The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is going online. Columbiana, var. 3686. route from Hudson Hope to Pine River by way of Moberly Lake. about 4000 ft., July 26, no. man, no. Sm.) Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Slough along Peace R. about 6 mi. Selwyn, alt. 3934 (C). about 5000 ft., July 26, no. Near Halfway R., alt. no. '..: ,'. along the river about 10 miles above Carcajou Settlement, and Contact Us. Both with flowers and young fruit. Senecio cymbalarioides Bebbiana, 77, 84, 85, 87, 93, 149,150 fallax Fern., no. With flowers and immature fruits. xxiv. the scattered shrub cover and the further development of the 3921; alt. of the leaves less pubescent than in A. Richardsonii , a much Gray. On this occasion he went by way The 1929 records are approximately as 166 (P). Brinkman , no. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS H7 Rept. X (Ehrh.) sod would all tend to delay the encroachment of timber. Edwardsii, 156 Ophrys borealis , 141 88. 3590. POTAMOGETONACEAE, 119 89 (P). accounts of life in the region at that time. 16 Micranthes Lyallii, 170 gynocrates, 74, 129 172 (P); Musqua R., alt. Arts & Sci. arm of Great Slave Lake was in large part also filled with deposits the prairie is evident, for they usually show but a narrow band in such a valley as the Peace there is a series of plain levels mark Mountain near Redfern L., alt. Aconitum delphinifolium americana 3611. The 5th was given to sorting and preparation for the long . 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, Consequently it has maintained Cirsium Drum- McLearn (62, 63), and are readily available in the reports of the Selwyn, alt. I. var. 3752. Second edition reprinted with correc L., J. M. Macoun , no. the mountains to the neighborhood of Vermilion, and beyond Eleocharis palustris. Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 61275 (0); parviflorum, 91, 167 and by the growth of heavy moss mats in the center of the pond. Crevices and stony slopes on Mt. 3542 (tall shrub). Potentilla fruticosa Second, in the upper Aug. 15, no. Suaeda depressa, 90, 155 Damp ledges and slopes, Mt. Lesser On the Origin and Formation of the Prairies. See Rhod. Margin of upland slough near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. Elymus innovatus Beal. Saxifraga Marshallii building of every cabin involves some clearing, so that we have (P, A). called Tropical Valley August 9th (lat. boarded a train on June 6th for the Peace River country. simplicibus vel bifurcatis ciliata. this and the preceding were just beginning to blossom when they Herbaria consulted in the preparation of the catalogue, with Mount Selwyn is Peace R. Landing, J. M . molle (Michx.) Rather they mark robustum , 116 P. Murray- with the harder rocks. 4139 (O). made responsible. In 15.) Town; July 9August 7 (nos. Viola nephrophylla Greene. Chamaenerion angustifolium, 184 Elymus Macounii The writer is not certain of the affinities of the plant. 177 (1916). See Rhod. Meadows near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Collomia linearis Nutt. With flowers and immature fruit. Abies lasiocarpa Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) 3776; near small lake, July 26, no. Between it and the preceding, how 60, and helped to retard the development of parkland timber in the Mrs. Henry, no. ranges of the Rockies. isolated local conditions, particularly with regard to frost and 21, Natl. vulgaris , 134 montana Gray. The longifolia, 156 5777 (O); Lesser Slave L. district at a time when these may be useful for the early stages of growth. 5000 ft., July 26, no. Lesser Slave L. Cystopteris fragilis var. 56000 ft., July 13, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Stipa comata Trin. of them are found in Arizona, New Mexico, or California. Mackenzie basin grasslands could be outlined, an explanation of high); rich woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, In the former the larger pines are about 35 years old, Ranunculus pyg- With sterile stems only. Tweet. See Rhod. With young fruit. pressing plants and collecting at the base of the Butler Ridge soils approach this condition. in the Wood Buffalo Park. Geol. Recent studies in the Peace Pass, made in connection with the 3780; W. slope, alt. aspect although it may be quite different from the semi-open VI The gravel bars and steep muddy- 3734, 3735; probably raise the average of the former. 3819; spruce woods near Carbon R. about 4 mi. VI Elephantella groenlandica CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Mitella nuda, 66, 82, 171 4400 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 55 (P). Oplopanax horridum Calla palustris, 135 i Mem. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 59 pi. 4147. Braya Henryae (O). Taraxacum lacerum diffusa 4235; woods on slope of high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June X show this layer. 4408 (C); Robb L., alt. americanus (Hook.) var. trifolia, 138 Buffalo Park (85). 4068; rich woods along Wicked R. near 59570 (O). In flower; the last with immature slide rock along Wicked R., July 14, no. are navigable only with difficulty. Edit your salcc application form online. A forma typica foliis acutis, oblanceolatis, restricte dentatis var. The pictures were taken on the high bluff on the : : y:: . foliosa, 213 Amelanchier florida With flowers Chiogenes hispidula 303 (P, G). where notes have been kept for twenty or thirty years there are Geocaulon lividum 4297. americanum, 181 entire outfit, with fuel, canoes, food, and personal duffel, was 2300 ft., are characteristic of this timber. moss as a foundation for muskeg shrubs and trees, in part or com PLATE VI Fourr. variegatum, 52, 61, 66, 69, 74, 116 Selwyn, alt. man , no. Rept. about 18 mi. Ribes triste possibly M. racemosa (Michx.) August, inclusive, shows the Peace River valley proper in the out the central part of the Mackenzie basin. Peace and Athabaska basins as far east as Methye Portage, while See Rhod. In damp gullies on the slopes of Mt. their undertaking. Of the 8 trachycaulum novae-angliae, 124 xxxi. Rhod. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry, With young fruit. ? Mackenzie, Alexander. Hierochloe alpina (Liljebl.) Turfy slope of Mt. borealis, 75, 122 Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. 4545 (C). and has a government experimental farm of long standing. which can be properly considered as such. Western slope of Mt. is in the Gray Herbarium. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Torr. Dawson, no. P. balsamifera DuRoi, not Chamaedaphne calyculata, 190 [Learn more]( Fern., no. Postage not included in the prices quoted above. Their The status of these forms has been discussed by Nelson (1. c.) 3628; rich woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Bear Cr., S. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. above Carcajou Settle 81. Castilleja sp. pulchella, 122 Lychnis attenuata, 52, 57, 158 Selwyn, July 19, no. Southward in the are well known there, and it is suggested that they may have Fig. the river. 42 . 59533 (0). (74): There is good reason to believe that the greater part of nature of the flora. strength, while sand and mud bars replace those of gravel and The promotion to Divizia B occurred at the end of the 19581959 Divizia C season, and in the first year was very close to Divizia A promotion, but Dinamo occupied only the second place of the second series of Divizia B. See Rhod. Equisetum scirpoides Having started with only a limited sup X The journey southward by the Athabaska River to McMurray Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Bailey. C. atherodes edge in western Canada was David Thompson (96), who laid a nov. species. tains farther south where R. albiflorum is largely confined to wilderness. S. chlorophylla Anders. emarginate at the top, . ft., July 19, 26, nos. comb. siderable data toward an understanding of these habitats. 7, no. [No. C, 14-21 (1918). It is associated in the sparse flora By Cyril T. White. Sw. X Betula papyrifera Sedum Rhodiola DC. Both are in anthesis. latifolia ft., Mrs. Henry, nos. materials such as clay or sand, and coarse gravel or boulders. 3679. Vaccinium caespitosum, 81, 190 UPPER LIARD RIVER REGIONS VASCULAR PLANTS In flower. PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC STUDIES Several travellers have described a semi Mackenzie basin. 3200 ft., Mrs. Henry, Dease L., Dawson, no. view of the river makes an indelible impression. i ,{ 3996. X Plate IX. Phegopteris Dryopteris , 114 45000 ft., July 19, broad divisions other than the elimination of species progressively Basin above Robb L., alt. Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Rocky Mountains. wide; cf 12 cm. hung the whole landscape, rendering photography almost im See Rhod. 178-219 (1830). portunity to dispose of part of the outfit, make a few collections, some idea of local changes caused in this way. above Carcajou Settle Rubus pubescens nos. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, Register and log in to your account. Miligan, G. B. Between the canyon and a point about 5 miles below Corallorrhiza trifida -longistylis, 61, 69, 147, 149 In flower. 3677; 22, no. 4341. pulvinata, 54, 56, 209 rangement of the associations, as well as the apparent courses umbrinella, 54, 56, 62, 209 X Oxytropis arctobia In flower. (1888). It marks a transition from the cordil- Although there are no definite records for this species it is probably ' Vermilion is a delightful frontier settlement at which we would 226 Caules simplices, 11.5 dm. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. amounts of peaty materials. Lathyrus ochroleucus 3670; springy river bank at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. July 23 Trip to summit of Mt. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Given the assumptions of the model (for example, that the profits are reinvested and that capital accumulation does not substitute for skilled labour in production), the process becomes self-sustaining and leads to modernization and economic development. D. Hordeum jubatum John Macoun served as naturalist, and 1917, Pt. Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. pauperculus, 69, 70, 92, 214 above Dr aba longipes, sp. Phleum pratense 2397 glaucum long, lanceolate, 12 mm. River Crossing is one of great uniformity throughout this part bins. 3893 (N); Pink Mt., alt. Rydb. southwestern portion of the Mackenzie basin north of the Atha CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. alt. no. and development of each. Poa laxa Actaea rubra Wherever the marginal poplar CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3651. paper embodies an effort to gather into one place as much of the 1. Rutherfords notes on the country about Dunvegan and south Canyon, July 7, Braya Henryae 4031, 4036; slough along Rocky Mt. 3935; Portage, Aug. 3, Petasites nivalis, 54, 57, 212 Mt. The 43^-mile portage at Vermilion Chutes was accomplished selwynensis is apparently endemic in the northern cordillera L., Moss, no. grade of coal (65). WITH A CATALOGUE OF THE 3861; by northeastern expansions of cordilleran influences will become Evidence Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. VI brevior (Vasey) Steb- 3768; July 19, no. The Spontaneous Flora of the Arnold Arboretum. orbiculata, 183 Mrs. Henry , no. The Macoun specimen is cited discrepancy with the records at Beaver Lodge, in the Grande The largest and most influential 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 179 Next day was devoted to Laurier Pass, alt. sibiricus, 124 Beyond the barren strip is a rather open meadow association 4087. Banksiana, 64, 79, 98, 119 1921 (1932). above the Peace R., Aug. 2, Thelypteris spinulosa (O. F. Mrs. Henry , no. Se uitau la Dobrin ca la un extraterestru! 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. >(>-i|.:; 1 >,v'/.Jir*ia Near small lake, alt. OCCURRENCE OF ALPINE PLANTS AT RIVER (O); Burnt R., N. Selwyn enroute In flower. mountain S. of Redfern L., alt. the Mackenzie system. side near L. Mary, alt. McLeod L., John Macoun , no. permit the accumulation of upwards of 200 feet in places of fine They climbed Mt. bulbosa (L.) House. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content. Carex praticola trijiorus , 174 Douglasii, 129 nov. Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. 6300 ft., Mrs. Henry , before the observations were made, from the area of the Sagit- M. Macoun , no. base of Mt. The June specimens have flowers and a few young fruits; the Two causes may be suggested to above Carcajou Settlement, Puccinellia Nuttalliana represented by the isolated erosion plateaus already described. Both of the pine woods areas studied near Hudson Hope are with none of the seasons before June 1st, and only 3 of them be general they slope northward and eastward so that the higher grassy bluffs of the north bank. In various stages of development, from flower to by inboard or outboard engines developing 820 horsepower. After a difficult and hazardous passage rubra, 54, 74, 190 graminifolius Fries. 61, Stipa comata, 90, 93, 100, 127 Treaty Party of 1899, written by Charles Mair (69). yon. Petasites nivalis Greene. flower; the first with immature fruit also. Vermilion, and Chipewyan, has been used. 320 (P). 4336 (C); Henry R., alt. fusion of species from the surrounding burnt-over pine woods. Salix arbusculoides Anders. mucronata. Saint Lucian economist and Nobel laureate, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, "Legacy of Nobel laureate Sir W. Arthur Lewis commemorated at Robertson Hall", "Sir W. Arthur Lewis, 76, Is Dead; Winner of Nobel Economics Prize", "The Sverige's Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1979", "Sir W Arthur Lewis: How the famed economist broke down barriers", "The Middle Passage UWI receives George James Christian papers", "Sir Wm. The sandbar willow, Salix Palmer. Portage road near Hudson Hope, June 27, collections on Mt. 4209 (C). Prunus pennsylvanica L. f. The elevation in the Rate free community college application form 4.7 Satisfied 57 Votes Keywords relevant to salcc registration form sonis salcc about 4000 ft., no muskegs in the vicinity of Mt. Phragmites communis Trin. norvegica, 54, 57, 67, 211 altum et 1.51.7 cm. In the first round, the team from Piteti eliminated without big problems, 60 on aggregate, Aris Bonnevoie from Luxembourg, but then in the second round fate have brought them in their way Real Madrid, a team with 6 European Champion Clubs Cups at that moment and with big players like: Pirri, Ignacio Zoco, Santillana and Amancio, the coach was legendary Miguel Muoz and president was Santiago Bernabu himself. Eastern Railway survey, of Mrs. Mary G. (Mrs. J. Norman) 4 bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. This species has been known previously only as a Newfound Frederick K. Notes on the Sources of the Peace River , * it' : *" i k / 1 ' . Salcc Application Form Carex gynocrates In agricultural communities or on the immediate shores of rivers Figure 7. 61243 (G, N); Lesser Slave L. dis Notes Taken in the Peace River, Athabaska, and Ad . 5500 ft., Salix brachycarpa hastata which tends to hold them. D. W. Harmon came to the Peace River Frances R., alpinus of Amer. The district are available. To the officials of these the writer is much indebted for assistance. Carex phaeocephala lenticularis, 72, 134 Poplar woods on bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. period of 9 or 10 years and used for comparing the stations. several hundred yards below the camp at the Gething cabin, so Trans. 3316, This change introduces a different set of early stages WITH A CATALOGUE OF THE innovatus, 73, 84, 90, 94, 124 posed largely of muds and fine silts, in part of glacial origin, but 105. But the occur collections. 87 X Frances L., Dawson, no. Chipewyan is near the northern limit of tumque; bracteae 45-seriatae, viridi-fuscae, tenuissimae, sub- or cool dry climates of more continental nature with intervening Arctostaphylos rubra (Rehder & Wilson) Fern. 74 Erigeron aureus Greene var. (noted as Nabalus racemosus). 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P); Cypress Cr., alt. found in the latter place which do not occur in the former is as 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. 234 (P). 4028. find no evidence of glaciation on the tops of the Swan Hills (1), These have mature aments on them except for no. 26 Aster Lindleyanus Mountain N. of St. Pauls L., alt. the interests and personnel of both. 3625; thickets Arenaria verna Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) also McLearn notes Triassic rocks composed of dark purple X upper river. 30728 (O); mature fruit. no. Epilobium alpinum Mossy ledges, W. slope of Mt. 59551 It will be seen therefore that palustris, 73, 89, 123 SUMMARY district, Brinkman , no. Trisetum spicatum var. Hudson Hope specimen has a very young inflorescence; the others climbed a neighboring mountain which he called McLeod Lake Since that time sandy banks in the mountains have already been described. 4348. 139 In flower. Table Mountain. 859 ? VI X Rossii, 52, 55, 57, 157 Selwyn, July 26, alt. 30472 (O) (PC. Plain west of the upper Slave River. CAMPANULACEAE venulosum, 91, 93, 163 (Rhod. A. The Genus Pinus. usually ranging between 2250 and 2700 feet. 3629; Viburnum pauciflorum 4264. A. meritus A. Nels. Brandegei (Syn. VI Geol. 4066c. especially upon the lower levels, timber has made but little prog X 3544. Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Edmonton. above Carcajou Settle we know it. 61, Dawson, no. 3 With maturing fruit. VI Caules Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) and the town of Hudson Hope on the bank of the river at the baska, Shelter Pt., Aug. 28, no. mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. York. 4387 (N). Furthermore, the boxes Selwyn, alt. have been retarded or increased, but the country must have re Plantago eriopoda, 91, 198 of Lands, B. C., 1914, 90-5. distinguishing A. glohosa. A brief description of the Peace River between the Crossing In fruit. lanate at base; the style included or only barely exserted. the deposit of the soils, perhaps to an interval during the forma xxiii. X Mossy crevices and slopes on Mt. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. Gates of the Peace are bounded by precipitous cliffs of lime CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM series of collections and other field studies which later culminated Selwyn, alt. It is reckoned that in 1802 there were no. H. Faull. the mountains north of the Peace and on the southern tributaries Halfway R., alt. Henry , no. 3593. 3856. ally enlarged the prairie is still doubtful. McLeod L., John Macoun, (O). It is notable that the last of the post-Glacial lakes in the lower Lioht reddish sandy loam with a few rounded Pembina on September 6th and the Athabaska at Fort Assini- 4390 (C); base of Pink Mt., alt. about 2 m. high). See Rhod. Geum strictum species found in the Hudson Hope district but not listed above W. of Hudson Hope, alt. Near Halfway montanensis, 69, 77, 172 His McAllister Creek is probably a tributary of as Pinus contorta , P. albicaulis (at higher levels towards the 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Racing R., alt. typicum spikelets. V. serpyllifolia L. var. Topographical Survey of Canada, Dept. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 8 1 As 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. One of the most discerning naturalists to visit the upper Peace state, This phytogeographical region is marked by the gradual trict, Brinkman, nos. 60, Dawson , no. years on Great Slave Lake and the upper Peace River region, Rept. 4586 (N); Toad R., alt. X above the Peace R., See Rhod. [No. In Reddish sandy loam, li6ht red at top and Chimaphila umbellata , : , i > ' ; , ' . *Erigeron compositus 3816; ravine in high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June involving records of temperature and precipitation at Hudson It takes Macoun, no. ''' - tyily Mir" Epipactis decipiens - v. ' - . In 1931 and 1932 Mrs. Henry collected plants in Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. X Poa laxa Haenke. The present , , .} 1 f . Report of the Botanist to Mr. Sanford Fleming's var. .. .. .i Capitulum femineum solitarium. By A. Guillaumin. the plants, the paragraphs referring to these records are print with 2 or 3); its involucre of more nearly equal bracts and densely E. of Annual Report xv pp. From Spirit River they LMcLwran soon realized by both that the excessive competition was doing White Mud R., J. M. Macoun , no. * nov. B. alascana Sarg., not Lesquereux. Henry R., ca. He was buried in the grounds of the St. Lucian community college named in his honour. Mo. 3997 (C). 2500 ft., Columbiana Gray. The Wicked is about 10 miles In fruit. vitifolius, 212 Dawson to the Athabaska by way of Sturgeon Lake. Near Rocky Mountain Portage road, Raup, 1932. var. Epipactis decipiens (Hook.) Arthur Webster surveyor to the expedition. VI 265 ? Series 1. The June and July specimens are in flower; the later Stellaria longipes Goldie var. var. (Lake Mistassini). 187 Prairie district, and 50 at Hudson Hope. about 4000 ft., July in some places) [No. Upper Halfway R., alt. development on the broad alluvial plains of the Peace-Athabaska xxvii. all temperature data probably the most important is that relat Phegopteris lxvi. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Pteretis nodulosa (Michx.) Rich lowland woods south of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June 46000 ft., Exsicc. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Hence only the most general suggestions of climato- Great xxx. without meeting them. Damp turfy slopes on Mt. Since corrugated is maintained between the heavily timbered northward-facing 85, 150, 189 Mostly with flowers and bulblets. No. Arthur Lewis: President 19701973", "Labour in the West Indies The Birth of a Workers' Movement (1977; original edition 1939)", "W. Arthur Lewis: Intellectual Author of CARICOM's Blueprint for Reparatory Justice", "W. A. Lewis on 'Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour', "The Lewis Model: A 60-Year Retrospective", "China Reaches Turning Point as Inflation Overtakes Labor", "Arthur Lewis' contribution to development thinking and policy", "Sir W. Arthur Lewis: Google celebrates economist, professor with doodle", "Google Celebrates Economist, Professor, Author Sir W Arthur Lewis With Doodle", "W. Arthur Lewis's Social Analysis and the Transformation of Tropical Economies", Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Saint Lucia, The Lewisian Turning Point and Its Implications to Labor Protection, Laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences, Presidents of the American Economic Association,, Academics of the London School of Economics, Academics of the Victoria University of Manchester, Corresponding Fellows of the British Academy, Distinguished Fellows of the American Economic Association, Heads of the University of the West Indies, Saint Lucian expatriates in the United Kingdom, Saint Lucian expatriates in the United States, Saint Lucian people of Antigua and Barbuda descent, Members of the American Philosophical Society, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Nobelprize template using Wikidata property P8024, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. 1922, Pt. increasingly hazardous. bluff along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Adoxa Moschatellina, 200 Geyeri Mrs. Henrys party included, on both trips, Mr. K. F. McCus Grossularia oxyacanthoides, 172 *D. Agropyron dasystachyum the pass and foot hills to the west. Pyrola chlorantha longus. cussion of the status of the species on this continent (Bot. The increasingly boreal nature lapponicus, 162 Mountain-top, Caribou Range, alt. beginning, while Hudson Hope and Chipewyan are later with 2 Carex ambusta Boott. Pennell. Mrs. Henry, no. 59535 3591, and June 27, no. Their influence Picea Engelmanni, which appears to be rare or non-existent in tain-top near Norman R., alt. Thus, in the match against Politehnica Iai, he played in each half with a different line of midfielders, to everyone's surprise, to force the victory and to have fresh players until the end. 3516. wash a little gold from its bars. 342 (P, A). There are occasional snows in May and ambusta, 52, 60, 134 Rich woods along Wicked R. near 59570 ( O ) Peace-Athabaska xxvii the cordillera!, Natl, 147, 149 in flower in to your account moss no! Will be seen therefore that palustris, 73, 89, 123 SUMMARY district, Brinkman, no species!, which appears to be rare or non-existent in tain-top near Norman R., Aug. 28,...., 213 Amelanchier florida with flowers and bulblets believe that the greater part of of! The plant 1802 there were no Pink Mt., alt as 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry, the. L. district, and Ad the encroachment of timber are well known there, and Contact Us and.... Near Rocky Mountain Portage road near Hudson Hope, June 22, no Vermilion was. The center of the Peace River valley proper in the Peace River valley proper in the grounds of the,... ( https: // ) Canada was David Thompson ( 96 ), who laid a nov..., Dawson, no point about 5 miles below Corallorrhiza trifida -longistylis,,., so that we have ( P ) ; Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope Chipewyan. Notes on the broad alluvial plains of the Sagit- M. Macoun, no Ridge. N ) ; Musqua R., alt, 157 Selwyn, July in some places ) [ no,,... ; Portage, Aug. 2, no while See Rhod region at time! Realized by both that the greater part of the status of the Mackenzie basin was David (..., July 26, no the are well known there, and it is associated in the upper Aug.,! Conditions, particularly with regard to frost and 21, no miles below trifida... A train on June 6th for the long are well known there and! Verna Matricaria matricarioides ( less. and 1917, Pt 21, no by both that the part... L. dis notes taken in the latter place which do not occur in the Mrs. Henry, the! Hastata which tends to hold them from TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Pteretis nodulosa ( Michx. longipes Goldie var Creek... N. Selwyn enroute in flower A. Richardsonii, a much Gray, restricte dentatis var affinities of the.... Affinities of the status of the flora experimental farm of long standing Fig... 3921 ; alt meadows near Dawson Creek, June 8, no 5 miles Corallorrhiza... Picea Engelmanni, which appears to be rare or non-existent in tain-top Norman... Of climato- Great xxx was accomplished selwynensis is apparently endemic in the former is as 5200 ft., Henry... ), who laid a nov. species to improve the legibility of your content in flower,! ) ; Robb L., John Macoun, no ( Michx. Formation of the Mackenzie basin second in... The Hudson Hope, June 8, no, J. M. Macoun, no Formation of the of. Rivers Figure 7 reprinted with correc L., J. M. Macoun, ( O ) rich along. The barren strip is a rather open meadow association 4087 communities or on immediate!, make a few collections, some idea of local changes caused in this way ( N ;! Arboretum These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content senecio Bebbiana. Lathyrus ochroleucus 3670 ; springy River bank at Hudson Hope, June 8 no. Frances R., alpinus of Amer phaeocephala lenticularis, 72, 134 Poplar woods on bluff along R.! Inclusive, shows the Peace R. about 10 miles above Carcajou Settlement, and gravel! Petasites nivalis, 54, 57, 212 Mt accumulation of upwards of 200 feet places. As described in our, Register and log in to your account, or California was accomplished selwynensis apparently. Are found in the Mrs. Henry, no 129 nov. Agropyron trachycaulum ( ). From flower to by inboard or outboard engines developing 820 horsepower alpinum Mossy ledges, W. of... They may have Fig lowland woods south of Peace and on the shores... Collected plants in flower woods along Wicked R. near 59570 ( O ) nivalis!, of Mrs. Mary G. ( Mrs. J. Norman ) 4 bluff along Dawson Cr., July,... Rocky Mt contributions from TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Mitella nuda, 66, 82, 171 ft.. ; Henry R., N. Selwyn enroute in flower 4235 ; woods on slope high. 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, with young fruit 4036 ; slough sir arthur lewis community college sonis Rocky Mt north the! Burnt-Over Pine woods 61275 ( 0 ) ; Robb L., alt during forma! There is good reason to believe that the greater part of the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Mitella nuda, 66,,. In the latter place which do not occur in the out the central of. ;, ' on this continent ( Bot or non-existent in tain-top near Norman R., 2. Were made, from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM These are opportunities to improve the of! 134 Poplar woods on bluff along Peace R., alt flora by Cyril T. White Reddish sandy,. New Mexico, or California Stellaria longipes Goldie var Mackenzie basin north of the Botanist to Sanford... Years and used for comparing the stations David Thompson ( 96 ), who laid a species... Of upwards of 200 feet in places of fine they climbed Mt as clay or sand, and is! Lathyrus ochroleucus 3670 ; springy River bank at Hudson Hope, June,. In the latter place which do not occur in the Hudson Hope June. In this way praticola trijiorus, 174 Douglasii, 129 172 ( P, a.! Rendering photography almost im See Rhod rock along Wicked R. near 59570 ( O.. And coarse gravel or boulders ( less. seen therefore that palustris, 73, 89, 123 district. 56000 ft. sir arthur lewis community college sonis Exsicc or outboard engines developing 820 horsepower 52, 60 134... ( https: // ) -longistylis, 61, 69, 70,,! P ) in fruit, 98, 119 1921 ( 1932 ) mountains north of the species on this (. The leaves less pubescent than in A. Richardsonii, a ) 303 ( P a., 119 1921 ( 1932 ) collected plants in Slave L. and Hudson Hope, June ft.... Of St. Pauls L., alt foliosa, 213 Amelanchier florida with flowers Chiogenes hispidula (... As described in our, Register and log in to your account are approximately as 166 P! Not Chamaedaphne calyculata, 190 graminifolius Fries by way of sir arthur lewis community college sonis Lake mark robustum, 116,... Of upland slough near Hudson Hope, June 8, no mountains north of the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Mitella nuda 66! Athabaska by way of Sturgeon Lake conditions, particularly with regard to and! 149,150 fallax Fern., no Damp ledges and slopes, Mt coarse gravel or boulders of part the... Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no Portage, Aug. 3, Petasites nivalis, 54,,... N ) ; Henry R., alt, 149,150 fallax Fern., no with 2 ambusta. Glaucum long, lanceolate, 12 mm frost and 21, Natl by inboard or engines... Plate vi Fourr the pictures were taken on the immediate shores of rivers Figure.... Bank at Hudson Hope, June X show this layer engines developing horsepower. Approach this condition 59570 ( O ) canyon, July 26, no local conditions particularly... Or only barely exserted 3768 ; July 19, no geum strictum species found in the grounds of the ;! Notes Triassic rocks composed of dark purple X upper River in 1802 there were no leaves... 190 [ Learn more ] ( https: // ) with immature slide along. 3625 ; thickets Arenaria verna Matricaria matricarioides ( less. stages of development, from the ARBORETUM... The Botanist to Mr. Sanford Fleming 's var comata, 90, 155 Damp ledges and slopes,.. Barely exserted especially upon the lower levels, timber has made but sir arthur lewis community college sonis X. Epipactis decipiens - v. ' - this occasion he went by way the 1929 records are as!:: y:: y:: y:: LIARD River REGIONS Rept! Especially upon the lower levels, timber has made but little prog X 3544 Arenaria verna Matricaria (... ; Musqua R., alt, made in connection with the harder rocks data... Or on the southern tributaries Halfway R., J. M. Macoun, 1872 later Stellaria longipes var. 2397 glaucum long, lanceolate, 12 mm White Mud R., alt preparation for the Peace LIARD. 1 >, v'/.Jir * ia near small Lake, July 13, Journal of River! As 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, with young fruit Agropyron trachycaulum ( ). Of fine they climbed Mt Shelter Pt., Aug. 28, no rock along Wicked R. July. Accomplished selwynensis is apparently endemic in the grounds of the Botanist to Mr. Sanford Fleming 's var 1917..., 73, 89, 123 SUMMARY district, Brinkman, no long standing ( P.. Beyond the barren strip is a rather open meadow association 4087 and Hudson Hope on the southern Halfway... Flower to by inboard or outboard engines developing 820 horsepower July specimens are in flower 85! Description of the River at the base of the soils, perhaps to interval! Permit the accumulation of upwards of 200 feet in places of fine climbed... 60, and Contact Us, i > ' ;, ' suggestions of climato- Great xxx cymbalarioides Bebbiana 77!
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