It was simple enough to, the man was easily provoked by Michaels sudden silent appearance, and foolishly followed after the man shouting obscenities and demanding to know who exactly Michael was. The consequence of losin. You woke up in the middle of the night, thinking he had broken in again. "Never teach pure evil warmth for they will never let you go." rde o e oogeyan (Yandere!Michael Myers x Reader) - DISCONTINUED If he was going to be here, he might as well help. "Never teach pure evil warmth for they will never let you go." 29 pages 2 days ago pls give me a hug Out of gas! I know it isnt part of the schedule, but I think we deserve it.. For the first time in his fine career, he had a legitimate challenge. Hoping the pros would outweigh the cons, your raised your fist, and knocked. Jason Voorhees/Reader. It's so dark and menacing, and it fit perfectly with the scene! Author's note(They are important, trust me. This kid wasn't scared. Come on now, it's horrid out here, your going to catch you death. It seems you were right though, because your would be mugger doesnt follow you inside the convenience store. When he comes face to face with the man hes been copying all this time, he doesnt really have a choice but to help him or die. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. So please let me know if possible! Yeah, okay. You opened the door and grimaced as the intensity of the heat outside compared to in the car startled you. He really didnt want to talk about it, especially since you would get so worried about him and start to fret, and then you might accidentally watch him working, and then what? His s/o just sighs and comforts him, runs their hands through his hair, hold him close-, Just ekehdjejehrf soft moments with Bo <3, wow just woke up lol (also i took some angsty liberties if you dont mind). Unfortunately, Michael is intrigued by the idea and wants to see the famed Camp Crystal Lake for himself. Michael stared at the piece of candy the kid gave him. You were now back at his flat, waiting for a good time to try and make your escape. Michael turns to you, unamused. You decided to play along. Disclaimer - Youve already left the store with your treats, in fact in the time it had taken Michael to kill the man, its likely youre already back home, safe and sound in the Old Myers House. Thinking it was just a cat you carry on walking. One day Jaden find out otherwise, and that in fact his best friend isn't just a believer in the supernatural, he is the supernatural. This theme plays when the two trick-or-treaters run into Michael Myers. Besides the fact that this man almost killed you, you were so happy to be back with him. Hey! He follows you down the rural dirt road, and you bang on the first house you find, screaming for help. Its no secret Michael follows you when you on occasion when you go out. Only then did she realize that it was too late. Michael turns to you, unamused. He remembered how you taught him how to control himself, but he still struggled with your breathing techniques. "Hello?" Youre very pretty, he commented. Dad! you shouted, trying not to gag as you said the name. (IMAGE DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!) You were out that door in mere seconds, running, running, and running. A hot stranger lets you in and locks the door behind you, but before he can call for help, Michael kicks in the door. As odd as the hobby is you dont mind it. Shin Gojira Atomic Breath Footage! He could be the best thing that happened to h. Upon the Gaze (Ghostface X Reader 18+) 40 parts Ongoing Mature CLOSED Ongoing Jason Voorhees x Male 22 parts Just as he lifted the chainsaw, readying for his strike, your brain suddenly seemed to remember the concept of running, though not direction. One minute you were talking to Princess Leia about the next plan of action to shooting Stormtroopers with your buddies, blasting each of them away. You've killed all of the ones who were responsible for the death of your family except their boss. You watched as his shoulders slumped and his breathing steadied. (F/N) opened the file and out came a report. Halloween belongs to: John Carpenter. A/N: the second story of my Halloween special. This theme played while we get a scene with Michael, Aaron Korey and Dana at the Prison, I believe. Hell, all houses make creaky noises. Ill tell you later, why dont we go take a nap first? No one dared to.He thought killing you wouldn't be a problem at all.After what happened The Shape formed an odd obsession towards you and once he found you won't be lucky to escape. What was that? (Or, Eli does at least.) im now a descriptive roleplayer; meaning i give 3 to a paragraph length of words, for both sides. A minor retelling of their first meeting, and the budding friendship that grew within the walls of Smith's Grove from Michael's point of view. You opened them back up and placed your fingers on the keys. You relaxed as he leaned into your hand. You yourself had to stop yourself from crying at the scene. You would try to hit him with the pan and make a run for it. Go about a mile or so and if you dont see nothing, come on back.. Three rings later, a voice was heard from the other line. Wow!! You walked in and spun around slowly, admiring the room. If you guys have any suggestions, my ask box is wide open! Yes, you tend to refer to inanimate objects as him, but those rich men call their boats her, so who are they to judge? I.e. At this point you were convinced this was all just some kind of wack dream. Eli accidentally summons Jason which leads to a whole host of problems. You're sitting up in an awkward position and your cat had fallen asleep on your leg. You closed your eyes as you let the sound resonate within you. Neither of you dared to move. Any more questions?, (F/N): No sir. She had somewhat long brownish hair and beautiful blue eyes (I don't know Michael's eye color I just guessed). Fantastic!! He checked there was nobody else around except you two, and collapsed into your arms, sobbing. The goodness in you worried you might have cracked his skull but no time for worrying! Michaella looked at (F/N) in a lustful way. It wasnt like Michael to have the foresight to see the man as little more than a threat to your wallet. At least you weren't screaming at him. Though, you are just as tired as they are. He was more than deserving of death in his eyes. Gryffindor was playing Ravenclaw, and you were of course hoping Gryffindor would win, as that was your house. They said it was alright to stay with them but you wanted to get your own place. He sounded as if he was a small child. A few days later, (F/N) was sitting in Lauries house conversing about Micheal Myers. There was only one lock with a padlock and you memorized the numbers within two days. Your hair has gone white from age, along with your beard, and wrinkles break up the symmetry of your sandpaper skin. and ill play the canon characters, well, some of them, to make it not seem like Im having you play as everyone. You swallowed thickly as you recalled the past few days. Please dont leave me, he whispered, in the child voice once again. Currently washing your sharp knife from the pumpkin carving you noticed someone in the knifes reflection. It was like ifyour great grandmothers kitchen was a house. Home, safe, and completely unaware of the man Michael had just killed for you. It's been three weeks since after you finally killed all the ones responsible but now you wanted to know what you were going to do now. After what seemed like forever, you decided to stop waiting for something to happen and head back to your brother who had probably melted in the heat by now, you were surprised you hadnt. "GO AWAY!" Me: I dont mind Sir I love you, baby boy, he kept repeating. Youd said goodbye to him as youd headed out, and he didnt even seem to have acknowledged your absence. You glanced back at the man who was at the counter, ordering breakfast. Michael Myers gets nailed in an alley way at Halloween Horror Nights 2022 :P, Michael interrupts your TV sessions only for you to fall asleep on him. You feel your eyes start to close as sleep starts to take over. One seemed to be permanently dilated, but both eyes seemed to held the same intensity. Karl was recovering Jason Voorhees forever haunted camp crystal lake. ( Yandere!Michael Myers x reader x Yandere!DBD Killers ) In which a young woman begins her new job as an assistant only to catch the attention of a devil in hibernation. You walked into the room where the piano sat. It was an old house, old houses make creaky noises. Good grief Nonetheless, you walk onward to a destination you werent even sure existed. This could not be happening. The sun is starting to get pretty low., He rolled his eyes. You thought your heart had stopped as you heard a chainsaw start in the house. You didnt know him, yet you feel immense sorrow. 10/10!! She quickly got up and pulled out a large kitchen knife and stabbed him in the gut. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Descbrelo ahora. Slashers X Male Reader Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer) You weren't planning on staying in Texas for long, just a quick stop to fuel up for the road ahead, but against all odds, you met the love of your life. He was a true psychopath in hiding, and damn good at it. Anyone remember The Nightmare before Christmas?) You saw quickly glanced over to your side to see a large man in the middle of climbing into bed with you, though now he was rigid. It would only piss him off more. She was shocked at first, but let you stay with him when he begged her to. Panic began to set it. Marko (Lost Boys)/Reader. I love writing this stuff, but I tend to run out of ideas really quickly. Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor. You do tend to get attached. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. That was the day you met your amazing Bubba Sawyer. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Then he would leave you, his mind said. You continued to drag yourself to the manor, just a few more miles. Note: This takes a bit of inspiration from several of the Halloween movies. You zoned out for long periods of time, the ridiculous heat not helping one bit. A story about you, the reader, who may or may not be a drug dealer of some sorts, and an infamous teenager killing boogeyman that comes into your life by force and doesn't really plan on leaving. Work Search: The next events in your life raced by so fast, you didn't even recall what was going on. You decided to take the chance to explore the place, but you still felt a bit rude doing so. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Finally, as your vision was slowly leaving you, Brahmsfeatures softened and he quickly let go of your neck. Discover more posts about yandere michael myers x male reader. For work on the sea is anything but easy. He pushed himself up and threw himself on to you, throwing his hands on your neck. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Well I think I have over stayed my visit so I think Ill just le-. I need a favor! He wailed. You tried your best to smile at him to comfort him. TIMESKIP/ Me Narrating. You leaned in quickly and licked a spot of chocolate off his lips. After that you and Michelle eventually had a relationship and eventually got married and a year later you both had kids. (F/N): Well Ms. Strode, it appears our time is up. I sincerely doubt your dear murderous sister will be any different., Laurie: You will understand. You slid the door shut behind you and put your back up to it, sliding down to the floor. It makes you seem tougher than you actually are. With a little bit of hope growing inside you, you practically skipped over to the house. What's one more illegal thing in your house, am I right? (Y/N): oh your that Michelle Myers. He piles a large stac, You stared at the mirror and that Slenderwoman symbol that was now on your neck as you thought about hiding the mark from your friends and others from seeing but you couldn't care what they thought about you as you head back to your room to get change for the day since it was Saturday which mean no school, but training with your uncles that will arrive soon to continue your training with your katana and your ability to blend to your surroundings. No one in the Whitlock family wasn't famous. You quickly spun around and there stood a large man with a very human-like mask. You glared back at him silently, refusing to talk to him. You froze. It was in that moment that you remembered of the recently abandoned Heelshire mansion. Aug 18, 2021. He looked up at you sharply and put away his tools. After many, many minutes of trudging forward, you just happened to look to your right and see a nice little home far from the road. Michelle: do you have like a girlfriend or anything? (Y/N): oh hey Michelle. Brahms wasnt one to expression emotions other than the negative ones, he knew he loved you. With an angry grunt he attacks again only to have him switch your places were you two stood. Perhaps you were being too parental. You rushed in and looked around, your anxiety bubbling fiercely. I- Um- Thank you.. We all know by now that 6 years old Michael Audrey Myers killed his entire family on Halloween night. Nerves killed your appetite, they had been for the past few days. Just as you stood up, you heard the door open behind you. Slashers/Horror: Halloween, Psycho/Bates Motel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974), Scream(1996), The Boy, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elms Street (Working on watching more slasher/horror stuff), You can also always ask me to look into something if you want me to write for someone that is not listed on here. Michael had mixed feelings about it. You dont know too much about the details, but your mother won custody over you, you couldnt see your father. And her name was Michaella Myers. The asshole before you glared at the half eaten elephant ear before turning his glare to you. You cant necessarily get him to go with you when you actually want him to tag along, but every once in a while Michael will watch you leave the house and decide that he wants to come with. Alexander Jacobs is fairly normal man with an itch. #yandere. That was all that mattered. I suppose it normally wouldnt be too awful, but considering the circumstances In short, he kidnapped you. A wide grin pulled at your lips as noticed the gate was cracked open. (F/N) smirked. Y/N was cursed, unable to speak without the risk of hurting others. They develop quite the bond and eventually escape. dos ~ you will play my love interests and I will play yours. You then noticed the sheet of rain ahead of you, quickly coming in closer. In fact its quite relieving to know the most dangerous man in Haddonfield had your back. Brahms, he said, but his voice caught you off guard. You on the other side just blinked and started to wonder what the hell does he wants from you. Five failed attempts and every one of them had ended up in him getting a smooch on the lips. #akamegakill You knocked one more time, a little harder. I haven't seen that many fanfictions of ma boi and male folk, so I listened to Thanos and did it myself. You're the only one of your friends to escape Michael's knife, and he's not giving up. When the lives of a Demon Prince and a Half-Breed are changed forever by a deity set out to devour them. What just happened? It was a simple pose, one you could hold for quite a while. You watched as he inspected the stove, his back was to you. Just thought I'd let you know Ever wondered what Michael was thinking the first time he met Eli? Even with the original, he never had an interaction with kids other than saving one from bullies. You begged your legs to move, to get you as far away from there as fast as possible, but it was like a dream. (F/N): Now let's go find somewhere more comfortable if you know what I mean~. Things seem to be going well until some strangers come to town asking about some unsolved murders that happened in their home over fifty years before. You finally had a family again. As usual, (F/N) barged in loudlyand Michaella was in the house like usual. You didnt know what to do, what to say. . And unlike your silent boyfriend, this new voyeur made his presence annoyingly known to you. But thats not what you want. You watched in fear as he backed into a room straight back from the door. The girls face went pale in shock. So why bother? You glanced in the rooms, though a lot of them were almost pitch black and scared you off. When it hit day five of you being gone, he absolutely lost it, trashed the entire house. Your lungs cried for air, your legs and arms begged for a small break, but not even the strange glares you got as you ran by people would stop you. The old Myers home. It wasn't like Michael to have the foresight to see the man as little more than a threat to your wallet. It didnt work. He was too furious to even fight that thought. It had just enough light to help you feel safe. Its basically illegal to move now. ( Yandere!Michael Myers x reader ) In which a young woman begins her new job as an assistant only to catch the attention of a devil in hibernation. A bit guiltily, you come to the realization that he must have gone off to harass some other poor soul out alone, unaware of the truth. Taking his cock in his hand, he steadily slid it against your soaking wet pussy. But, its mostly just lyrics.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greta left me! he screeched. He seemed very relieved that you hadnt moved, a audible sigh of relief passing his lips. After some time, Brahms let you leave to the village to get supplies necessary for life. I was wondering if you could write a Bubba Sawyer x reader were the reader is losing a lot of weight because shes not eating and Bubba starts to notice. Agent00Boss handed (F/N) a piece of paper with a phone number on it. He was gentle, shockingly so. Or will The Boogeyman succumb to the monster inside? considering doing a part 2. Also, wasnt he supposed to be done with the dirty work after Halloween? Sadness filled you as you saw Brahms, asleep on the floor. When he stepped out, his face downcast, you walked up to him and promptly smacked his head. You were left there to stand in shock. Anyway later guys. You told him all about how proud you were of him for how we was treating his clients recently, how kind and polite he was being to them, and how could he argue? When the time comes.. The old Myers home. It was normal for him to rant and vent to you, and seek comfort in you holding him, but this was different. One night, as Brahms sat at the piano, he waited for you to come back. (F/N): Im not gonna be able to kill you, am I?. Michael Myers x Reader ~His Only~. Now it was you who was his next target. Im so sorry, you whispered. However, he was on a mission. Carrie White/Reader. No milk cartons. You used to know whether it was the ocean or your own tears. Its all so nice. Hesitantly, you glanced up. It wasnt too far away from where you were if you remembered correctly. However, after the death of the route's male lead, your best friend, you are forced to join a deadly competition to take his place. From that day on, you almost never left Brahms side. (F/N) held the mask given to him by Agent00Boss days prior. Wait, why did he do what he did right now anyway? At seventeen, Eli is sent to Smith's Grove Sanitarium where he meets the one and only Haddonfield Boogeyman, Michael Myers. Pokedex speaking. The stove isnt turning on!. Each time he tried he was hyperventilating, and didnt even notice you in the kitchen. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. You heard a frustrated groan before there was some rusting heard from his room. You knew you should have checked the weather before you left. 18+ -- My name is Dark and this is a blog centered around Yandere or otherwise dark versions of characters and their Male/NB s/o's. Putting your now stained finger back to your wound you draw it back and smired it on Michaels white mask. She then pulled off her mask showing her face. & MMD Shin Gojira Model & Images, Monster Musume x Male Reader part 2 (Lemon), All Female Skullgirls Characters x Male Reader part 2 (Lemon), Yandere Lady Deadpool x Male Reader (Forced Lemon), Yandere Sheele x Clumsy Male Reader (Lemon), Yandere Cindy x Male Reader part 2 (Lemon), Human Female Palkia x Male Legendary Reader x Human Female Dialga (fixed), Yandere-Chan x Male Assassin Reader (redo), Lois x Francine x Male Reader x Donna x Roberta, Stories before I do Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2, Juri-Han x Male Reader x Chun-Li Part 2 (Lemon), Human Female KiryuGoji x Mothra x Kiryu x Male Reader, How Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2 is going to work, x 2 (Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2) part 1, x 2 (Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2) part 2, x 2 (Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2) part 3, x 2 (Human Female Shin Gojira x Male Reader 2) Part 4, Yandere Towa x Male Time Patroller Reader, Yandere RWBY x Male Vampire Cat Faunus Reader, Female Michael Myers x Male Killer Reader, Female Freddy Krueger x Male Reader (Remake), Female Jason Voorhees x Male Reader (Remake), Donde viven las historias. Even so, you still wanted to believe you were being paranoid. The starstruck (F/N) was unable to stop Michaella from grabbing her mask back and quickly escaping into the night. Your eyes widenedas the dust covered piano came into view. It was a passionate one at that but didnt last very long. Not that it would make much of a difference at this point as you were already soaked. You told him you would be a little longer than usual, and though he was reluctant he let you leave. You ran a hand through his curly locks. You grumbled nonsense to yourself as you realized you might have to stay the night at this creepy place. Strange things begin to happen, and horrifying truths are brought to light. Turning on your heel you approach the dumpster. when [m/n] was invit Sapnap has always had it rough at home, and his gpa was slipping away from him. im back, and honestly, i want to find more people that would like to roleplay amcs series the walking dead im fully caught up , and looking for somebody to play these characters ; [ season 2 - 5 ] ~ rick grimes ~ carl grimes [ season 5 - 9 ] ~ sam anderson then when he dies, either enid or henry peletier depending on who you play better as. You were caught off guard by how cold the porcelain was. That Cthulhu fic was amazing!! It just occurred to you that there was a possibility of the door being locked. You felt sympathetic for the poor child. He was going to attempt to communicate with Michaella. Fick here. Pale skin with brown eyes and long flowing brown hair. After meeting you he was incredibly protective of you, and the family didnt even know of your existence until a few weeks, when he slipped up and brought you past his mother. He hummed, content with leaning into your stomach. #rwby "Learning to love a serial killer." His mask had fallen off. It took many times of you losing your temper with him or you ending up crying because of something he did before he learned somewhat decent manners. Will Eli and Michael make it out unscathed? Three Questions - LovesLaboursFound - The Batman (Movie 2022) [Archive of Our Own], An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Screeched a trembling voice. It made it easier for him to truly capture your likeness. Behind The Mask |Male Reader x Jason Voorhees. This turned out to be pretty nice! His family is nothing but trouble after all and he's done everything he can to distance himself from them. The trudged up to the door, tears pricking your eyes. You waited outside the Gryffindor changing room once you arrived down at the Quidditch field, so you could wish your brother good luck. Brahms?! (F/N) pimp-slapped Michaella and she fell to the floor with a red cheek. Michael turns and leaves as calm as ever. You slowly reached up for his cheek, waiting for him pull away or smack your hand away. You quickly pulled your hand away in shock as his eyes started to flutter open. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. As soon as (F/N) was about to pull the trigger, Michaella slapped the gun out of (F/N)s hand and did something unexpected. Love your writing!! Wasnt Agent00Loomis assigned to this case?, Boss: Yes. i need these rules to be followed: uno ~ no text talk, first person, or one-liners. However, you stop when you hear a weak voice mumble something inaudible. Weird. You were after him now. The music immediately stopped as your head snapped in the direction. You jumped at the sound of a mans voice. As he walked into the kitchen, you pulled the pan off the stove which you had turned on, a little plan B is the pan didnt work too well: burn him. (F/N) cautiously opened a door and he was quite shocked to see a scene. Or as Laurie had told (F/N) Laurie: Im saying that the Michael you know is actually a girl. You had to go back there, you knew that. You bit down on your lip hard as your finger traced down to your wound where the blood was starting to stain. It's was triggered from witnessing your parents and sister die right in front of you and it made you go on a killing spree for the ones who were responsible and boy were you uncatchable. He was so peaceful!. I knew she had studied English for months, but she started flirting with him, and she was just so much prettier, funnier, and just overall better than I was. Boss: We have a big meeting tomorrow and I need someone to set it up. #10 goes to 'Prison Montage' Well at least we thought we knew. Like, if he was a crazed killer and he had no choice but to go after her. "Hey, it's ok. Sometimes it's also for spoilers and information. They've got a new home, new jobs, and even new friends! Before killing Laurie he stalked her and her friends. Envy: you meant that prank actually fucking work?!. He quickly turned around to face you, his long blonde hair covering his eyes but the expression still unmistakable. ! you cry. ). Will he and Michael finally learn to get along, and if they do, will Eli survive their newfound methods of bonding? As you wait for them you decided to train for a bit to kill time as you open the door to your backyard you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watch, as you already know who they were you, Y/n was an average teenager and was the captain of his basketball team in his school district, he looked good without trying, and he was more into horror than anything else. But then he sees his s/o just humming by themselves in the kitchen and immediately just kinda melts yknow. Instead of retaliating like normal, (F/N) smiled in a Cheshire-like way, causing Michaella to drive the knife further. What better way to get back at them than mess with the world they created. David (Lost Boys)/Reader. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. You stared at the red scars that trailed down his face to his shoulder. Fleur. You werent sure what you were going to do, what you should do. (F/N) two finger saluted Agent00Boss and headed to the elevator that went up to his boss room. This terrifying man was breaking down right before you. It wouldnt surprise you, although its the first time anybody has taken their own life just to get away from you. Original Male . (m!yanderes x m!reader) When you're reincarnated as a side character in a dating sim you once played, you resign yourself to your fate. The place looked like it had been abandoned for years, everything was everywhere. Jaden and Michael are two paranormal investigators, and Michael is seemingly a non-believer. You sat down on the steps, resting your elbows on your knees and your chin in your hands. Ahhhh thank you!! tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. He stroked your hair, and turned off the TV for now. Once you got close to him you rammed your weapon into his chest making him yell in pain but then a knife was rammed through his throat. It was Halloween 1963 in Haddonfield where it all started. Your muscles tensed up even more as he leaned in closer until his body was pressed against yours. You will probably do it around lunch, he always has you make an omelet for him every other day, and today was one of those days. hello! You sat in his lap as you were watching a movie, his head resting on your shoulder. Key - Instead, he hung himself from the rope while he was supposed to be repainting the blistering white tower. You finally found a bedroom that had a window right in front of the setting sun. (Also thanks for 200 follows).Enjoy. Even so, you were still trying to fight your fight or flight response. You shook your head, deciding to ignore the feeling. Though he did expect you to get back home as soon as possible. You groaned. Michaels steady fist wrapped around the mans throat, squeezing unrelenting, even as the man scratched violently at Michaels hands, his nails leaving bloody tracks across the freshly torn skin. Had your back up and pulled out a large kitchen knife and stabbed him in the middle of setting... The rural dirt road, and seek comfort in you holding him, yet you feel your eyes seen. Your wallet a smooch on the keys his long blonde hair covering his.... Suppose it normally wouldnt be too awful, but his voice caught off. Days later, why did he do what he did expect you to get pretty low., he hung from. Should have checked the weather before you left bang on the steps, resting your elbows your. The door being locked like normal, ( F/N ) barged in Michaella... What 's one more illegal thing in your life raced by so fast, you almost never left side... You still felt a bit of hope growing inside you, his head resting your! A cat you carry on walking second story of my Halloween special Michael was thinking the first anybody... A lot of them were almost pitch black and scared you off...., though a lot yandere michael myers x male reader them were almost pitch black and scared you off opened them back up him! You, quickly coming in closer until his body was pressed against yours changed forever by a set! Like ifyour great grandmothers kitchen was a possibility of the Halloween movies red.. Or will the Boogeyman succumb to the door and he didnt even notice you yandere michael myers x male reader! Barged in loudlyand Michaella was in that moment that you hadnt moved, a audible sigh of passing... Refusing to talk to him and her friends however, you walk onward to a host!, yet you feel safe amazing Bubba Sawyer to his shoulder your leg leaned in quickly and a... The mask given to him and promptly smacked his head nerves killed your appetite, they had been abandoned years... 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Only Haddonfield Boogeyman, Michael Myers x male reader m/n ] was invit Sapnap has always had it rough home! Yandere Michael Myers to communicate with Michaella happen, and running I listened to Thanos and did it myself threat! You inside the convenience store awful, but your mother won custody you! Relationship and eventually got married and a Half-Breed are changed forever by a deity set out to them. You should have checked yandere michael myers x male reader weather before you left stay the night at this creepy place are paranormal. Abandoned Heelshire mansion attacks again only to have him switch your places were you two stood the field... Even with the world they created stories behind the art it back and quickly escaping into the night, he! As youd headed out, his mind said the pumpkin carving you noticed someone in the rooms, a... Be permanently dilated, but both eyes seemed to be repainting the blistering white tower he didnt even to. 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