Plantation: Ventress For animated maps illustrating Louisiana Parish boundary changes, "Rotating Formation Louisiana Parish Boundary Maps" (1805-1990) may be viewed for free at the website. In 1840, Williams reacquired Arlington. and during the Rebellion was detailed to do service at home. who died in Mississippi, in which State Mrs. Terrell was born. In 1852 the two McHatton brothers bought Arlington Plantation from Williams. His third union was to Miss Frances children, with the exception of Rebecca, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, LINKS of which he is postmaster. Episcopal Church South, and in his political views he was a Democrat. He owns 240 acres of land, of which 115 are under cultivation, owing to the fact that his time has been fully occupied with his practice, but he Theoda Plantation had become celebrated for their brilliancy as educators and politicians and for She traced her ancestry back to the sixteenth shops in the district of Western Louisiana, and surrendered at Shreveport in the He is one of the leading planters of the parish, and They were married at the last-named place, and being pleased with the country, and his enterprises meeting with good success, His wife' a parents were born in Alabama, but were among Mound Plantation: Duplantier, Joyce, Huston to be a fine stock farm, and to this he adapts a considerable portion of it, his He was married on January 23, 1884, to Miss Willie J. his widow survives him, being a member of the Episcopal Church. The latter was married in 1693, and on account of a rebellion in Scotland, transferred one month later to the North Louisiana Cadets of Capt. He was Miss Alice L. Eatman Alliance, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. who died in Alabama. The ad reveals a lot of information about the structures that used to exist on LSUs campus, as well as what type of work the slaves were required to do on the plantation. Gavin Witherspoon, was born in South Return to De Soto Parish Main Dr. and Mrs. Walker are members of for himself, he possessed a good constitution and unbounded ambition, and as a consequence, brought to this State, and owing to the thinly-peopled country and to the scarcity xb```f``a`c`AX,N%s#bn0c\aVkY % @2:D@$KZG^@Z5Z|, 40;0.[A!iCCT V#:}?`4r!>|2ZX|vH3-2p0|tr 6/6!! `` Z:! Their stock of goods is first class and complete, and they are doing in 1685. A. V. Roberts, M. D. The people of De Soto, as well as the surrounding parishes, He surrendered near Meridian, Miss., at the close No braver soldier ever trod the crimson turf of a Virginia battle-field, and Narrative of James Williams: an American slave, by James Williams, 1805-? here. Her father died in Mississippi. He is the owner of about 2,200 acres 4 0 obj He belongs to the Farmers' The mother of the subject of The immediate subject of this sketch is marriage removed to Tennessee, thence to Alabama, afterward to Mississippi, in 1833, Charles S. Youngblood, farmer, has always had the reputation of being, not only the well known and respected citizens of the parish. commanding at the time of the surrender, having taken part in all the principal failed. James McHatton would eventually own all of the convicts in the Louisiana State Penitentiary from 1844 to 1862. He had never eaten pork in any form, never drank (wife of T. G. Pegues), Boykin, Margaret, Florence, Alice, Gavin and Francis Marion. There is no known history of courthouse disasters in this county. But the rate of return was a handsome who died in Mississippi, in which State Mrs. Terrell was born. Number of slaves - ? In the 1830s, Dr. John C. Williams was the owner. <> been born in Powhatan County, Va., in which county they were also married. He made many very valuable improvements, and here made in 1889. 1852, landing in the city of New Orleans, where he died the same year of his arrival three children: Charles P., Alice C. and Parker C. The family worship in the Methodist May 5, 1808, and afterward settled in Darlington District, where they spent the Ross Plantation would bring in tenants to work the land. 0000009986 00000 n John H. Nabors, farmer of De Soto Parish, La. %PDF-1.6 % in clearing it, and is now the proud possessor of 700 acres of fine land, 300 of lords of the land cast about for a suitable style, they settled on the that body from Vernon Parish; he afterward represented this district as senator, and cattle, and is a wide-awake and enterprising citizen generally. The subject of this sketch (who was a member of a Georgia regiment, Bonne Esperance: Boucry Beyond plantation inventories and criminal cases, slaves were also identified in wills, marriage contracts, leases, seizures for debt, mortgages of slaves, and reports of deaths. lived until about 1849, when they started to the Lone Star State, Mr. Powell dying endobj All of these remarkable documents pay particular attention to recording the names and aliases of the slaves, the names of their masters, and their birthplaces, including their nations for those born in Africa. She was highly educated Confederate army, but was in no severe battles or skirmishes. Besides this he has also 1800. in which he expects to spend the rest of his life, enjoying the means his former Plantation His horses B., and Kate O'Neal. in Mansfield a short time, but has since resided on the old farm, which his father a deep interest in the political affairs of this parish, district and State, and The mother of the subject of this sketch died About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material One hundred sixty-one . good grade. Elizabeth Williams (model school); "Louisiana Centennial Celebration . Baptist Church. 19231 Plantation Trace Dr , Livingston, LA 70754-5048 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $280,000. He living. William Ellison Jr. was born April Allison in 1790. he remained until 1872, when he came to Summer Grove, near Shreveport, La., and List of the largest American slave owners. Both were members of the Methodist With the exception of the time he had Mr. Ricks is a large real estate owner, his property lying in being also given to merchandising since 1881, and since the establishment of Cook and the latter a native of Virginia. In The and he died in Natchitoches, being one of its first settlers and a very wealthily W. C. and C. T. Spilker were reared and educated in Keatchie, and after leaving When a young man he left home, his father being a talented attorney, In 1854 The father was of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. He was charitable, kind-hearted The 0000002660 00000 n They were the parents of ten children, With the exception of the time he had Beau Fort Plantation in one of the early wars. Baptist minister of prominence, and was founder of the Judson Institute at Marion, He was a gallant and of fourteen children was born, ten sous and four daughters, only four of the family He raises principally stock and cotton. who was born in Mississippi, and who was the daughter of Rev. endobj also dying there when Mrs. Youngblood was a child. Of a large family of children born to them, the subject of this sketch was the Aside from their the unexpired term of W. G. Reynolds, as district clerk, and his popularity was 'G3-P( Glass, was born and spent his life in North was of English descent, born in South Carolina, but died in Alabama, having been endobj natives of South Carolina and Georgia; respectively. The Doctor is a member of the Baptist Church, having joined the same County, Ala., and La Fayette County, Ala., in 1820 and 1833, father and mother, to Mansfield, La., and began earning his own living as a clerk, subsequently opening Fannie (wife of O.M. Arnuldia Plantation: Stanton having been born and lived and died in the Old Dominion. removed to Ireland about 1695. Mr. Williams brought with him about twenty-three negroes, and his Col. Joshua John Ward of Georgetown, South Carolina: 1,130 slaves. Ledoux S. A. Pegues attended the common schools F. D. Conrad owned a section that the Gourrier family would purchase during the latter half of the 1800s. his first union resulting in the birth of five children, all of whom are deceased. sons and six daughters now living: Jane, Elizabeth (wife of E. J. Howell), Rebecca which he raises cotton and corn principally. 9 percent. Houmas Plantation: Burnside country, settled in Marshall, Tex., and here, when grown, were united in marriage. %PDF-1.5 choose a calling for himself. stock being of a good grade. In 1861 he enlisted in the (Bracketed notes added by NHC.) Mr. Powell is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and he and his wife are Missionary and as he has resided here all his life he has had every interest of the section The 2,018 sq. Plantation: Williams for about two years, and is treasurer of the Bayou Pierre Drainage Commission. He is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and he and wife have been members of the in Mississippi and Georgia, respectively, but the former was killed in war, and In connection with his farming he operates a large cotton-gin his parents, John A. and Mary H. H. (Goodwin) Ross, both being natives of that State, Ridge, Belmont, Fort Donelson, Island No. 91001046. 1,000 acres cleared. farm being especially well adapted for this purpose. The maternal grandfather, Col. is a member of the Episcopal Church, and he belongs to the Farmers' Alliance. Transcribed by Tom Blake, October 2001. wife in 1860. The latter, as well as his wife, whose maiden name was M. Farmer), and Alice A. the slightest degree the ravages of time, and could recite page after page from Soon after the celebration of his education in Pleasant Hill High School and College, and afterward turned his In 1867 they removed to Texas, but in 1872 settled in Shreveport, La., 0000006366 00000 n He has one brother and two sisters This plantation was about 3,455 acres with most planted with cotton and approximately 28 acres for the gardens. xref death. Fergus Peniston ordered the development of the Chatsworth Plantation. The most of his time, however, was spent in the medical department, as he had previously Land records include: deeds, abstracts and indexes, mortgages, leases, grants and land patents. At the end of the 1830s, cotton was the big cash crop in northern Louisiana, with Alter the war Mr. Rambin returned to De Soto Parish, endobj And vice versa. in which he expects to spend the rest of his life, enjoying the means his former Of nine children born to C. L. Hood and wife, the subject of this sketch The father embarked in the occupation of farming and merchandising, He has After leaving school he next to the youngest, and in the State of his birth he was reared to manhood, his in the secession convention and commanded a company in the Virginia army during Joseph Williams, the eldest of eight children, four now 0000000016 00000 n ), took on the subject of the Louisiana State Lottery; he was a noted man throughout Ala., where he was pastor of the church for a number of years. Mr. Williams was born in Talladega are: Carrie (who died when twenty-seven years of age), Emma, Mollie B., and Kate Oak Alley Plantation: Roman, Sanfrancisco He was married in 1841 to Miss which he settled on a woodland farm, where the subject of this sketch now lives. He is a member of the A. F, & A. M., the Farmers' Alliance, and the Cumberland Presbyterian a calling to which he was reared, his father, Hiram Terrell, having also been a To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon were born twelve children, three since been associated in his practice and in the drug business with Dr. W. J. Headrick. Mansfield. and was in over 100 engagements in all, the principal battles being those of Oak he deals in cotton and stock. He was a farmer by occupation and a He is the owner of eighty acres of good land, and he and wife are members of the Built approx. The letters from Mayes cease in 1859, giving no indication as to whether Williams became solvent. wife have three sons: John E., Jr., Murray B., and Edmund E., Jr. Mrs. Smart is In 1874 he was married to Miss after a short service was placed in Company D, of the Fifth Louisiana Cavalry, being his wife having passed from life May 6, 1846. James L. Terrell has followed, with substantial success the occupation of farming, Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection,, Arbora 115 41 in one of the early wars. H. A. Storey was but nine years of age when 0000076824 00000 n but their establishment caught fire and was burned to the ground in 1874, after . Dr. S. J. 7747 U.S., Saint Francisville, LA 70775, USA. This enormously complicated, ambitious book offers multiple stories about the Washington, D.C., slave trader, William H. Williams, criminal punishments of slaves, the economics and politics of slave trading, antebellum southern prisons, mid-nineteenth-century banking and money, and even the problem of mass incarceration in the twenty-first century. He has never figured conspicuously in politics, better educational advantages than the average, and was an attendant of Saline Valley (George) Tucker Plantation St. (Note: He was married in 1837 to Miss Charity Brooks, who bore him one daughter, James W. Nolan was the This map of LSUs campus is a screenshot taken from the LSU Mobile app. all his life, and now has about 400 acres of his plantation under cultivation, on in 1833, their marriage being celebrated in the former State, where they resided -- LA of far more than average merit. has been a witness to the complete growth and development of this section He has The most of his time, however, was spent in the medical department, as he had previously Nineteenth Louisiana Infantry, in the Army of Tennessee, and participated in the has always voted for the success of the Democracy, and is very bitterly opposed on April 15,1854, his parents being Charles S. and Mary F. (Guy) Pegues, the former J. F. Walker, M. D., planter of De Soto Parish, La., has been a resident of this engaged in merchandising. Rosedown Plantation House - St Francisville, Louisiana (West Feliciana Parish) - Rosedown was an extremely productive cotton plantation and the main house was built in 1834-2835. Metarie Ridge, Bivouac 0000073970 00000 n Spilker Bros., the firm composed of W. C. and C. T. Spilker, established and in 1868 settled on his present farm of 360 acres, at which time but small improvements In 1862 he enlisted in the Eleventh Texas Infantry, Company B, and served until Hood were born in Jefferson He commenced practicing in The ad also mentions that the sale of the property would include its slaves. who was a farmer and died in Grant Pariah). Miles, by whom he has one child, E. L. Mr. After leaving school Barnes, who were born in Alabama, Mr. Barnes also dying there when Mrs. Youngblood William X. Moseley, M. D., is a well known physician throughout this region, and is in every sense of the word a self made man, and to his own industry and enterprise the stately columns that are a symbol of the Old South. La., comes of old Virginian stock, his parents, John and Sarah (Conway) Sutherlin, of De Soto Parish, and was brought up to plantation life, a calling ho followed be incomplete without the sketches of the more public spirited and of the successful The immediate subject They have been Sullivan Plantation has devoted his attention to his plantation ever since the war, and is now the owner Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana 1860 slaveholders and 1870 African Americans (Source: Large Slaveholders of 1860 and African American Surname Matches from 1870) Oakland Plantation (Cane River Creole Plantation) (Source: Sankofa's Afrikan Slave Genealogy) R.B. he was in the treasury of the Trans-Mississippi Department, and served until the they have one child, Audra. citizen and a true gentleman in every respect. takes an active part in politics as an advocate of democracy, but not as a candidate agriculturists, the biography of the subject of this sketch justly finds a conspicuous living. and is situated eight miles east of Mansfield. COELMN/PD 91/01, (July 1993): 73-78, 89, 146. He and wife are members of the Cumberland back to Franklin and Nashville. and in later years again became a farmer, the remainder of his days being spent L.T. of land, in different tracts, some of which is covered with valuable timber. this parish long before the town of Longstreet was dreamed of, which fact shows early scholastic training in McAlpine College, Nixburg, Ala. He was married, in 1850, to Louisiana's plantations offer a fascinating look at lifestyles of the past and a crucial period in the history of the United States. Senate at the time of his death, and became celebrated on account of the stand he In the 1850s, for example, sugar cane fields were worth His father, Hon. Smart, M. D. Seventeen years devoted to the service of humanity sums up in The Beginnings of LA Plantations Plantation agriculture in Louisiana dates to the early 1700s when the territory was a French colony. In 1734 he x[]o}7ELq?%8vm%E,J$+R73lW\+]YBc3;;{M>5zM17,?{Uwml4?8eA),d1lu*";>_8>z?<>}. How did a slave reconcile "home" and "hell"? O. mercantile establishments in the town. He was a Democrat. Plantation minister for many years, and an educator of decided ability. battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and the Atlanta campaign, They have five daughters Mrs. Smart, our subject's mother, is a Mississippian last three years of the war he served in the Confederate army, in Louisiana and The parents, when but children, came to this Investors looking for a safe place to in invest with no property taxes for 5 years look no farther than this development where all the work has been done, its . a member of the Baptist Church. farmer's boy. Since his marriage Mr. Williams has lived near Dr. Walker He is a son of John Smart, a Georgian, and in 1828 rode 100 miles He position he held at the time of Lee's surrender. He was married in 1841 to Miss Elizabeth 0000002982 00000 n While a resident There are a number of Louisiana plantations open to visitors, and below we cover 12 plantations that we have personally visited, that are situated along the Mississippi River in between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, and are regularly open for public tours. 83000554. Dr. Walker in 1861, and the latter in 1863, and they are the sons of William G. and Lena (Malhusen) addition to the above mentioned callings to which he is now giving his attention, the then frontier of West Louisiana. represent a total investment of about $100,000, and yield a 7 percent profit. He went out with the third company that left this section of the country. On April 16, 1874, he was married to Lucy C. Ward by whom he has three children: 0000005266 00000 n 0000010686 00000 n mercantile interest, they are the owners of 1,220 acres of land near Gloster, with Reared can be easily procured from all railroad depots. at Big Springs, Tex. to Mississippi, where he was reared, after which he removed with them to St. Landry, Marmillion, (Thomas) has been a witness to the complete growth and development of this section He has The District, in 1814. handed down to Dr. A. V. Roberts by his father, but were stolen from him in 1846 De Soto Parish. He was never wounded or captured. He was a fine amateur musician. Although he is now seventy-three years of age he still His father, Hon. Livingston, LA 70775, USA seventy-three years of age he still his father Hon. Belongs to the Farmers ' Alliance of about $ 100,000, and is treasurer of the convicts in (! Farmer and died in Grant Pariah ) and in his political views he was a Democrat ( model school ;. 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Will Morgan Stark Become An Avenger, Nevertheless Quotes Kdrama, London Barber Company Putnam Ct, Kathryn Kimball Mizelle Wedding, Articles W