If you study equal hours, you can claim you are no lazier. Please send them my way., The next tweet continues Im looking to combat anti-black racism in the Asian community at at (sic) my daughters mostly Asian Am school.. Shaming Asian Americans for toiling to get to where we are today. She attacks Lowell for having the wrong demographics and being merit based, but sends her own daughters to SOTA, which is merit based and has just as disproportional demographics. Im not denigrating them; you just appear unable to read the plain meanings of words rather than invent your own tortured and fictionalized version of what they say. Any valid point made is going to be torpedo by calling someone a bozo, that they need to read a book or dropping references to demonstrate being cultured in the Arts. Embedded within the American work ethic is individualism. Learn to live with empathy and compassion. The Stereotype Threat is when you are stereotyped, you end up becoming that stereotype. Im open to being convinced with clear, hard data. what do you have? April 19, 2017 Or is this move just to place more pressure on Collins to resign? Thats fair. But at the same time, the house negro status is a precarious one subject to the masters whims. And this is where things went off the rails. Managing Editor/Columnist. Perhaps its too much for Ms. Allison Collins to understand what she did was racist and put down all Asian American students, parents and teachers and unfairly stereotyped them and has made policy decisions against Asian Americans based on her hatred for all Asians. Half of the people ranting here are doing so because they have no familiarity with the world of scholarship about race and no willingness to try to understand it, and the other half (like the one youre responding to) are racist wingnuts whove clicked over directly from the Breitbart/NYPost comments section purely for the purpose of posting rambling unreadable screeds about how critical race theory is the devil. WebCatherine is the daughter of Burton E. Collins and Gloria Luckenbach. But it was also a political miscalculation. When Allison Collins ran for School Board in 2018, there was also a candidate named Josephine Zhao. So, they didnt kill me and settled for taking control of the SF Sentinel and banning me. Most Democratic families with money feel that is too equal and use Hamlin and Burke and other schools to keep their kids from knowing poor kids well and make it 15 or 20x. The only thing is that Alison Collins didnt have a sympathetic audience or fans, she only had Twitter. as mentioned in Triple Package would be unique, so the goal is to get all Americans to behave more like all those groups and change their core beliefs, patriotism, work ethic and decisions. I recommend ASAM 20. 1802 in TN. Switch out Asian Am with African Am and read it again. Im not any of those things, nor am I a Republican, and I agree with himdid you look at the research they did? This story sounds like its gonna be juicy, but doesnt meet the hype in the end. Collins studied at the Nathan B. Forrest High School. 1805. Collins was driven further into devastation and substance abuse. Collins was comparing white supremacy to demons, not white people. The Freebird Foundation, Inc. In fact, well do anything to justify and overlook your (not) racist remarks. It is cowardly to make excuses Im 1/4 Asian American, but Im Afghan. What is happening here is very sad. You are spreading lies. This has awoken the beast and any attempt to run her off the job is going to make things worse. Can you readers believe teacher Joe used the word sclerotic in succeeding pieces? and our This is not the type of person that should be on the school board. The focus of the quote is to emphasize the crucial importance of solidarity in resistance, not to demean its subjects as ACTUALLY n***s. I dont care how strong a black woman she thinks she is, she has no standing to be calling Asian Americans house ni***s. For whatever its worth, Id bet the NYTimes would not have run its piece on the SF school board yesterday were it not for the reporting here. affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network, and Never blame Trump voters without hard evidence. What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? We've recently sent you an authentication link. Its obvious the many millions of successful African Americans became so through hard work and wise decision making. Finding a place to practice proved difficult and the choices were limited to the carport at Bob's house, Ronnie's backyard, where they were sure to get a full meal or Allen's living room which usually included Eva's famous cakes and candies. They are more moral, and more moral than whites, on average, based on study hours, out of wedlock births, savings rates, work hours, etc. You want to silence a strong outspoken Black woman because she speaks truth to power. In January of 1986, Collins would get behind the wheel one final time, with his girlfriend in the passenger's seat. Dont the door hit you on the way out! And the success of Africans and Asians proves whites arent racist. WebAllen's family grew with the birth of his daughter Amie followed quickly by Allison. I have friends of all races. THIS IS RACIST coming from Chinese and the Chinese American Alliance. She has been very, very rude to Josephine Zhao on multiple occasions in public, at meetings, and said disrespectful things about her. Their racism is in pursuit of a greater good so if you dont like their racism, its because you are racist. Her inflammatory and divisive rhetoric is intentional. Joe has his facts right, strikes a tone that fits a combination of objectivity and amazement at where this has gone, and jumps in to respond to readers. Presumably, they have reasons for arranging their systems like this. A tweetstorm is not a Dostoevsky novel; it doesnt take that much time to read and re-read it. So this so called conversation you wish to have about racism is not as transparent and revealing if you can not understand that it is not just about flash cards and turning off the television. Tragedy struck Allen's life again just as the Rossington Collins Band started. Is there anti-Blackness among non-white Americans in this country? Most readers are too clueless to know where is she coming from. I mean some people are just jumping on the bandwagon but reasonable people will realize she was referencing Malcolm X and have more sympathy for the context.. How convenient, but waitthen Joe Rogan does the same thingquoting folks using the n word, but gets all but cancelled by the liberal left. The Knebworth Fair '76. According to Petersen, if these problem minorities would just shut and stop protesting and work hard, theyd be successful like them orientals. If someone tweeted that and used YOUR race in the tweet, you would understand. At 6:42 PM, the pilot of Lynyrd Skynyrd's chartered Convair 240 airplane radioed that the craft was dangerously low on fuel. I will give you an example: Lets take a sport like volleyball and pretend that Americans wished to transform the sport to be more inclusive and diverse by eliminating merit based admissions (no need to count the scores, it will make the kids who are not good at it feel bad). WebAllen Collins - Biography. Of course there are Asian-American jerks, just like there are jerks of every other race and ethnicity. I want more black kids, but they have to choose to sacrifice the same time Asian kids do on flashcards, workbooks, reading, looking up words, trying to correct grammar if they hear friends misconjugate verbs, read all Summer, etc. Things were looking up for Collins. Subscribe to our daily newsletter and have the latest stories from Mission Local delivered directly to your inbox. Because this sentence is ignorant and not even wrong its incoherent in about 5 different ways, and the FIRST way its incoherent is that fatty acids do not have genetics; that is terminology that people in medicine apply to other molecules which contain actual genes. Despite all of these comments, she isnt going anywhere. No one wants to discuss the fact some races study more and try to fix it by convincing, selling kids on the idea hard work will pay off and it is your moral duty to show your content of character by studying hard, long hours, to be a good and improved person. She seemed to be soliciting negative stories about Asian Americans in order to push her agenda. This takes away a vehicle of class mobility to help people who didnt try, and it wont help them, because you just lower standards. Lazier parents and kids embrace the easier, more fun choices. Collins racist hate and her non-apology make a mockery of those very understandable fears. Who are people suspected of laziness because their average family wealth is about a 10th of that of white families? They are then forwarding to the hiring manager those applicants that are Asian. Does anyone like her now? It doesnt matter if CRT is the greatest academic field ever devised or pseudointellectual trash; if what you are trying to do is formulate a coherent response to the ideas that Alison Collins actually meant, you need to, yknow, not grossly misunderstand the ideas that Alison Collins actually meant. Nigerian Americans, and most African immigrants, are less lazy than whites in school and parenting. Families studied to get into Lowell the last year of merit as a sophomore and she destroyed them because one person said something wrong on a blog, which puts families in the unreasonable position of helping their kids get all As and also simultaneously having to police every person on the Internet and prevent them from saying anything racist. She called it an incident. Berkeley. Subscribe today and have the latest stories from Mission Local delivered directly to your inbox. I dont think she has the kids best interests in her heart and she certainly does not model good behavior. She did worse than carjack thousands because a stranger said something. Despite coming close several times, Lynyrd Skynyrd just kept missing that elusive big break. You know Tiff when whites say and holler that there are too many Asians in the UC university system I dont hear too many asians opening their mouth the silence is deafeningoops cant disagree with god. Should Asian Americans be proud of their communities, their culture, their hard work and their accomplishments in this country? Actually, Id argue that the James Lick issue is less problematic 18 years after dying is a lot less of a problem than two years before getting elected. And that definitely happened here. She called everyone not agreeing with her RACISTS! She should be helping black kids by encouraging them to study as many hours as the average Asian kid did and sacrifice fun activities, and show the stats of income and success if they disagree. (If thats the case, very little gets solved.) If she wanted to make progress, she wouldnt spend all her time on cosmetic BS and put together after school and tutoring support for inner city students, build programs that pair mentors (e.g. Again, I have gone to SFUSD schools growing up in SF, my kids were also enrolled in under-privileged area schools in SF where more than 75% of children are under privileged. The trauma led to drugs. The systems and structures of power, the institutions that combine to reinforce white supremacy, have long controlled and enforced the constructed definition of whiteness. Same thing is happening here. However the band's 1981 follow-up effort stumbled in the marketplace despite being well-received critically. That is racist and insulting towards Asians because it diminishes their achievement, and it is insulting to whites because it assumes we are all racist and insincere in attempts to close the achievement gap, which she is wrong to call the opportunity gap, implying studying isnt a choice and a noble sacrifice, and to help underperforming minorities improve their lives. Jim Ausman; Oh, please enlighten us, the clueless readers. I just listened to his whole speech today for the first time. Thank you, white people (mb, jim..) for schooling me with your supreme intellect. I too want to know why are Asians afforded the privilege of choosing during their immigration process an American Name in addition to their Chinese legal name? It is true that standardized testing in the form of a civil service exam originated in Han China. Humility is important. But Collins is not wrong in saying, Hey dont ignore our struggle! The fact is that the success of East and South Asians in this country would not be possible without the blood shed by Black Americans in the civil rights movement. Absolutely not. Well played. In this case Commissioner Molina also made his voice heard in asking Collins to resign. However, it saw an abrupt end following the death of some of its members in an airplane crash that left Collins seriously injured. Minority businesses in big cities thrived. Thats why they never urge black and Latino kids to study long hours, work summers, go to tutoring at the libraries, and focus obsessively on grades. AIPACs magnitude is indicative of the scale of the crimes.. Having lived the past 20 years in the Hawaiian Islands gives me a different perspective than some. One woman should not stand in the way of solidarity, and Alison Collins needs to recognize that and resign. In 2006, every last vestige of the City Family lined up to decry newsman Pete Wilsons harangue regarding gay supervisor Bevan Dufty and his lesbian friend Rebecca Goldfader having a child. Thanks so much for writing what you did, you are so right. Lowell gave a reward for hard work. In saying this, if any culture works really hard they should be able to succeed, get ahead and have the American dream. that stems from a sinful heart, but do not impose your will on people who dont agree with you, now or ever. The rich private schools wont lower their standards. Black kids study less than whites, are 4 years behind in reading by 12th grade, 5 behind Asians, and parents are less likely to teach the kids to read. I am joining the conversation many months late, but I want to remind everyone that harm to any one is harm to all. Or is your advocacy just for show? Thats the go-to solution with every mistake Youre fired! Sound familiar? Collins and any City leader that supports her, including our friends and the NAACP that do not realize their support is NOT advancing our overall POC advancement, need to resign and let new unifying leaders start over. First born with lots of friends & a southern accent including disma People like this took Tom Sawyer out of school libraries. For instance, if the racist slave owner decides he wants to scapegoat someone for spreading the some Kung-Flu, the house negro will conveniently serve as the whipping boy to which the field negros attention will focused upon and away from the master. Should we add you to that list of scholars as well? Do not assume that all these families if students are lucky enough to have families are leveraging privilege to just get a private school education on taxpayer dollars. Asians are model minorities which is a euphemism for house negro. Collins should go because her ideology unchanged since her tweets doesnt help students to actually get ahead. Otherwise, if youre new to the board, you have my vote. Their foreign policy seems fixated on out of context Middle East history, yet they seem unconcerned with active Black African slavery in Mali, Sudan, Mauritania and, recently, Libya. Nope. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Look, maybe some bias here as an old Lowell alum and a CCSF drop-out, but why are Lowells current demographics far less representative of SF population than the private college prep Lick-Wilmerding High School? Her main mistake was in not realizing that her audience was ignorant and racist., ^ a true masterclass in how to win friends and influence people. Replace words in the brackets with any other minority and stereotype and Im not sure that there will be so apologists trying to legitimize the idea. There are a lot of hurt people and a lot of hurt communities. During a week-long stint at Funochio's in Atlanta, the band was discovered by the renown Al Kooper. The goal of integration is that poor performing kids with bad attitudes will learn success from high performing, high sacrificing kids of Tiger Parents. Its the truth that hurts. Please do not paint all Lowell students and families with a broad and inaccurate generalizations for which you have no evidence. Is this truth you speak of going to make a better place for all of us? Can you provide more information about what you a referring to? But of course, the honorary white status is provisional and can be revoke at anytime depending on the political expediencies of the real white people in charge. The band existed till 1984. I have a nonwhite wife and kids and have been a minority most of my life, nearly all of my friends are nonwhite, mostly black and Latino. Is this unity? What your parents did is no big deal so-blacks have been doing that shit for years ..ok do they escaped from their homeland to come here for a better life from the same people that bombed, murdered and destroyed the infrastructure of Loas,killing babies ,young children,women animals destroyed the forest poisoned the waters , destroyed the rice fields etc,etc but everythings great because you got a little tech job..you are not concerned about what Ms Collins said youre just jumping on the white band wagon of hate. Dont be so lazy. She isnt sorry. There was the polarizing decision to paint over murals at George Washington High School depicting our founding father as the slave-owner and Indian-fighter he was. kids, 4.3 miles from his birthplace and 5,474 from hers. So the masters responsibility for the spreading the disease is all but lost in the melee between the field negros and house negro. After WWII, Jews were deemed to be fully white. Can you help a person who doesnt want to be helped? They earned the accolades they get. These are issues that I only fully realized post-George Floyd when the time finally came to examine our role in anti-Blackness. The goal of these people like Collins and Lopez is to destroy what America stands for. This is bullshit.. I think were good here. My family, refugees from Laos, escaped to the US in 1975. Thats not racism to note. They have also lived in Oakley, CA and Yorktown, IN. His second daughter is Allison who was born in 1973 or 1974. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). She has actively pursued policies that specifically hurt Asian American children more than any other group. If she were sorry shed support KIPP and charters, restore Lowell, and spend some of the salary increase money on tutors for black kids who will encourage them to sacrifice as many hours as the average Asian kid does. Someone or some system has to be there to nurture that success. Here, in New York City, the number of attacks on Asian elders by Black men is completely disproportional to the citys demographics. I stand as an antiracist with asian american and feel a lot of empathy toward what is happening but Im not sure this person is the true enemy. Some will agree with you, and others wont. To not only deny that but to also, when called upon it, double down on it, is despicable. If we want to talk about harm, accusations of racism and white supremacy today in a place like SF is a far more harmful characterization than traditional racial stereotypes that would conceivably spark far more outrage. So they figured, Asians are overrepresented b/c they do well on the tests.. so the only way to get more blacks in is to eliminate the admissions test. I want her out, and I dont want her to go quietly because this performative-vs-principled conversation is something we need to have but gets silenced by the shouters. Collins used a combination of drugs and alcohol to self-medicate as he tried to cope with significant trauma in his life both from the plane crash and the loss of his beloved wife. So youre telling me all the other elected officials who showed up at the press conference denouncing the death threats were duped because there werent really any death threats made against Collins and Lopez? My vote passenger 's seat move just to place more pressure on to. Successful like them orientals subscribe to our daily newsletter and have the latest stories from Local. Of going to make excuses Im 1/4 Asian American children more than any other group sympathetic audience or,... Comparing white supremacy to demons, not white people ( mb, jim.. ) for me... Off the rails others wont case, very little gets solved. that Stereotype at Funochio 's in,. Read and re-read it the job is going to make excuses Im 1/4 Asian American children than. 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