Third, although two or more new endogamous units came into existence and marriage between them was forbidden thereafter, a number of pre-existing kinship and affinal relationships continued to be operative between them. These and many other artisans, craftsmen and servants reflected the special life-style of the town. Mistri is used to refer to a mason or any other skilled artisan. The migration of the Kolis of north Gujarat into central Gujarat and those of the latter into eastern Gujarat was a process of slow drift from one village to another over a period of time. Finally, while an increasing number of marriages are taking place even across the boundaries of first-order divisions, as for example, between Brahmans and Vanias, and between Vanias and Patidars, such marriages even now form an extremely small proportion of the total number of marriages. Although the number of inter-ekda marriages has been increasing, even now the majority of marriages take place within an ekda. It is easy to understand that the pattern of change would be different in those first-order divisions (such as Rajput) or second-order divisions (such as Leva Kanbi) which did not have within them subdivisions of lower orders and which practised hypergamy extensively. In many villages in Gujarat, particularly in larger villages, one or two first-order divisions would be represented by more than one second-order division. The male literacy rate is 91.27% and the female In Gujarat, the surname likely referred to those who worked as an assayer of gold, silver, and other precious items. // Aegis Provider Portal Login, Articles K