Welcome to Sharing Culture! What season does Alaric come back? Alaric notices that she's packing a bag, and knows she has other plans. She stopped making excuses to be somewhere else, and the girls and I stopped being a placeholder. Alaric confronts Jo and when she collapses again, her eyes turn white again and a male voice speaks through her, telling him that Josie is buried somewhere in the graveyard. It's attempted murder, considering she transitioned into a vampire. Damon, Stefan and Alaric arrive to the location when the Gemini Coven is meant to be. Rupert has a different take. Kaleb appears and they realize it's the night they met at his old high school, East Point. Later he learns that Jeremy was fired a week prior, and tells this to Elena. Genetically, they are not mine. Alaric receives a call from Hope who asks for an update. Ric revealed that he fell in love with Caroline in their three years together but knew Caroline only said yes because it was best for the kids, and understood that Stefan coming back might ruin the life he'd built with Caroline. While Andie Star questions Elijah, Alaric quickly stabs him in the chest from behind, who tells Damon to dispose of him, placing the dagger on the table. He threatens him to leave before he 'compels him to be the guy he used to know instead. Even though Alaric knows Damon can't see him, he replies "I miss you too buddy." After Stefan recovers Alaric apologizes for not confiding in Jenna earlier, explaining that he should have known she could handle it. In I Can't Be the One to Stop You, he, Landon, and the Necromancer make their way back to the Ferryman on the dock. He has a contract for the three of them to sign to get their three wishes, one wish for each of them. While Elena is fighting Caroline, Caroline mentions that she's older and more powerful than Elena, but Elena says that Caroline has no fighting experience, and Elena was trained by Alaric. Alaric and Hope investigate the bus themselves and the bus is littered with charred corpses. Alaric is concerned and asks Damon if he told Stefan he was going to take the cure. Alaric assures her that they'll work on the god stuff but encourages her to talk to someone, even if it's not him. He's talking to someone on the phone. Alaric was thrown through the air and onto his back. Hope has just killed the newest creature, but all they find on the floor is the missing student, Blake. Hope, however, goes right and wins the first move. Alaric later helped Damon with escaped tomb vampires who kidnapped Stefan to torture and then kill him. When they asked him to siphon the magic of Bonnie's violent visions away, he discovered that they knew about the Phoenix Stone. Damon gets frustrated and asks Alaric if he wants to spend his last night as a single man debating his crisis. She didn't ask that because she didn't want to hear the answer but he knows it has to be him. Before he does, Brian says that Meredith is a psycho. Alaric returned as a Ghost in The Walking Dead, when the veil to The Other Side was dropped. Cassie. Well, in order to become a vampire, all Lizzie had to do was die. And that even though he still has feelings for her. Florence told him that she wished she was his wife and that he would have made an amazing husband. They enjoy her company and laugh at the various stories. She asked him if he was okay and that Damon filled her in on what he was doing in Europe. Alaric knows this isn't going to be easy for her and she's experienced more loss than anyone her age should ever have to. "The first line in the script in episode 1 says 'Cut to Alaric Saltzman, hair and beard growth: unemployed,'" showrunner Julie Plec says. At the end, he and Elena decide to make Jeremy leave town. Alaric didn't want Damon to be his babysitter but Damon assured him that he was there to get his mind off of Elena and Ric's own grief was a good distraction for him. Alaric and Enzo are unconscious and Caroline moves them out of the way while Stefan says they should send a message. He figured that Alaric wouldn't be thinking straight, fighting until the last second should that day come. The others look at her, questioning the outburst. Alaric gets up off the ground and though he appreciates her efforts, they both know where things are heading. Confused and furious in equal measures, Alaric called the group again who informed him about the discovery of an arachne but his words of caution were ignored by the team who hung up on him. He also finds the names of Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah written on the wall. He later suggests that she transfer to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, where she will be better placed to protect and watch over Landon; she declines, however. He warns Hope the the Necromancer could've tormented Hope with all of her dead family, or those that she has killed before. She thought he was leaving tomorrow, but that's the reason he's leaving now, while everyone's asleep. While Landon and the Necromancer are out of the bar, Alaric makes the second wish. In actuality, Alaric was stone-cold sober and went to a psychic, showing him a red stone. A knock rings out on the door and MG and Alaric turn to find Lizzie and introduce Jen to them. They discuss how they're going to deal with Malivore and particularly how Hope fits into that plan. Alaric then stabbed Kol with the White Oak Ash dagger, and starts to drag him outside. Kaleb questions whether Hope will still cure MG after his actions, but Alaric tells him to give her a minute. Alaric meets up with Damon at the cemetery and punches him for compelling him. Alaric tells him he's sorry and pulls him into a hug, gaining his coin to Peace. Hope Mikaelson is the only character that is hybrid of all three bloodlines: werewolf, witch, and vampire. In The Hybrid, when Elena tries to find Stefan without Damon's help, she goes to Alaric who, after some convincing, tells her that Klaus is hunting werewolves. Alaric explains that if there was any other way, he would have wished for it, but his powers are the only thing that can bring them back to life without the Ferryman interfering. Alaric is less optimistic, believing the other shoe will drop. They find out that MG has been bitten by Rafael and is suffering from the effects of werewolf venom. Shaken by this, Alaric confined Landon to the werewolf transition space for 24 hours under the theory that Landon had vervain in his system. Suddenly, Alaric realizes that the change felt earlier was the transportation of Hope and Landon to a Prison World. Landon believes he thought he had already done enough that his and Hope's choice mattered even though they couldn't do it together. Alaric asks her how Bonnie is doing and she tells him that Damon gave her some of his blood. He fears he's out of time and apologizes to her. As he turns, he stands before the sight of his still-bloodied, formerly dead fiance, Josette Laughlin, still in full bridal wear, standing at his office door. Just yesterday he sold them out for a crappy cause and today he's willing to die permanently. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Damon visits Alaric in the hospital, playing around with all of the hospital equipment, Damon knows that Alaric is sorry for not being unable to uncompel Elena, but there is no way to undo it since Alaric is now a human. Later that night Alaric wakes up goes into the kitchen and sees files of the murder victims, his hospital and legal records, and a hunting knife identical to the ones used on Bill Forbes and himself. Back in his office, Hope told him that he had to stop keeping secrets from them if they were going to be truly safe. He tells Jenna to get Stefan some blood bags down from the cellar. In Voodoo in My Blood, Alaric walked out of a gas station outside of New Orleans while talking with Klaus on the phone, having been asked to find one of the Hollow's. After a few hours, she'll awaken in transition and then she'll need to feed to complete it. Kaleb doesn't want to do this, here, and Alaric wants him to fight it like his bloodlust. It's now a race to find a solution before Hope goes through with her plan. At Alaric's apartment, Alaric hands Caroline a blood bag and remarks that the people at the birthing class were jerks, and deserved everything they got. It's Lizzie's and deep down, he knows that. Alaric tells her that he's done making the decisions alone and defer the decision to them. Each time he died with the ring on, he'd be met by Esther Mikaelson on the The Other Side, and in the brief period before the ring revived him, she would speak with him and nurture his negative feelings toward vampires and how they had affected his life; turning Isobel and killing Jenna. Alaric gives her a box full of her things that contained things that reminded her of Damon. He then shakes Damon's hand, causing Stefan and Alaric to disappear out of the house and also cloaking the house once again while Damon was still inside. Cleo comments that he's the one who guessed that a frozen blade would kill it because being born by a fire means death by the opposite. At first, Caroline refuted this to be impossible being she took and failed pregnancy tests, including a failed ultrasound, but Alaric remained optimistic being he was hopeful his twins were still alive. When Hope leaves, Sheriff Mac enters, handing Alaric a restraining order placed against him by Professor Vardemus, meaning he cannot go near the school. They discover that the moonstone can break the werewolf curse. He admits that he was afraid of what he'd do. Hope refuses to give an answer, just that she's working on it. Alaric thought Kaleb was supposed to pick him up, but MG explains that he was told by Kaleb that Landon had asked him to change how he will do things while they're in this crisis. He temporarily died from the stab wound that killed him before his transition, when the magic that made him an Enhanced Original was stripped from his body. Alaric notices that something is wrong but Damon claims that he is fine. He wants them to search the books for anything to remove a magical parasite from its host. Tracking the girl's phone, they came upon the empty Salvatore school bus and found the remains of the previously reanimated girl stuffed into the glove compartment. The two results are the same and Alaric concludes that whoever is posing as Vardemus must have been at the portal the night of Hope's disappearance. Elena finally admits the day she fell in love with him, her birthday after she and Damon spent all summer looking for Stefan. At the end of the night when everyone is safe, Dorian apologizes to Alaric for voting him out of the school. With their permission, it would be his great honor to tell those stories by writing the definitive history of the supernatural beings he has come to know. Alaric walked Jenna home and told her that Isobel is dead, and adds that he loves Jenna. Alaric explained that he found an ancient finger bone at the Lockwood estate, but didn't want Klaus to come back to Mystic Falls so would be bringing it to him. He's sorry for when he wasn't there for her and her sister, for all the times he prioritized Hope or being headmaster over being their father. Wade tells her that she does damage to Ken, but he's still standing. He asks about "Operation Humanity" and MG confirms that Hope is out under a spell. Landon explains that this place was lighting up the darkness like a beacon. Alaric leaves and wants MG, Kaleb, Lizzie, and Josie to reconvene in the library, though only MG and Kaleb follow. They discovered that Enzo had taken Rayna. He found a file Mr. Tanner had for Jeremy Gilbert labeled the "jackass" file. Alaric doesn't understand why he's here, though Wade explains that Kaleb was his emergency contact and the hospital called the school. Now it's time for them to go to war. by . Despite everything, there's no lasting grudge between them. Stefan comes in and tells them he was the one who handed Enzo in. In Never Let Me Go, Alaric taught his class full of students about fables of monsters, hoping he could get the teens to stop sneaking into Mystic Falls for amateur monster hunts. Klaus tells Tyler to bite Caroline and he refuses, but later. Alaric bonds with Seylah who tells him that her story is pretty far out there and most days she doesn't believe that it really happened. When Jo is ready to give her magic to Kai, Alaric asks what the other prison world is. Murmurs rattle throughout the students and Hope stands in protest, however, it does nothing to sway Alaric. Alaric then appears to Jeremy as a ghost, his old self again. Later, when Penelope is leaving the Salvatore School for Belgium, she hands Josie her diary. Isobel was also responsible for breaking up Alaric and Jenna as she said to Katherine. The sky darkens and thunder rolls through the clouds. In Because, both Jo and Alaric are at the Bed & Breakfast on watch duty for Caroline and Stefan. Regardless of what's to come, they have to try. Kaleb thought he was better than that, and he killed all those people because he couldn't control himself. After Alaric was turned into an Enhanced Original, his darker aspect took complete control, and although now a vampire, was determined to hunt down the Original family and end the existence of vampires, showing that that was all he cared about by agreeing to be desiccated after he had finished his work. Ben believes that his father has altered his curse and has made him mortal. In Ordinary People, Alaric and Elena are in the cave and discover a lot of drawings and words in Viking script. While Cleo gets more intel, Alaric instructs the witches and vampires to get the minerals.Ben will show the wolves how to set up the bomb before they have to report to the bunker for the full moon. He is present when they are born and introduces them by name to Caroline, revealing that he named them Josie Saltzman and Lizzie Saltzman in honor of his late fiance and Caroline's mother respectively. Sheriff Mac arrests him, believing his past to point to him being responsible. However, they hear the clown's laughter, meaning it's inside with them. Hope continues to attack, drawing his fire, distracting him. Matt informs him that the local PD thinks it was a chemical spill. He begins with how he made Ethan's mother a promise, just like all of their parents when they enrolled, that he'd care for them as his own. If they were to siphon it there's a very good chance that all of his organs would fail. Lizzie wants him to face the facts as she believes that the school is dangerous for every person in that pile. Despite this, he was quick to believe her when she revealed who she was the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and when his memories returned, the two happily embraced. Following a massive loss of students and teachers, the student body is now down to thirty, which is barely enough to meet the quota . Alaric reassures him that he had no idea about the land mine that killed him. Alaric can't believe that Landon has kept this from him, though believed that if the Necromancer could change, so could he. Alaric and Georgie attempt to find a medieval object that can be used against sirens. He's had enough goodbyes in his life, like her. Ben wonders what he intends on doing with him. They need to find a way to pull Malivore out of the people he's infecting. In Kill 'Em All, Alaric and Caroline return to their old ways, hunting vampires. Kai Parker (Chris Wood) utters that line in Legacies' upcoming two-parter (starting Feb. 6), which features the return of his delicious Vampire Diaries villain. Eventually, they visit the Mystic Tap, and begin deep conversation. Doctor Who we can keep a bit longer, Tess will need some behavioral modification in order to be a welcomed addition.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Just before he dies, Bonnie appears while under the control of Esther, and incapacitates Damon using her magic. Alaric prepares to go after Ryan, but Hope refuses to kill him. He is then approached by Kai, to which he immediately gets out of the car and shoots Kai five times. When Alaric notices Tyler checking out Liv, he tells Tyler that Liv isn't into him. Alaric explained to Damon that Enzo and Bonnie developed a relationship over the three years Damon had been asleep, much to Damon's surprise. Alaric decapitates Kai shortly after, killing him for good. Does Dr Saltzman become headmaster again? Hope reprimands him, telling him this is not his choice. MG and Lizzie quickly follow behind. The point is this-- there was no book club. In Screw Endgame, it was revealed that he is in fact Ryan Clarke, using a spelled, magical ring to disguise himself. She finds a letter that she had wrote to herself, detailing why she had gotten Alaric to wipe her memories of ever loving Damon. Crossing a line, Hope tells him to leave. He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. Damon had told him he offered to take the cure and Alaric tells him if he takes the cure, he won't be able to become a vampire again and that Damon is now getting cold feet. However, Stefan returned and they had to rejoin the supernatural world in Mystic Falls. Jo awoke and Alaric discovered that Jo had memory loss after her revival just like Oscar had. He sees Meredith standing there with a gun saying he was not supposed to see that and she shoots him. And I promise that you will beat it.Elena to Alaric in I'm Thinking Of You All The While, You know a responsible guardian would try and stop you. She didn't want Alaric and Jeremy coming back to life so she wouldn't have to turn her humanity back on. As The CW series Legacies returns for Season 3, The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted's Headmaster Alaric (Matthew Davis) sends the students off-campus for their first-ever field day for what is supposed to be some healthy competition. Jed questions about saving Ben, but Alaric defers him, citing they need to focus on one crisis at a time. The next morning Alaric comes back to life and is greeted by Damon with a drink. Lizzie accepts and they share a dance. Elena believes that Meredith is right after reading the journal of Samantha Gilbert which revealed that she had committed similar killings while wearing the Gilbert Ring that her grandfather Johnathan had given her. Kaleb wonders why he didn't tell him before, but Kaleb didn't need to know. Bonnie spoke to him after class commenting on how the evacuation plan didn't go as well as everyone had hoped. Alaric already knows and will explain once Kaleb arrives. But erasing that doesn't change things. In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Alaric fails to mention to Caroline that the girls aren't going to their school anymore because of their magical incidents. She can't ask her to do this, but Hope already has. The Necromancer laughs at the surprising new developments to Alaric's life in the mortal world. The four automatons are Aurora, Jen, Ken, the father of an entire family of gods, and Lizzie. While the students hid, Alaric moved through the school and happened upon the motionless gargoyle. Every time they solve one problem, another one just pops up. When Damon is injured by Elena, Alaric shows up and helps him. Alaric learns of a newly triggered werewolf in Atlanta, Georgia and, with Hope in tow, tracked the boy to a church. Alaric did his best to patrol the streets of Mystic Falls, going full Rick Grimes on a legion of possessed townies, but he barely made it out alive. The jinni used their greed and carelessness against them. Though this is hard for her, she just wanted to take a moment to say how much they all mean to her. Soon afterward, Alaric was found in the road by Elijah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard. Fearing for his daughter's life, Alaric returns to the bar in which Bonnie Bennett imprisoned Malachai Parker. While the only human there, Alaric is the only one to enter the house, suggesting that someone lives there. Kaleb initiates the head dive and Alaric enters Malivore's consciousness. He didn't want to live the rest of his life wishing he had just stayed dead. He tells her he bought it the day after Luke died, and that he was trying to plan for the right moment. As he was running across the grounds he came upon a dirt-stained and hysterical Jo who claimed to have no memory after being taken by Josie to the birthday party. Alaric offends Caroline when he tells her that he was under the impression she would not be involved post-pregnancy. 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