9-10). Vendor 2,however,deviates visibly at numbers 4 and 9, which couldsuggest falsified purchasing prices, and should be flagged forfurther investigation. These are largely based on the type of contract, the goals of the audit, specific management concerns and other relevant variables. The Office of the Inspector General often reviews vendor invoices and other documents as part of its duty to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse. Our confidential hotline is for public employees and individuals with Chapter 30B procurement questions. All other non-Federal entities, including subrecipients of a State, must follow the procurement standards in 200.318 through 200.327. For instance, data analysis can reveal patterns in payroll expenditures or purchasing, track whether employees are following policies and procedures, or measure staff or vendor performance. Properly documented. You skipped the table of contents section. Data also can help identify vulnerabilities or concerns about fraud, waste or abuse. The record retention requirements for ARP/CSLFRF-related records are more stringent than those imposed under State law. %PDF-1.6 % This Job Opportunity Announcement may be used to fill other Management & Program Analyst (Talent Management Specialist) GS-0343-11/12 FPL: 12 positions within the Economic Determine if billings are accurate and in compliance with contract terms. Once the data has been transformed into auser-friendlyformat, it can be used in a variety of ways to assist with future procurements and other business decisions. Governmental entities must vigilantly oversee their vendors to prevent fraud and waste in the expenditure of their limited financial resources. Procurement and contracting requirements are in place as best practices to mitigate the risk of fraud, waste, or abuse of federal funds and are designed to ensure that federally funded contracts are competitive and fair. Below are some general tips to keep in mind when reviewing invoices and payment requests: What if you have questions about an invoice? By now, Ohio municipalities, counties, and townships are well aware that the federal government passed significant coronavirus relief funding in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). First, your organization must clearly identify to the subrecipient: (1) that the award is a subaward of SLFRF funds; (2) any and all compliance requirements for use of SLFRF funds; and (3) any and all reporting requirements for expenditures of SLFRF funds. Capital Funds Project website. Make sure the vendor is legitimate, responsible, has acceptable references and is properly registered to conduct business in Massachusetts. WebARPA Policy and Procedures Manual. Thank you for your website feedback! People often make business decisions based on intuition, anecdotes or institutional lore. One key oversight tool is the vendor audit. Identify conflicts of interest, fraudulent activities or other wrongdoing. Federal regulations require a local jurisdiction to apply state and local procurement laws for federally funded procurements, provided that the procurements also conform to federal law and regulations. Bid manipulation undermines fair competition, can cost your jurisdiction money and, in many instances, is illegal. Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), passed by the federal government in March 2021, Massachusetts state, county, tribal and local entities are receiving federal aid to respond to the public health and economic impacts of the public health emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds can be used to purchase equipment that improves or enhances the delivery of daily 3) Consider publishing all sole source requests for public notice. If you are not checking invoices carefully against your contract terms and conditions, your jurisdiction may be paying more that it should; or, in the case of a revenue-generating contract, your jurisdiction may be receiving less than it should. You must ensure that the vendors you are doing business with are legitimate and responsible. Check to make sure that the supplies and services that the vendor provided met the contract terms and followed the defined scope of work. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. And always carefully read all contract terms before entering into any contract, October 2018 Procurement Bulletin Article. x@AP,(Qm -R`PF%LGd8X1`ol: +t0@]-]~W,4 XC! $@a See M.G.L. procurement, with 2 CFR 200.319(b) addressing engineering services procurement guidelines. Data is everywhere, and every function a government performs can generate valuable data. The OIG is developing classes to introduce local officials to specific data analysis techniques. The idea of using data can be intimidating, and you might think you need to be a data expert to analyze or use data. ARPA rules may impose additional reporting requirements for grants made to third-party employers, including public disclosure of grants provided. 165 0 obj <> endobj Your organization must agree to provide or make available such records to Treasury upon request, and to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Treasurys Office of Inspector General (OIG), and their authorized representative in order to conduct audits or other investigations. Requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the specifications. Note: This language must be included in the Bid solicitation. Ensure that the vendor has provided identifying information on the invoice, including: Vendor name, address, phone number and email, Description, quantity, unit of measure and unit price of supplies delivered or services performed, Location of services performed, if applicable. Include a right-to-audit clause in grant agreements. For example, if a vendor holds 15 contracts with a municipality, thevendor can more easily bill against other contracts and fraudulently charge the government. Additional changes to compliance and reporting guidelines, including any clarifications on Uniform Guidance requirements, will be addressed in Compliance and Reporting Guidance and the User Guide. October 2015 Procurement Bulletin Article. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. WebSourcing & Procurement. [1] Department of Treasury, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Guidance on Recipient Compliance and Reporting Responsibilities, at 8, available at: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/SLFRF-Compliance-and-Reporting-Guidance.pdf. For example, you can analyze vendor performance using vendor quotations, proposal evaluations and past invoices. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: Sample Uniform Guidance Policies and Implementation Tools, -Boards of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, & Substance Abuse, -Affordable Housing & Minimum Housing Codes, -Professional Responsibility for Government Attorneys, Purchasing, Construction, Property Transactions, -Purchasing / Purchase Contracts / Purchase Orders, Assistance Listing: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, US Treasury State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Compliance and Reporting Guidance, Subpart C, Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal Awards, Subpart D, Post Federal; Award Requirements, Project and Expenditure Report Tracking Template, Blog post explaining allowable cost and cost principles, Sample Allowable Cost and Cost Principles Policy, Sample Employee Effort Certification Form for 100% Covered Employees, Sample Employee Effort Certification Form for Less Than 100% Covered Employees, as outlined in paragraph 4.c. Identify and understand the intended uses of the funds in the grant award agreement. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, OIG Bulletin Articles Related to the Use of ARPA Funds, is, OIG Bulletin Articles Related to the Use of ARPA Funds. Such individuals and organizations are beneficiaries and not subject to audit pursuant to the Single Audit Act and 2 C.F.R. Noncompetitive procurement is only allowed if certain criteria are met. c. 30B, 1(f). This may include justification of exigent or emergency circumstances, imminent threat to public health and safety, or substantive demonstration that no alternatives were feasible. Two signature programs of the ARPA are the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF) and the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (LFRF). In order to carry out its enforcement responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Treasury will collect and review information from non-Tribal recipients to ascertain their compliance with the applicable requirements before and after providing financial assistance. Every jurisdiction needs to review vendor payment requests to make sure they are accurate. Jurisdictions must remain vigilant in reviewing vendor documents to ensure that they get what they need and that public funds are properly expended. By applying Chapter 30B to the procurement of services that are otherwise exempt, you help ensure that your jurisdiction obtains services from responsible and responsive vendors at the best price or best value for your residents, even when your jurisdiction is not paying the vendor directly. Written procedures that do not meet UG standards must be revised to include these The goal of a vendor fraud audit is to determine whether the vendor intentionally acted to defraud the contracting organization. Governors have until September 9, 2021 to make application for ARPA EANS funds. Come with your questions and share your experiences and insights with colleagues across the State. Broadly speaking, data is any fact about an object or concept. For instance, recipients should note that SLFRF funds may not be used as the non-federal share for purposes of a states Medicaid and CHIP programs because the OMB has approved a waiver from this provision as requested by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services pursuant to 2 CFR 200.102 of the Uniform Guidance and related regulations. If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass.gov, join our user panel to test new features for the site. You can find the full rule (all 437 pages of it) here and a brief overview (only 44 pages) here. The Office of the Inspector General has compiled the following Bulletin articles related to using ARPA funds, including articles about paying for supplies and services with federal funds, invoice review, data analytics and vendor audits. Suspicious invoices: even or round invoice amounts, as well as non-sequential invoices, are red flags. MCPPO Online Class Technical Specifications, View MCPPO schedule and class information, contact the Office of the Inspector General, Presumed Eligible Fiscal Recovery Fund (FRF) Spending. During this session, ARPA Expenditure Category 2.15 and 2.18 - uses of funds, procurement, and reporting requirements, including audit pursuant to the Single Audit Act and 2 CFR 200, Subpart F (see below). Equipment and Real Property Management. Final approval for sole source procurement requests in most states resides with the Chief Procurement Official. Then make sure that you have access to that data. Additional information about the definition of subrecipients is available in the section Distinguishing Subrecipients versus Beneficiaries. Historical data regarding the use of a supply or service can help procurement teams project future procurement needs and build a more effective and accurate budget. We also plan to give an overview of some of these techniques in the next article on data in an upcoming edition of the OIG Bulletin. The use of data and data-based decision making has become increasingly important in government agencies and municipalities as a means of identifying fraud, waste or abuse of public resources. All rights reserved. Please limit your input to 500 characters. The data from these documents can be combined to help make decisions about the award of future contracts. [12] Effective August 2020, based on Federal Register Publication Vol 85 No. Recipients should note that NEUs and Non-UGLGs are not subrecipients under the SLFRF program. [1] These requirements outline the general standards and regulations for the procurement of goods and services for recipients and subrecipients of federally awarded funds. 200.319-320 (describing the competitive processes required for procurements made with federal funds). Nevertheless, the vendor generated substantial revenue from the contract because drivers had to pay the vendor for towing and storage charges. clarified that funds made available under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) are subject to federal procurement requirements outlined in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), found at Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (2 CFR 200). The majority of these goods and services are purchased using the Uniform Procurement Act, M.G.L. Treasury may request transfer of records of long-term value at the end of such period. Finally, Kara hosted SOG Office Hours on Jan. 13, 2022, and the primary topic was the Final Rule and the change in lost revenue calculations. Direct questions related to design and construction procurement to the Attorney Generals Office. Once the audit team selects the type of audit to perform, the team must clearly prepare an audit plan and outline the expected audit procedures. 12. Appendix 1: Allowable Use Matrix Background On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 was signed into law. Protect your jurisdiction and thwart bid manipulation by: you suspect bid manipulation, contact the Office of the Inspector Generals fraud, waste and abuse hotline at (800) 322-1323. ARPA Subgrantee Agreement Template Two Payment (Advance, Reimbursement) rev11.3.22 (DOCX) ARPA Subgrantee Also, remember the following: 1. Implement internal controls to prevent fraud, waste and abuse. To ensure that the cost items within an eligible project are proper, a local government must adopt and implement an Allowable Costs and Cost Principles Policy. It also will identify grey areas that may require further legal scrutiny before finalizing expenditure decisions. Maintaining records sufficient to detail the history of procurement. The procedures should also incorporate the governing boards role related to project approval and budget adoption/amendment. This includes setting specific requirements and expectations, providing an audit timeline, including when and where you will visit, who you will interview, and which documents you will need. 601 0 obj <>stream However, Chapter 30B does not apply to federally funded procurements if following Chapter 30B would conflict with federal laws or regulations. Many of our past reports highlight fraudulent or inaccurate vendor billing. Those requirements include ensuring that entities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Treasury do not deny benefits or services, or otherwise discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, age, or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), in accordance with the following authorities: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) Public Law 88-352, 42 U.S.C. For example, a roadway repair and maintenance contract should not include unrelated supplies or services, such as classroom IT equipment or roadway paving in a location not specified in the contract. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to announce the ARPA Regional Jail Equipment Grant Program, funded through a state appropriation of federal funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Outlier analysis, in its simplest form, compares different data points in order to identify data that stands out from the rest. two (2) subrecipients to carry these programs. Recipients that receive an aggregate amount of federal financial assistance in a given fiscal year that exceeds the Single Audit threshold are subject to the requirements in 2 CFR 200 Subpart F, Audit Requirements, unless Purchases made from a vendor pursuant to a General Services Administration federal supply schedule, available for use by governmental bodies, comply with the requirements of Chapter 30B. Vendors may charge fees and raise prices over the course of a contract, only if the contract allows for the same. Use this button to show and access all levels. The words data and data-driven decision-making sound daunting; however, neither is something new. Below are a few examples of the range of schemes that vendors may engage in. When initiating an audit it is important to inform the vendor exactly which personnel and/or processes you will be auditing. Recipients of Federal financial assistance from the Treasury are required to meet legal requirements relating to nondiscrimination and nondiscriminatory use of Federal funds. A good way to start is by identifying data that would help you do your job. Costs must follow the requirements in 2 CFR 200 Subpart E, Cost Principles, including procurement standards. As an example, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides that SLFRF funds may be used to meet the non-federal match requirements of authorized Bureau of Reclamation projects and certain broadband deployment projects. Confirm that an invoice for labor accurately reflects the time that the vendor or its employees worked. Now is the time for school districts and municipalities across the Commonwealth to develop bid documents that are tailored to address the additional compliance requirements This blog post is for educational and informational use and may be used for those purposes without permission by providing acknowledgment of its source. Remember to consider whether your data gives you enough information to help you make decisions. All other recipients must follow 2 CFR 200.318, General procurement standards, through 200.327, Contract provisions. of the Award Terms and Conditions, Accessibility: Report a Digital Access Issue, Allowable Costs and Cost Principles Policy, Financial Management and Internal Controls, Program Income Policy (if local government uses ARP/CSLFRF funds to establish a loan program or otherwise earns income related to an ARP/CSLFRF expenditure), Procurement Policy (if a local government contracts for goods or services paid for with ARP/CSLFRF funds, or must engage in a Single Audit (even if the audit is paid for with other funds)), Property Management Policy (if a local government uses ARP/CLSFRF to acquire or improve any real property, equipment, or supplies), Subaward Policy (if a local government partners with another government, nonprofit, or other private entity to carry out an ARP/CSLFRF-eligible project), Thursday, March 24, at 8:30am (focus on affordable housing). Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. 2 CFR 200.320(c). As part of those procedures, a local government should identify the core team who will perform the review processes and implement necessary controls. To start, here is a summary list of UG policies and their triggers. 128, 40064-40068. hb```nB eaXT00.I T~hHZIs).oIuhJOJ-= To facilitate grant management, jurisdictions should develop clear expectations for grant programs and include this language in grant awards. This blog post is published and posted online by the School of Government to address issues of interest to government officials. hWoHWcORPKt.u8 -fA zA^%hq0)`Q9^2 B $BJ*'xdg.|vOhRRFa)`q:e8^0^0^0^0^ 6fn?iTDuHG?=t1Ax twx3Oy!/%G}KoW%0!,k69\=nl necessary to lawfully utilize federal ARPA funds for procurement or construction? If a local government does not already have a written nondiscrimination policy, it must adopt and implement one consistent with this guidance. WebTo promote appropriate and effective use of ARPA funds, jurisdictions should: Identify and understand the intended uses of the funds in the grant award agreement. When the jurisdiction tried to reduce the quantity of future deliveries, the vendor threatened to charge the jurisdiction a higher non-bulk rate. A right-to-audit clause allows a jurisdiction to request documents and engage in an active review process. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. SLFRF funds beyond those that are available under the revenue loss eligible use category may not be used to meet the non-federal match or cost-share requirements of other federal programs, other than as specifically provided for by statute. of the Award Terms and Conditions. Also on this page are the dates and times of future Office Hours events, along with the Zoom link. 584 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<835934A992BE5B40B85FB79B51E29EDE>]/Index[559 43]/Info 558 0 R/Length 119/Prev 296096/Root 560 0 R/Size 602/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Please see 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E regarding the Cost Principles for more information. Federal Register Publication Vol 85 No. We also will be holding at least two courses this spring: April 4, 2022: Basics of ARP/CSLFRF and UG for Local Government Attorneys and Grant Managers. SLFRF funds transferred to subrecipients are also subject to reporting and Uniform Guidance requirements. necessary to lawfully utilize federal ARPA funds for procurement or construction? While experience can inform decisions, augmenting experience with the intentional use of objective data can help validate and improve the decision-making process. The best way to safeguard public funds is to dedicate personnel and time to review invoices as an important component of contract administration. Please let us know how we can improve this page. Knapp-Sanders Building For example, a municipality may have an existing contract for providing workforce development services that they wish to use starting July 1, 2021, but the contract expired in March 2021. If data analysis leads you to believe that fraud has occurred, please contact the OIGs Fraud Hotline at (800) 322-1323 orIGOFightFraud@state.ma.us, orfill out our online form. The non-Federal entitys documented procurement procedures must conform to the procurement standards identified in 2 CFR 200.317 through 200.327. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or ideas about data. After reviewing and analyzing data, managers can follow up and review more information, identify issues and resolve them. WebGeneral Requirements for Procurement Programs . In addition to Karas post, there is another new post on Procuring Single Audit services for ARPA funds. The vendor deducted the administrative fee from the monthly payment it made to the housing authority even though this was not part of the contract between the housing authority and the vendor. To promote appropriate and effective use of ARPA funds, jurisdictions should: Jurisdictionsshould also develop evidence-based methods of measuring performance and project goals to make sure that grantees meet those expectations. The team should consider gaining direct access to the vendors systems to facilitate its review. Treasurys implementing regulations, 31 CFR part 22, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations, Coordination of Non-discrimination in Federally Assisted Programs, 28 CFR part 42, provide for the collection of data and information from recipients (see 28 CFR 42.406). As required under 2 CFR 200, a local governments procurement program must address the following: Full and Open S.aR8.:h;"S=uV#7SS:]=i++_u}~}_y_yR,_+#$AqYoX%F"YC CV8OEG?+7yOet~f4e&xfqgP*1:bWn5lu-J;[:gqG5SfJ Qbu8CZq|+gBjUC5.P06. 5=;I?s=pCOsV+k 4^ "6!p ~|: 1 GW%kO &)1dwO1(SEQqm2(Rh !3I`eUb&. Campus Box 3330 Subrecipient Monitoring. During this session, [22] Per 2 CFR 200.319, procurement under Federal Awards must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition failing to meet this requirement could jeopardize federal funding and result in clawbacks. WebDesigns and oversees valid and systematic programs for assessing the effectiveness of talent acquisition activities that meet the organization's needs. We have also learned that state agencies and municipalities can start from scratch and build the capacity to rely on data as a problem-solving tool. This outlier may warrant further investigation. Pertinent documents may include invoices, payment information, purchase orders, requisitions, general ledgers, cash disbursements, check registrars, transactional data histories and contract bid documents. Mayor Smiley wants to hear from you! ApplyingBenfordsLaw is another way to find outliers in your data that should be flagged for further review. WebYes; there is no requirement to prove a loss in revenue. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Wherever practicable, such records should be collected, transmitted, and stored in open and machine-readable formats. The following are tools to implement this requirement: Allowable Costs/Cost Principles. Accordingly, your organization should develop written policies and procedures for subrecipient monitoring and risk assessment and maintain records of all award agreements identifying or otherwise documenting subrecipients compliance obligations. The following are sample policies and other implementation tools for many of these award terms and UG requirements. As you may know, under Section 1(b)(21) of Chapter 30B contracts for the towing and storage of motor vehicles are exempt from the Uniform Procurement Act. Pages ) here an active arpa procurement requirements process. data can help validate and the. When the jurisdiction tried to reduce the quantity of future deliveries, the vendor exactly personnel. Data, managers can follow up and review more information, identify and... Bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the bid solicitation, through 200.327 contract... Make decisions concerns about fraud, waste and abuse will be auditing: What if you have access to data! Audit services for ARPA EANS funds systematic programs for assessing the effectiveness of talent acquisition activities meet... Arpa EANS funds in order to identify data that should be collected, transmitted, and in... 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