Operation Deckhouse II and support for Operation Hastings followed as Navy, Marine, and Army units again combined, this time to impede enemy infiltration from the DMZ. HMH-462 departed RVN with MAG-36 on 20 Oct. HMH-463 stayed at MMAF with H-53Ds. MACV directed that HMM-364 transfer their H-34s to the VNAF 217th Squadron in May, and prepare to depart Vietnam by 30 Jun. She launched 248 sorties against targets in the Hagaru area to announce her arrival . By the end of the year, VMO-2 had 13 Broncos. In May and th Arriving overhead, Macauley heard that the recon team now had seven of eight wounded or dead and quickly directed Puffs awesome firepower in a circle 200 to 300 feet out from the teams position as soon as he had spiraled into the LZ. On 30 April 1952, Princeton rejoined TF 77 in the combat zone. Reclassified CVA-37 (1 October 1952) Dear Mr. Anderson, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! Afterwards they began a methodical attack on each helicopter. Additional H-46Ds arrived in April. On 9 Mar the 95th NVA Regiment overran the A Shau Special Forces Camp near the Laotian border. The NVA determined to hold Quang Tri City at all costs. The squadrons were tremendously overworked throughout the year, waiting for relief in the form of more Broncos, and the Bell AH-1G Cobra gunship in 1969. Relieving Okinawa (LPH-3) as flagship for the Amphibiou Also included were HMM-161 (H-46Ds-Quang Tri), HMM-165 (H-46As-MMAF), HMM-262 (H-46As-Quang Tri), HMM-265 (H-46As-Phu Bai), HMM-363 (H-34s-Phu Bai), and HMM-364 (H-46Ds-MMAF). On 16May, MajGen Louis B. Robertshaw assumed command of the 1st MAW from MajGen. [mckee] Got back from Manila pretty late - just in time to catch the last launch back to the USS Princeton, or so I thought . The subject of armor for both became more important. This also caused the loss rate to climb, with many instances of aircraft being hit and crewmembers wounded. Built at Camden, New Jersey, USS Princeton (CVL-23), an Independence class aircraft carrier, was commissioned in February 1943. He had to wear the big XXL vest with the right and left flaps overlapped because it was too large. Capt. Forty percent of the total USMC munitions on hand in I Corps was destroyed. Returning to her homeport They found the two wounded Marines with the recon team leader and a Navy corpsman. ARVN units moving into old USMC areas still required Marine helo support from MAG-16. In October 1964 During the next months it was followed by HMM-265 (MAG-16, MMAF), HMM-165 (MAG-36, KyHa) and HMM-262 (MAG-36, KyHa), all in CH-46As. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. The medevac team was now a single H-34 or H-46 with a UH-1E gunship chase on 24 hour standby. She was renamed Princeton on 21 November 1944 to commemorate the light carrier USSPrinceton(CVL-23), which was lost at the Battle of Leyte Gulf on 24 October 1944. The other five ships were the Gamber Bay (119 men were killed) and the USS St Lo, both escort carriers, the destroyers Hoel (202 killed) and Johnston (187 killed) and destroyer escort Samuel B. Roberts. The remarkable aircraft lazed just a few hundred feet overhead until called upon by the company commander to attack tree lines and other entrenchments in the companys path. The Siege of Khe Sanh was over with the taking of Hill 881N by 3rd Division Marines on 14 Apr. they combined close air support with raids on power sources in the Hwachon Reservoir area and Three hours later, after five attempts, they found the LZ, and landed on the edge of a bomb crater. The wing provided a helicopter commander airborne (HC(A) that was in consultation with the ground commander. By the end of December, the 1st MAW had 21 AH-1G Cobras and 79 H-53Ds. then deployed to WestPac to train in Okinawan waters. We settled on using the Google Maps API and . This was part of the planning for Operation EAGLE PULL, which would evacuate the Americans and allied personnel from the Cambodian city of Phnom Penh if and when required. 26 March- 6 April Completing that mission successfully Valley Forge was serving in the Far East in 1950 and was the first American fleet carrier to take part in the Korean War. Decommissioned 30 January 1970. [3], Carrier Air Group 19's scoreboard on Princeton in 1951, F9F-5 Panther of VF-154 on Princeton in May 1953, UH-34Ds lifting off from Princeton in 1966, Princeton during the recovery of Apollo 10 in 1969, Apollo 10 crewmembers Eugene Cernan, Thomas P. Stafford, and John W. Young onboard Princeton, 26 May 1969. North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died on 3 Sep. Operation Durham Peak brought many aircrews back into the Que Son Mountains and the Que Son valley, which was first entered during Operation Harvest Moon in 1965. and again ranged along that long embattled A classic relief operation, Operation Maui Peak, took place with a ground column fixing the NVA in place while MAG-16 helos lifted in one Marine and two ARVN battalions behind them to inflict heavy NVA casualties and relieve the camp. Relieving Okinawa as flagship for the Amphibious Ready Group, she engaged the enemy in operations Jackstay, 26 March 6 April, to clear the Rung Sat Special Zone of Viet Cong guerrillas, and Osage, 27 April 4 May, to protect Vietnamese in the Phu Loc area from VC harassment. The crew was rescued safely. Helicopters from HMM-164 and HMM-265 participated in the initial lift. Ido think we took agent orange over in 1962-1963 . During May, HMM-362 flew its first night medevac. Reclassified again, 2 March 1959, she emerged from conversion as an amphibious assault carrier, LPH-5. For much of the summer they pounded supply arteries Included in this support was the daily use of from two to eight CH-53Ds of HMH-463 to lift heavy equipment and artillery, along with units of the US Army.s 101st Airborne. USS Rasher SS 269 December 17 1969 Portland OR Pmk. It would not be needed until April of 1975. and "Eager Hunter." The ship was laid down as Valley Forge one of the "long-hull" Essex class on 14 September 1943 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Eight months later In March Operation STONE was completed during the month of February in Quang Nam Province. Copyright 2023 HullNumber.com. Operations kicked off with Operation Taylor Common in the Arizona territory, northwest of An Hoa, supported by MAG-16. In April 1969 she was designated the prime recovery ship for Apollo 10, the lunar mission which paved the way for Apollo 11 and the first manned landing on the Moon. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), photo # 80-G-417143. Although ARVN operations continued to increase, the overall need for helicopter support steadily decreased. On 15 April 1962,a Sikorsky HUS-1 (later redesignated the UH-34D) crew from LtCol Archie Clapps HMM-362 touched down on a World War II Japanese fighter strip 3 miles from Soc Trang, southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. (CV-37, later CVA-37, CVS-37 and LPH-5), 1945-1971. Reclassified CVA-37 (1 October 1952), Princeton returned to California on 3 November for a two-month respite from the western Pacific. USS Belleau Wood (CVL-24 . resumed interdiction. Princeton returned to California 3 November for a two month respite from the western Pacific. Crewmen worked feverishly and futily in an attempt to save his life over the Que Son Valley. Con Thien became a major focus for the NVA attacks for the remainder of the year. Stricken from NVR 30 January 1970. The history and Technology of Submarines (Grade 5), To the Ends of the Earth and Beyond (Grades 5-8), The Date that Lives in Infamy: Pearl Harbor (High School), Codes and Signals: Breaking the Spy Games of World War II and Vietnam, Damage Control Mission Brief: (Blue Navy) A Study Based on the Battle of Okinawa, Damage Control Mission Brief: (Green Navy) A Study Based on the Battle of Okinawa, Author Talk: The Suffragist Playbook: Your Guide to Changing the World with Rebecca Boggs Roberts and Lucinda Robb, Family Art Workshop: Kites and Observation, Talk: The Washington Navy Yard During the Civil War, A Conversation with Historians Dr. Regina Akers and Dr. Eddie Valentin: From Benjamin Drummond to Doris Miller: Race, Identity, and the Struggle Against Discrimination in the U.S. Navy, Virtual Book Talk: When Giants Ruled the Sky: the Brief Reign and Tragic Demise of the American Rigid Airship, with John J. Geoghegan and Curator, Gordon Calhoun, April 18, 1906 -- San Francisco, California, December 16, 1922 Rescue of Vinh-Long Passengers, September 6, 1930 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 1948-January 1949-Beirut, Lebanon and Port Said, Egypt, 1954-1955 Vietnam (Operation Passage to Freedom), October 13, 1954 -- Haiti (Hurricane Hazel), February 7, 1955: Evacuation of Chinese from Tachen Islands, October 1955: Tampico, Mexico (Hurricane Janet), October 1959 Nagoya, Japan (Typhoon Vera), November 3, 1961 - Belize, British Honduras (Hurricane Hattie), August 1969 Mississippi (Hurricane Camille), October-December 1973 Colombia and Haiti, February 1975 Mauritius (Cyclone Gervaise), April 29, 1975 Operation Frequent Wind, 1980-1989 Rescue of Vietnamese Refugees, September 21, 1981 Rescue of Datu Kalantiaw, January 28, 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger, April-August 1989 - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, September-October 1989 Charleston, South Carolina, January 1990 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 5, 1990 Liberia (Operation Sharp Edge), 1991-1996 - Iraq (Operation Provide Comfort), 1992-1993 Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), 1992-1996 Yugoslavia (Operation Provide Promise), March 1997 - Albania (Operation Silver Wake), January-March 1998 Kenya (Operation Nobel Response). All Rights Reserved. Reclassified Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter) (LPH) 2 March 1959. Then transferred to the Pacific Fleet, she arrived at San Diego, departing again on 3 July 1946 to carry the body of Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon back to Manila for burial. Older aircraft were similarly retrofitted during the overhaul cycle. and the western Pacific (1 October-23 December) during 1948. Membership list. The MarHuk cobras were armed with 20mm cannon and 5 Zuni rockets. The OV-10s were a remarkable addition to the observation role. USS PRINCETON served her country as LPH-5 for for more than 10 years until decommissioned on 30 JAN 1970. A much needed overhaul followed Princeton's return to the west coast and in May 1968 she again sailed west to Viet Nam. Reclassified again The South Vietnamese Marine Division (VNMC) held the advancing NVA at the My Chanh in April. "Deckhouse II" and support for "Hastings" followed as Navy By the 11th, all units had reached the staging area on the coast. The policy of rotating squadrons into Vietnam every four months commenced 1 Aug when HMM-163 relieved HMM-362. She then prepared for inactivation, and on 20 June decommissioned and joined other capital ships in the Pacific Reserve Fleet. The crew chief and gunners were picked up immediately by the wingman. The 1st MAW was being asked to support all of the aviation needs of two reinforced Marine divisions. The Republic of Vietnam ceased to exist. Intensive training refreshed her Reservist crew, and on 5 December she joined TF 77 off the Korean coast, her planes and pilots (Air Group 19) making possible the reinstitution of jet combat air patrols over the battle zone. The 34 spiraled into the tight LZ; flared; came to a hover, Reeves and Garner released the center strap and pulled up the crossed straps; the rounds tumbled to the ground: and they were out of there, all in about 30 seconds. Capable of transporting a battalio Muse and Sheik grounded on Daito Shima and in April 1962 when she delivered Marine Corps advisors and helicopters to Soc Trang in the Mekong Delta area During the latter stages of the evacuation, when the USMC security forces were the only ones left on the ground, Admiral Whitmire (Commander, CTF 76) halted all retraction operations for crew rest and maintenance. and Air Force squadrons By the end of the year, the active squadrons in I Corps included VMO-2 (UH-1Es and OV10s MMAF), VMO-6 (UH-1Es- Quang Tri), HML-167 (UH-1Es MMAF) and HML-367 (UH-1Es-Phu Bai). The first fatalities in Marine helicopters occurred 6 Oct 62 , when a HUS-1 crashed due to mechanical failure,killing 7 of the 8 aboard. Please note that the Catalog does not always list logs in chronological order. NHHC Photograph Collection. At that time, she had already been converted to an amphibious assault carrier, LPH-5, carrying only helicopters. Princeton rejoined TF 77 in the combat zone. One of two light carriers in Task Group 38.3, Princeton carried 23 fighters and 10 torpedo bombers. Thanks for waiting ..sorry it took so long.. Bill said that he was down there looking for a missing tail rotor pitch link.. The detonation of actual mines was minimal, but when that occured, it was most impressive. USS Princeton then joined Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (NIMCSG) for . HMM-361 conducted a critical retrograde of a 200 man CIDG unit under heavy VC pressure. With their capability to carry rockets and machine guns, they also served in a light attack role, although that role was not the OV-10s MOS. On 9 Oct Maj. Michael Leahy accompanied Capt. New National Museum of the U.S. Navy-October 2020, New National Museum of the U.S. Navy - October 2022, Exhibits: New National Museum of the U.S. Navy, Exhibits: New National Museum of the U.S. Navy - Main, The American Revolution and the French Alliance, The Forgotten Wars of the Nineteenth Century, Civil War: Securing the Seas for Union Victory, Education Resources (Lesson Plans and Class Activities), Education Resources (Lesson Plans and Class Activities) - Main, Sailor's Life at Sea & Poetry (Grades 4-6), DIVE! On 11 Jul, 9th MAB helicopters again landed VNMC troops north of Quang Tri City. M-60 machine guns on a helicopter occurred in August, inside the cargo hatch of an HUS-1. She launched 248 sorties against targets in the Hagaru area to announce her arrival, and for the next six days continued the pace to support Marines fighting their way down the long, cold road from the Chosin Reservoir to Hungnam. The CH-53D Sea Stallion assault helicopter was delivered to the USMC with a lift capacity of 8000 pounds and 38 troops, which increased the payload over the H-53A by two tons. As the situation clarified and it became obvious that this was a recon team in contact, Major Macauley, now able to talk to the Marines on the ground, knew that a fast reaction was needed and headed to the position without waiting to muster a full recon extract package. Main Landing Gear Assemblies are not. Bill and the crew got out with minor injuries and swam to the surface. In February 1953, she was back off the Korean coast and until the end of the conflict launched planes for close air support, "Cherokee" strikes against supply, artillery, and troop concentrations in enemy territory, and against road traffic. continued into the new year When the USS Enterprise-D approached the battle . Sponsored. For 138 days her planes flew against the enemy. She arrived in San Diego on 27 October 1967, and remained there through the end of the year. I was on board uss princeton lph-5 i need deck logs from 1962 -1964 to see if we were exposure to agent orange. On 10 Apr, the 9th MAB arrived off of Saigon. To this day he cannot tell this story without some tears. As luck would have it, Macauley made contact with a US Air Force AC-47 gunship Puff, The Magic Dragon in the area and requested their fire support for the extract. The NVA attack on Saigon then stalled, as they had outrun their supply lines. $4.90. HML-367 had been activated as an all-Cobra squadron, receiving the Cobra inventory from VMO-2. One of her last missions was to serve as the prime recovery ship for the Apollo 10 space mission. Crews were issued vests and diapers of spun fiberglass that were only marginally effective in stopping light shrapnel. Army UH-1B gunships from the US Army 68th Aviation Co. in Da Nang regularly escorted the Marine H-34s. Enroute, they fashioned a quick cargo delivery system of two crossed cargo straps and a third center strap on the helo deck. as flagship for Amphibious Ready Group Alpha HMM-163 returned to MMAF and then to CONUS on 31 Aug. HMH-462 arrived at MAG-36 on 21 Aug with additional H-53As. By mid-March the 9th MEB consisted of MAG-16 (-), H&MS-16 (-), MABS-16 (-), HMM-162 and HMM-163. On 28 January, at 0800, the final cease-fire was observed. Covered by smoke laid down by VMO-2 Cobras, the H-46 spiraled in and backed up to a narrow ridge with just the rear main gear on the ground. He also believed in creating LZs where they were required, rather than picking a naturally existing LZ near the insertion point. The first vessel named Princeton was a sloop of war, commissioned in 1843. The corpsman soon became exhausted and Penn attempted to carry the man by himself. Despite the ever-present threat of additional mine explosions, he continued his valiant efforts, leaving the comparatively safe area of the helicopter on six separate occasions to carry out his rescue efforts. Other airfields in use in I Corps were Dong Ha, Khe Sanh, An Hoa and Tam Ky. On one occasion, a mine detonated near him, killing the Navy corpsman, and wounding three more Marines. her planes and pilots (A (Red) Smith Smith 21. By July, when Operation Endsweep was concluded, the squadrons had logged 2000 hours of tow time. after conversion at Bremerton After the ship was sold for scrapping, some of the steel deck plate was acquired by Fermilab in 1972 for use in its experimental areas. VMO-6 remained all UH-1E through the year, based at Quang Tri. and Army units aga A VA-195 Dambusters AD-4 Skyraider takes off the aircraft carrier USS Princeton (CV 37) during the Korean War. This was the first significant contact with major VC units (1st Viet Cong Regiment). 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