The City of Reginas executive committee has decided more public consultation is needed before taking the next steps with the majority of the projects proposed by the catalyst committee. The family of Barrie's first homicide victim of 2023, Ron Peterson, is trying to come to terms with his death just days after laying him to rest. It's just a fancy way of saying that I have the ability to connect you with your Passed Loved Ones and give you Psychic Readings for healing. Barrie city councillors paused their ongoing budget deliberations during their weekly meeting on Wednesday, discussing new projects and addressing ongoing delays with recycling pickup for residents. The suspicious actions of the 1702 DeSousa neighbor the night of the murder, TRANSCRIPTS OF CRIME WATCH DAILY MURDER FOR SALE. The . We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Corrupt cops dont solve crimes. The police confirmed that the task force would look at all witnesses and follow up on tips and leads. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. As has been previously reported, that last text was never opened., By my teams calculations, Zailo and Oatman arrived at the house about 5:45pm. Get the news and events in Victoria, in your inbox every morning. In 2017, an anonymous confession was posted on the blog, which began by saying, I killed Lindsey and stupid cops will never prove it so you all got nothin. Jeff Buziak has called for a more in-depth investigation into this confession and believed it might be a viable lead to finding the murderers. Why would he even consider performing CPR on someone laying there with multiple stab wounds and a slit throat? The nickname she assigned the number Million dollar offered no clues., A plan emerged to show the couple a number of listings all of them vacant and new, as per the caller's wishes. Theres no indication the two calls are connected, and Zailo appears to have brought it up only to reassure Buziak. There appears to be little in the message to suggest the author has special, inside information about the crime. This story was further updated on Jan. 7, 2021: A previous version described the coroners report as a previously undisclosed document. As we've recently discovered, the coroner's report was available online prior to publication of our story., A daily summary of what's happening in Victoria. 7. Her father continues to wait for an answer he is certain he will get. Theyre here.. Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. murder is drawing renewed attention to the startling murder of a young realtor who was killed while showing a million-dollar home to mysterious clients. She was stabbed to death at 5:38 - 5:41 p.m. while performing her duty as a ReMax Camosun Realtor showing a vacant home For Sale to a couple. Realtor Lindsay Buziak thought she'd landed dream clients when a mysterious couple said they wanted to buy a million-dollar home. Capital Daily is part of the Trust Project. It was in Vancouver on that Saturday night, but the visiting couple wanted to see houses late into Saturday evening and again throughout Sunday, meaning Buziak would likely miss the gathering. It may be that Lindsay did not want to be distracted from showing her clients around the house. No arrests have been made in relation to the crime, but police are still hopeful that the ongoing investigation will give some sense of closure to the victims family. The woman would only say the young realtor had been referred. Referrals are a big part of a realtors business, and at minimum Buziak would need to thank the person who had allegedly recommended her. The couple would be flying in from Vancouver that afternoon.. The street always rules. Jeff Buziak calls for the message to be thoroughly investigated. Apr 24/2022 Lindsay Buziak Murder The main informant may hold the clue to the murder but by virtue of their immunity. For those who have not engaged with us previously we know there is likely information that has not been shared. According to Zailo, he had called Lindsay for directions to the house, which is when Lindsays clients arrived. Zailo noticed the for sale sign on the lawn, which in the still relatively early days of cell phones had the office number of the listing agent and not their personal cell number. Whether the startling message is a twisted prank in the harsh spirit of anonymous Internet trolls or a genuine confession from a killer is unknown. He also found Lindsays black BMW in the driveway, but any calls or texts to her phone went unanswered. A brief background on the case is that Lindsay Buziak was a 24-year-old real estate agent in Saanich, Victoria, British Columbia who was murdered during a property showing on February 2nd, 2008. A Vancouver homeowner has shared security camera footage of a man breaking into his mailbox with a screwdriver and stealing letters in broad daylight. Stop fearing the CONSPIRATORS, it is that fear that the conspirators have counted on these past 13 years. "My focus is on finding the killers and seeing that justice is done. June 2021 The Delalcazar Insider, the Main Informant and the Big Double Cross, June 22/2021 IN 2007 SAANICH POLICE OPTED OUT OF JOINING VIIMCU. According to Oatmans redacted statement to police, he and Zailo had plans to meet for dinner, but his cell phone battery had died and he called Zailo from a payphone in town. June 15/2022 Detective Sgt Chris Horsley and the big cover-up. If you have the smallest bit of information go have a talk with one of these guys. On the day of her death, Buziak planned to meet the couple at the 1702 De Souza Pl. Security footage shows them leaving SHC at 5:30pm. Zailo found Buziak's body in the master bedroom and called for his friend, who called 911 again at approximately 6:11 p.m. A CTV News Kitchener reporter has been struck and seriously injured while covering a crash just south of Guelph, Ont. But when Buziak called around to ask her other clients, no one knew anything about it. What did Lindsay Buziak see that she shouldnt have seen? If that call had never been made to the Calgary Police Department in November 2007 Lindsay Buziak would still be alive today. CRIME PAYS. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A man calling himself Robert Cooper answered the ad, then tortured and brutally killed Kite. Her black BMW was in the driveway, he noticed, but there were no other cars on the road (and police say the suspect couple left on foot). According to Oatmans summary of the call, he said that he and Zailo had just entered the house, seen bloody footprints and found Buziak lying in a pool of blood. The documents say Zailo checked Buziaks arm for a pulse and tried to perform CPR. Zailo immediately got suspicious as generally, houses being shown to clients have their front doors always unlocked. CTV reporter struck by vehicle while covering crash near Guelph, Ont. A week before her retirement, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki is scheduled to speak at a global conference focused on police innovation.. real estate agent | CBC News, FBI assisting with Lindsay Buziak murder case 13 years after brutal killing (, CFAX 1030 RADIO INTERVIEW WITH CONSTABLE MARKUS ANASTASIADES, Police re-opening the investigation into the murder of Lindsay Buziak (, Police re-opening the investigation into the murder of Lindsay Buziak. June 7/2021 Lindsay Buziak Witnesses who described the 2 suspects at the 1702 DeSousa house. Clearly this speaks to the integrity of the department and their strong desire to want to see this case solved. According to authorities, Lindsays clients calls originated from a prepaid phone with a Vancouver number that had not been used to contact anyone else. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. April 7/2021 Westshore RCMP threatened me with criminal harassment charges, Aug 17/2022 Lindsay Buziak Murder Whistlerblowers-Informants and Tips. Cut the phoney investigation. All the listings were vacant and new as per the couples wishes. Lindsay was an ambitious 24-year old described by her family and friends as popular, caring and determined to become successful in her career as a licensed real estate agent. The Dream House Mystery: With Craig Melvin, Josh Mankiewicz. Why was 1702 DeSousa Place chosen as the murder house? Police often hold back some details that allow them to focus acutely if investigators encounter someone who shares that secret knowledge. The documents show that the call was met with immediate suspicion by Buziak and her boyfriend, Jason Zailo, who felt it was too good to be true" (previous reporting has said Buziak wasnt apprehensive about the eventual showing). Something went wrong while submitting the form. January 30 2023 Capital Daily News Story Lindsay Buziak, Jason Zailos alibi witness Cohen Oatman, July 11/2022 Lindsay Buziak murder The Lynchpin Connection, July 2021 The Role of the Prosecution and Defense, July 21/2022 Lindsay Buziak Murder, Victorias deep pockets and its long reach to underworld connections, July 27/2022 Exploding myths on informants and confidential informants. Police believe that Buziak provided the address of the now infamous Gordon Head house, 1702 De Sousa Pl., during an approximately 10-minute call. He was wearing a classy brown jacket that probably fell below his waist, according to Zailo., Previous reporting has been vague about what happened next, saying Zailo and a friend found Buziaks body, and that the two subsequent 911 calls were made by the same person. Facebook still relatively new at the time was another source of inquiry, and the Saanich Police noticed that from January 24, 2008 to February 3, 2008 a span ranging from two weeks before Buziaks death until one day after there were no messages from any of Buziaks 700 friends (The messages being discussed appear to have been from Buziaks wall, where friends could post messages seen by other friends). The police dog deployed apparently searched along the propertys eastern and western perimeter, but not along the south, which was considered contaminated bythe movements of police officers and first-responders (who presumably threw the dog off the scent). I sincerely hope that the people out there on social media sites will get behind the Saanich Police, and show them the support they so rightfully deserve. My kid was murdered nine and a half years ago and weve got nothing. Brandon Psychic. And that was probably the place where she was killed, suddenly, unexpectedly, and as soon as she arrived. Multiple people have died and others were injured in an avalanche southwest of Invermere Wednesday morning, according to the community's mayor. Buziak father says he knows killers 36,749 views Aug 3, 2010 SAANICH - The father of murdered realtor Lindsay Buziak says he and a team of volunteers including a private detective have been. Zailo also tried contacting the home's listing agent to get the passcode for the garage but these efforts were apparently unfruitful as Zailo eventually called 911. Zailo boosted his friend over the fence before running back around to the front door. Real estate agent Lindsay Buziaks body is removed from a Saanich, B.C. If you are a Home delivery print subscriber, unlimited online access is. It is not too late to come forward. Lindsays father continues his mission to find his daughters killer. Again, by my teams calculations, they got out at about 6:00pm and walked up to the house. We ask that members of the community think back to Saturday February 2nd 2008. I'm a writer, author, wife, and animal lover. They dont appear to have found a weapon, but what they were able to determine from the other evidence including the bloody footprints is not apparent. Lindsay Buziak was a real estate agent based in Victoria, British Columbia. Jeff believed that the dress could also be an essential piece of evidence and said, I think theres a high possibility it is [the dress]. Lindsay Buziak was a real estate agent based in Victoria, British Columbia. (Handout Photo). One look at Lindsays body should have told Jason that she was DEAD. Please visit the Saanich Police website or call our information line at 250-475-4356 or toll free 1-888-980-1919 to provide any information you may have no matter how small it may seem. "I'm always surprised that every resident of Saanich doesnt show up at my annual Walk for Justice for Lindsay because right now, psychologically, you can murder in Saanich because there are no consequences.". museum mammoth vandalized, BC Ferries crew helps save overboard woman, B.C. They have interviewed dozens of people, obtained more than 1,000 emails, and petitioned the BC Supreme Court to unseal 35 applications to obtain judicial authorizations. All rights reserved. murder probe, Jennifer Laewetz: Trudeau came to power on a message of unity, but instead divided the nation, Ozempic explained: How weight loss drug works and what happens if you stop taking it, Carson Jerema: The Chinese Communist Party shouldn't get to choose who sits in Parliament, 'My mind is completely shot': Why this transgender woman is seeking assisted suicide, John Ivison: Whether the Liberals winked at Chinas helpful election meddling is the lingering question, Get the latest from Adrian Humphreys straight to your inbox. I read it. Hope Taylor Psychic Medium . An Ontario womans decision to hire a man experiencing homelessness to work on her farm on a whim is showing the power of kindness and the ability of community to change lives. Why did the Saanich Police clear Jason Zailo in 2009 and the rest of his family in 2010? But following a Dateline documentary in 2010 which offered a few facts and much finger-pointing nothing new has come to light. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA In January 2008, 24-year-old real estate agent Lindsay Buziak reportedly received an phone call from a potential client that seemed intriguing, but not entirely unsuspicious. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, Stay up to date on the latest, breaking news, Climate activist spreads paint on mammoth at Royal B.C. They looked for a basement entrance but found it in darkness, according to the documents. As for the man, he is described as about six feet tall with possibly brown hair. Leave the gangster life behind RIP Shane Wilson, Lindsay Buziak Memorial Walk for Justice 2022. Thank you, Lindsay! Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. Her boyfriend found her stabbed to death in the master bedroom minutes after he spotted a man inside the same house. Buziak texted him the address and Zailo responded that he was on his way. If she was in the basement with the clients- chances are she would not have heard the knocking at the front door. I've been to mediums all over the United States. The pair then reportedly did a sweep of the house with Zailo running upstairs. Buziak cut the conversation short when the prospective buyers apparently arrived, reportedly saying "Oh, Ive got to go. June 23/2022 Lindsay Buziak A review of Zachary Mathesons connections to Jason Zailo & his family. Lindsay texted her boyfriend the address, and Zailo responded that he was on his way, but Lindsay never opened that text. INVESTIGATION INTO THE MURDER OF LINDSAY BUZIAK MEDIA RELEASE STATEMENT JANUARY 31/2021. He reportedly told the operator he had seen a man through the glass "in the door" and he could see Buziak's high-heel shoes through the window. Zailo reportedly helped his friend over the fence before running back to the front door for his friend to unlock it and let him in. The receptionist said Buziak was feeling really weird and freaked out about the showing, according to the report. Technology not available at the time of the crime has allowed us to develop new investigative leads, as many of you have likely seen in the media. According to a transcripted summary of the call, he explained that he and his girlfriend were both realtors, and that she was meeting a female client from out of town. The last publicly issued release on the case from Saanich police was on the seventh anniversary of her murder. Buziak was in the master bedroom at the top of the stairs. Don't let the words freak you out. Seeing no other way, he then called 911. Chilling confession, taunt from purported killer renews focus on stalled B.C. Over a decade has passed with no arrests, and as the Saanich Police have repeatedly said, its investigation has exhausted various avenues of inquiry., In Canada, the public has the constitutional right to access court documents, except in unusual cases that meet stringent criteria. What happened to Shirley Zailos boyfriend Paul Bergshoeff? In 2010, the case was featured on Dateline NBC, a U.S. true crime show with a large audience. Copyright 2022 Overstory Media Group, All rights reserved. Zander Sherman, the investigative reporter who wrote the story for the Capital, tells CTV News that police appear to know far more about the case particularly about the phone used to contact Buziak than they have revealed. Saanich Police Department Statement To Dr. Phil "The Saanich Police can confirm the Lindsay Buziak homicide investigation remains an active and ongoing case for our department. He then said Buziak had asked him to kind of follow her because she was kind of scared. He had arrived at the house after Buziak, he said, and seen a man in the door (it had glass panels). Feb 2/2022 Is the mistrust of the Saanich Police Department justified? After hanging up, according to the documents, the caller may have used MapQuest for the purpose of familiarizing themselves with the area and planning escape routes., At 7:15pm that evening, Shirley Zailo, the mother of Buziaks boyfriend (and a colleague at Buziaks Remax Camosun office), showed up at the Vic West condo where her son and Buziak lived. He then paged the agent asking for the passcode for the garage, but the documents dont say if any response was received., At 6:05pm, Zailo called 911. The visiting couple had apparently just arrived at the house and Buziak had to cut the conversation short: Oh, Ive got to go. Oops! I shed light on unsolved mysteries and shocking crimes. Police say real estate agent Lindsay Buziak was stabbed to death on Feb. 2, 2008 while showing a home to some new clients she never met before. Her father, Jeff Buziak, has grown increasingly frustrated at the stalled investigation. But when Buziak called around to ask her other clients, no one knew anything about it. In January 2008, Lindsay, who was still a junior real estate agent, received a phone call from an unknown caller who, according to Lindsay, had a strong Mexican or Spanish accent. The task force has obtained the assistance from the FBI and continued support from the RCMP. It is not too late to come forward. Immediately after Lindsay was found dead, the police took in Zailo for questioning, but it is unclear whether they found any leads that way. In February, 2008, a young realtor named Lindsay Buziak met an unknown couple to see a house in Victoria, British Columba in Canada. Buziak went about compiling a list and emailing a few suggestions to the woman on February 1st, after which the two women exchanged 10 more phone calls over the next few days and decided on a promising property in an upscale suburb of Victoria called Saanich, as well as a date to go look at it. After the autopsy, the coroner placed Lindsays time of death at 5:40 pm, minutes before the duo arrived on the scene. Not only is the Saanich Police Department working with the FBI they have a new investigative team reviewing the case. #lindsaybuziak #victoriaBC #tarotOn the 2nd of February at 5:30PM Lindsay went to meet prospective buyers, looking to purchase a million dollar condominium. As a Catholic, I used to think it was a sin to go to a Psychic, and now I feel crazy for . The documents also mention Buziaks four-day trip to Calgary in December, 2007. Police arrested and charged twelve people from Calgary and two from BC and seizing over 2. Through a strange phone call from an unknown client, Lindsay Buziak was lured to an empty house in Victoria, British Columbia, where she met her untimely death. But in that case, the mysterious call had ultimately yielded a sale. The property owner, who had been in the home just prior to the showing, appears to have provided fingerprint and footprint samples so they could be eliminated from suspicion., According to the documents, the Saanich Police then immediately looked into the phone used to contact Buziak. "Somebody's suing me because I'm busy trying to find the murderer of my daughter. There was no reason for concern as a 20-minute real estate showing is not unusual. Her father, Jeff Buziak, is an industrial real estate agent living in Calgery, so Lindsey's desire for real estate was most-likely picked up from working with her father. Investigators believe the couple arranged the meeting using a prepaid cellphone that was later determined to be registered to a fake name in Metro Vancouver. The idea of a real estate agent being ensnared in the trap of a private showing of an empty luxury home on a quiet street was terrifying. It was the end of January, 2008, several days before the fatal showing. A chief superintendent with the Mounties made a passionate plea Wednesday to a middle-aged man missing since he was just three years old to pick up the phone and call police. He has not yet heard back from anyone at Saanich police, he said. Over the following days, there were 10 more calls between the Vancouver number and Buziaks phone. Forget about her. If the two listing realtors had an office tour for their new listing (a common practice) then Jason could have been on that tour. At 5:30 pm, witnesses saw a 6-foot-tall Caucasian man with possibly brown hair wearing a classy brown jacket and a blonde, middle-aged woman wearing a red and white patterned dress walking up to the house to meet Lindsay. In fairness though, it is possible that the person who made that call could never have imagined that things could have gone so wrong. Stay connected to your city with the Capital Daily newsletter. In an interview with CTV News on Tuesday, Buziak's father says he still lacks confidence in the Saanich police investigation. Photo by Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia/File, 24 best online deals in the Canadian retail space right now, Herms perfumer Christine Nagel turns to memories to create new fragrance, Douglas mattress review: Soft and supportive for back and side sleepers, Canadian concert tours: Hottest tickets in 2023, tap here to see other videos from our team, Unlimited online access to articles from across Canada with one account and fewer ads, Get exclusive access to the National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition that you can share, download and comment on, Enjoy insights and behind-the-scenes analysis from our award-winning journalists, Support local journalists and the next generation of journalists, Daily puzzles including the New York Times Crossword, Access articles from across Canada with one account, Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments, Get email updates from your favourite authors. 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