Shuma e . Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. We look forward to bring to life new successful projects and embrace fruitful partnerships with German companies that are inspired by the same values of responsibility, innovation and social responsibility, and thus bring the two countries further closer. Top 10 lista e m t pasurve n Shqipri pr 2013- 2014, do t prmblidhej n kt format: 1. Biznesmeni Shefqet Kastrati thekson se gjithashtu ka dhn urdhr pr t mos marr asnj qindark nga askush q ka kaluar npr Rrugn e Kombit pr ndihm. Kastrati Group counts more than 3,000 competent professionals working safely together. Shkarkoni aplikacionin JOQ ALBANIA n platformat. Fuqia e tij sht e madhe, aq sa eti tashm ka filluar t ndrtoj brenda kulla (banesa t larta) edhe n parkun e madh t Tirans. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Cel : 069 20 65 933, e-mail: Zahid, Your email address will not be published. Mirpo veprimtaria e grupit sht m e gjer se kaq. M dat 25.03.2013, me an t kontrats s shitblerjes s kuotave t kapitalit themeltar Nr. This led to the creation of Kastrati Group, which in 2018 generated a yearly turnover of $800 million. Ndalohet rreptsisht do ndrhyrje n videot e Hoxhs Dr. Shefqet Krasniqi, qoft shkputje, montim a prpunim i caktuar, pa lejen paraprake t stafit prgjegjs. Kryqezimi i rruges se Durresit Comments about the importance of this project and how else Kastrati shows its commitment to a greener future. e-mail: Irfani privatizoi plazhin, po Kastrati q privatizon prej 20 vitesh autostradn Tiran-Durrs? t Kodit Penal t Republiks s Kosovs (KPRK), sipas aktakuzs . We promote and connect Albanian industries, companies, and entrepreneurs with Europe and the world . Vasil Nai is the founder and CEO of Agna Group, a company focused on exports and imports of many types of products, construction, advertising and other services. Hasmrit e tij me grupin e Marsel Sotirs dhe jo vetm dhe influenca e tij n Durrs, n disa linja kryesore .Kuptohet q pr Shefqet Kastratin, nuk njeri m adapt sa Lulzim Berisha, pr t mbajtur peshn e monopolit t nafts n Portin e Durrsit. [2] Founded in 2005 by Shefqet Kastrati, is the parent company of Kastrati SH.P.K, Kastrati Construction, Albsig, and other smaller companies. Shefqet Krasniqi lindi m 22.06.1966 n fshatin Sibofc, n komunn e Obiliqit. Shefqet Kastrati. Shefqet Kastrati, Shkruar nga: S Shtjefni | Publikuar m: 16.09.2022, 09:35. Lajmin e trisht pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit e ka br me dije vet familja, ndrsa njofton se ditn e sotme homazhet do t kryhen pran 'Hotel Sheraton'. S fundmi Kastrati po zgjeron investimin edhe n hotele dhe . Sepse sht nj veprimtari 21 vjecare e ksaj kompanie n kt fush. Sepse ai prfshin gjithashtu edhe veprimtari hoteliere, bar restorantesh, ndrtimin. Sot familja jon e madhe humbi nj nga shtyllat e saj, babain e urt, gjyshin e dhembshur dhe fisnik, shrbyesin e madh t njerzve n nevoj. Gazetari Ermal Mulosmani, ka shkruar nj status n Facebook, ku ka denoncuar ndrtimet e larta q po i kryen Kastrati mu n mes t Tirans. (formerly known as Kastrati Sh.a.) . ASA Autostar Albania, TENET, Kastrati Construction) Ai n kuadr t Kastrati Group, ka edhe bizneset Kastrati SHA, Kastrati, Albsig, ASA Autostar Albania, Kastpetrol etj. - SeeNews - Business intelligence for Southeast Europe", "Kastrati Group - ACP | Albanian Construction Portal", "The Top 100 Most Profitable Albanian Companies Invest in Albania", article "Kastrati Group" is from Wikipedia, Albania at the 2010 FINA World Swimming Championships (25 m), Mediat n Shqipri patn publikuar nj list me tenderet dhe shumat e tyre q Kastrati kishte fituar nga institucionet vetm gjat vitit 2016. I can mention here our excellent cooperation with Exxon Mobil and other names that remain partners and supporters of our activity. April 15th, 2019 - Rezultatet e zgjedhjeve t 17 nntorit 2007 64 VEHAPI IDRIZ 65 ARZUALLGJIU AFRIM 66 KONUSHEVCI FEXHRIE 67 MEROVCI ADNAN 68 KRASNIQI ISA 69 BLAKAJ IDRIZ Veprimtaria e LPK s n Kuvendin e Kosovs Biografia e kryetarit t LPK s Emrush Xhemajli 29 shtator 2007 Deputeti i LPK s Emrush Xhemajli n seancn plenare t We currently have a consolidated construction portfolio including multifunctional buildings, residential complexes, touristic complexes, business-related buildings, hospitality related buildings and many more. Ajo q denoncon masakrn e Kastratit brenda Parkut t Madh t Tirans mbron interesat e publikut. In the hospitality and tourism sector, we can mention the partnership of Kastrati with Hyatt Regency to bring very soon Hyatt Regency Tirana, a successful agreement signed in November 2018. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of "Top Media" media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan . sht toka q krijoi nj burr pr njerzit q donte. Shefqet Kastrati, i njohur shkurtimisht si eti, sht ndr biznesment m t fuqishm t Shqipris. Kryqezimi i rruges se Durresit Por, fitimi i tij nuk sht vetm pr shkak t sasis q shitet n tregun shqiptar. Dhe aty ku sht eti, ligji nuk ekziston. May i know contact detail for same. T tjerat jan pallavra., shkroi Emral Mulosmani n profilin e tij n Facebook. Ai sht shprehur: Tragjedia Shqiptare m ka tronditur thellsisht mua dhe. Afterward, in 2016, the group established a full-service construction company. Ka mbaruar Fakultetin Teologjik, ndrsa aktualisht studion n Degn e Psikologjis. Vox sht nj media online qe ka nisur publikimet n Shkurt 2022. Also, we are the exclusive authorized distributor of Mercedes-Benz cars in Albania since 2015. Msohet se homazhet t ndarjes nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit do t zhvillohen pran Hotel Sheraton nga ora 11:00 deri n orn 13:00. According to the survey, Albania counts no more than 2005 people whose bank accounts have from EUR 1-5 million and their number has increased slightly in the past years due to the economic crisis that the country went through since 2008. (Video), Kastrati, 1 mln euro n dit fitim nga nafta. Lidhja e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama, i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. Jan 21 vite aktivitet me rritje t prhershme nga kompania. It started as a way of satisfying the specific construction needs of our companies, such as those for fuel stations, automotive showrooms or office spaces. [3] Grigor Joti 7. Familja, duke vazhduar t ec n gjurmt e tij, ju fton juve, t afrmve dhe miqve ta respektojm si e meriton njeriu yn i dashur n ditn e fundit. Gjat vitit 2015 pjes e Kastrati Group u b edhe "Autostar Albania", kompania q merret me tregtimin e makinave t reja t marks s mirnjohur Mercedes Benz. Rrjedh nga nj familje fetare. To guarantee this quality, we have brought the products of world leaders into our markets. VII. Elheme Kastrati, n shtjen penale kundr t pandehurit M.I nga Komuna e Drenasit, pr vepr . The combination of the expertise of German investors and Kastrati Groups capabilities and deep understanding of the Albanian market has revealed itself to be an ideal formula for successful and mutually beneficial cooperation. Ai sht pronar i Kastrati Group, dhe llogaritet si njri ndr personat m t pasur n Shqipri. Sipas tyre miqsia e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. Varrimi do t kryhet n orn 14:00 ditn e sotme, e premte, tek Xhamia e Re n Mullet. Sipas vendimit t Gjykats s Posame t Korrupsionit dhe Krimit t Organizuar, kompleksi Golden ishte ndrtuar gjoja me burime t ligjshme dhe i ishte nnshtruar m par hetimit pasuror n kuadr t ligjit Antimafia. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of Top Media media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan Hoxha who died in a tragic car accident in Tirana several years ago. 28 Nntor 2019, 17:41 Firmoset marrveshja pr ish-Sheratonin, mbrrin n Shqipri 'mbreti' i hoteleris me 5 yje 'Hyatt' Lajmin e hidhur pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit mbrmjen e djeshme e ka br me dije vet familja, ku njofton se ditn e sotme homazhet do t kryhen pran Hotel Sheraton ndrsa ceremonia e varrimit te Xhamia e Re, Mullet. Vie nga nj familje tradicionale shqiptare. Pikrisht n kt port, ku roli dhe dominanca e Lulzim Berishs sht e qart, sasia e nafts q merret tek kompania Kastrati derdhet tek sarbratort gjigant t anijeve dhe peshkarexhave q ankorohen n kt port dhe q kan nevoj t furnizohen me karburant. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Mes kompanis s Shefqet Kastratit dhe kompanis s Lulzim Berisha, Rajan 2017 jan lidhur nj sr kontratash pr furnizim me naft. How did you manage to establish and maintain these relationships? Nga nj gj e till, m s shumti dmtohet buxheti i Shqipris, pasi q nj litr naft e pa doganuar, hy e paregjistruar edhe n rezervuarin e veturs s qytetarit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mirpo veprimtaria e grupit sht m e gjer se kaq. N moshn 31-vjeare, Shefqet Kastrati krijoi kompanin e par t tregtimit t hidrokarbureve me pakic. Shefqet Kastrati do t jet zyrtarisht investitori kryesor i kompanis mediatike "Euronews Albania", pasi ka bler 60% t aksioneve t kompanis, t cilat i prkisnin biznesmenit shqiptar Theodori ami. Kompleksi Golden n afrsi t Shijakut ishte nj sken krimi makabr, kur u prdor si trampolin pr operacionin Forca e Ligjit, OFL, m 3 shkurt t vitit 2020. Lajmin e trisht pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit e ka br me dije vet familja, ndrsa njofton se ditn e sotme homazhet do t kryhen pran 'Hotel Sheraton'. In Kastrati Group, human resources represent the most valuable asset and an important factor for its growth and development. Our ever-evolving group has a commitment to become a leader in every industry where we operate, to be internationally recognized as a reliable business partner and a significant contributor to communities. Gjykata gjeti gjithashtu se Hajri nuk ishte pronari i vetm, por e ndante pronsin me kompanin m t madhe t hidrokarbureve n Shqipri, Kastrati sh.p.k t biznesmenit Shefqet Kastrati. Me Shume Informacion mund te gjeni tek libri Biznesi Shqiptar, Me te miret 2016, Kompleksi Karl Topia Pra, Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt 2020. Abazovi dhe Kastrati jan takuar edhe n kryeministri pr konesionin. Gazetari Lutfi Dervishi, tregoi se mijra ton naft hy n kt form, pr t ciln pastaj ka dyshime edhe pr cilsin. rahovec prfundon vitin e ardhshm lajmet, biografia umib net, shefqet kastrati facebook, 30 korrik 2015 pages 1 40 text version pubhtml5, redaksia dshmort e uk s solli para lexuesve, adil fetahu krijimi dhe rrnimi i gjyqsorit t kosovs, spitali i prgjithshm i prizrenit, rahoveci m 2018 tn do t bhet me palestr Ndahet nga jeta babai i biznesmenit Shefqet Kastratit, Jonuz Kastrati. T gjith e njohin Berishn se kush sht. Click to reveal /GazetaJonormatohet pas futjes n fush t Shefqet Kastratit. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Dalin pamjet/ Ekzekutohet gangsteri famkeq brenda salls s gjyqit n Indi, T shtna me arm zjarri n Vlor, plagoset nj vajz, Identifikohet viktima e par shqiptare nga aksidenti tragjik n Larisa. Powerful, politically-connected businessman Shefqet Kastrati has entered Albania's crowded media market with the purchase on Monday of Euronews Albania, following in the footsteps of Samir Mane. Ajo opozit q del te parku i Liqenit, pas Sheratonit, dhe denoncon korrupsionin oligarkiko-qeveritar t kullave t et Kastratit, brenda mushkrive t qytetit, vetm ajo, ka votn time. How would you evaluate the role of your staff over the years? Nse kompanit prbrse t ktij grupi vazhdojn e prmirsohen me kt ritm dhe nse Grupi vazhdon t ndjek politikn e diversifikimit t mtejshm t aktivitetit t tij nuk sht aspak cudi q n nj t ardhme t afrt ai t mbrrij nivelin e 1 miliard eurove aktivitet vjetor. Madje, ai ka sfiduar opozitn pr t reaguar, duke thn se cilado opozit q denoncon kt masakr urbanistike, do ta votoj. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. Shefqet Kastrati 4. Shefqet Kastrati sht njeriu q n vazhdimsi ka fituar kontrata me miliona lek me institucionet shqiptare pr karburantin q tregton. Could you walk us through the history of Kastrati Group? Nj botim i specializuar q tregon performancn e tij gjat vitit t kaluar. You are one of the most successful Albanian entrepreneurs and you have established partnerships with several international famous brands. Fillimi Etiketa Shefqet Kastrati Tag: Shefqet Kastrati Kastrati pagoi 2.37 milion euro pr 60% t Euronews, 6.5 her m shum se sa vlera nominale Nga Gjergj Erebara 17:52 | 28/04/2022 0 Grupi Kastrati bleu 60% t kompanis INTER MEDIA GROUP prkundrejt nj shume prej 2.37 milion eurosh, nj shifr e konsiderueshme . Grigor Joti is the President of Infosoft Systems Albania, the leading IT company in the market. T sigurt nga ajo cfar kmi konstatuar prgjat gjith ktyre viteve, se Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt sht nj botim i mirpritur nga ju, po ju sjellim edicionin e 17 t tij. Prve banorve rezident, n Shqipri do vit shkojn e vijn rreth 3-4 milion turist, t cilt gjithashtu prdorin naftn. Nse doni t jeni i pari pr t'u informuar mbi lajme ekskluzive, regjistrohuni m posht. Lajmin e trisht e ka br me dije vet familja, e cila thot se homezhet do te zhvillohen diten e sotme ne "Hotel Sheraton". 322/1 Kol., shoqria "Kastrati" sh.a transferon nprmjet shitjes 0.09% t kuotave t kapitalit n favor t ortakut Shefqet Kastrati, kundrejt mimit . Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Le ta ul mimin n Rrugn e Kombit, tek trau, aty ku paguhet 5 euro. Idajet Ismailaj 8. Shefqet Kastrati, sht nj histori suksesi 25-vjeare, e nj prej filantropve t par shqiptar, e cila daton q n vitin '92, fillimisht me tregtimin e hidrokarbureve, pr t'u zgjeruar shum shpejt n t gjith Shqiprin dhe n shum vende t rajonit t Ballkanit me nj rrjet t gjer kompanish t suksesshme. Koh m par, pr shkak t paknaqsive pr rritjen e mimeve, ka pasur protesta t shumta n Tiran, e pr t cilat kryeministri i Shqipris, Edi Rama, pati thn se ato po i shrbejn Rusis. Meq sht kaq patriot dhe nuk i duhen parat. Gjyqtari Gerd Hoxha vrassi i vrtet i 3 grave, liroi killerin Dan Hutra para 2 javsh. Kastrati u b i njohur fillimisht nga tregtia e karburanteve e m pas arriti t diversifikonte portofolin n ndrtim, tregti, transport e shum fusha t tjera. Shefqet Kastarti derdhi n llogarin e koncesionarve kinez 71 milion Euro dhe u b zotrues i t drejtave koncesionare pr 6 vitet e ardhshme (2021-2027). Shefqet Kastrati sht nj nga biznesment q qndron rregullisht n majat e renditjes s njerzve m t pasur n Shqipri. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. N Shqipri jan t pakta siprmarrjet vendase t organizuara n trajtn e nj grupi t mirfi llt. 2. This fact aligns so well with our commitment to the environment. [3] Its subsidiaries are involved in the distribution of petroleum, financial services, construction, commodities trading, real estate, and investing. Kur themi Kastrati nnkuptojm menjher karburantet. berisha wowkeyword com, kosovo kompanije net srbija ifarnik delatnosti, biografia fshmn uni pr edu, kuveni i kosovs mandaton kryeministr thain rizgjedh, dshmort e ushtris lirimtare t kosovs, 20130502 kd digital scribd com, shefqet kastrati facebook, universiteti i mitrovics isa boletini raport i, lpk kosova, 7 massembly results for candidates [1] The centre of Kastrati is the village of Bajz. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht biznesmeni me prejardhje nga Kuksi. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Zamir Mane N krye t ksaj liste, si edhe nj vit m par, vijon t jet Zamir Mane, pronari i TEG dhe i nj sr biznesesh t mdha n vend. Kastrati first entered the real estate industry in 2005. Aeroporti Ndrkombtar i Tirans po arrin nj numr t madh pasagjersh dhe rritja po vazhdon tashm q kaluam koht m t vshtira t pandemis. The company Kastrati SA has changed its mind from the plan to buy Euronews television and has given up the contract worth 2. . 2015-2023 Gazeta Online Insajderi - T gjitha t drejtat jan t rezervuara. Are you open to creating more partnerships with German companies or investors within any of the business activities of Kastrati Group? Shefqet Kastrati sht biznesmen i njohur n Shqipri, shkruan Gazeta Online Me kt [] 90% e. June 14, 2017 Read more . Msohet se mes ktij t fundit dhe familjes Hoxha q ka n pronsi Top Channelin jan duke u zhvilluar negociata pr shitjen e televizionit. Paralel me kt, Kastrati Group sht duke prfunduar si bashk investitor qendrn e biznesit Turdiu, sht bashksipr- marrs n projektin Tirana Down Town q po drtohet ngjitur me Europian Trade Center etj. Nuk sht Shefqet Kastrati, ai q ul mimet. Shrbimet vendase dhe partnere kan nj dosje t zez voluminoze pr lidhjet e etit me botn e krimit, por ende nuk sht goditur pr shkak t lidhjes s fort me Bablokun e Madh, i cili bn projete nga m t medurat dhe ia paraqet etit q ti zbatoj n realitet duke hedhur parat. Kastrati Group has established its reputation as a reliable business partner by committing to deliver premium-quality products and services, bringing innovation, creating employment throughout the country while also doing its part to preserve the environment. Xhiro e aktivitetit 2021: 800 milion euro Edhe n kt rast OFL-ja e Edi Rams dshtoi pasi doln rrnjt e etit! Kastrati is a historical Albanian tribe ( fis) and region in northwestern Albania. e-mail: 4. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:Kastrati Group. This page was last edited on 3 August 2020, at 08:03. Video/ Historia e Shefqet Kastratit. Shefqet bey Vrlaci [1] [a] ( Albanian pronunciation: [fct vlatsi]; 15 December 1877, Elbasan, Manastir Vilayet, Ottoman Empire - 21 July 1946, Zrich, Switzerland), also known as Shevket Verlaci, was an Albanian politician and wealthy landowner. S shitblerjes s kuotave t kapitalit themeltar Nr page was last edited on 3 August 2020, 08:03! Or investors within any of the business activities of Kastrati Group t Jonuz Kastratit do t zhvillohen Hotel. Vetm pr shkak t sasis q shitet n tregun shqiptar most valuable and. Owner to let them know you were blocked 20 65 933, e-mail: info Or malformed data promote and connect Albanian industries, companies, and website in this browser for next. Hotele dhe lidhur nj sr kontratash pr furnizim me naft Video ), sipas aktakuzs online attacks pr 2014... 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