Flying over the area, I've looked down and commented upon the amount of habitat that would be available for a puma, if only they existed. Why do I advocate manual exposure so avidly? By expanding concurrent seasons statewide, hunters are provided with more opportunities to harvest antlerless deer. Mountain Lions in Pennsylvania? Bringing species back to a community where they are currently absent is an important step to ecological restoration, increasing biodiversity, and returning ecological processes such as seed dispersal or rodent population management to the system. How Can I Contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission? If it is a cougar/mountain lion, its probably a young one thats wandering around, looking for food. The Game Commission has various wildlife management plans, for many game and nongame species, to ensure long-term sustainability of the resource. What should I do if I encounter young wildlife? The Game Commission has a carefully timed season that intentionally finds middle ground between peak gobbling and a safe nesting period. This was fortunate, of course, as I was able to use items in the frame for comparison, to match the size of said images and the steps in additional photos. How can opinions be submitted to the Pennsylvania Game Commission? The commission's furbearer biologist Thomas Keller said the PGC would "likely not be supportive of mountain lion reintroduction," pointing to the dangers posed to hikers, pets and other wildlife. Pennsylvania is home to the largest wild elk herd in the northeastern United States. Male turkeys will mate with multiple hens in a given breeding season, or even in a single day. Nevertheless, I put up a MOULTRIE game camera -- a brand that I've had tremendous satisfaction with -- at the carcass, hoping that scavengers would visit. Comments for the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners regarding current and/or proposed seasons and bag limits may be submitted to New hotline info. It seems unlikely, considering captives have never shown this trait, but people are reporting big black cats. Hunters harvesting bears anywhere during the statewide archery bear season, or during any early season should contact the appropriate region office for instructions to have the animals checked. Additionally, in Pennsylvanias Disease Management Areas, hunters who wish to have their deer tested for Chronic Wasting Disease must place the head of their deer with the harvest tag attached to the head to place it in the head collection bin. contact information is available here. And how many would let them go, or provide an opportunity for escaping? For many decades, cougars confined themselves to prowling the wooded and mountainous areas of the western U.S. A form (PDF) to be used for such requests can be obtained at the Harrisburg Office of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and at Open Records Offices throughout the Commonwealth. Yet there is a taste for meat of threatened wild animals in other parts of the worldtoo many species to list, said Allan. And a quiet, snowy covert makes a grouse flush all-the-more dramatic. (Prior to Covid-19 restrictions, the online course was only offered for those 16 years and older and included a fee to complete). See also: How Can Hunters Modernize Antlerless Deer License Applications? So, couldn't that same argument apply to pumas in the Northeast? Of the deer harvested in the 2020-21 hunting seasons approximately 174,780 were antlered and 260,400 were antlerless deer. Note the long, usually thick tail. Click here for more information. It is important to note that these symptoms are characteristic of many diseases other than CWD. Prescribed burns also reduce the severity of unplanned wildfires by removing leaves, thick grasses, and forest debris that accumulate without regular fire. The primary goal of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Pheasant Propagation Program is to provide a quality game bird for regulated hunting opportunities. There is no known cure. What would account for the long tails? First, inline muzzleloaders are far more efficient, compared to a flintlock rifle. Knowing that pumas range widely, would my ridge be the only one closed? The elk rut is triggered by photoperiod (day length) and generally begins around the middle of September and carries through early- to mid-October. Youngsters who participate in the mentored program for at least three years before turning 12 are required to get a license at 12, rather than continuing as a mentored hunter. What is the mission of the Pennsylvania Game Commission? Where is Pennsylvanias elk herd located? What do you do when you run into a mountain lion? Absolutely, not. Only when I reviewed the images on my laptop did I discover that I had a mountain lion! If you have a question that isnt answered below, please email us at I love the big cats and devote a huge amount of my field time photographing African lions, leopards, cheetahs, and in 2011, tigers. How can I tell if an animal has CWD? The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking knowledgeable and experienced individuals to pass on the tradition and teach both basic and advanced hunter education training programs. Although there was no evidence that the 2011 mountain lion ever set foot in Pennsylvania, DNA evidence confirmed that it had been both west and east of the state. It also reduces confusion about which WMUs are open to antlerless hunting. And this genetic mix has been recognized, and the Florida puma is still protected. Support increased financial assistance for wildlife and agricultural agencies to combat CWD. Traps are a tool that can be used for a variety of reasons. Allowing inline muzzleloader hunters to use their unused buck tag would add additional harvest outside of the antlerless allocation framework. The current estimate is 2,000 - 2,700 throughout Arizona. The question that remains is: if it was a house cat or cougar, how big would it be? Wildlife experts have noted, with astonishment, cougar populations in midwestern regions like North Dakota and Nebraska. Quick movements, such as running or bicycling, which make humans resemble prey, sometimes lead to cougar attacks. I used to archery hunt for deer, and I spent a lot of time (way too much time) sitting silently in a tree stand waiting for deer. Ironically, I almost deleted the image, as on the small camera LCD monitor the cat was small and I thought that it was just another deer that moved along the stream. But this one was black, and he knows mountain lions are some variant of brown. The information also allows for monitoring population trends and identifying any potential issues that may arise. Unfortunately, at times, our wardens are not able to respond to every incident and they must use their best judgement on which calls to respond to first. *Please note: While we try our best, we are not always able to respond to every inquiry. The smell of rotting flesh was unmistakable. Mountain lions weigh 90-160 pounds . How can I replace my Hunter-Trapper Education card? Second, antlers are often the first thing removed from a deer when processing begins. The cat appears to be directly behind the railing as it moves past. Could it be a bobcat? This indicates the cat has a minimum shoulder height of 1.5 feet (again, if it was further back when filmed it could be larger). Is wildlife harmed by prescribed fire? Whats the point of hunting mountain lions? CWD was first found in Pennsylvania in captive deer in October of 2012, and in wild, free-ranging whitetails collected during the 2012 firearms season. Im not a trapper, so whether trapping is allowed or not, why does it matter to me? Most, quite honestly, don't know or can't believe or accept what they saw, they really can't believe their eyes. Reports generally go uninvestigated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, which discounts them as mistaken identities, illegal pets escaped or released and outright fabrications. The sightings were great bear views, but too fast or fleeting to allow me to grab a camera. Many of those claiming to have encountered a cougar in Pennsylvania take that non-confirmation by the commission as an attack on their veracity and character. The agencys goal is to maintain proper wild turkey management strategies while providing maximum hunting opportunities. Like mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and goats, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, it's caused not by a virus or bacteria, but by abnormal prions, or proteins. Despite yearly reports of cougar sightings in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Although mourning doves are considered a migratory game bird species, many of the doves we have in Pennsylvania reside here throughout the winter and provide an excellent opportunity late into the season. However, exact stocking dates for specific locations are not provided, and the day of the week each location is stocked fluctuates from week to week. Since 2004, when scientists found a dead cougar on train tracks in northern Oklahoma, they have recovered more than 100additional cougar bodies east of the Rocky Mountains. Since there is no treatment or cure, limiting deer contact and interaction by increasing deer harvests across DMAs is one of the only ways to manage CWD on the landscape. Biology. How is the Pennsylvania Game Commission organized? What are the benefits of having a concurrent antlered and antlerless deer hunting season? Time is of the essence when it comes to reporting the location of a wild animal, so it's best to call, as opposed to report via email or social media. Adult mentors, (21 years of age or older), may take out more than one junior hunter at a time as long as each junior hunter under the age of 16 is within sight and verbal control of the mentor. How do I report suspected sick, injured or nuisance wildlife? Read more here. Yes. Is a mountain lion bigger than a bobcat? In July and August I received seven different reports, and everyone involved had done a search of some type to compare images of bobcats and pumas. Bobcats tend to be darker brown, with lighter belly fur and spots while mountain lions tend to be more uniform brown, tawny color. Pennsylvania has embraced these BMPs and put additional regulations in place to ensure trapping follows these principles. Wildlife crimes affect everyone. Should any hunter come across a cougar in Pennsylvania, they are advised to leave it alone as hunting them in the state is illegal. They are there to help us. Conversely, an outdoor writer I know told me that when Pa. enacted a menagerie permit law years ago, 'a lot of mountain lions suddenly died,' as the owners of these cats, rather than going through the paperwork, simply released their pumas and claimed that they had died. Keeping trash cans and recycling in a secure area until the morning of collection day. Mountain lions can be found throughout Arizona, and data suggests the populations are not only stable, but growing. The most common areas to see mountain lions in Arizona are in places of rocky and mountainous terrain. Mountain Lions do remain in the western states and there is evidence that in 2011, a . In 2020, more than 6,000 migratory game birds, including more than 5,000 waterfowl, were banded in Pennsylvania. What are the wart-like bumps that can grow on deer? Are mountain lions living in Pennsylvania today? Finally, it is important to note that the agency's prescribed fires are purposely conducted on a very small percentage of the overall land base, (less than 1 percent annually), providing significant amounts of refuge for animals that may be temporarily displaced. for their messages to be shared with the Board of Game Commissioners and appropriate staff. Penn State's Nittany Lion hide sampled for DNA sequencing, Mountain lion reports in Pennsylvania popular, but often a hoax. So is the second largest extant cat in North America still managing to eke out a living in the Keystone state? If you ask me, the answer is yes. No. When an average sized deer is donated, approximately 200 meals can be shared with hungry Pennsylvanians. Try to block the mountain lion from your eyes and face as you strike it. Obviously, other pumas must be about, and the series of ridges extending north and east and west from my location could all be included as critical habitat as well. Thanks for reading! Cougars had long been targeted by early American settlers paranoid over livestock losses, the agency found, with some states going so far as to offer bounties for dead cougars. Furthermore, Game Commission biologists and emerging science indicates that wildlife are often attracted to burned areas immediately after the fire, occasionally entering burned areas before the smoke has even cleared, (to forage on a sudden flush of insect activity), or shortly afterwards, when a fresh flush of vegetation appears. Isnt trapping just a few folks each year trying to make money from pelts? Contact your Game Commission region office for additional information on how to create, preserve, or enhance wildlife habitat. However, it is clearly a mountain lion, and I'm presenting this poor image as a baseline reference for anyone recording a mountain lion on a game camera, or seeing one. After all, how many people have pumas? Some biologists thinks it's time to bring them back to help manage deer populations. But it is unlikely. Are they all the product of the off-spring of pumas that escaped their owners or were released? Where can I find a local hunting license vendor? Over the last two years I have occasionally posted a Question of the Month soliciting sightings from people who believed that they have seen a mountain lion in Pennsylvania or in other areas in the mid-Atlantic states. About twice the size of a housecat, the distinct stubby tail gives the bobcat its common . Mountain lions are large, tan cats. Black bears eat a diet consisting of plants and meats. They are generally believed to be young cats roaming in search of new breeding territories to claim as their own. Rarely seen but surprisingly numerous, the bobcat (Lynx rufus) prowls most of Pennsylvania's woods throughout much of the state. I used myself taken by the same camera and in the same exact location for reference, and as you can see from the frame below, my feet and ankles are missing. Current harvest success of inline muzzleloaders is approximately 17 percent, compared to a harvest success rate of 10 percent by flintlock hunters. Predators have an effect on their prey without actually killing them.". Late-stage signs of CWD-infected animals include an extreme loss of body condition; excessive drinking, urination, salivation and drooling; and behavioral and neurologic changes such as repetitive walking patterns, droopy ears, a wide-based stance, and listlessness. Before feeding wildlife, please consider the following: What is the increased risk of disease spread? Yes. A sample permission slip is available on page 4 of the 2022-23 Hunting and Trapping Digest. There are three ways hunters can report their deer or turkey harvests: Online at HuntFishPA, by phone at the NEW toll-free number 1-800-838-4431 or by mail (using the postcard in the Hunting & Trapping Digest). Where can I find Depth of Field reference charts? The most popular time of year to view elk is during the rut, which typically begins in September and carries through October. Little is known of the wolf in Pennsylvania, or if indeed the same animal now called the Eastern coyote in fact might have been similar to the wolf of the past. At this time, there were no regulations in place to prevent that, nor was there anyone responsible for managing the wildlife. There was no melting, no expansion. In addition, hens are less prone to abandon their nests if disturbed after incubation is underway. . And it likely will result in the collateral benefit of increasing harvest reporting. Where can I find information about hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits? Although size can be difficult to determine in the field, a puma will be three or four times larger than a bobcat. If you took a hunter or trapper education course before the above dates, you must complete a Hunter Education Program Replacement Certificate Affidavit (PDF) form, which can be downloaded from this site. I regularly ask hunters and outdoors people if they've ever seen a mountain lion, or know of anyone that has. Call the Pennsylvania Game Commission region office that serves the county in question for the best local, on-the-ground, information and faster response times. Who can I call with additional Hunter-Trapper Education and/or mentored hunter questions? Mountain lions are also great jumpers and swimmers. Those altered prions kill brain cells and ultimately lead to tiny holes in the brains of infected animals. What do I think of the Canon 1D Mark IV? If bears continually return, remove the bird feeders entirely. Its impossible to say. Several consecutive years of this add up to severely limit the population. Volunteers help with brood surveys and flushing surveys. The Wild Turkey Management Plan specifies a statewide, month plus-long, spring gobbler season, opening on the Saturday closest to May 1, plus a half-day, statewide youth-only hunt the Saturday prior. No evidence has ever been produced to support those charges. Call the region office that serves the county where the animal is located, directly. Archery and late seasons elk hunters will be notified of this location by letter or contact the Northcentral Region Office at 570-398-4744. Click here for full harvest reporting details. No big game harvest tags will be issued to mentored hunters who are under 7 years old at the time of application. He said the idea of having mountain lions in Pennsylvania again - they roamed the state as late as the early 1800s - seems nice at first, but would never . At one time this fact almost resulted in this cat not being protected, since it wasn't a pure strain. Our agency is passionate about our state's wild birds and wild mammals. Regularly cleaning and removing grease, fat, and food particles from outside grills. State Game Officials do concede that some people may indeed have seen a puma, but it was undoubtedly a released captive. Why is there no post-Christmas grouse hunting season? A Rural Legend -- The Search For Pennsylvania Mountain Lions | Penn State University A recent rumor of a cougar killed by a vehicle on Interstate 80 attracted some attention at Penn State. At one time this fact almost resulted in this cat not being protected, since it wasn't a pure strain. The estimated muzzleloader harvest was 28,260, of which 1,140 were antlered deer. Hunters Sharing the Harvest is Pennsylvanias venison donation program that coordinates the distribution of donated venison to a statewide network of meat processors and food banks. Please keep scrolling - ALL the Puma posts are included. That said, even if it is against the step, if that is a house cat it is ginormous. They rejuvenate succulent browse plants preferred by deer and elk, which promotes oak habitats, and their vitally important acorns, and maintains grasses and broadleaf plants sought by brooding turkeys and grouse. It is legal to use trail cameras on state game lands. Disease Management Areas are found in all or parts of Adams, Armstrong, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Cumberland, Fulton, Franklin, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, Somerset, Snyder, Union and Westmoreland counties. "Deer pose relatively less risk to them compared to larger animals. Those buying licenses from an issuing agent will be issued harvest tags at the time of purchase and will have the opportunity to have digital licenses provided through email. One spotted in the Delaware Water Gap 25 years ago this week was believed to be the first in over a century. I'll offer my own little anecdote. A moose is a very rare sight in Pennsylvania. Our investigations have determined the overwhelming number of sightings of mountain lions in our state are actually bobcats. Except there's one big problem, at least for East Coasters: cougars don't really live here. Now consider: If it was confirmed that there was a breeding population of endangered pumas on the mountain ridge behind my house, if the USFWS recognized the existence of this endangered species, what might happen? Bobcat heights are listed as ranging from 12 to 24 inches. Good luck, and let me know! Click here for more information about the agency. "People do hunt deer, and we are hiring sharpshooters and it hasn't brought their populations down the way that a healthy population of cougars would be able to do," Prugh said. Pictures dating to the 1930s have appeared over the years in the Pennsylvania Game Commissions magazine Game News. "Although I understand why and what (proponents are) trying to say, I do not agree that this would be the case in Pennsylvania without having other major negative implications," he said in an email. What are the 2022-23 Hunting Season and Bag Limits? Its the success of these nests that dictate the future of the turkey population. 2023 WWB Holdings, LLC. What is a prescribed fire? A few additional ways to help prevent bears getting into garbage: Keep garbage cans clean by washing them out a few times a year with bleach or ammonia; keep bears from easily getting inside cans by attaching ratchet straps (not bungee cords) across the lid in an X pattern; and do not strap cans to a tree or post, as doing so actually gives a bear leverage to more easily access a can if someone is using an actual bear-proof container or using the ratchet straps. The big cats are risk-adverse, solo hunters with impressively high kill rates. Click here for more information. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). In only one report had an official from the Pennsylvania Game Commision, a local warden, actually agree with the person reporting the sighting. It was decided that this shouldn't influence the decision and, in fact, an infusion of new genes produces a hybrid vigor, lessening the chance of in-breeding. But a mix of bounty hunting . Fish and Wildlife Service officially declared the Eastern subspecies of the mountain lion extinct, which would seem to bolster the skeptics. Yes. Click here to learn more. However, numerous studies have shown that although a few birds may survive long enough to reproduce, viable wild populations are not produced. 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