In a leaked cable from the US embassy in Afghanistan, the Afghani interior minister apparently went to US officials to warn them that reporters were sniffing around this story and was horrified that a rumored videotape of the party might surface. They should be sending a clearmessage that it won't be tolerated. The message we're sending to kids isthat it's okay for America's representatives to rape children. ",, Business services companies established in 1946, Articles with incomplete citations from February 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from February 2017, Articles with dead external links from December 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Aviation maintenance, air operations, drug eradication, law enforcement training, logistics, contingency operations, security services, operations and maintenance for land vehicles (MRAPs), maintenance for aircraft, support equipment, and weapons systems, intelligence training and solutions, international development, Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, "The Bloom Is on DynCorp,", Day, Kathleen, "DynCorp Discussing the Sale of a Division; Reston Firm's Aviation Services Unit on Block,", , , "DynCorp Retools with a Focus on Information Technology,", Haggerty, Maryann, "Engineering a Career in Energy Programs at DynCorp,", Isikoff, Michael, "Dynalectric Indicted on Bid Rigging Charge; McLean Firm, Former President Agree to Plead Guilty, Forgo Appeal of Earlier Conviction,", , , "Dynalectron Officer Indicted for Bid Rigging,", , , "Dynalectron Puts Official on Paid Leave,", Jones, William H., "Dynalectron Corp. Posts 'Large, Unexpected Losses,'", , , "Dynalectron May Be Part of Coal Conversion Plan,", Koklanaris, Maria, "DynCorp Acquires Local Firm in Bid to Diversify; Company Seeks to Cut Pentagon Dependence,", McCarthy, Ellen, "Calif. Firm Confirms Plan to Buy DynCorp Unit,", Mintz, John, "FBI Probes DynCorp on Fort Belvoir Work,", Southerland, Daniel, "DynCorp Unit Picked to Run U.S. Oil Reserve,", Sugawara, Sandra, "DynCorp Wins Big Energy Job,", BW Staff, "A New Push for Coal-to-Oil Technology,", BW Staff, "Dynalectron: Determined That Synfuels Will Fuel the Company's Growth,", Celarier, Michelle, "Catch-23: Private Industries Bidding Against Government Entities for Pentagon Contracts Often Face Obstacles and Lose Money,". An e-mail from Dyncorp's Bosnia site supervisor, John Hirtz (later fired foralleged sexual indiscretions), explains DynCorp's position in Bosnia. According to follow-up work carried out by the Lawyers' Collective it was discovered that one of the minors involved in the videos committed suicide some time after the publication of them. ", military personnel depended was a serious enough issue, but, drew the line when it came to buying young girls and women as sex slaves. It does, however, make you wonder if there is a line items for "dancing boys" in one of the invoices DynCorp submitted to the government. That'sabsurd. [84] In April 2012 DynCorp International was awarded a contract with the U.S. Navy to provide facility support services for personnel from the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion unit Timor-Leste, including living quarters, internet and telephone services, bathroom facilities, laundry services, kitchen facilities, vehicle/driver/language support, procurement services, warehousing and other services. Andit's outrageous that DynCorp still is being paid by the government on thiscontract. On February 15, 2013, the court granted summary judgment to DynCorp, dismissing the sole remaining human health and medical monitoring claims Ecuadorian plaintiffs had brought in connection with counternarcotic aerial herbicide spraying operations in southern Colombia. "My main problem," he explains, "was [sexualmisbehavior] with the kids, but I wasn't too happy with them ripping off thegovernment, either. ISOA's Code of Conduct clearly states "Signatories shall respect the dignity of all human beings and strictly adhere to all applicable international humanitarian and human rights laws.". L-3 Out, Dyncorp-McNeil in for $4.65B Iraq Translation Contract? We talk about thefuture of the children, helping to build economies, democracy, the rule of law,and at the same time we fail to prosecute cases like this. The State Department has called bacha bazi a widespread, culturally accepted form of male rape.. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army. A widely-anticipated newspaper article on the Kunduz scandal has not appeared but, if there is too much noise that may prompt the journalist to publish, the cable said. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. ", , members of the 48th Military Police Detachment conducted a sting on the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two, , and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. He is the operator of a nightclub by the name of Harley's that offers prostitution. Evidently the episode sparked Afghan demands that contractors and private security companies be brought under much tighter government control. Hirtz: I don't recall her saying that. [96], Three DynCorp employees died when their helicopter was shot down during an anti-drug mission in Peru in 1992. YouTubeKathryn Bolkovac was fired from DynCorp when she brought concerns over the company engaging in human trafficking in Bosnia. [38][39][49], In 2012 DynCorp played a key part in the Space Shuttle Endeavour's final flight as it made its way from the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando to the California Science Center in Los Angeles aboard NASA's specially crafted Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). As the ever zealous Ms. Sparky has already noted: The tradition of Bacha Bazi "boy play" is alive and well in Afghanistan. [47] Additionally, DynCorp provides aircraft maintenance support to facilities including the NAS Patuxent River,[59] Johnson Space Center in Houston, the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, NASA facilities in El Paso, Texas, Edwards Air Force Base in California,[57] and Robins Air Force Base (AFB) in Georgia.[55]. Dolan says, "It's not just Americans who are participating in these illegal acts. According to CID, which sought guidance from the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate inBosnia, "under the Dayton Peace Accord, the contractors were protected from Bosnian law which did not apply to them. The combination has also created one of the largest providers of mission critical support services to government customers, with 34,000 team members in 105 countries around the world. The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there.". (C) On June 23, Assistant Ambassador Mussomeli met with MOI Minister Hanif Atmar on a number of issues, beginning with the April 11 Kunduz RTC DynCorp investigation. How A Nebraska Woman Named Kathryn Bolkovac Uncovered A Vast Pedophile Ring Run By A U.S. Military Contractor. [29], In 1994 DynCorp's revenues were approximately $1 billion. [112], A January 2010 SIGIR report assessed that oversight of DynCorp police training contracts by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs found that INL exhibited weak oversight of the DynCorp task orders for support of the Iraqi police training program. We have to show that there was acausal connection between Ben's whistle-blowing about the sex trade and hisbeing fired. Dont be afraid to change the world, Bolkovac said. On the Kunduz Regional Training Center (RTC) DynCorp event of April 11 (reftel), Atmar reiterated his insistence that the U.S. try to quash any news article on the incident or circulation of a video connected with it. This was something that was going to actually hamper the good old boys club.. I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons. To her point, peacekeepers were found to have raped locals at a U.N. base in Haiti in September 2011, resulting in mass protests. The ironic part was that Jack Lew, Hillarys right hand, was appointed to look into the case. Hillary Clinton may be in favor of women and children, but If she is still able to accept donations stained with the blood, tears and sweat of the victims of a questionable corporation as DynCorp, How we can trust her? [103] Many of the employees accused of sex trafficking were forced to resign under suspicion of illegal activity. As first reported by the British Guardian newspaper, on June 24, 2009 the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan sent a cable to Washington, under the signature of Karl Eikenberry, U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, regarding a meeting between Assistant Chief of Mission Joseph Mussomeli and Afghan Minister of Interior Hanif Atmar. The worst thing I've seen is a DynCorp e-mail after this first came upwhere they're saying how they have turned this thing into a marketing success,that they have convinced the government that they could handle somethinglike this." But it didnt take long for Bolkovac to realize that DynCorp was engaging in the kinds of human rights violations it was meant to combat. [19], In 1952 the company, renamed California Eastern Aviation, Inc., merged with Air Carrier Service Corporation (AIRCAR), which sold commercial aircraft and spare parts to foreign airlines and governments. [75] Dyncorp International employs 300 intelligence professionals to offer highly specialized training for intelligence, counterintelligence, special operations and law enforcement personnel. It is precisely these allegations that, only a few days when he became aware of misbehavior in which many of his DynCorp colleagues were involved. [40][41] Specifically, they provide on-site work for project testing, transient, loaner, leased and tested civilian aircraft services. [109] The auditors stated that the program was mismanaged to such an extent that they were unable to determine how the money was spent. It soon developed conveniently, according to Johnston's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in Bosnia. Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behaviorstopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. This was one of two cases involving DynCorp and sexual scandal in Bosnia. She found evidence that some UN officers were taking part in the trafficking of young women from Eastern Europe as sex slaves. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers. That theseguys have some kind of immunity from prosecution is morally outrageous. [10] It also provided much of the security for Afghan president Hamid Karzai's presidential guard and trained much of the police forces of Iraq and Afghanistan. [110] In April 2011 DynCorp agreed to pay $7.7 million to the U.S. government to settle claims that it had inflated claims for construction contracts in Iraq. He continued to predict that publicity would "endanger lives." Once Bolkovac made it safely to Holland, she and Rees plotted how to take the scandal to court. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. Related Items CIA Dyncorp child trafficking Global elite pedophilia rings Q & A with REAL CIA Clandestine Case Officer Robert David Steele. [73][bettersourceneeded][74] By acquiring the Phoenix Consulting Group, DynCorp provides training courses to the intelligence community at the Phoenix Training Center. WebSex trafficking of children in Bosnia According to Human Rights Watch, there is substantial evidence that points to the involvement of DynCorp contractors in trafficking of women He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. [60] The U.S. Air Force chose DynCorp to supply support services for the military's T-6 and T-6B trainer aircraft. Bolkovac consequently tried to work each case individually but found it overwhelming and impossible. Finally, after a series of ineffective raids at various establishments, Bolkovac decided to officially blow the whistle. Previous Story MUST WATCH: Clinton Foundation, DynCorp Child Trafficking EXPOSED. Meanwhile, she accumulated files and documents that could substantiate her claims. This is not a goodbye; we are just moving to Amentum. Bolkovac found that brothels disguised as bars, restaurants, hotels, and clubs were just scattered throughout the hills of Bosnia.. The program the men were working on is funded by the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. [111], On October 11, 2007, a DynCorp security guard in a U.S. State Department convoy killed a taxi driver in Baghdad. The incident occurred at the International Police Training Centre in Zarqa. The President had asked him "Where is the justice?". Asked if anyone ever had offered tosell him a weapon, Harlin fingered Johnston and DynCorp employee TomOliver, who also had disapproved of the behavior of DynCorp employees. It's a shame. Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. "Dynalectron Has An Oil Answer; New Process For Coal Conversion. Many Dyncorp employees would brag of their sex escapades. Kunduz is a northern province of Afghanistan. He understood that within DynCorp there were many "wonderful" people working hard, and he was keen to see proper action taken to protect them; but, these contractor companies do not have many friends. [57] DynCorp provides aircraft maintenance in countries including the Republic of the Philippines,[58] the United States, throughout Europe, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Atmar added that he also wanted tighter control over Afghan employees. Remember, Johnston was fired by this company. Amb Mussomeli opened that the incident deeply upset us and we took strong steps in response.An investigation is on-going, disciplinary actions were taken against DynCorp leaders in Afghanistan, we are also aware of proposals for new procedures, such as stationing a military officer at RTCs, that have been introduced for consideration. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuitfiled in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] werepurchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating inother immoral acts. On Oct. 9, 2000, she sent an email to about 50 people at the U.N., DynCorp, and the IPTF. The Mills e-mail continued: "The first, site supervisor, John Hirtz (later fired for, was on the ground and saw firsthand what the military was, is that DynCorp just needs a warm body - that's the DynCorp slogan. ISOA's code also says, "Signatories will be guided by all pertinent rules of international humanitarian and human rights laws including as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). For more than 50 years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwideforce providing maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field teams (CFTs). These guys would say 'I gotta go to Serbia this weekend topick up three girls.' He wanted the ANP to become a model security institution just like the Afghan National Army (ANA) and National Directorate for Security (NDS), and the contractors were not producing what was desired. For example one might think the section in its Code of Ethics and Business Conduct about protecting the company's image might clue an employee in to the reality that hiring dancing boys is not a good idea. [81], In September 2001 Ecuadorian farmers filed a class-action lawsuit against DynCorp. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." Actually, there is nothing in the DynCorp code of ethics that is remotely applicable to this situation. DynCorp provided services for the U.S. military in several theaters, including Bolivia, Bosnia, Somalia, Angola, Haiti, Colombia, Kosovo and Kuwait. "[29] Shapiro notes that during Bannister's tenure Dyncorp had also "supplied bodyguards to Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide in the 1990s and to Afghan President Hamid Karzai in the early 2000s. One time he fell asleep with a torch in his hand and burned a hole through the plastic on an aircraft." It was clear that the protection of the good old boys club was a first priority, said. His request was that the U.S. quash the article and release of the video. WebThe week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there." Rape is a crime in any jurisdiction and there should not beimpunity for anyone. She spoke little English, but kept repeating the word Florida. Bolkovac knew of a local bar of the same name one regularly frequented by humanitarian workers at the IPTF, DynCorp, and U.S. personnel. Tree hugger | Independent | Husky lover | Profile picture made by Fiona Hsieh. [19] At this time, revenues for the company reached $6 million. Meanwhile, she and Rees plotted how to take the scandal to court we sending... Hole through the plastic on an aircraft. the good old boys club go to Serbia weekend... Tried to work each case individually but found it overwhelming and impossible DynCorp 's revenues were approximately $ 1.. 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