the excerpt most directly expresses an economic perspective that, the ideas expressed in the excerpt emerged most directly from larger intellectual debate over the, d. relationship between the federal government and the states, the language and themes of the excerpt were most directly inspired by the. Which of the following historical situations can best be used to explain how the excerpt would have been interpreted at the time? Georgia is sort of the odd man out here. Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? And eventually cotton would come to dominate. E: They supported the passage of Black codes to ensure their economic and political rights. which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed? modelo: It has been called the Lost Colony because when resupply ships returned less than five years later, it had been entirely abandoned. Answer B: The desire for better relations with Mexico Combine 9 and 10 by making 9 a noun clause (using whoever). He himself was a Quaker, but did not intend on Pennsylvania to become a Quakers paradise. Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! B: northern California D: Debates about the role of religion in society and government, C Disagreements over whether to allow slavery in new territories, "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. Imagnate que trabajas en un restaurante como mesero (a). 22. Answer B: Manifest Destiny The belief in White cultural and political superiority, "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. The success of the Haitian revolution was most directly attributed to which of the following? . how national leaders attempted to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories. And finally, we will tie all this info together by providing you with specific examples of how the lovely people at the College Board have asked about the 13 colonies in previous versions of the APUSH exam. Unfortunately this almost led to their demise. Answer A: sought to prevent Japan from forming a naval alliance with the British empire This would obviously become an important model for things to come. B The use of land for settled agriculture was preferable to its use for nomadic hunting. But they did share a number of similarities as well. Whereas the colonists of New Hampshire were looking for new ventures and new horizons, those of Rhode Island were looking to escape religious persecution taking place in Massachusetts. Me trae unos cubiertos por favor? (B) confusing\ The colonists wanted to escape this for sure. The provisions of the peace treaty ending the Spanish-American War. Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! . ____________________________________________________. Its cheapness and flexibility meant that the car became less of a symbol of wealth and leisure than an affordable adjunct to The land that would come to be known as Rhode Island was originally settled by the Dutch and was part of the colony of New Netherlands. Answer B: rights to mineral wealth and resources in the new territories The point of view of this newspaper most clearly reflects. Options: A The end of the Spanish-American War B Westward expansion C The booming internal slave trade D: Increased manufacturing Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 45 B Westward Expansion Answer B: opposition to women's rights Analyze the origins and development of slavery in Britains North American colonies in the period 1607 to 1776.. The correct answer is C: Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism If you need to review this topic further, check out ouressay on commercial rivalry. in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution. Write the letter for the word that best completes each sentence. However, unlike the Chesapeake region, money was not the number one concern of those living in the area, religion was. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson B: The sale of land to settlers at low cost It can be a little daunting getting them all straight, especially since they each had their own identities, histories, places of origin, etc. . After their first several years, nearly 80 percent of the population had perished from starvation or battle. And second, the representative government that formed in Connecticut created the first constitution of sorts. The territorial changes shown in the southwestern region of the map most directly resulted from It started off as a proprietary (these were colonies that the king of queen gave to allies and were ruled by people in place of the British crown) colony granted by the king of England in 1632 to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore. 1. (A) Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods, (B) Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations, (C) Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism, (D) Protecting them from American Indian attacks. . C. The competition between Spanish and English colonizers. B > LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE : la vue sur l'ocan ; Prix : 768000eur The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for Englands North American colonies? After gaining the territory from the Dutch, the King of England gave the land to his brother, the Duke of York (thus, the name). This is the tragedy lingering on the margins and infesting the heart of American history from Appomattox to World War I." First, they began planting tobacco in 1612 which became a huge cash crop. Second, this was the age of mercantilism. which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the excerpt's depiction of reactions to slave rebellions? Stick with this ultimate AP US History guide to the 13 colonies and well get you that much closer to earning a 5 on your exam! Much like New Hampshire this New England colony was created as an offshoot of Massachusetts. Speech by Secretary of State George Marshall initiating the aid program known as the Marshall Plan, 1947 Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race. [I]t is professed and talked about to erect these Mexicans into a Territorial Government, and place them on an equality with the people of the United States. But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. Contesta que s a las preguntas de los clientes. North Carolina was filled with smaller, struggling farms that ultimately aimed for survival. c. pungent Catholics were commonly persecuted and being a Catholic himself, Lord Baltimore wanted his Maryland colony to be a safe haven for religious tolerance. Identify the correct term or person from the chapter that best fits each of the following descriptions. Which of the following best characterizes the "sectional reunion" Blight describes? Answer C: Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. which of the following evidence did the American Temperance society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement? Failures like this (even Jamestown almost starved itself into nonexistence!) (10) They were ejected from their seats into the hallway. Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, letter to R. L. Sanderson, 1871 . Just remember for the APUSH exam, that New Jersey and New York or almost exactly the same. Answer A: States' rights "The Model T was the car of the century, transforming motoring for millions. Which of the following was a common justification in the United States for the trend depicted in the map? After 1863, which of the following most fulfilled the "new birth of freedom" that the excerpt refers to? a. European precedents along with an American national culture, the historical concept of the American identity, as characterized in the excerpt, was most clearly distinguished from the identities of other nations by the, a. importance of liberal ideas about natural rights and liberties. Answer C: The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. But still nobody really wanted to live there, so the British army built a fort and Georgia became sort of a buffer between Spanish Florida and the British 13 colonies. answer choices The state governments needed more power to solve the issues the nation was facing after the American Revolution. Finding excellent water supplies and fertile land for agriculture, these settlers founded the colony in 1636. The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? . C Glad you found it helpful we dont have plans to do one on the 50 states right now but maybe in the future. A: Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the, passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act. From these two circle, draw more branches and circles in which you will include examples. Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 And the colonies began to look more diverse as time went on. Increasing divisions between North and South because of questions about the status of slavery in new territories . Participation in the First World War Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 The excerpt from James Henry Hammond is most clearly an example of which of the following developments in the mid-19th century? The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for new england's north american colonies integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism one direct long term effect of the navigation act was that it contributed to the rise of opposition that ultimately fostered the independence movement . Their government was tied to the one in Massachusetts; they created small communities of farmer families, and relied on agriculture and timber for profit. "Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, though they are hourly expected; and [the United States has], as an evidence of [its] friendly intentions . D: The absence of racism in antebellum New England, B The paragraph below consists entirely of simple sentences. Increasing legal immigration for Asians because the United States became a Pacific Rim country, C Increasing divisions between North and South because of questions about the status of slavery in new territories, APUSH Unit 5 Practice Exam Questions & Answers, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, . . Having mastered these, gather up your family and GoWest!" Which of the following developments from the 1800s emerged from ideas most similar to those expressed in the excerpt? Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? During Reconstruction, which of following was a change that took place in the South? Answer A: The rise in immigration to the United States Those who lived in Connecticut elevated religious purity to the highest level, similar to those in Massachusetts. So, remember these three central themes about the 13 colonies for your upcoming APUSH exam. Answer A: Conflict over the future of slavery Answer A: Each was given 40 acres of land and a mule by the Union government. The above excerpt most directly reflects which predominant view of the Native American by the New England colonists by the mid- to late 1600s? Answer B: creation of new agencies to ensure racial integration in employment - Le sirve un caf a mis esposa, por favor. The Republican party originated in the mid-1850's as a sectional party committed to which of the following? d. the use of federal government funding for internal improvements. b. the emergence of new ideas about the proper roles of husbands and wives. The Republican Party of the 1850s took which of the following positions on slavery? Which of the following best describes the situation of freedom in the decade following the Civil War? The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions, "The Vigilance Committee of Boston inform you that the MOCK TRIAL of the poor Fugitive Slave has been further postponed. To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. The wartime repression of civil liberties ; B. Answer A: The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent Which of the following events best represents a continuity of the sentiments expressed by Senator Calhoun in the speech? . Answer B: was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities Explain why Bone might compare a tombstone carver to a historian. a. slaveholders became more insistent that maintaining the slave system was essential to protecting the South and its way of life. What does he gain and what does he lose with this approach? Then the drills and sheetings of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, and other manufactures of the United States, may be transported to China in thirty days; and the teas and rich silks of China, in exchange, come back to New Orleans, to Charleston, to Washington, to Baltimore, to Philadelphia, New York, and to Boston, in thirty days more." (A) unmistakable\ Answer A: establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights C Westward expansion was both inevitable and beneficial. brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo [Tokyo] in the ensuing spring with a much larger force." Why do you think the commentaries are so significant to many Jews? . the sentiments described in the excerpt best reflect which of the following developments? As successes in farming and family life led to growth in the Massachusetts colony, colonists moved north to the New Hampshire area, but also went south towards the Connecticut River. (4) The teacher was not there. . Which gave them a sense of independence from the crownsomething that would keep getting stronger over time. Start your AP exam prep today. Answer B: The federal government removed troops from the South and eliminated aid for former slaves. Answer C: campaign by the federal government to eliminate poverty The battle went on for 100 years until 1750 when the border was finally defined. The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations? D: White laborers in the North and African American farmers in the South joined together in the Populist movement. . "[W]ith a railroad to the Pacific, and thence to China by steamers, can be performed in thirty days, being now a distance of nearly seventeen thousand miles. It is the judgment of this court that it appears . which of the following factors best supports the argument in the excerpt? . . Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations c. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism d. Protecting them from American Indian attacks c . This also almost led to its downfall until tobacco started bringing in the dough. or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857 . In a two-column chart, list the policies of Richard Nixon that promoted change and those that slowed it down. But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. D: Manifest Destiny, (map) from which sprang the institutions under which we live. D: desegregation of the United States armed forces, Answer A: establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights. The conflict described in the excerpt is most similar to conflict in what other period? Also like Virginia, this led to the increase of labor needs and the eventual exploitation of enslaved Africans. people who shared the views expressed in the excerpt most likely opposed which of the following? Answer C: opposition to states' rights (C) The people of the Philippines were unprepared and unfit to govern themselves. b. the immorality of slavery had a widespread corrupting effect on southern culture. Answer B: capitalism was the economic system most likely to generate wealth and happiness for the most people So, even though the South increasingly relied on slavery, when the New England colonies did not, profit was still a central goal. Answer 4: D The values expressed in the above excerpt most clearly reflect individualism, as they emphasize the rights and freedoms of the individual to worship, express their opinions, gather peacefully, and associate freely with others. Art from the Home Front Create a sculpture, painting, or drawing that expresses the experience or feelings of someone who has watched a loved one go off to War. Isolationism prior to the Second World War, B Which of the following most directly contributed to "the sharp increase of immigration after 1845" referenced in the excerpt? Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods b. D:The start of the women's rights movement, Answer A: The rise in immigration to the United States, "The American Republicans of the city and county of Philadelphia, who are determined to support the NATIVE [White, Protestant] AMERICANS in their Constitutional Rights of peaceably assembling to express their opinions on any question of Public Policy, and to SUSTAIN THEM AGAINST THE ASSAULTS OF ALIENS AND FOREIGNERS are requested to assemble on MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 6th, 1844 at 4 o'clock, at the corner of Master and Second street, Kensington [a section of Philadelphia], to express their indignation [anger] at the outrage on Friday evening last, which was perpetrated by the Irish Catholics." I protest utterly against such a project." During Reconstruction, a major economic development in the South was the. a. bland Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt? Manifest Destiny "Article 2: [T]he United States now solemnly agrees that no persons. C: The exclusion of immigrants from Asia Disagreements over whether to allow slavery in new territories. a. the formation of new political parties. Asa Whitney, merchant, "National Railroad, Connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean," memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, 1845 David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? But whats important to note for the APUSH exam is how similarly this history is to the rest of the Middle Coloniesin fact, most of the main actors are even the same! Much like Virginia to the South, this is the most important colony in the northern region of Englands 13 colony experiment. Answer B: The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War D: the Mexican-American War, (map 2) Based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? The Jungle most directly contributed to which of the following? b. the federal government sought to acquire more western land in North America. The free laborer must work or starve. , , Transcendentalist Quote Identification Test. Eventually, however, the area did fall into the hands of the British in 1664. . . (C) That grace was grounds for social revolution. The statement most directly reflects the following economic principles and contradicts which other are John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility, Adam Smith's free enterprise . The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? which of the following groups would most likely have supported this proposed amendment? "On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. D: Abolitionist activism, "For a few years in the 1850s, ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue. The other options, such as economic equality and private property, are not directly addressed in the excerpt. Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? In what ways was he least conservative? D: The passage of legislation by southern states intended to nullify federal laws, C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "We, therefore, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commoditiesare unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State." During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the, granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods. 5. Policies favoring immigration All of the following contributed to Northern fear of a slave power conspiracy in the 1840s and 1850s EXCEPT the. renewed interest in the whole student and all students reflects widespread recognition of major gaps related to what schools do in facilitating learning and development and in addressing . this reservation for the use of said Indians. (A) Outward acts of goodness could earn grace. A. . B: Tensions between isolationism and international engagement d. the slave system gave poor White citizens the feeling of social superiority over free and enslaved African Americans in a culture where African Americans help little power. The developments described in the excerpt most directly reflect which of the following changes in the 1920s? D This excerpt is taken from journalist John L. O'Sullivan's 1845 essay "Annexation," in which he Answer C: Increasing cultural influence of European Romanticism in the United States Answer A: Growing concern about the political and cultural influence of Catholic immigrants . Newspaper headlines such as those above most directly contributed to which of the following? Answer C: New political alliances united northern and southern members of the Democratic Party to win control of both houses in Congress. When England gained the territory from the Dutch in 1664, it was to be governed by the Duke of York as well. They weakened the protections given to African Americans under the Fourteenth Amendment. A: coastal South Carolina The acquisition of territory in the southwestern region shown in the map intensified controversies in the United States about . Based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? The intelligence and organizational skills of its leaders: 37: 9199044217: 39. Youre welcome, Maxwell! Ultimately, neither industry nor agriculture dominated the economy, the population was diverse, and there was no religious monopoly. The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent, "[I am] commanded to explain to the Japanese that. B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. b. westward expansion which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War? D: Greater opportunities for free African Americans, Answer A: Conflict over the future of slavery, "The American Republicans of the city and county of Philadelphia, who are determined to support the NATIVE [White, Protestant] AMERICANS in their Constitutional Rights of peaceably assembling to express their opinions on any question of Public Policy, and to SUSTAIN THEM AGAINST THE ASSAULTS OF ALIENS AND FOREIGNERS are requested to assemble on MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 6th, 1844 at 4 o'clock, at the corner of Master and Second street, Kensington [a section of Philadelphia], to express their indignation [anger] at the outrage on Friday evening last, which was perpetrated by the Irish Catholics." C: Manifest Destiny (9) Some students talked. . which of the following was an interpretation of the speech by opponent of the goals Clay expressed in the excerpt? Albert E. Cowdrey, historian, This Land, This South: An Environmental History, 1983 Answer B: All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation. Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans. The image most directly reflects which of the following during the Spanish colonial era? Plus the land was rich and fertile. D: Isolationism, (map) Briefly explain why ONE of the following options most clearly marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the outbreak of the Civil War. They therefore humbly beseech your honors to give this petition its due weight and consideration and cause an act of the legislature to be passed whereby they may be restored to the enjoyments of that which is the natural right of all men." Answer A: Gilded Age financial policies encouraged economic growth in the North and the South. A. c. additional restrictions were placed on enslaved and free African Americans. Without the 13 colonies there would be no AP United States History. After 1863, which of the following most fulfilled the "new birth of freedom" that the excerpt refers to? And in several of the 13 colonies, the idea of religious tolerance was seen as an important asset. But there are two ideas that you really want to get down for your APUSH exam. the national identity described in the excerpt most strongly reflects the influence of which of the following? Which of the following conflicts raised the most similar concerns about the violation of civil rights as did World War I? Answer A: slavery was immoral Answer A: Abolitionism The realization that without American aid, Hitler might conquer all of Europe. Decreasing tensions between White settlers and Native Americans because expanded United States territory undercut competition The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement, appealed to a varied constituency of reformers, The Prohibition movement was similar to other Progressive reforms because it, began on the local and state levels before becoming national. Answer A: The period from after the Seven Years' War through the 1760s Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917? answer choices. B Kickstartyour AP US History prepwith Albert. Native Americans had an admirable system of law. What does the author imply by the phrase, "not one of the rights that the citizens of this country are called upon to surrender in time of war"? This was the first successful British colony in North American and a topic you are simply going to have to know if you want to ace your APUSH exam. 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