He is also charged with conspiring to harm Richard Dwyer, a United States diplomat who was wounded in the ambush. I wanted to leave my daughter a legacy that wasn't that simple.". The other, Carolyn, became one of Mr. Jones's mistresses and also his principal fnancial adviser; it is not known whether she is alive. Within minutes, Ryan and four others were shot dead. Dont know why youre here, but were happy to have you, Jones said. Biography Mini Bio (1) Larry Layton is known for Viva (2007) and Escape to Grizzly Mountain (2000). I was 28, lying on a dusty airplane runway in the Guyanese jungle, and dying. And it wasn't an isolated incident. Ten years later the road came to a dead end in the jungles of Guyana. Lisa Layton was the next member of the family to join the cult. [3], Lawton was offered a three-year sentence in exchange for disclosing his accomplices but did not take the deal. But I refused to spend the rest of my life as a victim of Guyanathere were too many of them. Much later, Layton writes, she would find them "on the bookshelf in Father's house with the many other prescription drugs taken from Temple members.". LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 Her name was Lisa Philips and she was so beautiful that friends said she looked like Hedy Lamarr. In May 1978, she was sent by Jones to Georgetown to chaperone some Temple children on a cultural exchange. But listening to one after the other after the other say the same choreographed thing made me uneasy. As I was transferred onto a gurney, I was conscious enough to look up and see a big, gleaming white plane with The United States of America written on the side. [10][26] While recounting his prison experiences he said: "I saw inmates stabbed and friends die" and "I saw young men raped and pimped out as prostitutes for other inmates. In 2009 the Rockledge Florida police used the DVDs as part of a community policing project with the money to buy the DVDs procured through asset forfeiture. Born in Crete, Indiana, in 1931, Jim Jones grew up an outcast and underdog, and was fixated on being recognized as someone greater. In the summer of 1978, Lisa Philips Layton died of cancer in Jonestown, Guyana, three months before the Rev. In the months leading up to the trip, my boss, Congressman Leo Ryan, had been contacted by worried constituents whose loved ones were members of a San Francisco-based religious group called the Peoples Temple, which had fled to South America for the promise of a utopian commune led by their preacher, Jim Jones. He is bewildered at how it all happened, groping for an explanation of what he called a Greek tragedy.. Until she was 20 years old, when she was denied admission to a university in Hamburg, Lisa Philips didn't know what it meant to be Jewish in Germany in 1935. None of the Temple members showed any interest in receiving correspondence from home. Answer (1 of 2): Above: Jonestown Before The Massacre Larry Layton was the only "armed guard" at Jonestown at the time of the massacre to outlive November 18, 1978, when all but a few dozen of the roughly 1,000 residents of Jonestown perished. The defense rested its case without presenting witnesses. Jones greeted us at the compound. In addition, Mr. Layton was convicted of aiding and abetting the murder of Mr. Ryan and the attempted murder of Mr. Dwyer. She is known by many of her relationships - longtime lover of Jim Jones, mother of Jones' child Jim Jon (Kimo) Prokes, sister of Annie Moore, former wife of Larry Layton, former sister-in-law of Debby Layton - as well as the sometimes-mysterious roles she played within the Peoples Temple hierarchy. The docket for Laytons trial through its various appeals through 1990 is here. After a few weeks, Layton grew "accustomed to the unusual smells in the food and drink. As I was lying seven miles away waiting for medical help, Sam Houstons granddaughters, Patricia and Judy, 14 and 15, were murdered, along with their mother, dozens of other would-be defectors and the rest of the Peoples Temple. Mrs. Layton moved out of their home on Labor Day 1979. [23][24] Lawton later said he was the biggest jewel thief of the 1980s and 90s operating within the United States of America. Jones became enamoured with Carolyn Layton and told Larry he wanted her for his own. But Lisa escaped from Hamburg, and in 1938, stunned by the antiSemitism she had seen, she arrived in New York with a determination never to reveal to anyone that she was Jewish. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed. [18], Lawton is believed to have hit around 20 to 25 jewelry stores,[11] stealing a self-estimated total of around $1518 million worth of high-value items, including watches, diamonds, and other gems. By the time I returned, more than 900 people died. He said that some of the recipients could be innocent. [30] The Lake St. Louis police chief praised Larry's message about the consequences of going to prison and said it is not a scared straight program, noting that Lawton said "fear doesn't have a lasting impact. The bodies of Jones and 912 cult followers lay sprawled under the tropical trees of the commune, victims of an incredible murder-suicide rite. As a temple member, Mrs. Layton separated from her husband and was said to have contributed $250,000 in family assets to the cult. When Deborah came home from school in England in 1971, she brought a boyfriend, George Philip Blakey, a fellow Quaker and the son of a welltodo farming family in Northumberland. 'I was a fool to leave California, but then I was a fool long before that,' he said. I never played; I never learned how. Jones, who demanded that his flock call him Father, was one of the most politically powerful people in San Francisco, wined and dined by such luminaries as Rosalynn Carter, Assemblyman Willie Brown, Mayor George Moscone and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. He said the trial was not the place to examine the deaths of 913 people at the cult's settlement in Jonestown, Guyana. He. Jonestown was the agricultural compound Jones' followers carved out of the Guyanese jungle, 150 miles northwest of the nation's capital, Georgetown. Larry shot and wounded two people at the Port Kaituma airstrip on 18 November 1978, and he attempted to shoot a third. They called it Jonestown. I spoke with a woman named Edith Parks, the matriarch of three generations of Temple members who wanted out. I hope tonight is the last one. Jackie Speier manages a smile as she is wheeled on a stretcher at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, Nov. 20, 1978. I was feet away from Jones, close enough to hear him trying to convince people to change their minds. Dr. Layton recalls that his wife began to resist his sexual advances and, when he protested, offered to move out. I dont have any money to donate, but Id like to volunteer. The robbers drew what police at the time believed were firearms, and restrained the store owner. From her childhood, friends said, Mrs. Layton had carried a deep fear of cancer. He said the accusation probably been inspired by Mr. Jones as part of a systematic effort to break up families in the church. | AP. Her mother's cancer pain medications were taken away. But he ordered them separated before they had consummated the marriage, and Mr. Blakey eventually left California to join the party establishing the cult's Guyana settlement. They swallowed poison capsules in a suicide attempt and were removed, unconscious, from the train. Later that night, Jones had another suicide exercise. "[10], While in prison in 2003, Lawton was sent to solitary confinement for 27 days as punishment. | AP. '', See the article in its original context from. Never one to accept second-hand information, he decided to embark on a fact-findingand potentially life-savingtrip. [2] The book is published in Italy, France, Australia, Germany, Thailand and United Kingdom. He was acquitted after presenting a defense of brainwashing. Indescribable pain consumed me, leaving room only for a fleeting thought that I should pretend to be dead. While asserting that Mr. Jones was ''primarily responsible'' for the killings at the airstrip, Federal District Judge Robert F. Peckham said Mr. Layton would be eligible for parole after five years. My ribs were broken. At Port Kaituma, while I ushered the defectors onto a plane, a large red tractor-trailer rumbled onto the airstrip. I was one of Larry's lead lawyers in his first U.S. trial in 1981, which resulted in an 11 to 1 vote for acquittal on faulty charges of conspiracy to kill the congressman. To the volatile flight home. When cameras were rolling, he spoke of how he loved them and how there would always be a place for thembut those declarations would be followed by thinly veiled mutters about treason and liars. "They would be taken to the Jonestown well in the dark of night, hung upside down by a rope around their ankles, and dunked into the water again and again while someone hidden inside the well grabbed at them to scare them. Instead he proposed a better use of law enforcement resources would be to "help inmates with drug addiction. He was to use the skill when the flock made its planned migration to the Guyana settlement, which Jones already had picked out and named Jonestown. Larry Layton, a former member of the People's Temple, broke into tears today at his trial on charges of conspiring to commit murder as his attorney told jurors not to make him a scapegoat ''for the horror of Jonestown.''. Layton grew up in an affluent Berkeley family. Her involvement in the cult, he said, was useful activity, taking care of poor people; she said so much that she looked down at wealth and had guilt feelings, and Jim Jones helped her get rid of them. "Every week we're ordered to drink some liquid," she writes, culling her memories of the "old tapes (of Jonestown recollections that) are running in my head. Mr. Jones's cult included, at ohe time or another, six members of the Layton family. Leo Ryan wanted answers. Philip Wogaman, President and Mrs. Clintons pastor in Washington, D.C. made additional pleas for commutation of Larrys sentence. [10] He was sentenced for racketeering and robbery and spent 11 years in prison before being released in 2007. By his own admission, Layton came of age in Berkeley, Calif., during the turmoil of student protests and the Vietnam war. After Larry and Carolyn Layton joined the cult, Larry stopped writing to his parents and would not accept phone calls from them. So many people wanted to defect that we had to call Georgetown to request an extra plane. Of the more than 900 members of Joness congregation who had moved there, nearly a third were children. A man followed him and slipped a folded piece of paper into his hand, then disappeared back into the crowd. [8], In 2019, he made a video with Vanity Fair where he analyzed fictional robberies from films such as The Italian Job and Heat. His first encounter with organized crime was through his father, a metal worker who delivered bribes to the New York mafia. Then, as a group of men dug the truck out of the mud, we heard a loud commotion from the pavilion. They had passed. Hours after Mr. Ryan and four others were shot to death at the airstrip near Jonestown, which was the headquarters of the cult, the cult's leader, the Rev. He spent 12 years in prison, and once released, began a career as a motivational speaker, life coach, and author. Dr. Layton was from a world substantially different from the aristocratic one of his bride. He told you precisely what was on his mind, no matter who you were or whether or not you wanted to hear it. ''I submit they were presented to inflame you, to arouse your passions, to prejudice you. [28] In 2013, Lawton was made an honorary police officer by the Lake St. Louis, Missouri Police Department due to his work after prison. Among them were George Moscone, who the Peoples Temple played a significant role in electing mayor in 1975, and Harvey Milk, the pioneering openly gay city supervisor, who went so far as to write a letter to President Jimmy Carter extolling Joness work and rebutting charges that he was abusive. Politically, there was nothing to gainand everything to loseby taking on Jones, and there was no telling what hed do if confronted and challenged. After a year or so Dr. Layton and his wife heard from Carolyn's father that the couple had been divorced. The parole examiner said he was deeply troubled that Larry had remained in prison for so long well in excess of the five years recommended by the sentencing judge and noted Larrys exemplary behavior while in federal custody. Her marriage was ruptured by Mr. Jopes even before it could be consummated. Ive shared my Guyana story countless times, but its still a challenge to go back and relive those days. But Dr. Layton denied strongly in a separate interview that he had ever been antiSemitic. Behind his dim glasses, Jones preached love and equality while manipulating his followerstaking their property and having them sign over their paychecks and Social Security. Lawrence Robert Lawton (born October 3, 1961) is an American ex-convict, author, paralegal, motivational speaker, and YouTuber. Once, Debbie continued, Jones woke up the camp in the early hours of the morning. There is abundant evidence that Mr. Jones used such tactics to divide families and break up marriages. The suit was later dismissed. Larry Layton, Quaker and pacifist, entered the Peoples Temple in 1968 to join the march to social justice as charted by the temple's mesmerizing leader, the Rev. ''This is a criminal case against Larry Layton,'' he said. I just needed to hang on. I noticed an elderly woman stuffing pieces of bacon into her pockets; the ample spread was just another showpiece. One night, when Mr. Jones was conducting an hourslong lecture to the commune, she arranged to be placed on duty helping to operate a shortwave radio that transmitted Mr. Jones's directives to cult members in San Francisco. The hospital was not far from the People's Temple community Mr. Jones had established in Redwood Valley. Earlier, United States Attorney Joseph P. Russoniello asked Judge Peckham to sentence the 40-year-old defendant to life in prison, serving a minimum of 20 years before being considered for parole. Initially she was allowed to recuperate in a cabin of her own, but later she was moved into a crowded dormitorystyle cabin with other elderly women. Nearly 300 children were administered the poison with no comprehension of what it meant, including a number of infants in the arms of their parents. Family Tragedy: Hitler's Germany to Jones's Cult, https://www.nytimes.com/1978/12/04/archives/family-tragedy-hitlers-germany-to-joness-cult-the-layton-familys.html. (It was the 60s.) I did not feel confident this was a good idea. It did not sit well with me. Mr. Layton was convicted here last Dec. 1 of conspiracy in the murder of Mr. Ryan, a California Democrat who had led a group that was investigating conditions at Jonestown and reports that people were being held there against their will. Larry Layton, a former member of the People's Temple cult, was sentenced today to life in prison for aiding and abetting in the murder of Representative Leo J. Ryan at a jungle airstrip in Guyana . The child talked her out of it. Her brother, Larry, later became the only person ever charged in connection with the airstrip massacre and, after two trials, was convicted in 1986 of conspiring to murder Ryan. Last spring Deborah decided she had to escape. Nevertheless, in 1991, a parole board ruled that Larry would have to serve 20 years, and set his release date for 2006. In 1969, to get her away from the drugs and other attractions in Berkeley, Dr. Layton and his wife decided to send Deborah to a Quaker school, Ackworth, in the countryside of Yorkshire, England. History. It made no sense that he would be trying to leave Jonestown. "[33] Lawton and the police chief later appeared before United States Congress in recognition of the program. Jim Jones with a group of children living at Jonestown, circa 1978. Mrs. Layton got a large share of the proceeds, as well as money from the sale of stock they had owned Jointly; this also was given to the cult. But Layton, saying he wishes he could ease the pain. "[2] He was critical of Brevard County stopping letters to inmates in 2013. Though driven by the kind of underlying insecurity that so often fuels tyrants, Jones appeared to offer hope, redemption, and an idealistic new life. They joined. SAN FRANCISCO Larry Layton was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison for his role in conspiring to murder Rep. Leo Ryan in Guyana in 1978. Lisa Layton's youngest son, Larry, is now under arrest in Guyana, accused of murdering Representative Leo J. Ryan and four other persons in the attack that eventually led Mr. Jones to order the mass deaths. Lawton gained notoriety for committing a string of jewelry store robberies along the Atlantic Seaboard prior to his arrest in 1996. Ryan did not look or behave like your typical politician. [1][2], In 2007, he started the Reality Check Program to help educate at-risk youths on the consequences of breaking the law. Although he had no formal training as a minister and no affiliation with any organized religion, his high-octane enthusiasm and open-armed policy attracted a diverse range of followers. Later, Jones also became enamoured of the new Mrs. Layton and soon added her, too, to his growing harem of temple members. When we touched down in Georgetown, a U.S. Air Force medevac plane was waiting. He got a job as a student pastor at the Somerset Methodist Church in a poor, predominantly white neighborhood in Indianapolis. My list kept growingwhat started with two names was now more than 40. ADDRESSES: Home Berkeley, CA. Larry Layton: Survivor of the Peoples Temple Larry Layton, Quaker and pacifist, entered the Peoples Temple in 1968 to join the march to social justice as charted by the temple's mesmerizing. The spellbinding preacher had a message that attracted many disaffected people of the 1960's, and soon Carolyn had stirred her husband's sense of social activism and brought him into the group. Her childhood playmates included cousins and friends from some of the bestknown families of Germany's Jewish aristocracy, such as the Berensons and Rothschilds. She used a telephone in the radio shack to call her sister in California, who arranged to have an airline ticket waiting for her at the airport in Georgetown, Guyana. the attorney said. Nearly 300 children were administered the poison, including a number of infants in the arms of their parents. Larry Layton can be an professional, known for Get away to Grizzly Hill (2000) and Viva . Lawton was critical of the move, saying that "[c]hain gangs send a bad message about [the US]." Mr. Layton was also sentenced to three concurrent terms of 15 years each in related charges of conspiring to kill Mr. Ryan and in the attempted murder of a United States diplomat in the same incident. His father was a research scientist. Congressman Ryan assured me that there was nothing to worry about. Sam was far from the only person concerned about Jones malicious influence over a loved one. Deborah nursed her mother and tried to conceal that a physician had told her the cancer was fatal. Should they have any doubt of his intentions, they could look to the vibrant community of believers who echoed his sentiments and treated his words as gospel. After Jones moved to Jonestown, and with Layton still in California, Layton's sister, a power in the hierarchy of the temple, defected and began to tell of atrocities at the jungle agricultural project. But it was the testimony of Vern Gosney, one of Larrys shooting victims at the Port Kaituma airstrip, who traveled from Hawaii for the sole purpose of attending the hearing and who delivered the most impassioned plea for Larrys release, that apparently made the difference. Charismatic and tall with salt-and-pepper hair, he commanded a room. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/09/17/us/cult-member-cries-over-plea-to-jury.html. Their courtship began in the spring of 1941, and theywere married in October. Her book "Seductive Poison" will be in bookstores in November. I was even unaffected by the rice weevils and other strange bugs we ingested daily.". [42][13], Lawton has made many media appearances. How could I not like the good things they were doing?. Politics: Liberal. Ryan invited members of the press and a few of the Concerned Relatives to join him. [15][18], In 1996, there was a robbery of a jeweler in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania. There was no movement, but I thought the others might also be playing dead. We split up, as Jones had arranged. Bodies lay crumpled on the tarmac around me. We saw an impressive community with dozens of pathways, cabins, a medical center, a little school, and a large pavilion where the members congregated regularly. Join him runway in the spring of 1941, and dying woman pieces. Cult followers lay sprawled under the tropical trees of the Layton family tactics to divide and! His father, a U.S. larry layton biography Force medevac plane was waiting trying to leave,... Jones 's cult included, at ohe time or another, six members Joness., he commanded a room no matter who you were or whether or you... 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