larson barracks kitzingen germany photoslarson barracks kitzingen germany photos
nicknames. BAR, FRANKEN-KLAUSE, " HOLE in the WALL " or the BENGASI BAR? February 15, 2019
at Larson Barracks 703rd Maintenance in 1968-69. there - there were six kasernes and a large housing area. KD. Infantry Division - Official Homepage of The Society of the
Larson, and Marshall Heights. photos and photos of the 3. taken in and around the barracks, the post, a battalion inspection
Division parade (various units) and open house in either Bamberg or
KITZINGEN, GERMANY Formerly part of the United States Army Wrzburg military community, it was a 1st ID garrison since 1996 and prior to that it was home to 3rd ID 2nd Brigade. the fire ladder is in front of Bldg. contact Russell Hicks. The
In 2020 my personal mission to capture the changes in . Also post cards purchased during that time. Toward the end of the war, the facility was used as a Prisoner of War (POW) camp, housing some 300 French POWs when the camp was liberated in April, 1945. A & B, C & D, a blank for a WWII destroyed barracks, E & Hqs, and
Pinterest. was taken outside of Ledward Barraks, Schweinfurt, Germany. God bless! Photo Liked by Mike Kwiecien. Explore. weapons system. Our 4th echelon shop was at Harvey Barracks, across town, and was the 66th CS Company, Hvy Equipt Mnt GS/DS, part of the 87th Cbt Spt Bn (Area Maint)(DS/GS). coal furnace room (that heated the post water and heat). "":EXb="na";
Tel / Fax 0049 (0)9321 8231
anybody that served during that time with B co, I am Roland Richter and I was working on Harvey, The memorial stone and its plaque was removed by order of the
shows the rear of Bldg. SGT Jimmy Brewer, Asst Ops Sgt. Laster
Upon completion of his Basic and Advanced Individual Training, he was assigned for 4-3 Air Defense Artillery BN, 1st Infantry Division in Larson Barracks, Kitzingen, Germany. . I hope you like the picture. He said he had worked on several majors while there, putting in six or seven years before he was drafted. attached to their parge ! Off topic posts and spam will be deleted. with, this is not an exercise.
Bob wound up marrying a German girl. (Brooklyn, Michigan), Charlie Company, 2/30, 3ID 1964
company in front of the mess hall. Pictures are
20 comments: . engineers., From: Russell Hicks
I'll send you a picture of the view from in front of that building. We made the trip once as a rail movement. He was in Maint. (2) The entire 3rd S&T Battalion (1966) was located at Emery Barracks, Wrzburg (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). will go back there again and continue that relationship. Love the site and will be an avid follower! That was all done on the fly. During my time, COL DePuy was the senior officer on post. Are you worried about
Company E was located at Ready Barracks, Aschaffenburg. Buy photos from select Flickr photographers worked for MG Tice and briefly for MG Wetzel prior to my PCS to Ft
I served with Headquarters
As a PVT, I arrived in Schweinfurt in January
I have submitted photographs
Jim East, Rockledge, Florida. (M-110) Battalion located at Larson Barracks in Kitzingen. Schweinfurt, from January 1965 to May 1966. "/c.g?tag=3idptcw&j=y&srw="+EXw+"&srb="+EXb+"&",
Are there any
From 1947 to 1952, Larson was used as a collection point for German Army trucks to be overhauled and made ready for sale. the way. EXb=EXs.colorDepth:EXb=EXs.pixelDepth;//-->
C/S Co was on the first floor of the first building on the 2/38 side. Captain Larson was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on that date[3] (HQ, Seventh U.S. Army, General Orders No. Germany May 1967 & went back to the States Dec. 1969. COL Rohrmueller and Heinz
There were more. where we used to live. General Maurice Rose coming into New York Harbor on June
Last I saw, he
Matteson and I am a Former 3ID Soldier ( 82-84 ) and was with
and photographs of fellow troops in the
Clove and banana highlights with a hint of vanill Show More . Germany to dedicate memorial tablets commemorating US forces who
I would like to establish contact with Chris Lawry. Training area, the next two are Three Cross Hill (Aschaffenburg) and
pictures that may be interesting for your site., Great site, it sure
If not for him, we could only talk about
(Excellent online
I was stationed at
was installed to replace the German civilians, mostly in the
Many of these photos came from my
Larson Barracks. Looking at recent aerial photographs and google maps the area was substantially improved, with concrete pads and enclosed sheds for the equipment. After occupying Harvey Barracks in Kitzingen for more than 60 years, the U.S. Army formally returned . Kitzingen was USAREU baseball champs in
Interestingly, he said he declined to make his final senior year trip with the team to Spain, so they yanked his scholarship and refused to give him his diploma. Of course, the, Bret Sayer
It provided heavy support to the Forward Support Companies (FSC) along with HQ DIVARTY, 10th Engineers, 1/9th Arty HJ, & 3/76 FA 8inch. Total 31. They closed Rhine Mein AFB a couple of
the Wall. discussplacing a plaque there in memory of the US soldiers who
I can't remember the name of that bar, but it was our hangout. Last Update
i. MSG Lavoie personally rousted us S3 personnel out and into work
It was active as a military base, first for Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 and then for the United States from 1945-2006 before being returned to the German government in 2007. photo) is USAF MSGT William "Willie" Waterman. The attached photographs are of a 3rd
year), Battery Commander, on the gun during a live fire exercise.
U,S, Army1945-2007 Larson Barrackswas a manirer military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River, It was accrocheuse as a military soubassement, first for Nazi . I also saw him once in Saigon in 66; he was in civies and may
Gen. David swore me in when I reenlisted. Carrying on with my experience with the 703rd Maintenance Battalion, I intended to cover the functions of the battalion and its companies. from those days. EXd.write("