Believers asserted that this was beneficial to the Indians and the people who were in the territories because they learned about the democratic, religious, and cultural ways of Americans. This effect of positive synergy when individuals work more effectively in a team compared with working alone is called social compensation and was first described by K.D. Manifest Destiny served as an invitation to construct roads, ports, and railroads to link these newly acquired territories to the nation, enhancing economic development prospects and trade chances. James K. Polk ran a presidential election campaign of manifest destiny -- the belief that it was the destiny and unique right of the American people to expand their borders to the limits of the North American continent -- that began to push the idea that the United States needed to push its boundaries, not only in Texas, but in Oregon as well. Opponents of Manifest Destiny argued that this philosophy resulted in war between countries and even civil war. This sentiment went hand-in-hand with Herbert Spencers philosophy on free competition, culminating in an arms race of naval construction projects. THESE FACTORS ARE THE EFFECTS OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE OREGON When the Experience Oregon exhibit opened at the Oregon Historical Society last year, showcasing the good, the bad and the ugly of the state's history -- including a pointy white Ku Klux Klan . Although technology has had some negative effects on people, it has positively impacted human emotions and behaviors in many ways. "    " + March 20, 2017 6:30 p.m. "We have been here since time began," Don Ivy, chief of the Coquille Indian Tribe, said. Because the Western states were still territories, the U.S. Army did not violate the Posse Comitatus Act by patrolling this region. Harvey Birdman has been writing since 2000 for academic assignments. What is positive in an ecological sense may be negative in terms of effects on species' behaviour. font-family: SQMarket-Medium; 00:00 00:00 What is A person who sells flower is called? In 1854, Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas proposed that two new states, Kansas and Nebraska, be established in the Louisiana Purchase west of Iowa and Missouri. John OSullivan and the Coining of the Term. There were those who believed that it was Divine Providence. In other words, they believed that it was Gods will and Americas destiny to expand into different geographies. windowHref += '? url("//") format("woff2"), As a result, some people struggle in their relationship with God and experience feelings of anger, abandonment or being punished by a higher power. The United States labeled this endeavor the New Manifest Destiny essentially using expandable intentions masked by charitable causes. They said that although some areas were acquired, others were the result of war and oftentimes acts that were barbaric and unconstitutional. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. On August 14, 1848 the United States congress approved the formation of the Oregon Territory. //