1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW (This includes. Which brings me to my concerns. As Putin desperately accelerates his brutality in Ukraine, time is of the essence. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. California Do Not Sell My Personal Information, explained why hes objecting to its passage, Biden comms directors economic gaslighting collides with reality (again), Airline spotlights flight with all-LGBTQ+ crew (passengers seem to have other preferred priorities), WH statement on Bidens pick for Labor Secretary left out some background, Ted Cruz chews out Merrick Garland over BS non-answers to questions about threats to SCOTUS Justices, Zelenskyy warns that US will have to send their sons and daughters, but theres more to the story, Ostensible news outlet Semafor has teamed up with an arm of the CCP propaganda machine, AG Garland defends DOJ/FBI targeting peaceful pro-lifers instead of pro-abort domestic terrorists, Dr. Marty Makary tells House committee what happened after virologists acquiesced to Dr. Fauci, WaPo fact-check sinks Dem attempts to blame Trump for East Palestine train crash, Merrick Garland refuses to admit that biological male prisoners could pose risk to female prisoners, Jennifer Rubin says to imagine if DeSantis did to America what hes done to Fla. (so lets do that), Progs pissed at NYT for giving air to conservative Princeton student help illustrate students point. I'm not sure if the friction between these factions shakes something loose in our politics and ushers in a powerful third party, but its possible. The package includes almost $15 billion for defense operations and maintenance, which includes $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and $8.7 billion to replenish stocks of U.S. equipment sent to Ukraine. In a split with party leaders, 11 Senate Republicans Thursday voted against a bill to send $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine as Russia's invasion of the nation nears its fourth month. International organizations ($650 million): $500 million is for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and $150 million for the Global Agricultural and Food Security Program. Nah no money laundering going on there. The New York Times editorial board said American support won't be indefinite, and President Biden needs to communicate the goals clearly. Posted By: earlybird, 2/28/2023 8:24:47 PM WASHINGTONWhite House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who has voiced concerns about Beijing's growing ties with Moscow and involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, says he doubts that the . Because lend-lease is based on a fictionthat the equipment will eventually be returned to the United Statesthe president may rely primarily on drawdown authority. This funding would procure missiles not directly related to the conflict in Ukraine, but instead to prepare for a wide variety of conflicts, such as against China. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is always wary about supplemental appropriations. "While a small portion of these funds will go to humanitarian aid for Ukraine, the vast majority will go into the coffers of weapons manufacturers such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and the usual suspects. The weaker his army is and the weaker Russia looks at the end of this war, the safer the rest of the region probably is from invasion. The U.S. has been training dozens of Ukrainian troops on weapons in locations across Europe to prepare them for the equipment the U.S. is sending. The US Senate is edging closer to passing Joe Biden's $40bn package of military, humanitarian and economic aid to Ukraine after a hold-up last week by Republican senator Rand Paul. In contrast, arms, money and the blood of thousands of U.S. troops couldnt infuse Western-oriented governments in South Vietnam and Afghanistan with popular support. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, WASHINGTON (AP) The House emphatically approved a fresh $40 billion Ukraine aid package Tuesday as lawmakers beefed up President Joe Biden's initial request, signaling a magnified, bipartisan commitment to thwart Russian President Vladimir Putin's bloody three-month-old invasion. The bill includes $6 billion in operational support for Ukraine's defense against the full-scale Russian invasion, $8.7 billion for further procurement of U.S.-made weapon systems, and $3.9. Market data provided by Factset. Please try again. washington The U.S. House of Representatives approved more than $40 billion more aid for Ukraine on Tuesday, as Congress races to keep military aid flowing and boost the government in Kyiv. "Continued support for Ukraine's self-defense against Russia is in U.S. interests. All rights reserved. What I think is interesting is that progressive Democrats are probably the weakest of the four factions in terms of power. Most of that aid went toward the Economic Support Fund for Ukraine, at $8.8 billion. Budget documents indicate that the lead time for such a procurement is 24-36 months. Tangle: I'm not sure I have a great answer for you. What constitutes a nationalist foreign policy is open to debate, but the bill, and our broader support for Ukraine, falls comfortably within a common-sense definition. There is a reason Sweden and Finland are joining NATO, and it is not that they think Putin is a rational actor whose vision for the world ends with only Ukraine in his grasp. The act raises the statutory cap on drawdown authority (22 USC 2318) by $11 billion, which allows the president to send equipment to friendly countries like Ukraine from existing U.S. stockpiles. Does the United States intend to hold Mr. Putin accountable as a war criminal? House of representatives approved more than $40 billion more aid for ukraine on tuesday, as congress races to keep military. Last week, 57 Republicans voted against the Ukraine assistance bill in the House. Even from a non-interventionist perspective, there is a good argument for the money. Putin is a cautious man, but accidents happen, and miscalculations with nukes sting. U.S. military forces will likely be there for a while. "Ukrainian society as a whole was willing to fight in defense of its country. But the Senate may not vote on the plan until next week. By policy, supplemental appropriations are for "emergency and unforeseen" situations. In order to oversee the disbursement of funds, the Department of State Inspector General and USAID Inspector General received a combined $5 million. And our border policies aren't our border policies because of money they're the accumulated policies of President Biden and the result of decades of congressional inaction. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. 2022 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Some elements of the aid package support allies and partners affected by the conflict in Ukraine, while others are general enhancements to U.S. military capabilities. The left is divided on the bill, with some supporting it and others questioning what we are doing. The Daily Mail writes: Seventy-five years on, the Biden administration and Congress have now set aside a similarly staggering $113 billion in American taxpayer funds for Ukraine in a conflict that . About 22% of the total bill comes from the $422 billion set aside for $1,400-per-person stimulus checks. Accordingly, all views, positions, and conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). "These numbers might seem staggering, but they pale in comparison to the amounts Washington spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or in Vietnam for that matter. Biden's funding bill for Ukraine includes over $20 billion in weapons and security assistance for Ukraine, $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, and $4 billion for the State Departments Foreign Military Financing program. See Media Page for more interview, contact, and citation details. WASHINGTON (AP) A $1.7 trillion spending bill financing federal agencies through September and providing more aid to a devastated Ukraine cleared the House . House Armed Services Committee member Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., discusses the Ukrainian aid package valued at nearly $40 billion and the elements he would like to see inserted and left out of the bill. Ukraine deserves support against Russias unprovoked aggression, and the United States must lead its NATO allies in demonstrating to Vladimir Putin that the Atlantic alliance is willing and able to resist his revanchist ambitions," the board wrote. The bill, approved in a 368-57 vote, provides myriad support to Ukraine, from weapons to humanitarian aid, and is meant to last through the end of September. In a unique move, Biden said he did not wish the Ukraine aid to be tied up with any other packages, such as coronavirus relief, or any other agenda items that could prevent its passage. In a statement, Ogles said, "It's time we follow the words of President Trump and put America First. <<NOTE: May 21, 2022 - [H.R. The legislation, released just hours before, now goes to the U.S. Senate, where leaders hope to quickly send the bill to . However, all these enhancements will take a long time to implement. However, the statutory language is clear that it only applies to people from Ukraine and does not entitle a person to permanent resident status. Hack squat vs leg press bodybuilding The senate finally approved an additional $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid for ukraine. One of my closest friends is a Ukrainian who spent time living in Kyiv working for the government. Bloated House $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package Puts Americans Last May 17, 2022 4 min read COMMENTARY BY James Jay Carafano @JJCarafano Vice President, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis. "But a victorious Vladimir Putin would have posed a more direct threat to NATO, precipitating and necessitating an even bigger military buildup than we are seeing now, and one that we would have to participate in, unless we were to simply give up on our leadership of the worlds most important alliance," Lowry said. Mitch McConnell is still the most powerful Republican in Congress. "The goal is not just to have Russia leave Ukraine in defeat, but to attrit them to the last possible man in doing so," Van Buren said. Diplomatic Programs ($190 million)/International narcotics control and law enforcement ($400 million)/Embassy security ($110 million)/Nonproliferation and demining ($100 million): These provisions fund increases in Department of State diplomatic activities in Ukraine and worldwide, as well as various specialized programs. U.S. House passes $40 billion Ukraine aid package with broad bipartisan support Second aid package since Russia began war in Ukraine in late February would bring the total U.S. investment to $54 billion By: Jennifer Shutt - May 11, 2022 4:00 am Smoke rises after missiles landed at sunset on April 28, 2022, in Kyiv, Ukraine. Aid from the United States, NATO, and other countries has been vital in allowing Ukraine to maintain its forces in combat for nearly three months. WASHINGTON The U.S. House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to provide an additional $40 billion in economic, humanitarian and military assistance to Ukraine as its troops continue fighting back against Russia's invasion. "Suddenly, what could have faded into the distance as a semi-failed incursion into Ukraine became the first struggle of the New Cold War; Nancy Pelosi said the struggle is about defending 'democracy writ large for the world.' The House of. $1 million for USAIDs Office of Inspector General. A structure like the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) might be appropriate. Check your inbox and click the link. The administration was careful not to hand over jet fighters or Patriot missiles before the war because they knew it could be seen as a provocation, and they knew if Ukraine fell, the weapons would end up in Russias hands. $17 million for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); $100 million for the State Department for non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, de-mining and related programs; Paul had sought to alter the bill to include requiring that an inspector general monitor the spending. When we talk about bleeding Russia, what we are really talking about is more dead Russian soldiers, more dead Ukrainian soldiers, and more death and destruction for the innocent civilians inhabiting the battleground in Ukraine. Many analysts have expressed cautious optimism that Ukraine has momentum in the war, as even the most loyal Russian propagandists are now openly questioning the competency of their military. We are looking forward to consideration of this important document for us by the Senate. Published November 18, 2022. When he found out he was getting married, he posted an invitation on Reddit to the entire town. Meanwhile, Sen. Pauls demand for oversight of all that is causing annoyance for the Senate leadership of both parties. The legislation, approved 86-11, was backed by . Most have crossed to the European Union through border points in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, where volunteers and governments have scrambled to help them find accommodation and provide support. (, A New York judge finalized a congressional map for the state, setting off a scramble for candidates to decide what districts to run in and handing a victory to Republicans who had challenged Democratic gerrymandering. The House passed a $39.8 billion bill on Tuesday night to support Ukraine in its fight against invading Russian forces. The following are some of the main elements in the funding package: The legislation includes more than $4 billion in international disaster assistance to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine and other affected countries, including the provision of emergency food and shelter. It neglects priorities at home (the border), allows Europe to freeload, short changes critical interests abroad and comes w/ no meaningful oversight.. The congressional explanation focuses on budget support for the Ukrainian government, where normal revenue collection has likely broken down. Vladimir Putin slaughtered 300 civilians sheltering in a theater in Mariupol. The United States has sent about 10,500 troops to Europe and is now rotating those forces. "The Democrats are sending another $40 billion to Ukraine, yet America's parents are struggling to even feed their children," Trump said in a statement released by . Watchdog experts say decisively that's a huge problem. Love clothes, stickers and mugs? Assisting a sovereign country in defending its borders against a nation bent on regaining imperial glory, while ensuring other sovereign counties are better able to deter that would-be imperial power from further aggrandizement is a broadly nationalist project. World ukraine bailout set to rise to around $40 billion over four years new deal with western creditors would include $17.5 billion from imf international monetary fund. Yasyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images. You can find our podcast here. [117th Congress Public Law 128] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [[Page 136 STAT. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. Arizona Republicans, Others Sound Off on $40 Billion Ukraine Deal. There is strong bipartisan support for helping Ukraine. Forward this to a friend and let them know where they can subscribe (hint: it's here). Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. That includes the $40 billion supplemental appropriations legislation passed in May the only standalone aid bill and $13.6 billion passed as part of a much larger omnibus appropriations. Bottom line: without these aid packages, the Russians would be on the Polish and Romanian border. Im sure their is a line item 10% for the big guy, Clem Fandango (@LondonToastof) May 18, 2022. We name them differently, but roughly speaking, they are Trump Republicans, moderate Republicans, establishment Democrats and progressive Democrats. In any case, it will take several years to implement. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Others said it is a good deal for the U.S. to support Ukraine in this way. News/commentary $40b ukraine bill reportedly full of. Additions to the bill added money for inspectors general and some oversight, but the Pentagon and State Department are both missing permanent internal watchdogs to monitor this cash. "In Ukraine, the U.S. and NATO are helping the country build on its existing strengths instead of reinventing the military top to bottom as the U.S. had to do in Iraq when it foolishly disbanded the entire military after routing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. So far it looks like there are more Trump-type Republicans headed to Congress, but there are a lot of elections left on the board and Trump has actually taken a few dings along the way. International Disaster Assistance ($4.3 billion): according to the statutory language, this will "respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine and in countries impacted by the situation in Ukraine. The congressional explanation is that this will provide emergency food assistance to people around the world suffering from hunger as a result of the conflict in Ukraine and other urgent humanitarian needs of populations and communities inside Ukraine. Populations in Africa have been particularly affected by the disruption of food shipments from Ukraine and Russia, so much of the assistance will likely go there. Sorry, something went wrong. Given that Biden, Pelosi and Manchin seem to hold the White House and reins of Congress, I could argue that center-left Democrats are the most powerful. The house on tuesday night passed a $40 billion military and humanitarian aid package for ukraine in an overwhelming 368 to 57 vote, weeks after lawmakers. White House: China's Peace Plan for Ukraine and Russia 'Not a Sustainable Option'. After spending some time there, and being embraced by the local community, he said he feels like Birmingham's "second son." The package contains $19 billion of near-term military aid in three categories, though there is much apparent overlap in what the categories do. Sign up here. $1.8 billion in U.S. military equipment for Ukraine; U.S President Joe Biden in the East Room of the White House on February 28, 2022, in Washington, DC. Many Republicans in opposition decry $40 billion to Ukraine with a baby formula shortage, inflation, and a border crisis here at home. If Ukraine had fallen in days or weeks, it's totally reasonable to believe Putin would have set his sights on the rest of Eastern Europe. House passes $39.8 billion Ukraine aid bill. The senate finally approved an additional $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid for ukraine. In April, a series of $800 million aid packages implied a level of $100 million a day. it asked. This package breaks that pattern. There's also no reason to pretend this money was going to be spent elsewhere. 1211]] Public Law 117-128 117th Congress An Act Making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. $13.9 million for the Defense Health Program. Senate Advances $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill With Wide Support Final passage of military, food aid bill expected this week Kentucky Senator Paul delayed passage, demanded changes WATCH:. The legislation includes around $9 billion to replenish stocks of U.S. weapons, $6 billion to train and supply the Ukrainian military, $3.9 billion to support intelligence and equipment for troops in the region, $8.8 billion in economic assistance for the Ukrainian government, $5 billion to address food scarcity caused by the war, and about $900 million for refugees. This package increases the aid level to $135 million a day. The House on Tuesday night voted 368-57 to pass nearly $40 billion in additional military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine to fight against Russia's . So glad lawmakers are looking out for Americans. Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, Diversity and Leadership in International Affairs Project, Energy Security and Climate Change Program. This bill provides $40.1 billion in FY2022 emergency supplemental appropriations for activities to respond to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. If you're going to arm a vulnerable ally to the teeth, this is probably the best way to do it. Ukraine clings to Bakhmut but time may be running out as Russians advance, Exclusive: US seeks allies' backing for possible China sanctions over Ukraine war, Reporting by Daphne Psaledakis; Additional reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by Mary Milliken and Daniel Wallis, 'Havana syndrome' not caused by foreign adversary, U.S. intel finds, US arrests man with explosive device in luggage at Pennsylvania airport, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. Deploying forces entails additional costs for operations and personnel benefits, so additional funds are needed, lest other DOD programs be cut to offset the higher costs. He expressed confidence that Ukraine will receive Western fighter jets . You can reply to this email and write in or leave a comment if you're a subscriber. 2023 Center for Strategic & International Studies. Humanitarian aid ($900 million): This provision supports Ukrainian refugees in the United States. Russia has little to show for it beyond a strip of territory in southern Ukraine and marginal gains in the eastern part of the country. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. The Justice Department will get $67 million to cover the costs of seizing and selling forfeited property like the Russian oligarchs yachts and artwork, the Wall Street Journal reported. "We cannot afford delay in this vital war effort," Biden added. The House designated $120 million to the U.S. embassy in Kyiv to update structure and security measures. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. And I think we are currently witnessing the new Trump Republicans overwhelm the more moderate, traditional caucus. For example, there has not been a single hearing on this package, unlike the usual DOD authorization and appropriations processes, which have multiple hearings and extensive discussions. The Global Network Against Food Crises, set up by the United Nations and European Union, said in its annual report this month that Russia's invasion of Ukraine - both countries are major food producers - poses serious risks to global food security, especially in vulnerable countries including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen. A 31-year-old diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism, Anwer was unable to get surgery in Pakistan because of limited technology. 40 Billion Ukraine Bill Breakdown. Most young women are not. The House took a critical step today in sending a clear, bipartisan message to Ukraine, to Russia, and to the world that the United States stands with the people of Ukraine as they defend their democracy against Russian aggression, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. All rights reserved. However, it is just as true that the $40 billion proposal is fiscally irresponsible and the epitome of everything that is. The House passed a $39.8 billion bill on Tuesday night to support Ukraine in its fight against invading Russian forces. . You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Shahzeb Anwer is getting married in Pakistan this weekend and the entire city of Birmingham, Alabama, is invited. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. The bill now heads to the Senate where it has bipartisan support. The Senate voted on Thursday to pass an additional $40 billion in new aid for Ukraine, after President Joe Biden called on Congress last month to deliver the additional funding, to help counter Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion over the long term. However, OMB is also very aware that supplemental appropriations become "Christmas trees" onto which advocates can hang initiatives that did not get funded through the regular cycle. Our 'Quick Hits' section is created in partnership with Ground News, a website and app that rates the bias of news coverage and news outlets. Among them is the Roe v. Wade decision that was leaked last month, a case on when someone can carry a concealed weapon in New York, one on the separation of church and state in school, two cases related to immigration, a challenge to the authority the EPA has to combat greenhouse gases, and a voter ID law in North Carolina. The state department received $13.9 billion from the house bill in order to provide assistance to ukraine. Hurricanes are the classic example, but the early stages of conflicts are also unforeseen. The Pentagon alone gets half the pie, a record $858 billion. "The need is also urgent: I have nearly exhausted the resources given to me by a bipartisan majority in Congress to support Ukraines fighters. Instead of looking out a few weeks, this package goes to September 30, the end of the fiscal year. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), one of the senators who voted against the bill, said it was irresponsible to spend the money with so many needs at home and called on other countries to chip in more. And the U.S. aims and strategy in this war have become harder to discern, as the parameters of the mission appear to have changed. Politics Dec 23, 2022 2:27 PM EST. ", James Jay Carafano said this bill "puts America last.". Another $350 million of the State Department funding was given for Ukrainian refugees. Trumpism is ascendant and he seems largely "in control" of the party's direction. ", In his newsletter, Glenn Greenwald said the unanimous support from Democrats "killed whatever was left of the U.S. left-wing anti-war movement.". This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. "In March, this board argued that the message from the United States and its allies to Ukrainians and Russians alike must be: No matter how long it takes, Ukraine will be free. $15 million for U.S. troop pay related to the war; and A major change is that this package looks ahead months rather than weeks. Given that, I'll first make the most concise case I can that this bill is worth it (and was handled correctly). . Paul had sought to alter the bill to include requiring that an inspector general monitor the spending. Although justified by events in Ukraine, the language is flexible enough that the funding could cover a wide variety of projects. The legislation authorizes nearly $200 million for the U.S. State Department's diplomatic programs to respond to the situation in Ukraine and countries affected by the conflict. (john moore/getty images) washington the u.s. (john moore/getty images) washington the u.s. Hack squat vs leg press bodybuilding. The bill, which includes military, economic and humanitarian assistance to. House to vote on $40 billion Ukrainian aid package. The biden regime tucked away half a billion to fund electric vehicle battery mineral exploration in the ukraine aid package. They are degrading the military of an adversary of the United States and trying to push it away from NATOs borders without a single U.S. or Western soldier firing a shot or being put directly in harms way. By canning diplomatic efforts in favor of a more violent war, the United States greatly increased the danger of sparking an even larger conflict: the atomic threats from Moscow. CBS 42 has the story. Has the administrations goal shifted to destabilizing Vladimir Putin or having him removed? The risk way outweighs any realistic reward.". The Senate finally approved an additional $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine on Thursday after Sen. Rand Paul blocked the legislation's swift . Commenting after the vote, Boebert tweeted: "Using aid for Ukraine as the latest crisis to pass a $1.5 trillion bill w/ $4 billion in earmarks is corrupt. While two Democrats and three Republicans did not vote on the bill, all the votes against the aid came from Republicans. The big picture: The vote passed 368-57, hours after congressional leaders struck a deal on the aid which Axios' Alayna Treene notes is billions more than the $33 billion the White House initially requested. 40 Billion Ukraine Bill Breakdown. WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Kay Granger (TX), Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, announced the Republican Steering Committee's recommendations for new Republican Members who will serve on the Committee for the 118th Congress. This urgent package includes military aid, support for the Ukrainian economy, and humanitarian assistance for food security to address the worldwide hunger crisis stemming from Putins invasion.. The U.S. House of Representatives boosted the sum to roughly $40 . On Thursday, the Senate approved $40 billion of additional military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Seoul (cnn) president joe biden on saturday signed the $40 billion aid package to ukraine, a white house official said, after the bill was flown to seoul. Thus, packages were announced on February 25, March 12, March 16, April 5, April 13, April 21, and April 24. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was given $4.35 billion to tackle food shortages, as the war has disrupted global food supply. That's about triple the size of the last assistance package. The European Union has so far approved just $2.1 billion of assistance to Ukraine and has said it would spend another $9.5 billion in the coming months. While a failed incursion may humble Putin's plans for regional domination, it could just as easily turn him into a cornered, wounded animal. 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