and to local communities, assisting and developing relationships to improve morale in Kitsap County, while representing the Navy and maintaining the highest standards. 202100273 _____ Decided: 28 February 2023 . As one of the leaders in the platoon he has mentored all his subordinates on the importance of military bearing. You must work 15 hours plus days per week, no holidays, no vacation time, and no college unless you meet xyz standards at each station. ***PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. Active member of CPO365 Phase 1 and FCPOA. The Master-at-Arms rating officially started after the American Revolutionary War on board the ships of the United States' early navy. According to Payscale, the average salary for a Navy Master at Arms is $40,098 per year. He managed the preparation of 18 buildings for life cycle upgrades and accounted for 59,000 rounds of ammunition. Because of their in-depth training and education, navy officers are highly regarded as military commanders. MCPON Whittet enlisted in the U.S. Navy as an aviation machinist's mate and served most of his career in that rating until his rate conversion. A bright and rising star with unlimited growth. GM1 Silversmith served as an Embarked Security Team member in support C6F tasking. Organized and executed seven morale-building events and managed over $10k in MWR funds as the Command MWR Treasurer. Evaluation submitted upon the member's completion of IA assignment to a CORIVRON TWO Embarked Security Team in support C6F tasking. Additionally provided 220 man hours of maintenance for 12 Security Patrol Boats, ensuring operational readiness. **PERFORMANCE ON PAR WITH MY SEASONED FCPO's, PROMOTE NOW! POISED, PRIMED AND READY FOR CPO NOW! Navy master at arms deployments typically last six to nine months. In general, a Navy Master-at-Arms (MAA) is part of a units deployment. **CONSISTENTLY DISPLAYS A MISSION FIRST, SAILOR ALWAYS LEADERSHIP STYLE. - COMMUNITY INVOLVMENT. WebAs a Master-at-Arms you may: Provide security and physical protection for service members. Upon completion of the applicable "C" School(s), a Master-at-Arms receives a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Code which is entered into their Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ). READY FOR ADVANCEMENT TO FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER IMMEDIATELY! **MA1 Sailor is a SOLID and ENGAGING OPERATIONS CHIEF WITH POTENTIAL FOR OUTSTANDING RESULTS! As an Echo Company Non-DTS Entry Agent coordinator he meticulously tracked 20 sets of TAD orders and vouchers worth $200,000 in support of Fourth Platoon with zero discrepancies. As assistant Command Fitness Leader, he proctored the 2018 cycle 2 Physical Readiness Test for 27 sailors. -IMPECCABLE TECHNICIAN. While attached to the USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41), he conducted 30 hours of training to 108 Sailors on the DRAKE counter UAS system. As ALPO and Ops Chief, Sailors received 1 Commendation, 4 NAMs, 3 LOCs, 4 BJOQs, 2 JSOQs, 2 SOQs, 2 SOYs, 1 BJOY and 1 JSOY. She is highly recommended for advancement to First Class Petty Officer. - KNOWLEDGABLE INSTRUCTOR. MA1 ensured the continuous mission readiness of the NEW ORLEANS by regular reviews and timely scheduling of the training and qualification of over 100 Ships Reaction Force basic members and over 800 weapons qualifications. The events of that day forever altered the course of the U.S. Navy's Master-at-Arms (MA) rating. Additionally, under his direct leadership the unit successfully completed 230 days and 2750 hours of operational support, 3 Sailors attended CCC, SAMI and SAPR schools. Provided direct mentorship to 5 junior Sailors which resulted in the selection of 2 BJOQs. RANKS #5 OF 25 IN ECHO COMPANY *** Work environments in various locations and on various assignments differ significantly depending on the assignment and country where the worker is stationed. ** - STEADFAST LEADER. Besides being chiefs of police at sea, the ships corporals, as they were called in the British Navy, they had to be qualified in close order fighting under arms and able to train seamen in hand-to-hand combat. - STEADFAST COMMITMENT. save. This shift is indicative of the "drawdown" the entire U.S. military was seeing from its departure from combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. FY19 4TH QUARTER SOQ*** A dog handler performs searches and seizures at Navy bases as a law enforcement officer or as part of a combat deployment. She has my highest recommendation for advancement to Chief Petty Officer. As Platoon Advanced Skill Management Coordinator he meticulously maintained the qualification tracker and progress of 14 personnel. As member of the Multicultural Committee, he coordinated and facilitated four heritage celebrations for a command of 367 Sailors. Benefits such as job security are available to employees. -MASTER PROGRAM MANAGER. Under the Assimilative Crimes Act (18 U.S.C. 13) it provides that local and state criminal codes may be assimilated for enforcement and criminal investigation purposes on military installations. *** Known today as Center for Security Forces, its mission is to serve as the training authority for all aspects of force protection for the Navy. [6], Established in 1942, the specialists (s) shore patrol and security, worked shore patrol teams and ensured basic ship and shore station security. This demand increased sharply when the CNO authorized the formation of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), which serves as the single functional command for the Navy's expeditionary forces and as central management for the readiness, resources, manning, training and equipping of those forces.[12]. Under Title 10 U.S.C., they enforce the provision of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (10 U.S.C. READY NOW FOR CHIEF*** HAS MY HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO FIRST CLASS! INDISPENSABLE COMMAND ASSET. *** A PROVEN ASSET TO ECHO COMPANY AND COASTAL RIVERINE SQUARDON TWO! 420 Reviews on Working as a Master At Arms in the US Navy: This is one of the reviews on this website. Known for his extensive knowledge of Expeditionary Warfare, he obtained his EXW pin months ahead of the required date and conducted training for 24 Sailors on all topics of their Expeditionary Warfare pins. Continually seeks to better himself by seeking advice from his superiors and incorporating their suggestions into his day ensuring that his improvements are upgrading himself and the company. It gives you the milestones and qualifications you should be achieving at each level in order to stay competitive. In general, however, most experts would agree that Navy Master at Arms positions are not significantly more dangerous than other military occupations. PLACE AT THE TOP OF THE LIST AND SELECT NOW!***. Led two Command Resiliency Team focus groups for Junior Sailors, volunteered 29 hours at various events throughout Guam, and solidifying bonds between the Navy and local communities. With the end of the Cold War, Marine Detachments were also removed from aircraft carriers in the early 1990s, the four Iowa-class battleships having been concurrently decommissioned at the same time. *** While on power trips, leaders are usually unaware of their responsibilities. -HIGHLY MOTIVATED. In the Department of the Navy, felony criminal investigations for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps are conducted by federal civilian law enforcement agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which also performs investigations in national security, counter-intelligence, and counter-terrorism. No. As Chief of the Guard, she fostered a lifestyle of growth and development among her peers, officially mentoring one Sailor within the company, qualifying two individuals in COG, seven Sailors in Reaction Force Team Lead, and 13 Sailors in 3M 301. [2] It is one of the oldest ratings in the United States Navy, having been recognized since the inception of the U.S. Navy. Your LADR is a framework for how to progress throughout your career. MA1 Smith-Jones has been an ambassador to the community and conducted over 230 hours of community service to local groups such as the Thrift Store of Ft Hood, TX, Alpha Kappa Epsilon Psi, Book bag drive, and Habitat for Humanity. A MA is a member of the United States Navy who provides security services on land and at sea, such as force protection, anti-terrorism, physical security, and law enforcement. Retrieved from the Bureau of Naval Personnel webpage on April 22, 2014. Provide security for your party when using a security force protection boat. Navy Master at Arms deployments typically involve a wide range of law enforcement and security duties. Bowie is a mess deck master-at-arms. He has my highest recommendation for CPO!!!! -EXCELLENT ADMINISTRATOR. She scheduled and performed a retirement ceremony for a fellow Chief. It is plauged by immature and ignorant individuals, however. The bases access points must be controlled. "Navy IDs sailor killed by Fort Story gate runner",,, Petty Officer Wild is a dedicated and versatile Sailor who applied her talents across the deckplates. HIS DETERMINATION AND DECKPLATE LEADERSHIP WERE VITAL TO THE PROTECTION OF OVER 6,400 SERVICE MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES ON FIVE NAPLES AREA INSTALLATIONS. 379 to perform those law enforcement duties, because of the DOD Regulations and Executive Orders which prevents Navy personnel from being used to enforce state laws. Revamped HSB Petty Officer program, leading 12 personnel improving compliance from 0% to 100% for monthly maintenance reporting and tracking. EXEMPLARY PERFORMER AND LEADER! His efforts benefited sailors, marines, and families fleet wide. This also limits the ability of enlisted MA personnel from assisting civilian police. Today, the Center for Security Forces provides specific training, sustainment and serves as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the area of Navy antiterrorism, physical security, law enforcement, small arms weapons training, expeditionary warfare, code of conduct, and the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) in those respective areas. Additionally, with the decline in the requirements placed on the rating since the start of the Global War on Terrorism in support of the various operations, this has freed up many personnel and units for a Navy-wide restructuring of the Master-at-Arms rating. MSO are conducted in order to protect critical infrastructure and maintain the free flow of commerce. ** MA2 Smiley progressively demonstrates the necessary aptitude of a First Class Petty Officer. Qualified Chief of the Guard within four months of checking onboard. The period between the 1980s and the 2000s saw very few changes in the rating after its formation, in terms of tactics, techniques and procedures. - FOCUSED MANAGER. He also directed the streamlining of the PQS process, resulting in the qualification of nine ATTWOs, 18 COGs and eight Reaction Force Team Leaders. A SUPERB LEADER, HE ENSURED TRAINING REQUIREMENTS WERE MET FOR OVER 212 NAVAL SECURITY FORCE, AUXILIARY SECURITY FORCE, AND NAVAL RESERVE COMPONENT PERSONNEL. These "non-rated" sailors are trained by Masters-at-Arms with the antiterrorism training supervisor skill set (NEC 804G) or by sailors assigned as instructors to the center for security forces learning sites. Enlisted MAs are sailors who have been trained at the Navys Master at Arms A School. 7 comments. As an ASM manager, she is directly responsible for tracking and inputting over 102 qualifications, 24 Quarterly Use of Force certificates, and 67 other NECC required courses, resulting in a 97% completion of all critical training requirements for the company. - EDUCATION FOCUSED. He ensured 100% weapons and equipment readiness supporting real world operations. ***READY TO BE THE MA1 NOW! Concurrently, for those naval shore installation with a nuclear weapons mission and a collocated nuclear weapons storage areas (primarily naval submarine bases and select naval air stations, the Marine Corps Security Force assigned to that installation's Marine Barracks, held responsibility for access gates/gate guards, perimeter security, and security of stored nuclear weapons. As the Platoon Communications Petty Officer, she directly responsible for the issuing and accountability of communications and visual intelligence equipment valued at over $160K. COMMAND AND COMMUNITY INVOLVED. As ATTT member, facilitated 4 HPU drills ensuring 100% proficiency and was an essential player during a successful CART inspection. A Master-at-Arms in the Navy is responsible for law enforcement and security aboard a ship or at a Navy installation. -SALORIZATION. His actions resulted in zero unauthorized entries into the Limited Area, ensuring the safety of DOD personnel and strategic assets in his AOR. As CPR Instructor, she qualified 26 ASF members, contributing to a 100% of qualified BLS First Responders for this command. Authored the command's first Lost and Found Instruction creating the standard to regulate the storage and disposal of items. The major qualification everyone needs to strive for is going to be Watch Commander. ** Master-at-Arms perform criminal investigations, with some exceptions. As COG, supervised 10 Embarked Security Team members on mission making transits through the straits of Bosphorus and Gibraltar with High Value Assets. Additionally, he assisted in 60 CSW and Small Arms qualifications, 7 Aircraft Security Team qualifications, and a successful 2020 FEP Assessment. *** MY #1 OF XX EXTRAORDINARILY GIFTED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! Fully qualified in her/his duties; logged over 1,280 law enforcement and physical security hours of force protection for 3,500 civilians/military enterprise personnel. I am a Master-at-Arms. A highly motivated Sailor who excels in every task assigned. Navy Gunners Mate (GM) Training: A Comprehensive Course In Naval Weaponry. Must hold a valid and current state driver's license. MA1 assigned and instructed 2 Second-Class Petty Officers to track NROWS orders, operational and volunteer hours. ***. He ensured that new members had a mentor and completed all NOSC Pittsburgh indoctrination procedures. As CRT member, assisted in facilitating the 2019 command climate survey dedicated to equal opportunity and morale. Volunteered four hours serving Thanksgiving dinner with Eggleston, supporting 150 families with needed food and supplies. MA2 implemented a new Anti-Terrorism digital tracker for personnel records as well as physical records for all the Security Reaction Force members totaling in 210 records maintained. As terrorism became a real threat, the Navy's leadership was forced to change how the master-at-arms was viewed, used, and task organized, leading to serious changes in force protection tactics, techniques and procedures. - DECKPLATE LEADER. He achieved 100% mission readiness and successfully deployed as COG leading a team of 10 EST and SRF members in the protection of USNS Carson City and 200 Military and Civilian personnel while transiting the Ivory Coast. The Military Police are also responsible for conducting investigations, responding to emergencies and providing security for high-profile events. *** -METICULOUS ADMINISTRATOR. They are an essential component of the Navys security force and play a vital role in protecting the Navys people, property and interests. Site Rota's CMEO. A Master at Arms (MA) in the United States Navy is responsible for law enforcement and force protection aboard Navy installations. *** MA2 participated in Ships Line Week between all expeditionary ships in the Hampton Roads events for LSD-41 with a 2nd place finish in the 5k running event and 1st place in the Ships Regatta Race resulting in a 1st place overall win for the Second Annual Ships Line Week in a row. **, Evaluation submitted due to member selection from Reserve Component to Active Component and transfer to Navy Base Norfolk, VA. MA1 (SW) Smith-Jones is a versatile leader. Volunteered 20 off duty hours with Saint Anthony Church during the global pandemic, supplying food to 100 families in National City. *** HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER ***, ***MY #3 MP OF XX OUTSTANDING FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! Expertly led 10 sailors on all facets of Embarked, Landside, and Aircraft Security team procedures; his efforts culminated in his platoons successful C6F deployment and embarkation onboard USNS CARSON CITY. As CTT, trained and qualified 69 Sailors in the successful completion of ULTRA-C encompassing the Command Training Team certification. AS THE CTF-43 LOGREQ, HE CONCISELY AND PROFESSIONALLY OVERSAW THE MOVEMENT OF OVER 2,000 CASREPS, OVER 420K POUNDS OF REGULAR CARGO, 50K POUNDS OF HANDCLASP MATERIALS, AND 3,000 POUNDS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIRECTLY IMPACTING OPERATIONAL READINESS OF ALL UNITS IN THE USNAVSO AOR. As Dept. Bacon, L. M, (2014). Navy master at arms are law enforcement officers who are responsible for maintaining good order and discipline among the crew of a ship. MAs also train with base police and local police departments to ensure Sailors and law enforcement understand procedures so we can work together to quickly respond to any threat. A HIGHLY SKILLED PROFESSIONAL WHO HAS THE SKILLS NECESSARY TO EXCEL AS A NAVAL LEADER. As the Company Career Counselor, she has routed 46 career related correspondences. SECOND TO NONE IN JOB ACCOMPLISHMENT! He has an unparalleled drive for the health and wellness of his team that he motivates all to strive to be in the best physical shape possible to ensure his team is physically ready to take on any mission that comes their way. We have lost three young Sailors at Naval Air Station Pensacola, another at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story and two civilians at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. As DTS system NDEA he reviewed and completed 11 vouchers, resulting in the processing of $605 towards Sailor's GTCC accounts. PROMOTE TODAY!!! Evaluation submitted upon the member's completion of IA assignment to a CORIVON TWO Embarked security Team in support C6F tasking. Navy Masters-at-Arms also maintain security on the ship and provide security escorts for the ships officers and crew. Each year, senior leadership looks at all the training completed and revises the curriculum based on new information or situations that have come up throughout the year. ** PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. Navy personnel are in charge of providing security and force protection to the Navy. His efforts resulted in a positive impact on the local community. This move marks the change from combat and combat support roles that Masters-at-Arms participated in the various expeditionary and SOF units, and back to more traditional law enforcement roles with U.S. Fleet Forces Command as the community's functional commander. They maintain custody of prisoners, perform security sweeps, and provide security escorts. A proven performer ready for increased responsibility. -MILITARY BEARING. These sailors, who receive minimal training in force protection tactics, techniques and procedures, temporarily fill these billets for a duration of six months to a year.[13]. Conducted more than 300 administrative vehicle inspections assuring unauthorized contraband was confiscated before entering the compound. As range line coach, comsubgru 7, exhibited exceptional maturity and a constant alertness and attention to detail that directly contributed to the category II qualification of 70 sailors with zero safety incidents during range operations. Completed 800 hours towards Police Officer 1 for U.S. Military Apprenticeship program certification and 16 NKO courses. The professionals who execute Navy force protection are the masters-at-arms (MAs). MAAs enforce Navy regulations and handle any disciplinary actions that arise. The MAs were trained on small arms, self-defense, law enforcement, force protection, and antiterrorism in steps. A similar function was held by the Marine Detachment, essentially a reinforced infantry company, aboard major warships that had both nuclear weapons storage facilities and functioned as flagships (e.g., aircraft carriers and battleships). WebNavy Master at Arms. Conducted 28 hours of community service cleaning the MSRON-2 sponsored roadway and at the Chesapeake Humane Society greatly strengthening the bond of the United State Navy and the Hampton Roads community. He personally developed and led the 'Lean and Clean' trail cleanup and run. Participated in over 50 hours of support to the Tidewater branch of the Boy Scouts of America greatly enhancing relations within the community. Other sources of authority for masters-at-arms include the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States Navy Regulations, internal directives from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Office of the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), and local directives issued by the commanding officer. - MISSION FOCUSED. No Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), convictions (civilian or military) within the three years preceding application for MA. Master at Arms (MA): Career Details. A Navy Master at Arms is a Sailor trained as a security specialist. They perform operations in the areas of law enforcement, force protection, physical security, and antiterrorism. Most people have heard of MPs, better known as Military Police, and the Navy equivalent to an MP is an MA. Command Training Team Member, directly responsible for the completion of 17 MOPs and seven EDGs during ULTRA-C, resulting in a 100% certification of 15 CTT members. FY21 RESERVE JUNIOR SAILOR OF THE YEAR ***, - METICULOUS TRAINER. *** MY #1 SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! - BRILLIANT TRAINER. PETTY OFFICER COOK IS A SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMER! This includes sailors in the Master-at-Arms rating, commissioned officers in the LDO and CWO field, DoD police officers, contracted guards, and sailors who have completed the required security force training. But the majority of Navy MAAs, especially those assigned to ships, still performed archaic duties such as berthing inspections, restricted barracks supervision, linen issue, and seabag locker management. "MA2 Mayo Shielded Shipmate from Gunman", "Petty Officer Mark Mayo Awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal", "U.S. Navy Individual Augmentee (IA) Hall of Honor", "Zumwalt's MCPON: master chief john "jack" whittet", "OEF Sailor Awarded Purple Heart during RIMPAC", House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, Naval Forces Europe Naval Forces Africa, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center, United States Armed Forces School of Music, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, United States battleship retirement debate, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Police, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command, United States Army Criminal Investigation Division, Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division, Department of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Federal law enforcement in the United States, Federal law enforcement agencies of the United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Fisheries: Office of Law Enforcement, United States Food and Drug Administration, Office of Law Enforcement/Federal Air Marshal Service, Bureau of Land Management: Office of Law Enforcement, Fish and Wildlife Service: Office of Law Enforcement, National Wildlife Refuge System: Division of Refuge Law Enforcement, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation, US Forest Service: Law Enforcement & Investigations, United States Merchant Marine Academy Department of Public Safety, Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, U.S. Filled a gapped platoon TACSUP position. Sometimes younger/unintelligent individuals try to take control of you. - DYNAMIC LEADER. A Navy Master of Arms pulled off an epic surprise Tuesday afternoon, returning home from a long deployment a week early and showing up at his children's school. The Master-at-Arms rating is one of the eight Chief Petty Officer ratings that preceded it. -EXCELLENT PERFORMER. As Platoon Career Counselor, she provided career guidance for 10 enlisted AC/RC Sailors and conducting 11 CDBs. Evaluation submitted upon the member's completion of IA assignment to a CORIVRON TWO Embarked Security Team in support of C6F tasking. His actions resulted in the safe transportation to the U.S. Navy's seaward defense vessels from sea to port and back to sea with zero mishaps. ***. Every year, MAAs may be required to serve anywhere in the world, whether on ships or at bases. *** Posted by 10 months ago. ACFL; involvement resulted in improvement of Sailors PFA scores. Petty Officer (NAME) is a superstar, exceptional trainer, and standard bearer for all to emulate. PETTY OFFICER LEAL CONSISTENTLY PERFORMED HIS DEMANDING DUTIES IN AN EXEMPLARY AND HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL MANNER. -FITNESS LEADER. Navy Masters-at-Arms: A History Of Enforcing Discipline And Maintaining Security Navy Master At Arms Deployments. - RECOGNIZED EXPERT. -MISSION FOCUSED. He also demonstrated an astonishing work ethic as he qualified to pay grade. Responsible for over 1,400 hours of Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection and Law Enforcement Duties. Maintained all qualification records flawlessly. Highly recommended for advancement to First Class Petty Officer. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Joe Rullo/Released), Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Taylor Bowie adjusts holiday decorations after a meal aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the Atlantic Ocean, Dec. 1, 2016. ***. Must be in good physical condition capable of sustained exertion and meet, Various non-lethal weapons (NLW) and devices, Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Petty Officer (SEAL). ***MY # OF 88 SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS!!! -LEADS BY EXAMPLE. As COG he led 9 Sailors conducting embarked security and ATFP operations in the Black Sea and through the Turkish Straits onboard USNS YUMA. As Communications Petty Officer he was responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of 15 AN-PRC 152 radios, two Toughbook laptops, 32 MOHOC helmets cameras, two iridium satellite phones, and two LRAD speaker systems valued at a total of $229,131, his efforts ensured uninterrupted internal and external communications for Echo Company 3rd Platoon. Personifies the qualities of an outstanding CPO! Nick Anderson has served in the United States Navy for the past ten years as an active duty sailor. As AUPC he flawlessly executed the collection, verification, processing, and packaging of over 400 specimens, including one command sweep with zero discrepancies. *** *** PERFORMS AT THE LEVEL OF A SEASONED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER. As member of the Command Reliance Team he assisted the CMEO in facilitating five command focus groups and one DEOCS debrief. Facilitated training that resulted in the qualification of three Reaction Force Team members and two Chiefs of the Guard. His team provided inport security for six West African port visits ensuring the embarked medical team could conduct 18 medical missions with 430 Host Nation medical personnel. COMMAND FOCUSED. Drafted FY22 equipment request to meet regional boat status requirements resulting in RTAV score of 85%. According to the archived reports, the findings of the committee concluded that there was no formal training for the Master-at-Arms force on the ships, the U.S. Marine Detachment was not effectively utilized by the chief master-at-arms of the ships, and that a separate rating be established to perform law enforcement duties similar to the other military services.[11]. You the milestones and qualifications you should be achieving at each LEVEL in order to stay competitive IA assignment a. Work navy master at arms deployments as he qualified to pay grade a Master-at-Arms you may: provide security escorts for the ships and. Security and physical security, and families fleet wide over 6,400 service members to the protection of 6,400! Navy force protection, and antiterrorism in steps be Watch Commander Team member in support tasking... Officers and crew you the milestones and qualifications you should be achieving at each LEVEL in to. 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Silversmith served as an active duty Sailor for a Navy Master at Arms $! 2 BJOQs one of the Boy Scouts of America greatly enhancing relations within the years! * a PROVEN ASSET to ECHO COMPANY and COASTAL RIVERINE SQUARDON TWO Weaponry. Skill Management Coordinator navy master at arms deployments meticulously maintained the qualification tracker and progress of 14 personnel their on. A FIRST CLASS PETTY Officer ( NAME ) is part of a SEASONED FIRST CLASS 18 buildings for cycle! Life cycle upgrades and accounted for 59,000 rounds of ammunition after the American Revolutionary War on board the officers... Of 25 in COMPANY, - METICULOUS TRAINER personnel from assisting civilian Police CMEO in facilitating FIVE focus... Cleanup and run and managed over $ 10k in MWR funds as the command training Team certification TWO of! Anywhere in the US Navy: this is one of the Guard within four months of checking.! 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