Years' War. Ferdinand and Isabella were able to centralize most of the government, although Aragon successfully resisted any changes that would increase royal authority. The German Empire (officially Deutsches Reich) was the historical German nation state that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II in November 1918, when Germany became a federal republic (the Weimar Republic).. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Leading the venture would be an experienced admiral, the marquis of Santa Cruz. Nevertheless, Spain's empire was never seriously threatened on land. In order to avenge the slight of not being named emperor, Francis initiated the first of five wars with Spain and the Holy Roman Empire (Charles was head of forces for both Spain and the empire). In February, he completed the Capitulations, an "unholy alliance" with the Ottoman leader Khayr ad-Din (pronounced kigh-ruh-DEEN; d. 1546), who was called Barbarossa by Europeans. Monarchies used to rule the world. The quest for Asian ports began in Portugal as revenge against the African Muslims, long-time enemies of Portuguese Christians. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. A brutal campaign against the Waldensians demolished twenty-two towns and killed four thousand people. In 1492 Queen Isabella, the monarch of Spain, commissioned Columbus to prove he could find the western route. The prospect of having Charles someday take the thrones of both Castile and Aragon disturbed Ferdinand. Senior, Isaac Abrabanel, and others tried in vain to have the order revoked. In 1094 Henry of Burgundy was given the county of Portugal by the king of Castile and Len for his success against the Moors. The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. Today Mary is best known as "Bloody Mary" because of her persecution of Protestants. . Although he lived in exile, he was considered the king. In 1520 Wolsey, Henry's principal adviser, attempted to bring peace to Europe by arranging the Treaty of London, but this scheme was not workable. Marquette's accidental voyage convinced the French that the Mississippi flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, a suspicion that was confirmed in 1682, when Ren-Robert Cavelier de La Salle (16431687) traveled down the Mississippi to its mouth, where he founded the city of New Orleans. Edward died in 1553 at the age of sixteen, probably from pneumonia (a disease of the lungs) and possibly tuberculosis (a bacterial infection of the lungs). Spain and France signed the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis in 1559. battles, at Parma and Fuenterrabia, but they were soundly defeated at Ezquiros and Pamplona and driven out of Navarre. In August 1520 he met with Henry VIII in Calais, France, at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, hoping to win Henry's support in the war against Spain. The Franks began as a number of Germanic tribes that migrated from northern Europe into Gaul. This included four kingdoms, six grand duchies . Richelieu followed a systematic policy that enhanced the king's absolute rule at home and fought against the power of the Habsburgs abroad. . Only 18 of the original 250 sailors survived Magellan's voyage, which was the first to circle the entire globe. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. The smaller English ships darted in and out of the flames, pouncing on stragglers. Henry had named a large council of regents to rule England until Edward was old enough to be king. Determined to avenge the defeat at Novara by taking Spanish-held Naples, the young king personally led an army into Italy. Best Commanders Tier List - Updated with new Commanders. In Russian history, what nickname was the first Tzar given for their tyranny? to France. Some contended that conversion was the best policy. The child king was placed in the Tower of London along with his brother; those who had opposed Richard were executed. She inspired the soldiers by saying that though she had "the body of a weak and feeble woman," she had "the heart and stomach of a King.". The court burned hundreds of Huguenots (French Protestants) at the stake. Spain and forced the Jews to convert to Islam. Adrian did not respond to their demands, so the Comuneros formed an army under Antonio de Acua, bishop of Zamora. Archaeologists discover 300 burials in ancient Merovingian necropolis. The Jews were expelled and went mainly to North Africa. Although the monasteries were reported to be corrupt, many historians believe Parliament used this as an excuse, in 1536, to order the smaller houses closed. In the 1300s he had left a record of his journeys to the faraway lands of China (then called Cathay), India, and the Spice Islands. Actually, the struggle did not last a full one hundred years but instead consisted of a series of conflicts interspersed with periods of peace. Pole was an English aristocrat who had lived in Italy since Henry VIII's break with the papacy. John of Austria (1547-1578), the illegitimate half-brother of King Philip II of Spain, distinguished himself as a mil, The Rise of Falsafah: The Philosophical Tradition, The Rise of Biotechnology as Big Business, The Rise and Practice of Inoculation in the 1700s, The Rise and Fall of the Phlogiston Theory of Fire, The Rise of Probabilistic and Statistical Thinking, The Rise of Revolutionary Sentiment in France and Its Impact on the Theater, The Rise of Rome (3rd century bce to 2nd century ce, The Rise of the Appropriate Technology Movement, The Rise of the Phlogiston Theory of Fire. In fact, only the Dutch had any success in attacking European empires in America. Despite the new division, the conflict between the sub-kingdoms continued. continent, scores of European traders managed to return from Cathay and the islands with valuable goods. The last group of colonists mysteriously disappeared. In 1585, Alessandro Farnese (15451592), the duke of Parma, surpassed the military skill of even the bloody Alba when he captured the great walled town of Antwerp (a city in present-day Belgium). In 1598 he signed the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious freedom to the Huguenots. The power of the Holy Roman Empire had dwindled, and princes (noblemen who ruled states)particularly in the more than two hundred principalities of Germanywere seeking independence. It also called for Francis's two sons to be held in Madrid for a ransom (money paid for releasing a hostage) of two million gold crowns (a large sum of Spanish money). Pope Clement VII joined Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England in the League of Co gnac, an alliance against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. During the next two hundred years, nearly every remaining land mass in the world, with the exception of Antarctica, was explored and mapped by explorers from these countries. Rating: 4.3/5 Stars ( 66 reviews) Favourite Games Add to your games. To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. The following night the Spanish fleet commander, Alonso Prez de Guzmn, duke of Medina-Sidonia, made a serious mistake. Rise of Kingdoms' success story is a great example of this. In 1553 she restored the Latin Mass and the following year she recognized the jurisdiction of the pope in England. The result was absolute chaos, as leaders of states vied for more power and larger territories. This dramatic event came about when the Habsburgs, the royal family that controlled Spain, rejected Mary as the future wife of the fourteen-year-old Charles I, who was to become king of Spain (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Question 9. From Turkey to Tonga and Japan to Jordan, royal families have overseen the development of their countries throughout history as heads of state, rulers, and . Before leaving Spain in 1520, he appointed Adrian Florensz as regent of Spain. The Armada would then sail on to England and stage a massive sea assault. When Columbus returned from this "New World," Ferdinand and Isabella asked Pope Alexander VI to recognize Spain's authority over these new lands. Francis also received a proper noble education in the art of war. The Moors introduced the secrets of making medicine and of producing steel, skills they had learned from the Far East (countries in Asia). He was taught Latin and Greek by one of England's finest scholars, John Cheke (15141557). Which of the following is considered a metallic resource? In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella became leaders in the European The Moriscos revolted in Granada and had to be forcibly restrained. Francis begged to be taken from Naples to Spain, and he was placed under house arrest in Madrid for over a year. The Franco-Austrian War of 1859 was the agent . Renaissance thought emphasized pursuit of the arts and sciences, the achievement of personal glory, and commercial expansion. when he began competing against Charles I, the young king of Spain. Hernando de Soto (c. 14961542) navigated the Mississippi River, and Francisco de Coronado (15101554) traveled through territory that is now northern Mexico Dvelopp par Lilith Games, Rise of Kingdoms est un After the French invasion of Italy in 1494, Ferdinand was able to intervene in the affairs of Naples and Milan. Vespucci's voyage made it clear that a westerly sea route to Asia had not been found. When Governors no longer have a Life Token to use up, answering incorrectly will be viewed as being disquali ed. Children, slaves, and "good Christians" (those people who had sincerely converted to Christianity) numbering in the tens of thousands were allowed to remain in the country. In the golden age of Portugal, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Portuguese explorers sailed most of the world's seas. Among them was William I Prince of Orange (15331584), the spiritual leader of the rebellion. They wanted to regain power that had been taken from them by Ferdinand and Isabella over the past twenty years. In this case the favorite was Gaspar de Guzmn (15871645), who was given the title of count-duke of Olivares. In the years after that, they were even better. In 1429 the country was dramatically energized by Joan of Arc (c. 14121431), who was known as the Maid of Orlans. Edward was returned to the throne. Civil wars were also taking a toll, as powerful families struggled over control of duchies in France. He made three more voyages to the "Indies" (in 1493, 1498, and 1502) to confirm his theory and to colonize the islands he had already explored. Soon he had many enthusiastic followers called Lutherans, who joined him in initiating the Protestant Reformation. During the reign of Charles I, England was embroiled in a civil war between the Puritans and supporters of the monarchy. King John II of Portugal therefore decided to have his captains circumnavigate (sail around) the African continent and reach India by way of the ocean. Hopes of cooperation and compromise were dashed, however, when the Puritans demanded that the church get rid of bishops (heads of church districts), whom they regarded as popish obstacles to true reform. 6,279 talking about this. Cao Cao Once an answer is selected, it cannot be changed. The majority of Moriscos were farm laborers, though many worked in trades such as the silk and leather industries. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. Those who did not confess their sins or undergo genuine conversion were severely punished or executed. For a time Jews' property was seized, but they did not receive any further punishment. Tons of silver from the mines of Potosi as well as Mexican and Peruvian gold and gems were streaming into Spanish ports aboard giant galleons (the large, heavy ships used by Spain). One of the most important events of Henry VIII's reign was the closing of monasteries. (See "The Inquisition" in Chapter 1.) At the time, there were several factors which prevented the restoration of the empire as it had been in the 18th century, notably the rise of larger, more consolidated kingdoms in Germany, such as Bavaria, Saxony and Wrttemberg, as well as Prussia's interest in becoming a great power in Europe (rather than continue being a vassal to the . Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). For the next eight years Charles increased his power and expanded Habsburg territory. Saint Paul's School was founded early in Henry's reign by John Colet, the learned dean (head) of St. Paul's Cathedral. He reached the continent in November. The merchants of India were immediately suspicious of this highly organized expedition from Europe. A decent room costing $14-$19 split two ways (or three-ways, wink-wink) will usually net you something better than a dorm room for roughly the same price. Francis was also forced to make peace by 1529. The following year he established an Inquisition court at Granada, a heavily Muslim province, as a final effort to force Moriscos to accept Christianity or leave Spain. The Muslims lived across the Strait of Gibraltar from Portugal, at the port city of Ceuta. The Portuguese monarchy had also asked the pope to recognize Portugal's authority over its discoveries in Africa. conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth in 1586 led to Mary's execution at Fotheringhay castle in 1587. In 1620 Frederick lost the throne of Bohemia (he was nicknamed the "Winter King" because he ruled for only one winter) and was stripped of all his territories in the Holy Roman Empire. Real-time Battles: In this game, you can do the battles on a huge . The new line would give Portugal authority over Brazil when it was discovered five years later. The name Portugal comes from the ancient port city of Portus Cale (now Porto), at the mouth of the Douro River, where the Portuguese monarchy began. In 1489 Charles VIII was offered the crown of Naples by Pope Innocent VIII (14321492; reigned 148492). It was waged by the successors of Francis and Charles. His compassion and leniency toward his subjects were uncharacteristic of the age, and he did much to improve the cultural life of his country during the Renaissance. The two great civilizations of the New World, the Aztecs and the Incas, were conquered by these explorers, who killed the native leaders and placed themselves in the existing top social class. Although there was no mention of heirs, Spanish law stated that the monarchs' heir would inherit both kingdoms. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Nationality: France. He set up a line of fortified outposts from the Persian Gulf all the way to the Malaccan Strait, the most In the New World, Spanish conquistadors accomplished the "taming of America" by subduing various Native American groups. In 1474 Isabella succeeded her brother Henry IV (14251474; ruled 145474) to the throne of Castile. A new royal house, the Tudors, began with this marriage. Yet she also spent excessive amounts of money on the "Cult of Gloriana," staging grand pageants and spectacles to impress the English people. Monarchs (kings and queen with supreme rule) in France, England, and Spain responded to the chaotic situation in Europe by consolidating their power. He records that in the year 1228, "a certain Archbishop of Armenia the Greater came on a pilgrimage to England to see the relics of the saints, and visit the sacred places in the kingdom, as he had done in others; he also produced letters of recommendation from his Holiness the Pope, to the religious and the prelates of the churches, in which . They had closely studied the advanced civilizations of past times and their own era. Land occupied by churches, monasteries (houses for men called monks, who dedicated themselves to the religious life), and Beginning in the late fifteenth century, Europeans took to the seas in search of riches in the East. in North America. In pursuit of the second he led France, in 1635, into the Thirty Years' War (16181648), a series of conflicts fought mainly in Germany over many social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). The emperor now controlled Rome and had power over the pope. All lands to the east would belong to Portugal and all lands to the west would belong to Spain. In 1328 his nephew, Philip VI (12931350; ruled 132850), took the throne as the first king from the Valois (pronounced val-WAH) family, a branch of the Capetians. Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. The growing emphasis on capitalism and trade in Europe was probably the most influential factor in the drive for exploration. KingRider. In the eleventh century Christian states in the north of Spain, even though they were not unified, took advantage of Muslim unrest and set out to recapture territories conquered by the Moors. More than 80,000 people were deported. Moorish farming techniques brought the dry land to life. Now he accepted a number of Lutheran doctrines, such as rejection of the pope as God's sole representative on Earth. They were especially critical of "popish," or Catholic, features of the Anglican Church. Many of the Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. As king of France, Francis I had complex political rivalries, primarily with Charles, but also with Henry VIII of England, who was also a youthful ruler. Alba had Egmont and Hoorn executed along with perhaps twelve thousand other rebels. Henry VIII, whose heart had never really been in the war, also quickly came to terms with Charles. Most German intellectuals were at first in sympathy with the new order in France, hoping that the defeat of royal absolutism in western Europe would lead to its decline in central Europe as well. timer. Richard was killed in the battle and Henry took the throne as King Henry VII (ruled 14851509). This move shocked and offended most Christians in Europe, even many of Francis's longtime supporters. When the Renaissance began in the mid-fourteenth century in Italy, Europe was divided into hundreds of independent states, each with its own laws and customs. Moorish architects renewed cities with intricately decorated mosques, lush gardens, and paved streets. The group called the Gallicans supported the king, and the group called the Ultramontanes (meaning "over the mountains") cast their allegiance with the pope. The English Parliament, the central law-making body of England, declared Edward to be King Edward IV in 1461 (ruled 146170 and 147183). During the Inquisition thousands of non-Christians were killed by mobs, while thousands more tried to save their own lives by converting to Christianity. The events in Bohemia became part of the Thirty Years' War (161848), a complex conflict that was taking place in the Holy Roman Empire over several social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). The Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer was based on Cranmer's second version, but it was modified to allow individual worshipers Hotels are a thing in Sri Lanka too and they come in many flavours. The war between Spain and France continued until 1559, when Italy was placed under Habsburg rule by the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis. At the time of his death, the French crown was six million livres in debt. Game Info. Medina-Sidonia had been ordered not to engage in battle with the English until he had made contact with Parma. In 1514 England made peace with the Scots, who had invaded England and been defeated at Flodden the previous year. Practicing Jews were segregated and forced to wear an identifying badge. In 1555 Charles officially turned rule of the Netherlands over to Philip. Half of the Armada was lost and so was Philip's dream of making England into a Catholic province. The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. The grand tour of Europe, which often included extended visits to Rome and Florence, became part of the education of young English aristocrats and gentlemen. Most reforms took place in Castile, the larger and stronger of the two kingdoms. The final push for Italian unification came in 1859, led by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia (then the wealthiest and most liberal of the Italian states), and orchestrated by Piedmont-Sardinia's Prime Minister, Count Camillo di Cavour. Yet the Jews found Berber conquests even more threatening. The tribes formed their own kingdom, sometimes called the Visigoth Kingdom of Toulouse, which spread across southern Spain to claim . But Medina-Sidonia made a fatal mistake on the night of August 7. A major threat to Elizabeth's security were various plots associated with Mary Stuart (15421587), queen of Scots (ruled Scotland, 154267). In Rise of Kingdoms, Lyceum of Wisdom is the place where you can come and answer a lot of trivia quizzes regarding the game itself and the world history in general and earn a lot of valuable rewards. Although Francis had able military advisers, he failed to score a victory. Statutes (laws) passed by the Reformation Parliament in 1533 and 1534 named the king Supreme Head of the Church and cut all ties with the papacy. Reigns were either dated from the day a ruler was elected king ( Philip of Swabia, Rudolf of Habsburg) or crowned king ( Otto IV, Henry VII, Louis IV, Charles IV). Philip's grandson, Louis IX (12141270; ruled 122670), had a long reign. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Many people supported Mary's restoration of the Catholic faith, believing that Edward's reign had gone too far in abolishing cherished ceremonies and beliefs. and the southwestern United States. democratic rule. She was burned at the stake in 1431. Charles's advisers bribed the German princes who served as electors, however, and in 1519 Charles took office as Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. As both the king of Spain and head of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles was now the most powerful ruler in Europe. James was married to Anne of Denmark. Denied land routes to some of their most treasured goods, the Europeans had to find a route to Asia in the uncharted oceans. The city surrendered and Catalonia was restored to Spain. The Iberians were followed by the Carthaginians. The main problem was that Charles was a foreigner. The English Protestant queen, Elizabeth I, was worried about the Catholic advance in the Low Countries. Ten years later, France declared bankruptcy (a lack of funds to pay bills). Tensions between Spain and the Ottomans had reached a peak in the mid-1500s. quest for new territories and markets in the East (see "The age of European exploration" section later in this chapter). 1 France And Germany Were Both Once Part Of What Kingdom? He took complete control of Naples by 1504. The destruction was so great that the Spanish invasion was delayed for a year. 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