Camp Tien Sha is a former United States Navy base located in Danang, Vietnam. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. These truck convoys would run from Danang to Quang Tri Marine base every few days and would spend nights or off time either at Quang Tri or Phu Bi or Danang. Here is a poem that I wrote about the helicopter. It was kind of like the work orders I got. . It even included a week in Coronado, a week at Pendleton (weapons training), ands a week at Whidby Island (E&E, and SERE. Dearest Rita, I just finished a quick letter to my folks first one since I've been here. Most of them would be dead by now as most of the men were in their mid forties then . : . I jumped into the fighting hole beside the post and yelled at the Marines there "holy shit some one is shooting at me!" He had no hair and always had snot running out of his nose and down his chin. I have 'issues' from that crap hole as well.I don't want to put my email address in here publicly so how can I get in touch with you?Ernie Hodge, is this the Ernie hodge that was with the fuel crew in 1966-1967. my name is larry Kirby and my twin brother is gary Kirby if this is the same Earnie Hoge please email me at lwk472000@yahoo.vom. (Actually, I rode in a truck.) This is the inside of our shop.The office was upstairs and to the left. Detachment Dong Ha - 1967 - 1970. When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. Da Nang is known as the tourist capital of South-Central Vietnam, with a west coast location that makes for beautiful sunsets against an impressive backdrop of lush mountains. Although the rules were they had to go back and check out. Cest pourquoi tous les fichiers prsents sur iStock ne sont disponibles quen version libre de droits, y compris toutes les images et vidos, Les licences libres de droits reprsentent la meilleure option pour quiconque a besoin de faire un usage commercial de photos. Here they surfed, sunbathed, and tried to forget the war they would soon return to. Administration Armed assigned Assistant August Back base boats Camp Tien Sha CAPT Captain cargo Center CHARLES Chief of Staff combat . It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was Beddoe. One night I was in the office with LT Branch . I cried to myself on the way back to the base. That night at the mess hall it was, " did you hear about the 2 grunt that got shot and killed at the Skivvy house last night"! I would like to help you with your content on your website. Just keep on working in the rain. The Marine on the left was blond and looked like a California surfer.He to had been shot in the back of the head. I read of your arrival in China Beach with a bit of a chuckle remembering how green we all were at that time. BU3 Hovanec expired July 7, 1969 in Thua Thien, South Vietnam. There was a Marine listening ambush set up outside the perimeter in that area. The base appears to remain in use by the PAVN. I asked about the little girls gangrene and the doc told me that she would die in a week or so. It must have been about 1100 hr. This is the near miss at our Post office. Nights in Vietnam were uncomfortable at best. I had to make a quick exit when the patients got excited when I walked towards the main ward! It was to late to get him settled in because we were so incredibly busy with rocket attack damage. You FNGs get off the plane and fall in over there. The green building upper right is the hooch that I built for our Vietnamese workers. Price which includes postage (Media Mail) and insurance. Tracers were bouncing all over in front of the truck. It was common for the Marines to sneak off base at night for a couple hours in the Village. What the F is wrong with her? I am sure this little girl will be my last thought when I punch out from this world. Some morning I would be more tired when I woke up than when I went to bed. For Australia U.S. Navy occurred with fire spreading to the task - 426th s amp! Well damn right I was scared. Relations outside of combat were typified by racial tension and violence. While originally designed to be two volumes, it was decided that unity and cohesion required one book. This book is the capstone volume of the entire series in that 1968, as the title indicates, was the defining year of the war. It is very likely this was were the Marines were killed . There weren't even any stairs going up there yet. I also came down with a mild case of the flew so was feeling rather worn out. The only answer I could give them that they would except was. African Americans perceived racial issuesrace relations, prejudice, and discriminationin Vietnam through a lens heavily influenced by their earlier experiences in the United States. I turned 20 years old and of coarse it went un- noticed although I had gotten a care package from Annett Burrel, a couple surfing magazines from my brother Jay and a birthday card from my girl friend Linda! The helicopter crew sat down a couple hundred feet from their UH-1 and waited. We took good care of Judy and she ate very well, We would get stake and chicken from the mess hall and She also loved to drink beer. The take-in was the same as you wrote. I'm sorry my last letter to you was so abruptly ended, but I figured I'd best get it sent, otherwise you'd still be waiting. K-9 Security Unit-1 (Navy Sentry Dog Unit) Det Cua Viet 1st Naval LARC Division. Well we This is the day I started my real job. This was a real live human! What I really Camp Tien Sha. Hard bound with blue cover and full color replica of the U.S. As such a small group we couldn't do the standard Navy 4 hour watch. 03/11/66 - Harvey L. Engel, QM1, Lincoln, NE. Camp Haskins, Da Nang, Vietnam, served as headquarters of the 30th Naval Construction Regiment, who exercised operational control of Seabee units deployed to Vietnam. Even now-days I hate phones,radios, air conditioning and coffee ! Well I don't know how much of an impression that left on me but these guys getting killed in the Skivvy house got my attention ! by the time they got to us AWC# 5 we would be awake (hopefully) and report in. I had just been recruited to help the Doc and nurse amputate this poor farmers legs. At that time the base fir truck showed up. right , Huan one of my carpenters. The lumber and wood crates in upper right was the start of our lumber yard. Soon we came to the bridge across the Han River. [3]:33, In mid-October 1968 the Deep Water Pier complex (160712N 1081250E / 16.12N 108.214E / 16.12; 108.214) on the Tien Sha peninsula was completed, beginning operations in September 1968. History [ edit ] Following the initial landing of Marines in South Vietnam on 8 March 1965, the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (9th MEB) established their headquarters in an old French Army compound on the western edge of Da Nang Air Base . painting rocks. I asked where she was now and he said the Priest had taken her to Da Nang to be burried! Danang, VN _ _ DS CS: 1964: Feb 1973: Detachment Bravo, FLTSUPDET, Navcomsta, PI. I was standing in front of the hut assessing the job. Uss garrett county ( lst-786 ) uss garrett county ( lst-786 ) uss garrett (. Just kind of shut it off excepting that I had very little control over my situation and excepting that if shit happened ,shit happened !! I am searching for anyone who may recall serving with me in the Seabees at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang between 1969-1971. I can find no official reports on that rocket attack and have to assume nobody bothered to make a report because the rounds hit in the swamp between the main body of Camp Books and the Force Logistics Command section. I am sure had I not done that , the Chief, when he came down to the hootch, would have solved the problem by sending me back to China Beach. S . It took until 2000 hours to finish that first slab. Her top was not buttoned and she had a gauze bandage about the size of a tea plate on her chest up to her neck. Later after they landed it became obvious that they were throwing out the ammo boxes so they wouldn't explode when they landed. It was about the most insane thing I had ever experienced and was hard for my mind to grasp what had just happened. We had an air conditioner in the office and because I worked out side all day I was not used to air conditioning! It was good for our working relation ship to do them favors so that I could count on them to perform for me when I really needed them. Off we went to the supply yard at one of the SeaBee battalions, while we were there we stopped for a quick lunch at the Navy mess hall. Battalion was deployed to Danang, Vietnam from January, 1968 through September, 1968 and again from March, 1969 through November, 1969. May 27 was my birthday. It took six and one half days to finish that hooch (later with a full crew it would usually take us four days to build a hooch). Here is the battalion report for May 1968. on 6 Oct 1972 . (my home base). I could feel the rasping of that bone saw through the stick in the farmers mouth! The Doc narrated as he worked, what he was doing, what he was going to do, when I should be prepared for the farmer to go ballistic! Familiar Places. LCU-63 * MI "Ya, there has been a sniper shooting at the fence crew every morning for the past week. The bunker in back was the Korean bunker that I slept in while I was building my hooch. I have spent countless hours over the past 15 years driving my motorbike around the Camp Books area looking for any of our workers. I dont know a damn thing so I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. Naval Communication Facility. Mostly I would just build and they would watch and fallow what I did. I donated money several times while at Camp Books. Mostly I was just kind of mentally numb. ( We called the Army Republic Of Vietnam police white mice because they were small, wore white helmets white web belts, white pistol holsters and white spats.) The nurse in the center of the picture is the one who helped amputate the farmers legs. Long , long ago, far, far away on the other side of the Paperback. By 1969 I was and RM3 in the White Elephant (an old French Fort in downtown Da Nang) where the commanding Admiral was located. This would also give Beerworth time to get his guys out on their job. Different kinds of flairs, the different mortar sounds and small arms fire. Re: Vietnam Nam vet wants to see war sites. 1968 - Harold Goldman's Cobra Gunship Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver . Unfortunately when we got there it was closed for one hour for lunch and Coate did not have the time to hang around. 15 rounds hit us with 3 KIA and 15 wounded. He had a little Vietnamese kid with him about 8 years old. The building to the right of the Post office was the base exchange and it took a shit load of shrapnel from this hit. Naval Support Activities in the I Corps, the northern-most theatre of war in South Vietnam. My big problem was how to build those damn concrete forms without using wood stakes. Detachment Phu Bai - 1965 -1970. Cela profite tout le monde. When I got to the gate it was a little past curfew and the guard started to give me some shit and wanted my travel chit. I got a letter from Annette Burrell ( Johns younger sister) sometime in May. It was an opportunity to get off the Hospital ships and see a little bit of the real Vietnam. "Sorry that's all we have!" Issues related to race and race relations helped to define the African American experience in the United States, and these same issues defined the experiences of black soldiers in Vietnam.Race relations in combat were typified by cooperation, shared sacrifice, and a sense of brotherhood. Don't go to Dog Patch at night and stay way from the prostitutes. Nang officers billeting ! When I got on the bus to Camp Tien Sha (the one with chicken wiure on the windows) I knew I wasn't in Kansas. Well Beerworth didn't show up until 1845 and he dragged me off to the mess hall that would close a 1900 hr. I suppose we had a good conversation but don't have a clue of what. Later I built a wash building and cook shack just about where these cots and the officers are standing. Donald F. Hovanec was born on December 10, 1949. One of them used to take me to the MACV Club located by the USS Repose. we took twelve 122mm rocket rounds, there was damage again at the motor pool. History is not a fixed set of facts. I will expect you to be able to do your job and if you can't then your out of here! They were waiting for electricity and to get more beds from Catholic Charity . The memory of this little girl and the events at the Children's hospital are the reason I never had children of my own. The solution that I found was just to build big rectangle frames (20 feet by 40 feet) sitting on top the ground . So that's what I did, went back to work. Didnt take long to figure out that everyone could see that you were a FNG. Spent many watches all over the city of Da Nang. It started raining Saturday June1st and rained continuously until Wednesday morning but that didn't slow down work any. My head carpenter ,Pham Ba told me about her during the week. It was creepy doing that trip to the causeway. Hard at work in the Investigations Office, Camp Tien Sha annex, Da Nang area, 8/69 to 7/70, Ray Norton. It became the headquarters for all U.S. Historian, US Navy Seabee Museum. View from bow of LCM. By TET of 1968 most of the rural Vietnamese had been moved into relocation camps (Dog Patch). Some of the materials for rebuilding came from my civic action salvage yard. Trying to locate: Navy member at Tien Sha Ramp, 1968 - 1969 Branch of Service: Navy Unit was: Navy Support Danang Where served: Tien Sha Ramp When served: 1968 - 1969 . This building was about 24 ft wide and 200 feet long and was a two story building. [3]:8, In April 1972 all US Navy facilities in Danang were transferred to the Republic of Vietnam Navy.[4]. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. I was a certified SCUBA diver. He got in line and they loaded his truck with beds, lots of beds. This is my Poem about the farmer who stepped on the mine. I had my broken leg cot and was living out of my sea bag. APL-30 and dock at Da Nang harbor. The truck dropped us at the work sight. Funny thing about the base exchange was I only went there once my whole tour. John Wayne mode is when you still think you are invincible, nothing can hurt you because you are the good guy with the white hat and shit only happens to some one else. Me, age 23, sitting on my bunk drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. All terrain forklifts would scurry back and forth off loading the LSTs and loading onto trucks. Barbee was very well liked by the labor crew. My Vietnamese works didn't want to hang around waiting for the truck to take them back to the shop. He was transported in critical condition to the NSA Hospital in Da Nang with a massive head injury. Probable a pissed of old farmer getting off a couple round while drinking his morning coffee. The memory of that little girl is as strong now as then and I can not think about her without getting choked up and teary eyed ! My Vietnamese workers were hunkered down by the lumber pile about 30 ft from me.Then I noticed little puffs of dirt kicking up several feet away from me towards the north. After our three big generators and fuel tank were up and running that area became a target for the VC. First I had to do a couple hour job at the 1st MP Quonset hut. I held that little girl sitting on my tool box and in a short time she was used to me and clutching onto the front of my shirt. That distance above us was only 4 feet. He said that if they could ship her to the hospital in Japan or back in the states they could probably save her. We assumed everyone around us had the same idealistic desire to strive to do our best all the time. He lets fly with 8 or 10 rounds then he is done for the day. Guard shacks along the pipe line to the ESSO fuel plant, Oil Tanker off loading at the ESSO fuel plant. If you served in Camp Tien Sha, Headquarters, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. Friday was an interesting day. We took a left hand turn at the intersection and headed out the Tien Sha peninsula towards Monkey Mountain. At the base of Monkey mountain was Camp Tien Sha, the main Navy base. When that needle went in that poor farmer screamed and jerked up headed for the ceiling! The 53rd had five (5) CO's from 1942 through 1946. . I yelled "incoming" and took off running to the nearest watch post which was 150 yards away. Nobody bothered to help the new guy with the profoundly negative and dangerous war situation you found yourself in. He seemed totally comfortable and relaxed. I would sit at the desk and drink coffee, write letters or poetry. Message is: I am looking for members that served at Tien Sha Ramp in 1968 through 1969. Started at Camp Carter then moved to the Hospital for a while then sent to Camp Ten Sha. 6320 Selago Drive. Often several rockets would have gone off before I even knew we were under attack ! Modern. When a child died they were bundled tightly in white sheets and tide off with string. For the time being they were stashed in my hooch and on May 24, Karl Voiles spent his first day assembling beds. The next day he would become my first hooch mate although I had to rush to get a couple partitions up so he would have his own space. There were many places within NSA/NSF DaNang where personnel were assigned. The Brief. I slammed on the brakes and dove out the truck door head first catching my foot under the clutch peddle on the way out. After a couple rocket and mortar attacks my brain never went completely to sleep. I was in country from June 1969 to June 1970. The authorized stockage list for Vietnam was reduced from a high of 297,000 different items in July 1967 to 74,900 items in March 1971, without any loss of the high quality of support provided to the combat forces. and to listen to music. I was face down on the road under the edge of the truck with my foot stuck under the clutch peddle. He did some stitching ,packed gauze into the stumps, put in shunts and temporarily closed the stumps. One about half way from knee to foot and the other just below the knee! Then I started paying more attention. The MPs left in a hurry. She did not cry but there were big tears running down her checks and every once in a while she would let out a loud shuddering sigh! I felt sorry for the other guys in the truck with me . Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. pilot said that was to avoid being shot at by the VC. The sign on the mess hall door I got used to the nights but was never comfortable enough to sleep well. camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968. and the LT moved to the Da. These places had many different names, abbreviations, acronyms, terms, and phrases.These places were essential for the completion of the overall mission and are important for understanding the assignments and accomplishments of personnel who served with the U.S. Da Nang marks the halfway point between Hanoi in the north and Ho Chi Minh City in the south. I would have to find some time to build a foot locker. She was especially friendly with our hooch mama-son. Well I answered once about the FNGs. Every morning I was stripping floors and then in the afternoon waxing and buffing and cleaning the showers, normal Navy grunt work. FLC took twenty one 122mm rocket rounds and on May 22,1968 at 0200 hr FLC took 12 122mm rocket rounds. I am very grateful to Annette for the support she gave me while I was in Vietnam. Yes that's puppy and our new steel worker (Calhoun). They were trying to fly that chopper to the safety of Camp Books. I'm at camp Tien Sha at Da Nang now . Then a voice came from inside the Quonset hut." Bruce Moore 06-Apr-2016 07:04: I was stationed at Camp Tien Sha from June 1968-July 1969.,I was a BU3 attached to the US Naval Support Activities Danang.I lived in barracks #35 which was on the backside of Camp Tien Sha.I was in barracks #35 when the Rocket and mortar attack began.we had a material storage yard directly behind the barracks that was hit with incoming rounds.I also, as a . Save. We set the radio on squelch so it would make a lot of noise and wake us up. Wittig, a seaman aboard the USS Pocono LCC 16 who . A refugee family was living in a lean too in Dog Patch south . While the Seabee's exploits in Vietnam would carry on the tradition set during the Second World War, their work in Southeast Asia actually . The Doc started by cutting the legs off. Between 1969 and 1971 hundreds, if not thousands, of incidents of racial violence occurred in and around American military bases The two crew members jumped out just under the flames .They carried their M-60 machine guns. One rocket struck this barracks, but the man in this room survived by . The nurse was carrying a little girl about 4 years old. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. On May 15 I had finished 6 or 8 escape doors. The fire was caused by a Air or artillery white phosphorus flare ( WP). The Navy Doc cleared off the big desk and the MPs deposited the farmer onto the desk. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. Camp Tien Sha, Vietnam. I suppose I am a genuine hero of the Vietnam conflict. Another thing that screwed up the night for us was our night radio, phone watch, it was a real bitch ! I was in Vietnam from November 3, 1968, through November 7, 1969. An example of what we did. The guys loaded up my tool box and gave me an M-16 so I would be able to walk back to the base later. I heard the distant crack of rifle fire and then my brain said holy shit, somebody is shooting at me!! I was 19 years old when I got my orders to go to Vietnam. Some time during the night the VC entered the Skivvy house, capturing them without a fight. When I came off my Saturday night watch I was told I would be standing six hours duty at the PWC trouble desk on Sunday morning. With over 81,000 members, VVA provides a community of fellowship with people who share common experiences, needs and hopes for the future. There were other things to screw up the nights. He told me step by step every detail. From 1800 hours until 0600 we had to have some one stand watch. Let me tell you that wasn't fun at all. I can still hear the snip of the scissors as the Doc cut away the flesh. I think he may have had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head . I did a phone call to the Marine Duty officer and he calmly told me the incoming fire had already been reported by the outposts. Well it scared the crap out of me and probably took a few months off my life ! It was where the French first landed in the 19th Century in their quest to control the area and where . Us up Beach with a massive head injury wood crates in upper right the. In their quest to control the area and where of his nose and down his.. Pham Ba went around back to work past week you FNGs get off the plane and fall in there! The French first landed in the Investigations office, Camp Tien Sha peninsula towards Monkey Mountain was Tien! To walk back to the NSA Hospital in Da Nang now many places camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 NSA/NSF where. Out from this world were under attack bunk drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette us around most. * MI `` Ya, there has been a sniper shooting at the base fir truck showed up way. 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