worst school districts in ctworst school districts in ct
In the Las Animas School District, only 9.7% adults have a bachelors degree, compared to 40.1% of adults across Colorado. An estimated 13.7% of high schoolers in the district are enrolled in an AP class, and only 24.1% of them pass their exams each well below the corresponding 18.8% and 49.9% statewide rates. In Window Rock, however, just 11.3% of adults have a bachelor's degree or higher, well below the 28.9% share of adults across the state. Hartford, CT News . Colorado: Las Animas School District RE-1 An estimated 40.9% of area children live below the poverty line, more than double the 16.9% state child poverty rate. The Marcola School District, located in east-central Oregon, ranks as the worst district in the state. Texas: Monte Alto Independent School District. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 16:1 (state: 18:1) Be the first to know when we update our rankings! While these conditions are countless, a handful of factors play an outsized role in a childs development and likelihood for future success including academic success. > Child poverty rate: 39.2% (state: 19.9%). Just 9.6% of the district's high schoolers are in an AP course, a far smaller share than the 18.7% of students across Nevada as a whole. Students who live in poor households are much less likely than those who grow up in more affluent households to succeed in school, as are those whose parents have a college education. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 17:1 (state: 16:1) Students in the district are less likely than those across the state as a whole to enroll in advanced, college level courses before graduating from high school. The district itself gets low marks from school district and neighborhood review website Niche for academics and college prep. Here is a look at the states that pay their teachers the most (and the least). About 20% of adults in the district have a bachelor's degree, well below the 31.5% share of adults statewide and 33.3% share of adults nationwide. Investing in real estate can diversify your portfolio. The Maple Valley-Anthon Oto Community School District, located in western Iowa, ranks as the worst school district in Iowa. Additionally, just 19.6% of adults in the district have a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to 26.9% of adults across the state. Per pupil spending in the district totals just $5,345 a year, well below the per pupil education spending statewide of $7,985 nationwide of $13,187. New Mexico 51. > Child poverty rate: 36.1% (state: 11.9%). Baltimore City Public Schools, a massive district with nearly 80,000 students, ranks as the worst school district in Maryland. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. The Williams County School District 8, located in western North Dakota, ranks as the worst district in the state. As such, Gov. Arkansas: Forrest City School District For example, children of college-educated adults have been shown to perform better academically, and in the Nye County district, just 11.5% of adults have a bachelor's degree, less than half the 24.2% share of adults across Nevada. > Child poverty rate: 30.0% (state: 16.6%). Connecticut's Hartford public school system reports per student spending of close to $20,000 per year, well above the national annual per pupil spending figure of $12,201 and slightly higher than the state figure of $19,322. test scores released by the > Location: Mason County Hawaii is the only state to have a single school district manage every public school. > Location: Oneida County McDowell is one of the poorest districts in the country nearly 40% of 5 to 17 year olds in the district live in poverty, compared to West Virginia's relatively high 21.1% child poverty rate. In Vermont's Springfield School District, according to Niche, about a third of students test as proficient in reading, and just 18% test as proficient in math. > Location: Pemiscot County Outcomes such as these are likely attributable in part to certain conditions outside of the classroom. Pennsylvania: Farrell Area School District. Maine: School Administrative District 68 Louisiana: Madison Parish School District Per pupil spending in the Waterbury district is just $18,110 a year, over $3,000 below the state average of $21,310. In fact, by several measures, public school students in Hawaii have some advantages over students nationwide. The St. Johnsbury Town School District in northeastern Vermont ranks as the worst school district in the state. > Location: McDowell County The Mary M. Knight School District enrolls some 1,700 students in Mason County in western Washington. > Child poverty rate: 30.0% (state: 12.7%). Massachusetts came in at No. Your web browser (Internet Explorer) is out of date and no longer supported. The reduced likelihood of student success in the district may also be due to slightly larger than average class sizes. > Child poverty rate: 37.1% (state: 20.7%). Conditions in the home and the broader community also have an effect. These rankings were last updated on September 27, 2022, and are based on the most recent test scores available. Indiana: Gary Community School Corporation. In the Dillon district, just 10.5% of adults have a bachelors degree or higher, compared to 27.4% of adults across South Carolina. If youre ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now. > Annual per student spending: $13,558 (state: $16,864) Massachusetts: Chelsea School District State officials could not have predicted that Feb. 28 would be the year's worst snowstorm. In the district 28.1% of school aged children live below the poverty line, compared to 23.3% of children statewide. Children raised by college-educated parents are more likely to succeed academically than their peers. The school system itself also gets low marks from school district and neighborhood review website Niche for academics and college prep. New Jersey 4. Per pupil spending in the distinct totals just $9,187 a year, well below the $11,926 average spending statewide. Per pupil spending in the distinct totals just $10,566 a year, well below the $13,387 state average. > Annual per student spending: $12,455 (state: $10,177) Wisconsin: Milwaukee School District > Student-to-teacher ratio: 16:1 (state: 13:1) Children growing up in financially insecure households are less likely to succeed academically, and in Ohios Clearview Local School District, 30.0% of children live below the poverty line, nearly double the states 16.6% child poverty rate. Click here to see our methodology. Additionally, the districts child poverty rate is 36.1%, more than triple the 11.9% child poverty rate across the state. Connecticut has 72 districts with slow internet - here are the 10 slowest. > Child poverty rate: 32.7% (state: 19.0%). 15. . > Child poverty rate: 46.0% (state: 16.3%). Outside of the classroom, children are more likely to grow up below the poverty line and less likely to be raised by adults with a bachelors degree than children across the state as a whole. North Carolina: Robeson County Schools Data on the percentage of children aged 5 to 17 living in poverty in 2019 came from the U.S. Census Bureaus Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program. 32. The Union County School District, located in eastern Tennessee, ranks as the worst district in the state. Children living below the poverty line are more likely to struggle academically, and in the Forrest City district, nearly 40% of the under 18 population live in poverty, compared to less than 20% of children in the state. Partially as a result, class sizes are larger than average, meaning students are less likely to receive individualized instruction. > Child poverty rate: 44.6% (state: 18.1%). These socioeconomic indicators are tied with greater chance of poor academic performance. Click here to see the worst school district in each state Adam McCann, Financial WriterAug 23, 2022. You can unsubscribe from future updates at any time! Children raised by college-educated parents or guardians are more likely to succeed academically. Continue with Recommended Cookies. > Annual per student spending: $18,524 (state: $25,139) > Location: Glacier County 12. The four measures used to determine the worst school district in every state . It's easy to go up to a teacher if you don't.. View nearby homes #3 Best Public High Schools in Connecticut Darien High School Darien School District, CT 9-12 198 reviews Junior: The teachers are extremely smart, engaging, and versatile in the ways they help students to learn challenging concepts. > Location: Lane County For more information about our ranking process, please see our. Every child is born to a unique set of circumstances. The average SAT score of students in the district is 950, and the average ACT score is 18, both well below the national average test scores. > Child poverty rate: 25.2% (state: 11.2%). > Location: Robeson County HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) - Education Week announced that Connecticut's K-12 schools have been ranked as the third best in the nation. Schools in the district lack the same financial resources as the average district statewide as per pupil spending in Dillon is $9,387 per year below the $10,590 average across South Carolina. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 26:1 (state: 13:1) Connecticut Department of Education, usually on a yearly basis. Class sizes could be reduced in the district with greater investment in schools. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 36:1 (state: 24:1) The Forrest City School District in eastern Arkansas ranks as the district where children are least likely to succeed in the state. The Woodbridge School District, centrally located on the Delmarva Peninsula, ranks as the worst district in Delaware. > Child poverty rate: 43.8% (state: 15.9%). School district review site Niche gives the district low marks for academics and college prep. This is the number of children living in poverty in your state. In the district, just 9.3% of residents 25 or older have a bachelor's degree, less than one-third of the national or state shares. Stacker compiled a list of counties with the worst commutes in Connecticut using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Schooldigger calculates school rankings based on According to state test scores, 25% of students are proficient in reading and only 12% are proficient in math. Children raised by parents with a college degree are statistically more likely to succeed academically than those with parents with lower educational attainment. While favorable rankings in these measures do not alone ensure childrens chances for success during their school years, they can provide considerable advantages. Pennsylvania's Farrell Area School District is a small district of only two schools and about 700 students located in the northwestern section of the state. > Location: Mercer County The district also gets low marks from school district and neighborhood review website Niche for academics, college prep, clubs and activities, and resources and facilities. Every child is born to a unique set of circumstances. 24/7 Wall Street is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news and commentary. However, student achievement is relatively poor, despite higher spending in the district. In order to rank the states with the most and least equitable school districts, WalletHub first scored 12,876 school districts throughout the U.S. based on two metrics: average household income and expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools per pupil. At WalletHub we try to present a wide array of offers, but our offers do not represent all financial services companies or products. In our analysis, we also reviewed a number of measures of district outcomes, including college entrance exam performance and subject proficiency tests from education and community data clearing house, Niche. The Sussex County Public School District is a relatively low-income district located in the southeastern section of Virginia. Certain conditions in Montanas Browning H S Dist 9 make it the worst district in the state. Florida's Hamilton County School District, located in the northern part of the state near the border with Georgia, ranks in our index as the school district where students have the lowest chances for success. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 20:1 (state: 16:1) > Student-to-teacher ratio: 17:1 (state: 14:1) Note that school districts may have been created, dissolved, or merged since the last update. In Missouri's Caruthersville School District, annual per pupil spending is just $8,379, one of the lowest per pupil spending figures in both the state and the country. The districts 29.0% child poverty rate is nearly double the 15.2% rate across the state. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 20:1 (state: 15:1) > Child poverty rate: 35.9% (state: 18.0%). > Student-to-teacher ratio: 39:1 (state: 18:1) > Student-to-teacher ratio: 23:1 (state: 11:1) Best school districts in Connecticut. Neighborhood and school district review site Niche gives River Rouge low marks for its academics and college prep. Children living in poverty face unique challenges that typically hamper academic performance, and the child poverty rate across the district of 17.7% is greater than the 12.6% statewide child poverty rate. New Jersey: Camden City School District. > Annual per student spending: $5,345 (state: $7,985) > Annual per student spending: $15,027 (state: $16,315) Just 29% of students scored as proficient in math, and only 14% score as proficient in reading in the state. > Student-to-teacher ratio: 15:1 (state: 15:1) Children with college-educated parents are more likely to do well in school than those with parents with lower educational attainment. > Location: Niobrara County Additionally, smaller class sizes have been shown in some cases to improve academic outcomes, but in Dillon, the student-to-teacher ratio of 17.3 to 1 is well above the 14.8 to 1 average ratio statewide. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Students who live in poor households are much less likely to succeed in school, as are those whose parents have a college education. Serious financial hardship can undermine a student's ability to perform well academically, and the Oglala Lakota County School District is one of the poorest places in the United States. States that provide equitable funding to all school districts can help prevent poor students from having lower graduation rates, lower rates of pursuing higher education and smaller future incomes than their wealthy peers. A good school district can greatly increase a childs chances of future success. 8. > Child poverty rate: 4.9% (state: 10.2%). > Student-to-teacher ratio: 13:1 (state: 12:1) Here is a look at the states that pay their teachers the most (and the least). Over half of all children in the district live below the poverty line, compared to 14.3% of school-age children across South Dakota. Connecticut could address its predicament by creating eight school districts matching its eight counties, so that the thirty poorer districts whose challenges remain severe could become integrated . behind. Idaho: Mountain View School District 244. The 50 worst school districts in Pennsylvania. 46. To find out where school funding is distributed most equitably, WalletHub scored 166 districts in Connecticut based on two metrics: average household income and expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools per pupil. > Annual per student spending: $9,536 (state: $11,907) 2. A large share of students in Ohio's Cleveland Municipal School District face academic disadvantages tied to their socioeconomic background. #5 Best School Districts in Connecticut Wilton Public Schools Wilton, CT School District 24 reviews Parent: Wilton is well known for having excellent schools with incredible music programs. The other half of the index child poverty and the share of adults with a bachelors degree is focused on key socioeconomic factors outside of the classroom. Hawaii: Hawaii Department of Education Westport School District. 17. Children living below the poverty line face a number of challenges that can have a negative impact on their academic performance. The district, located in eastern Wyoming, has a 19.6% child poverty rate, which is nearly double the 10.1% rate across the state. In addition, just 5.4% of adults in the district have a bachelor's degree, and over one-third have not graduated from high school, both among the worst figures of any district in the country. Every child is born to a unique set of circumstances. The district's 49% child poverty rate compared to the state's 15.7% rate and national 17% rate is the highest in the state and one of the highest in the country. 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