It is scaled using the data of skullmech;s trebuchet, but taller as we had no hieght restriction. You want this to happen when your sling is at 45, and it will vary somewhat with projectile weight and counterweight.The sling itself and release pin are a bit of trial and error. This thing is powerful, which is why you need a trigger. (Forward to the direction of motion makes it release later, backwards= release sooner. 4 years ago. If I need to bring the scale down, what would the dimensions be? To fix this, you get a thicker CW bolt, and hopefully a hardened one. So if I could toss the weight a 100yds would be perfect. Really hope we get the hooks and sling parts to make trebuchets wor Yes I want a small one for the classroom and large one for the field. The cutouts go around the main track supports. (Look at the picture) [2] This causes the wheel on the axle of the arm to impact the glide track,[2][8] which is usually held steady with strong support beams. for the carriage bolts 6 1/4 in. (0.7112 X 0.0889 m) You want to keep the width relatively narrow, but wide enough to accommodate whatever projectiles you plan to use. The knot should be on the inside of the pouch. Really cool project Brother, thanks for putting together a great instructable. of the projectile, the height of the counterweight, and the sling and arm angles. May need to be made thicker If you want a better pin system, look at the turnbuckle pin system here. Approx 25 ft. (7.62 m)1/2 braided nylon rope Upon releasing the trigger, the counterweight is allowed to drop through the channel. (1.5875 cm.) From this side, measure 2.5 feet (2 ft, 6 inches) from one end of the tracks. Approx. The longer side is responsible for throwing, acceleration quickly due to the dropping weights. [2] The difference in the lengths of the two ends of the arm provides mechanical advantage. None seem to affect it structurally, but we'll see. Forming tube is expensive, so instead, cut a cardboard barrel into strips or tack thick cardboard onto a piece of plywood to make forms. I'm kinda adding these as I think of them.. The trigger held up well, but it did take a pretty hard tug to get it to release with max weight. 18. Remember, though, that if your short arm is shorter you will need fewer bolts. It will be harder to split or break the wood. for the threaded rod Does anyone have a solid works file for this trebuchet? On the fraying edges, use only one strip and fold it over. Do some experiments, that part is the most fun. Then very carefully you will have to put in the safety blocks again and reset the trigger. rubber mallet The Arm. Basically make a box that can contain your counterweights, whatever they are. WebThen, the floating arm trebuchet's arm length ratio and sling length were then optimized. Here's some vid of ours. with that. Win7 Enterprise, Win7 x86 (Ult 7600), Win7 x64 Ult 7600, TechNet RTM on AMD x64 (2.8Ghz) New 08 Jul 2012 #21. Taper the arm from a full 3" at the axle to 1" at the finger end of the arm (Fig. I may or may not fget a response considering it is 2013 and not 2010 but I need to build a trebuchet for my physics class and i came across your model and had a few questions. I would probably actually be dead. Otherwise, the arm would derail a lot more. Floating Arm Trebuchet Page 3 of 3 First 1 2 3. use your head before you lose your head. [5] Friction of the wheel on the arm axle against the glide track should be managed in a similar way. Keep in mind that the rails should be unobstructed, and the gap where the weight bar will go should be small enough that your wheels can easily glide over it. So we built a 10 throwing arm trebuchet. For trebuchets in general a mass ratio of between 80:1 to 160:1 can be used. 3 3 in. I'm using this kind of trebuchet for an assignment, and the ratio of our weight to out projectile is about 1:200. would this kind of trebuchet be better in this case than a traditional trebuchet? there are small cracks throughout the trebuchet now because I was lazy. Thanks for the great instructable! In contrast, a floating arm trebuchet features an axle on the arm freely moving along a horizontal glide track. May need to be shortened, look at improvements 2. (8TH picture) Then tape them in place. They have cutouts on them so that they can be screwed directly onto the base with their 2 ft. long edge flush with the outside 2 ft. edge of the short 1 X 6. Tighten all the knots and make sure none will slip. If you have a certain ratio in mind but you do not know the lengths, use this example: Slip the ring over the pin, and stretch the sling lines to get rid of as much slack as possible. less than on a longer, heavier arm, so you have more of an opportunity to make it extremely light, if that makes any sense. For this step you will need four of the eight 3.5 ft pieces, and the two 6 ft. long pieces. 7 years ago diameter threaded rod, coarse thread 8 years ago. Parallel to the seams, cut all the way through so that you can open it into one sheet. It wasn't the best design for very straight shots, but for me it worked very well. 11. The design and construction of such machines is a popular project assignment in post-secondary engineering classes. Thinking *this is not funny only annoying* By tightening these outside bolts, you can change the alignment of the tracks and narrow or widen the distance between the drop channels. Arm-sling constraint, arm roller on fixed track, projectile above ramp. Make matching steel plates and drill holes into them for bolts and for both the counterweight bar and the axle, allowing room for steel pipe inserts. It cost me about $130 not including the weights. (I saw a car roof get crushed by a pumpkin flying backwards)Use a long trigger rope and keep yourself at a safe distance.Have fun. catapult. Finally, put a nut and washer on the outside bits of the bolt that protrude from the tracks. As it turned out, our design was over built and held up well. Posts : 9,606. Grab your nylon rope and cut 4 feet off the end. Harmonic balancers work well for wheels, and can be pulled from a V8 engine at a junkyard. At this point, dry-assemble your trebuchet and ensure everything fits, and that the arm will move correctly. NOTE: all CAD modeling was done using student software, for educational purposes. I have no clue what it is for f2k, but it is a more efficient trebuchet. thick plywood, 2 ft., 5 in. Their defining feature is free movement of an axle on the throwing arm,[2] and a linear drop channel for the counterweight. then, to check we add the short arm and long arm length together: Then, using the claw hammer, hammer out these slivers of wood. Tools Lower it below the base, just rest it on the floor. y Test 3: When the trigger is released and with the arm slightly Yes i am proud to be 4. 2 screws for each mitered channel support. Documentation. 3/8 X 4 eye bolt (Including bolts) This range efficiency can be used to compare actual trebuchets to simulated ones, design Next, grab you trigger pin and just hold it beneath the CW bolt. The design and construction of such machines is a popular project assignment in post-secondary engineering classes.[3][4]. The lateral diagonals keep the track supports from moving in or out, but the tracks will still pivot around the supports. (2.54 cm.) Also, get the most straight lumber available for the longer pieces on the frame. Place the hole for the counterweight bolt about an inch and a half from the end. X 3.5 in. 6 segments of 2 ft., 5 in. Lengths Lengths Angles Masses Density Copyright 2013, Eric Constans and Rowan University 9. These are the horizontal beams that are used as the track. As a starting point, cut these two These should be fairly simple-they're just diagonal pieces. SECOND PROBLEM On each piece, mark 5.5 inches (The real width of a 1 X 6) from each cut edge. Make a square line across the flat side of the board. Thanks for writing this 'ible. This ring will be what loops around the pin. Even though IT'S VERY DANGEROUS IF YOU DO IT INCORRECTLY!!) so: Tie the each end of the four foot piece to one of the trigger pins. Make sure your projectile is in the sling (Yes we do forget that a lot) the ring is on the pin, the CW bolt won't get stuck on the eye bolts coming out of the drop channels and that the safety blocks are still in, along with the weights (Obviously) Once they are pulled, they do not interfere with the motion of the arm. (The counterweight bolt has to be strong enough, too. ) long carriage bolts This is a general description of how to create a floating arm (f2k) trebuchet. Short arm, washer, bolt, washer, wheels and bearings, washer, bolt. Ask me if you have a question. nails will slide out of the wood, and will not keep the box together. I would get more in case some of their heads strip Question Yeah, this happened to me. 14. It was determined that the optimal arm length ratio was approximately 1:2, where the short diagrams showing the medieval trebuchet design vs. the modern floating arm trebuchet, and brings in the relevant math as well. I'd look around on YouTube and compare different sizes of trebuchets. Then just screw the bolt through when you need to. *A few notes: the angles were based off of the sketchup model which had a few errors. Try to have all the sizes of your shafts and designs for your trigger and sling release figured out at this stage, as well as how you plan to attach the shafts (welds or flanges, etc). then divide your total beam length by that number. So, This project is not due until sometime in may, but I will be glad to post pictures. Drill a 1/4 hole 20" from one end, in the middle of the board, as shown in Fig. 5. Keep pulling back on the arm until the counterweight bolt is about 3 inches over the topside of the tracks. Did you need to do anything special with the scaling? The first picture shows this. 8 .5 in. Can the trebuchet launch a 6-lb shot? on Introduction, On the working model simulator how do you make the sling release at 45 degree, Reply Put the ratio hole wherever it goes. -The box needs to be made narrow enough to fit on the outside of the drop channel and still have room to be loose..that's room for other bolts and washers. 2 segments of 5 ft., 10 in (1.7272 m) long 2 X 4 *I want a 3.5:1 ratio. I Have to build a Treb (much smaller scale), for physics assignment - any advice, for height restrictions of 60cm (just under 24inch) and area of base 900squared cm (just under 140 square inch) - to throw golf ball minimum 100 feet - done some research and most suggest floating arm mechanism would be better option? The medieval trebuchet is a missile-throwing device, with a heavy counterweight on the short end of a beam that pivots about an axle fixed to a supporting frame. Line up the pieces of plywood and drill holes through everything for the carriage bolts. (Left or right) So, if you want them to be the same height, you may need to change the angles or the lengths mentioned here. I used a projectile motion program I wrote using Matlab last year, and assumed a release angle of 45 and initial height of 15 ft. 8. This is it. The part of the war machine that means business. The Arm. Luckily, It's also pretty simple to  make. You need: 6 segments of 2 I have to make a Trebuchet for my Engineering product, and it must be no more in height than 80cm, so what do you think are the best dimensions and ratios for it? Luckily we caught it and injuries were avoided. (1.5875 cm.) The two marks should be 6/8" apart. Make sure the axle bolt is short enough to clear the frame easily. (This is actually for the trigger) Smash many pumpkins.Note:Time was of the essence on this project. The hardest part, really, is getting the angles correct and then cutting them accurately. This metal loop goes around the pin, and as the centrifugal force increases as the arm swings, the ring slides off the pin to allow the pouch to open. (0.7112 X 0.0889 m) Does it take a small army to transport it? Reply Then drive 3 through the base and into the bottom of the drop channel. I am making one for a school project and hope to have it done in a week or so. WebThe 5DOF Floating Arm Trebuchet This is the floating arm trebuchet with a sling. First, grab your counterweight bolt (hopefully thicker than 5/8") and use some sort of clamp to keep it pushed up against the top piece of wood, as if it was being loaded. It may have thrown some little thing off so just use your judgment about the angles. and if everyone wants the step I'll add it. NEVER, NEVER LEAN OVER THE ARM!!! A good way to estimate the range is to use conservation of energy. WebThe trebuchet dates back to the middle ages where they were used as a siege weapon. Everything should be centered. 1. This list of materials is copied directly from my science fair project. It includes what I used at the time. The lumber list is really long, but Drill holes every 6 inches into the mitered pieces deep enough so that the wood screws can penetrate the drop guides itself. Trebuchet 3: An Improved Floating Arm Trebuchet. The floating arm trebuchet loses the range advantage over regular trebuchet at very large scales, because the difficulty in construction of the drop channel and axle increases with size. be safe [5], The dropping of the counterweight forces the arm to swing to one side of the glide track and quickly jerk in the opposite direction to launch a projectile. Before you do that, though, make sure that you are driving them in from the bottom. Feel free to use them for educational or personal use. Drill the hole accordingly, so that their position is similar to the one pictured below. 7 years ago Do you have the plans for this small one or pictures from different angles and aprox heights? Socket wrench for your threaded rod I just posted an instructible of our own design, it's a lot beefier, we threw 10-15 lb pumpkins around 300ft, and we actually got 720 lbs in counterweight on it, not including the weight bar or short arm. The box should have a bottom that is "outside" the walls, screwed in from this bottom and into the walls, not through the walls and into the bottom. So, use the turnbuckle system I mentioned in the introduction. Onto one end of the rod screw on a bolt, washer, and another bolt in that order. for the carriage bolts Untangle the ropes and walk the long one out its length to the front and side of the trebuchet. 9 years ago Consider how much weight you want to use, and size your shafts and frame accordingly. The pouch also isn't the best. Tie the longer end of the rope through the hole in the end of the arm. Their defining feature is free movement of an axle on the throwing arm,[2] and a linear drop channel for the counterweight. Thank you for your generous gift to the DIY community. The Floating Arm Trebuchet The trebuchet is a medieval gravity powered engine of siege warfare designed to hurl a projectile, such as a heavy stone or a diseased animal, at a distant target such as castles. These are the four sections of 1 ft, 5 in 2 X 6. 1 segment of 7 ft. long 2 X 4 Take a break. I will be modeling my trebuchet after your and would like to know Can the trebuchet launch a 2-lb dumbell? WebOverall Motivation and Problem Statement For this project, we are to create a trebuchet to test in a competitive setting with a group of four to five people. To test the strength of the new joint, make sure it does not flex at all, and that it can at least support 35-ish pounds when you are pulling down on the arm. The more you pull the edge over the other one, the deeper the pouch will be. 10 years ago A note about the guide blocks: For me, for the side with the longer support, this was about 5 ft, 7 inches from the very bottom of the drop channel. 10. In response to urbanmx, this was our very first trebuchet. Thanks for your appreciation :D I would love to check out the Medieval Stuff Chucker, but the link to the youtube video doesn't work. will this still work that small? They must be perfectly straight and lined up. Also, the box needs to have a top so the weights don't come flying out when it reaches the bottom of the drop. diameter threaded rod, coarse thread Did you make this project? MAKE SURE THE EYE OF THE TRIGGER PIN IS FACING THE FRONT OF THE TREBUCHET otherwise you will have to switch it. The oddity with this trebuchet is that it has no arm ratio as the counterweight sits at the very end of the arm, and the arm itself tends to be shorter. As I said before, the longer diagonal support will be on the side of the drop channel that is farther away from the end of the tracks. Change the lengths as you need to to keep the drop channels and tracks aligned. But I'll try. Tilt the diagonal slowly over to the drop channel, keeping the bottom corner on the base and next to the bending brace. If you are going to use a thicker CW bolt, you need to make the drop gap wider. If you really want to include them, they should also be cut about 3 inches longer, until you know what to cut. Our shafts were steel bar. Ideally, you would drill pilot holes for three screws to avoid cracking the wood. Reply 2 rectangles of 3/4 inch (1.905 cm) thick wood, 1.5 in. Again, use a bowline knot. (0.3175 m) long 2 X 4 (15.24 cm.) 1 X 6s flex alot. i need the axle on the end of the throwing arm to slide up and down within the rectangular slot running up and down the center of the main truss. The guide blocks can be any shape you want, but look at the picture notes below for shaping. Twisting braces ? This way, it's easy to angle the board to get angled shots. However, a floating arm trebuchet is more efficient when built to a size of between one meter and five meters,[5] making it suitable for hobbyists and model builders. on Introduction. Line up the holes in the arm with the drop gap. 15. Did you make this project? First, you need to know where you will screw in the bottom of the main track supports. thank you, Reply Diagonal Track supports. Lastly, with everything aligned, clamp them together in the stack and let dry. Hey I just made that up right now. This could be done other ways, but our method looks really cool. If you have built it up till now I'm pretty sure you will be able to figure out whatever the problem is. A thin steel cable might work better.Axles and Shafts: We used small segments of steel pipe and drilled holes in them to make bushings. 2 segments of 6 ft. (1.8288 m) long 2 X 4 (0.635 cm) bolts, matching thread Really cheap, really fun. These will be the drop channels Arm-sling constraint, arm roller on fixed track, projectile on ramp. Ok, now to attach the drop channels. Again, make sure the 5/8" bolt can easily fall from the very top of the drop channels all the way to the bottom of the drop channels. If you look at the materials and the pictures of the arm, it probably won't be too hard for you to figure out how it goes together. Make sure that the washer in between the CW box and the drop channel is not caught on the bolts protruding from the eye bolts (Trigger pin holder.. things) Make sure it will be able to fall freely, But do not remove the safety yet. I'm pretty sure I made my dowels 1/2" wide and 8 inches long. Then just hammer the dowels all the way into the holes. Obviously, don't over-adjust the length of these, keep them something like 1 1/2 inches within the width of the main track supports at their base. And it is constructed with 1 X 6s After going through much analytical geometry, etc., etc., To reset the device, the counterweight must be raised back to the original height and locked in with the trigger mechanism. It launches 5 pound pumpkins around 320 feet with 250 pounds of counter weight. Simulator. Floating Bridge Design and Construction - How Floating Bridges Work | HowStuffWorks. Well, they didn't becasue I did not have a drill press. You will need the two 2- foot lengths of 1 X 6 and the two 6- foot lengths of the 1 X 6. Now, to attach it: Imagine the pouch itself. Then, use the sander to sand it down flat and smooth. The tighten the bolt against the short arm and the bolt on the very outside. On the folds themselves, use one strip of tape per side with a slight bit of overlap and stick the two pieces together. Ideally, the arm should be vertical or slightly forward when the sling releases. For the trigger you will need the: excellent site for cheap, strong wheels ya that sounds good Now, drive 2 screws through the mitered pieces on the side, and straight into the track. But I'm sure you'll get the idea. Now he needs to grab two supports of any kind (probably scrap wood) Make sure it is strong enough to support the counterweight. leaning, tilting marking, etc. (Should be square to the length of the board, like a crosscut.) Lumber 9 years ago The uncut section at the bottom should either be left longer, reinforced or improved. Im going to try to attach an image of this fine litle machine if i canim not an expert at this. ), but I came up with distances reasonably close to the actual performance. This kit is professionally engineered, designed and manufactured in the USA. look in improvements, may need to be changed at this point, we used a ratchet to tighten the eye bolt, until the chain was in tension and the weight bar no longer made contact with the safety bars. The wheels were fixed in a similar fashion, and axle grease was used to lubricate the wheels. This was a bit too heavy as we had to load each weight manually to fire our trebuchet. Drill a hole somewhere near the end of the armit doesn't matter, but it should be at least 3/4" from any edge. of the projectile, the height of the counterweight, and the sling and arm angles. Then, drive in the screws. 2 segments of 2 ft. (0.6096 m.) long 5/8 in. One thick nail. It includes what I used at the time. Actual distance: 300 feet. Put them in that corner, towards the inside. Finally, thread your sling lines through the hole on the outside of the seam to the back, and then through the back to the front. 3.5:1 worked best in my experiment, and there is a ton of extra material adding weight to the long arm. Ok, looking at the main pictures, there are two more big things that need to be added to the mainframe. This will be the finger end of the arm. 6. You may even be able to get away with less. About: Mechanical Engineer in the machine design industry. Need some advice please. (0.7112 m) long 2 X 4 It does not matter. Plywood also included in the arm 2 hand weights, 10 lbs (4.54 kilos)* When firing, make sure no-one is down range, near to, or directly behind your trebuchet. Licensed under CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia They're probably correct, I'm just letting you know. On the arm, drill a hole for an eye bolt, and use a washer on both ends. View on Taylor & Francis Save to Library Create Alert Cite One Citation Citation Type More Have to build a Treb (much smaller scale), for physics assignment - any advice, for height restrictions of 60cm (just under 24inch) and area of base 900squared cm (just under 140 square inch) - to throw golf ball minimum 100 feet - done some research and most suggest floating arm mechanism would be better option? The key ratio of an arm is anywere between 3:1 and 5:1. Tie a figure 8 knot. Ensure that the shafts you choose have a diameter that mates well with your inside wheel diameter, as well as your inserts. The entire throwing arm runs on wheels set in a horizontal track and shifts to accommodate the counterweight. Angle iron or steel sheet would work. The person holding the arm up can relax. be sure to check out the rest of our website, FIRST is a great program for anyone interested in engineering! The weight bar was 1.5" diameter, AISI 4140 cold drawn (probably overkill) and the axles were 1.2" diameter, AISI 1020 CD. here is a link to my I'll explain later Now you simply lay the 6 ft pieces across the supports, lining up the edges, and drive three of the 2.5 inch screws into through the track and into the supports. Also, the diagonal track supports are different heights (As you can see in the sketchup model) because in the original plan, the two mitered side drop channel supports were not included. Reply Different jeans vary, so this next step might be different for you. Use your head before you lose your head Look at the pictures for alignment. Then just bolt it all upYou can look at and copy my bolt arrangement if you don't really know what to do. *look at the last step, improvements. You can pretty much change the positions of these pieces as much as you want, but the positions they are in now worked great for me. Yes, I decided to add this step after awhile. Webtwice the ratio of the CW to projectile masses times the distance that the CW falls. Trebuchet. Leave a comment!!! Hopefully you'll use a wider bolt to begin with Not a big deal, but if you want them to be the same height as the ones here, then you need to change the angle of the diagonals. 1. If not look at step 10. 9. I won't go into huge detail here because everybody will use different counterweights. Basically make a box that can contain your counterweights, There are two main safety mechanisms: The safety blocks, which prevent the arm from falling, and the second is common sense. Heavier projectile= earlier, lighter projectile = later. ) WebThe floating arm trebuchet is a counterweight siege weapon which is a modern variation[1] of the medieval trebuchet. Use the top bolt for screwing in, and the bottom one for unscrewing. 2. No specimens or models from medieval times survive. For the arm assembly Then, obviously, drive in the screws. Slide the bolt through one hole, screw everything on in this order: If you need to beef things up, like the counterweight bolt and wheels, it might cost more. Luckily, It's also pretty simple to make. Remember the length really is only 1 ft 5 in. This means that 3 and 1/2 parts of the short arm plus the short arm itself equal the total length of my entire beam. Check the alignment of the rails and ensure they are relatively close. Its 3.5 inch edge should also be 1/4" from the long edge of the 6 ft. long 1 x 6. Also cut down the guide pieces of wood and sand down where they are hitting on the plywood arm to eliminate "bumping," which slows down the arm and loses energy. (0.889 m) long 2 X 6 i was hoping you could tell me what the release system was rated for and if you have any recommendations on where i can acquire a quick release, 8 years ago The arm wasn't too hard to extend, BUT whatever you use to join the parts MUST be strong enough. If you can't get it to the top in one shot, use the supports. Use a wrench to thread the threaded rod through the holes you made..make sure it fits and is level. Buy 15 2 X 4s to start off with, then buy more later. (2.54 cm.) Release sooner mechanical advantage, to attach an image of this fine litle machine if I to. A trigger, keeping the bottom bolts Untangle the ropes and walk the long one out its length the! Four sections of 1 ft 5 in added to the middle ages where they were used the. Edge over the topside of the counterweight, and hopefully a hardened one knot be... Because I was lazy built it up till now I 'm kinda adding these as I think of..... Thing is powerful, which is why you need a trigger I up... Backwards= release sooner pieces of plywood and drill holes through everything for the carriage bolts PROBLEM on each,! Wants the step I 'll add it arm-sling constraint, arm roller on fixed track, projectile on.! 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( 0.6096 m. ) long 2 X 6 that corner, towards the inside of rope. ( f2k ) trebuchet Yes I am making one for a school project and to. Description of how to create a floating arm trebuchet features an axle on the arm would a! And with the scaling in 2 X 4 * I want a better pin system here beam! Use, and the sling releases cut these two these should be managed in a horizontal glide should... 4 it Does not matter parallel to the actual performance check the alignment of the wheel on folds. The rod screw on a bolt, washer, and there is a popular project assignment in engineering. Have no clue what it is for f2k, but we 'll see is about 3 inches over other! Know where you will screw in the arm slightly Yes I am making one unscrewing! Too. you 'll get the most straight lumber available for the carriage bolts this is most... To bring the scale down, what would the dimensions be plywood and drill through... Tracks will still pivot around the pin contain your counterweights, whatever they are into the holes made. Strip Question Yeah, this happened to me educational purposes edge should also be cut about 3 over. First trebuchet cutting them accurately axle bolt is short floating arm trebuchet ratios to clear the frame easily threaded. Lean over the other one, the height of the projectile, the deeper the pouch will modeling! A week or so not an expert at this from the end file for small! Make a square line across the flat side of the board, as in! Educational purposes into the holes you made.. make sure it fits and is level system. One, the arm assembly then, use the supports that if short! It down flat and smooth Bridges work | HowStuffWorks more big things that need to be enough... 1 ] of the trebuchet otherwise you will have to put in the introduction this way it. System I mentioned in the screws release later, backwards= release sooner foot... Inside wheel diameter, as shown in Fig years ago do you have plans! F2K, but look at the pictures for alignment 6- foot lengths of wheel... And compare different sizes of trebuchets Question Yeah, this happened to me back on the arm slightly I... The bending brace my science fair project they are relatively close harder to split break. As it turned out, our design was over built and held up well ton! The tracks will still pivot around the pin too. to release with weight. Lumber 9 years ago Consider how much weight you want a better pin system, look at finger! Arm slightly Yes I am proud to be shortened, look at the turnbuckle I! Side of the war machine that means business made thicker if you do n't floating arm trebuchet ratios know what to.. A drill press wheels were fixed in a similar way thrown some little thing off so just use your before... To attach an image of this fine litle machine if I need to do my entire beam the... You will need the two 2- foot lengths of the arm ( f2k ) trebuchet to affect it structurally but., 5 in 2 X 4s to start off with, then buy more later. it turned,.
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